HomeMy WebLinkAbout03201997 Min Ag . . . CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Council Chambers, 7:00 PM Workshop Meeting I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 13, 1997 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Title 17, PTMC (Zoning) 1. Update reo revisions, (Tim McMahan/Bruce Freeland) 2. Commission Discussion and Conclusions B. Title 18, PTMC (Subdivisions) 1. Staff Report, (Tim McMahan) 2. Commission Discussion and Conclusions V. NEW BUSINESS March 20, 1997 A. Review draft tiering map proposed to implement Comprehensive Plan phasing goal (pages VII-4 through VII-5) VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings March 27, 1997 Gerald and Barbara Rainwater, Variance Application #LUP97-00002 VII. ADJOURN r --- '", . . . '.) . DRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Workshop on Draft Zoning, Subdivision, PUD Standards March 20, 1997 I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chair Cindy Thayer. Other members in attendance were Lois Sherwood, Lisa Enarson, Karen Erickson, and John Boles. Linda Clifton was excused. Staff members present were Judy Surber, Tim McMahan, Tim McHarg, and Bruce Freeland. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to approve tbe minutes of March 13, 1997 as written and amended was made by Enarson and seconded by Sherwood. All were in favor. III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current Mail Revised Planning Commission roster. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Title 17. PTMC (Zoning) REVISIONS I!ISCUSSED: Definitions (Inter-related) .. Antenna -- Page 6 .. Radio and television tower -- Page 38 .. Satellite dish -- Page 42. Add: Satellite dishes in residential districts shall not exceed 10 feet in diameter. Satellite dishes and antennae. Table 17.18.030, Page 59. Applicable Regulations/ Notes -- Delete "Same as above"; add to read: Antennae and satellite dishes shall meet the requirements of Section 17.16.030 PTMC, "Residential bulk, dimensional, and density requirements," except as provided in applicable Federal Communication Commission rules and regulations. Copied to PCOMM ~/; /91 .~ . . . . ,,'. . Planning Commission March 20, 1997 Page 2 Radio. television and other telecommunications towers and antennae Table 17.16.020, Page 60. Delete "and antennae"; (At end of Applicable Regu1ations/Notes) Change to read "... and density requirements, except as provided in applicable Federal Communication Commission rules and regulations." Consensus: Definition of Antenna on Page 6 be changed to read: "A cable, pole, tower or other device used for transmitting or receiving radio, or television,. or any other signal." McMahan has added similar definitions with notes throughout the other Use Tables. Maximum housing density. Table 17.16.030, Page 62 Freeland suggested: .. In all Use Tables: Maximum Housing Density (units per acre) - Convert to: (per 40,000 sflot area). .. In all Use Tables: Express minimum number of sf of lot area per unit required. MOTION SECOND VOTE Boles To incorporate the changes suggested by Freeland. Erickson Unanimous - 5 in favor Setbacks. Table 17.18.030, Page 70 Delete "None except:" Add: 5' for R-ID and R-IV in C-I/MU and C-II/MU .. in Minimum Rear Yard Setbacks .. in Minimum Side Yard Setbacks MOTION Erickson Add 5' Minimum Setback for C-I/MU and C-IIlMU, in both rear yard and side yard for R-Ill and R-IV and leave R-I and R-ll the same. SECOND VOTE Enarson Unanimous -- 5 in favor Rear Yard Setbacks. Table 17.20.030, Page 81 Consensus: Add to C-ill, "None except: 10' if abutting an R-ll or R-Ill zoning district." >-, . . Planning Commission March 20, 1997 Page 3 Single-Family Residential Uses. Table 17.16.20, Page 57 Consensus: Change Accessory dwelling units to (X) in R-ID and R-IV. Miscellaneous Consensus: .. Marine District M/C - Add definition for Marine related uses: "Goods and services which are primarily intended to support boating, sailing, water sports, marine research, or similar water oriented activities. .. Maximum Lot Coverage. Page 81. Change to Maximum Floor Area Ratio (in all areas). .. 17.36.030 Orientation. Page 126. Consensus: Delete bottom diagram. .. Impact of Cumulative Uses. Page 201. Add to 17.84.050 Approval criteria -- "The public interest suffers no substantial detrimental effect. In those limited instances where a conditional use is proposed, consideration shall be given to the cumulative impact of additional requests for similar actions in the area." .. Historic Structures. Add definition. Definitions: (not covered) .. Trellis .. Freight Distribution Center . .. Submittal requirements (TITLE 17 CONTINUATION): Chapter 17.88 17.88.020. Enarson said for the record she had no personal agenda in the comments she was about to make regarding non-conforming lots in R -I residential zoning. 