HomeMy WebLinkAbout07101997 Min Ag '. . . CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDED PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Pope Marine Park Building, 7:00 PM Business Meeting July 10, 1997 I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 26, 1997 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Norma Davidson (Jeff Randall) Rosewind PUDA Amendment No.2, Application No. LUP97-00053 1. Staff Report, (Jeff Randall) 2. Commission Discussion and Conclusions B. Discussion of changes to PTMC Title 17, Colleges and Government Offices (Bruce Freeland) V. NEW BUSINESS VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings July 31, 1997 Norcross/Cavette, Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use & Zoning Maps August 14, 1997 August 28, 1997 VII. ADJOURN .-,..~ ~.....--:- · · · CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Pope Marine Park Building, 7:00 PM Business Meeting July 10, 1997 I. ROLL CALL II. APPROV AL OF MINUTES: June 26, 1997 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Norma Davidson Rosewind PUDA Amendment No.2, Application No. LUP97-00053 1. Staff Report, (Jeff Randall) 2. Commission Discussion and Conclusions V. NEW BUSINESS VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings July 31, 1997 Norcross/Cavette, Zoning Text Amendment August 14, 1997 August 28, 1997 VII. ADJOURN · · · PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Business Meeting July 10, 1997 1. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Cindy Thayer. Other members in attendance were Lisa Enarson, Lois Sherwood, John Boles, and Craig Johnson. Karen Erickson was excused. Staff members present were Bruce Freeland and Jeff Randall. Also present were Mayor McCulloch and City Councilmember Ian Keith. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to approve the minutes of June 26, 1997 as written and amended was made by Sherwood and seconded by Boles. All were in favor. III. COMMUNICA nONS: Current Mail It was noted the Planning Commissioners had received the new Engineering Design Standards. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Norma Davidson, Rosewind PUDA Amendment No.2, Application No. LUP97- 00053 1. Staff Report, Jeff Randall Thayer introduced new BCD Staff member Jeff Randall who in turn presented the staff report. Randall pointed out Ms. Davidson proposes building an 820 square foot home with an attached 13 foot x 20 foot single-wide garage on Lot 1. The requested amendment is to reduce the required northern setback of Lot 1 from 25 to 20 feet. The setback reduction would permit the new home to be located closer to 35th Street and would allow a shorter driveway and larger back yard. The adjoining residential lot to the west (Lot 2 of Rose Wind) also observes a 20 foot front yard setback from 35th Street. Randall said the neighbor does not object to Davidson's setback which is a greater setback than normal in an R-II zoning district. A letter was received from Ms. Lynn Nadeau, Architectural Review Board, who was also present with Ms. Davidson. The letter stated RoseWind Architectural and the RoseWind Cohousing Association support the change. · · · Planning Commission July 10, 1997 Page 2 Randall referenced Exhibit F which he said shows intentional random setbacks. He indicated there is plenty of room. He noted the street will not be widened pointing out Pettygrove right-of-way is to the east, and stating vehicular access along 35th Street will not be impeded. Since the Rosewind PUD was recorded in May, 1994, it is subject to the zoning rules and regulations then in affect for a period of 5 years and would apply to this application. Therefore, the Planning Commission is designated as the body to determine whether or not this amendment to the PUD is "substantial". 2. Commission Discussion and Conclusions Boles said it is not clear to him in Exhibit B how the building could fit in the building envelope. He was directed to Exhibit D. MOTION Enarson Recommend approval of the Second Amendment to the Rosewind PUDA (LUP97-00053) SECOND VOTE Sherwood Unanimous - 5 in favor, 0 opposed V. NEW BUSINESS Planning Commission letter of June 27. 1997 to Port Townsend City Council Freeland spoke of keeping the lines of communication open between the Planning Commission and City Council so they can understand each other better. Mayor McCulloch assured the Planning Commission they are really important to the group and trusted they would continue working well together as in the past. Sherwood remarked it is best not to have a contentious relationship, but asserted the Planning Commission members want to make sure the City Council heard the decisions the Planning Commission made and did not undermine the process for convenience, or whatever else. She said it is important that was understood. Thayer agreed but noted the Planning Commission also understands they serve at the pleasure of the Council. Thayer cited a letter of response from City Attorney McMahan indicating that though it was thorough, she felt chastised and a little bit of resentment. Boles referenced Title 20 and how text amendments can be made. He indicated they could have accomplished the same thing, and that it would have been constructive if it had been followed. He indicated he still has confusion regarding the designation of educational institutions. He asked if he is reading Title 20 correctly. · · · Planning