17.88.020(A). Page 207 Discussion ensued regarding downzoning, conveyance or sale of property, and recording sales with the County Assessor's Office. McMahan suggested sending land use maps and cautioning title companies and realtors regarding intent of downzone if property is conveyed off. Enarson expressed her concerns and said she had never thought there was anything in the Comp Plan that you could not sell a piece of land. She also felt the intent was that with any new land they could address the current zoning without creating such a hardship on transfers of property. Consensus: McMahan to craft language in (A.) to reflect: .. two or more adjacent. . . lots of record. . . . under one ownership .. sale of wetlands to municipal, conservancy and environmental agencies (C.) Change to read: "All new structures.. . " (D.) Add: "Lot line adjustment or restrictive covenant approved by the City" (E.) Page 208. Strike two or more to read: "Where adjacent nonconforming lots. . ." . ~ . . Planning Commission March 20, 1997 Page 4 (F.) Change prior to the effective date. . . , to "prior to 1937, the effective date of " 17.88.030 .. Correct typo in line 2 from thought to "though" .. Add: Dimension, bulk, et al .. Add: Definition for Nonconforming so there is a distinction between nonconforming structures and nonconforming use. Consensus - Change (C.) and (F.) as follows: (C.) A nonconforming building or structure may be repaired and maintained as provided in and as limited by this section. The maintenance of such building or structure shall include only necessary repairs and incidental alternations, which alternations, however, shall not extend the extent or degree of nonconformity of such building or structure, provided that necessary alterations may be made required by other law or ordinance. (Ord 1625 § 5.10,1971). (F.) A building or structure, nonconforming as to height or density regulations, may be added to or enlarged if such addition or enlargement conforms to the regulations of the district in which it is located. In such case, such addition or enlargement shall be treated as a separate building or structure in determining èonformity to all of the . requirements of this title. (G.) Pages 208 and 209 Consensus: Eliminate (G.) and (1) and (2) 17.88.040. Page 209 (Include note to say more work is needed on this section.) (A.) Change wording to: "... provided that the use does not change or intensify.. 0" (B.) Change six or more consecutive calendar months, to "365 days (366 in Leap Years)," MOTION SECOND VOTE Erickson Change (B.) to "365 days (366 in Leap Years), Sherwood Unanimous - 5 in favor " (Eo) Change to " 0 .. a less intensive, nonconforming use. . 0 " 17.88.050 Line 2 Change typo from thereafter to issued, to: "thereafter be issued" Rework wording. Break out into two thoughts - use and structure. . · . · · · Planning Commission March 20, 1997 Page 5 MOTION SECOND VOTE Erickson Chapter 17.88 be approved as amended and to be amended Sherwood Unanimous -- 5 in favor Chapter 17.90 MOTION SECOND VOTE Erickson Chapter 17.90 be approved Sherwood Unanimous - 5 in favor B. TITLE 18. PTMC (Subdivisions) -- Draft #2 Chapter 18.04 18.04.020 McMahan - interpretation issues 18.04.040.A Unplatted parcels 18.04.060 Page 3 -- "Boundary line adjustment" .. Change to "relocation and other minor adjustments" .. Eliminate "in which the relocation does not result in creation of any additional lot or lots." Page 4 -- "Common open space" .. Change to "enjoyment of the public," could be limited to the residents Qf the subdivision. Page 5 .. "Homeowners association" (3): Change to "A c.harge, if unpaid," .. "Improvements" definition of improvements not same as in Title 17; needs to be flagged .. "Lot" -- correct to read: "The term includes tracts or parcels." Page 6 .. Add: "NQnconforming lot" (See definition, in Ti(le 17...) .. Add: "Preliminary Approval" and definition · «Private street" Add: (See Street, Private) .. Add: "Public street" (See Street, Private) following paragraph, "Proof of ownership" . . . Planning Commission March 20, 1997 Page 6 Page 7 .. "Street, private" Add definition, "means a street that is not deeded to the city and is used for access to secondary lots which have no other direct access to a public way." .. "Street, public" Change to read: " . . . held in public ownership or control," MOTION SECOND VOTE Enarson Chapter 18.04 be approved as amended Erickson Unanimous - 5 in favor Chapter 18.08 Change "boundary line adjustment" to "lot line adjustment" throughout Page 10 .. Add: (C.12.) The location of all existing and proposed water, sewer and stormwater lines Page 11 .. (G.) Plat/replat. McMahan to alter language MOTION SECOND VOTE Boles Chapter 18.08 be approved as amended Sherwood Unanimous -- 5 in favor Chapter 18.12 Page 14 .. 