Commission July 10, 1997 Page 3 Keith responded Title 20 would apply to a revision that would involve something that would deliberately make a change, and change the decision. He said Council did not feel they had made deliberate decisions. Boles said changes ought to fit into Title 20; if there are minor amendments they can be altered quickly. He said Council and the Planning Commission need to make sure they are in sync. If Council reverses the Planning Commission's decision, it is their prerogative; bring it back and they can deal with it. Enarson raised the issue of appearance of fairness. She indicated she felt the Council erred. She said the two entities will have to find how to work together. She asserted they should be beyond reproach. Discussion ensued regarding: ~ Minor amendments Thayer--We need to define what is a minor amendment. ~ Suggested hearing process Freeland--Given the sensitivity, maybe we ought to agree to go through a hearing process. He suggested going through the normal process; in the event of an emergency, Council may need to make an exception. ~ Emergencies Enarson-- What may be an emergency for the City may not be for the public. Make sure the public has confidence in the public process. She felt their letter was violated by going to the Press. Keith--He said he sensed Enarson feels a lack of hearing for the public and the Commission. Enarson-- That was the crux of the matter. Public process was not there. ~ ~ Boles--He said he did not want to copy to the Press, so went directly to the Press and questioned if they were aware of a problem. Enarson--Replied that the minutes are recorded; the public is not being denied. The Press was called when we were doing a bad job. Sherwood--She said she supported Boles and thinks it should be known there was an issue, and that the public knows. She said she was quite tempted to do the same thing, so the Press could look at the public record. ~ Public Process Mayor--It is important to think about public process and efficiency. Maybe some provision should be looked at for emergency treatment, and where we are going to draw the line, if you change the intent of what is in there -- if it appears to be an error. How are you going to define? Thayer--Ifthere is disagreement in what may go forward, Commission members could attend the City Council meeting or make a specific statement in a letter, · · · . . Planning Commission July 10, 1997 Page 4 ~ Correcting errors Freeland-- There is room to correct drafting errors that shouldn't have to have a public hearing. Freeland further discussed the disagreement on what was done regarding what was perceived to be drafting errors. He said the central point is that it was not a substantive error and, therefore, Title 20 was not used. The Mayor noted continuation of the City Council meeting by approximately a week and that the public was notified. Freeland suggested if it appears there are additional drafting errors, go back to Council. Unless there is agreement by Commission and Council, we will run through the normal process. Council may have to put itself in the hot seat, but he feels that would be a real exception. Boles and Keith agreed Title 20 needs to be amended to that effect. Enarson agreed with Boles that some things need to be clarified. She indicated City Council and the Planning Commission work pretty well together and need to go forward. The Mayor spoke about clustering changes that are not hurried and asked regarding issues under time pressure. Freeland alleged the scope can be very narrow for what we think is a drafting error. Chair Thayer said they had done a lot to clear the air. She thanked Mayor McCulloch and City Councilmember Keith for attending and giving the Planning Commission the right to make their feelings known. Johnson, who is new to the Planning Commission, said this is all new to him. He said the thing that is really important to him is that the spirit carries through. If you go too close to the letter of the law, sometimes the spirit is lost. Assignment from City Council Freeland summarized the assignment that the Planning Commission look at the possibility of allowing low impact, high technical businesses in former bed and breakfasts. He said there will be a joint meeting in approximately one month to discuss the issues, see how comfortable they are with the concept and the possibility of drafting an ordinance. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS Thayer reported the Planning Commission will be going over their Rules and Regulations that were previously tabled. , , ~. oJ · · · Planning Commission July 10, 1997 Page 5 Mayor McCulloch reported Mr. Joe Finnie has applied for membership on the Planning Commission. She said she expects to have his letter of appointment on the next City Council agenda. Thayer asked Planning Commission members to call her if they are going to be unable to attend. Next Scheduled Meetings: July 31. 1997 Norcross/Cavette, Zoning Text Amendment Enarson, may not be able to attend. August 14. 1997 August 28. 1997 VII. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Sherwood and seconded by Enarson. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned 8:00 p.m. c1,~ ~ )/ :r4/ Ci <iy Thayer, Chair ~tZM Sheila Avis, Minute Taker · · · Guest List Meeting of: hA-/VA"/A/{); G()A(Af/5'J/OA/ Purpose: Date: 7//0/(¡1 Name (please print) Address T estimonv? VF~ ~