18.12.030.B Surber requesting including grading quantities for cut and fill-- import/export quantities. Consensus: Surber to bring back information. .. (H.) " . . . authority to waive" Consensus: Keep as is. Page 17 18.12.050.C.13 .. Add at end: "Indicate slopes of equal to or greater than 15 to 25%, 26 to 39% and greater than 40%." Page 18 18.12.050.D .. (12 -16) Reference and Add, "if applicable." . . . Planning Commission March 20, 1997 Page 7 Page 22 18.12.110 .. Change to read: ~~The applicant shall submit three paper copies and one reproducible copy of the proposed final short plat to the director." Page 24 18.12.160 .. Consensus: Filing to be left as is. Page 25 18.12.190 Mc.Mahan will add "5 years" MOTION SECOND VOTE Enarson Chapter 18.12 be approved as amended Boles Unanimous -- 5 in favor Chapter 18.16 Page 35 18.16.120 .. RCWs require a house numbering system on final plats and reference to auditor's file number for all associated documents. Page 39 18.16.150: Time limitation on preliminary plat submittal-- Change to... Final plat submittal MOTION SECOND VOTE Erickson Chapter 18.16 be approved as amended Enarson Unanimous -- 5 in favor Chapter 18.18 Page 41 .. (A.) BCDlMcMahan to clarify what triggers a building permit and possibly establish a standard test to it. Any proposed application (add: e.g. excluding-- fences, or other minor applications) .. (A.) Does it say wants to develop more than nine lots or wants to own? -- 50xlOO' lots or 30xlOO' and the 29xlOO' that add up to nine lots that people make 50 x lOOt? .. Intent: avoid checkerboarding off lots; one iteration said contiguous parcels. Will address · . · · · .' Planning Commission March 20, 1997 Page 8 matter of scale and intent (deal with permits that require the extension of infrastructure. ) .. (B.) Downzone in R-I Zone. Consensus -leave as is. Page 42 .. Scope: Add: "This chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the sale, transfer, or conveyance of lots." Cross reference non-conforming lots in R-I. .. (D.)Change to read: "... the proposed development shall apply for full subdivisions..." Page 43 18.18.030 .. (A.) Change typo to ~. .. including but not limited to:" Page 46 18.18.080 Add to heading: "Nine or fewer lots of record." Page 47 18.18.090 .. Change typo to " . . . nine or fewer lots of record. . . " Enarson indicated she understood the City's position, but expressed that under the Community Direction Statement and after much public comment, this is not going to help affordable housing, that it is very expensive. She suggested an easier and less expensive way to do this would be to tie it to tiering and to major utilities, going with engineering design standards instead of with the legal things. McMahan explained that he feels it is not the process but what is implemented through the process. MOTION SECOND VOTE Erickson Chapter 18.18 be approved as amended and explained Sherwood 4 in Favor - Enarson opposed Chapter 18.20 MOTION SECOND VOTE Sherwood Chapter 18.20 be approved Erickson Unanimous - 5 in favor · · · . . Planning Commission March 20, 1997 Page 9 Chapter 18.24 MOTION SECOND VOTE Erickson Chapter 18.24 be approved as amended Enarson Unanimous -- 5 in favor V. NEW BUSINESS Meeting is continued to March 25, 1997,5:30 to 7:00 p.m. to go through proposed lines in and lines out of changes. Consensus was in order to expedite it, the transmittal memo for Council would be reviewed by the Chair rather than the entire Planning Commission. A. Review draft tiering map proposed to implement Comprehensive Plan phasing goal (pages VII-4 through VII-5) Strategy of the Comp Plan is: Tier I City to fund a share infrastructure extensions Tier II City to fund a portion of the extension of infrastructure to serve the residential and commercial upzones Tier III Up to persons wishing to develop McMahan pointed out the Engineering Design Standards ordinances are being crafted to explicitly require a proportionate share from the Public Works budget for the cost of infrastructure that reflects developed parcels. The City is trying to put in place good public facilities and also assist in paying for some of the facilities to offset impacts and make it as affordable as possible within Tier I; conversely, it will be more expensive to develop in Tier III. McMahan went on to say it is the intent of the Comprehensive Plan to maximize public expenditure in areas of town designated for infill and make sure that Capital Facilities budgets are expended in these areas to implement the goals and policies of the Comp Plan. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meeting March 25. 1997,5:30 p.m. Continuation of March 20, 1997, for final lines in/lines out, Title 17 and Title 18 March 27. 1997 Gerald and Barbara Rainwater, Variance Application #LUP97-00002 . . . . . Planning Commission March 20, 1997 & March 25, 1997 Page 10 VII. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Sherwood and seconded by Erickson. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned 9:40 p.m. ,/(/ ./~' < r;.W¿${ ¿/ú~ Sheila Avis, Minute Taker PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Continuation Workshop on Draft Zoning, Subdivision, PUD Standards March 25, 1997 Workshop Meeting continued from March 20, 1997 I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order in the Pope Marine Park Building at 5:30 p.m. by Chair Cindy Thayer. Other members in attendance were Lois Sherwood, Karen Erickson, and John Boles. Linda Clifton and Lisa Enarson were excused. Staff members present were Tim McHarg, and Bruce Freeland. II. COMMUNICATIONS: Current Mail There were none. III. OLD BUSINESS A. Title 17. PTMC (Zoning) (Bruce Freeland) Freeland discussed the following: · · · .... Planning Commission March 20, 1997 & March 25, 1997 Page 11 Pages 74, 86, 98 Added minimum lot size -- 5,000 sf (sq to be changed to sf) Page 105 Left unchanged. Flag and talk to Parks people. Page 136 17.36.060 -- Suggested changing heading to F~nces and Walls; drop B.l; renumber B.2 and B.3. MOTION SECOND Discussion Boles Approve Chapter 17.36 and modify 17.36.060 as suggested. Sherwood Thayer, subject to subjective interpretation. . . 17.36.060 -- Change heading to: Fences and walls; A. Remain intact; Change B to read, "Techniques for complying with the requirement in subsections (A) of this section include, but are not limited to: placing pedestrian breaks and/or crossings at frequent intervals where a fence, wall or landscaped area separates a sidewalk from a building or one development from another." Delete B.I, B.2 and B.3. MOTION SECOND VOTE Boles Amend the motion to the aforementioned changes. Sherwood Unanimous, 4 in favor The following pages were missing and not covered: Pages 75-77; 79-82; 223 to the end. Changes were made as follows: Definitions -- Add definition for deck. Page 2 17.04.020 (A - K) Plural subject -- Change to also make verbs plural. Page 27 Kennel, animal: Change to read: "... four (4) or more each. .." Page 67 Consensus: Delete (abutting a public r-o-w) following "Front" in all four zones. ~,.. '" · · · · ;' Planning Commission March 20, 1997 & March 25, 1997 Page 12 Page 70 Typo on Table 17.18.020 -- Change heading on aU three pages from C- to C-II(MU) B. Title 18. PTMC (Subdivision) Page 14 18.12.030 Delete paragraph I. Page 25 18.12.190 Freeland to check with McMahan regarding two vs. five years. Page 42 Boles commented on the good job of making changes requested. Thayer and others expressed thanks to all who assisted in this process. v. NEW BUSINESS A. Memorandum of Conveyance to Council. Boles asked if they wanted to highlight to add weight to any changes, e.g. Page 42, Title 18. It was suggested adding a caveat, that at the recommendation of Staff, the Planning Commission had not considered zones C-IV, M-I, and VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meeting March 27. 1997 Gerald and Barbara Rainwater, Variance Application #LUP97-00002 VII. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Erickson and seconded by Sherwood. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned 6:35 p.m. It.t . . . .< . Plannin2g0C~:~~~:rch 25, 1997 March , Page 13 ~.~~ . 7 Cindy hayer, ChaIr ~~ . t Taker Sheila Avis, Mmu e ? . . ~1·1 ^...1 ,:', , .,'. Guest List ¡J /1 ¿.4-+/A! / /Va L 0 Al/Vl/5JIC,A/ ¡JrHc- 7/7-2(35" J? tV /,r ItI ¡!¡(~jf '>(Ú/ /997 Meeting of: Purpose: Date: Name (please printl Address Testim onv? YES ~ ,