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Pope Marine Park Building, 7:00 PM
Business Meeting
August 14, 1997
July 31, 1997
A. Assisted Living Concepts, Conditional Use Permit #LUP97-00040
Staff Report, (Randall)
Public Testimony
Commission Report (Boles/Erickson)
Commission Discussion and Conclusions
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
August 28, 1997 (Pope Marine Park Building not available on this date)
September 11, 1997
September 25, 1997
Business Meeting
August 14, 1997
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Pope Marine Park Building by Chair Cindy
Thayer. Other members in attendance were Lisa Enarson, Karen Erickson, Lois Sherwood, John
Boles, Craig Johnson and Joseph Finnie. Staff member present was Jeff Randall.
Chair Thayer introduced new Commissioner Joseph Finnie.
Motion to approve the minutes of July 31, 1997, as written and amended was made by Boles and
seconded by Enarson. All were in favor.
~ Notification of American Planning Association Audio Conference Training Series.
~ Chair Thayer pointed out that up to approximately 6 months ago the Commission was
receiving copies of City Council Minutes. She asked that be resumed; Jeff Randall will
make that request for the Commission.
A. Assisted Living Concepts, Conditional Use Permit #LUP97-00040
Randall advised that the first item of business is to determine if this first amendment
constitutes a substantial or non-substantial change.
He went on to explain Assisted Living Concepts is a Planned Unit Development for the
purpose of building a single-story 36-unit assisted living care facility, approved last year;
construction start was Spring of 1997 and construction is still underway. Randall commented
that originally in their environmental review, Assisted Living Concepts noted they had plans to
add three units, and that they left room in their design for those additional three single units. He
said Assisted Living Concepts has now proposed adding the three units during the construction
phase, requiring a Planned Unit Development Agreement (PUDA) amendment of what has
already been recorded. He noted the PUDA was approved under the old zoning code, and
therefore it is up to the Planning Commission to determine if the change is substantial or non-
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August 14, 1997
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Randall said that although the amendment to add the three units appears to be minor,
since it will not be significantly observable, the overall project was allowed to exceed the
original density of the RI zone. The additional units will add further density. The BCD
recommends that it be determined a substantial change, and the public hearing be held. The
hearing has been duly noticed.
Find this a substantial alteration, and continue with the public
SECOND Johnson
Discussion: Enarson noted she felt uncomfortable having both this vote and the hearing
within the same meeting.
VOTE Unanimous, 5 in favor
1. Staff Report (Randall)
Randall said the proposal, for all intents and purposes, has not changed.
To remain unchanged --
~ Amount of parking (estimated 1 % of tenants drive; no additional staff; 18 spaces planned are
already in excess of the minimum requirement)
~ Drainage plan
~ F or the most part, the same building footprint
Staff recommends approval of the three additional units.
Letter from neighbors, Bud and Sunnie VanDerVorst -- concern regarding the screened sidewalk
abutting their property:
Site plan (Exhibit A) shows a shaded, 5-foot sidewalk to connect to the bus stop.
~ Developer has proposed and discussed with the VanDerVorsts a new design (Exhibit G) to
bring the sidewalk directly from the bus stop with a switch back going down to the access of
the parking area directly across from the front door of the facility.
~ Public Works has no problem, if there is wheelchair access.
~ Developer has indicated they will meet all ADA specifications.
~ Does not appear to be a problem with the landscape plan.
Randall distributed a revised draft of Findings and Conclusions which accommodates the
VanDerVorst concerns and adds Conclusion 6 to reflect the new sidewalk location.
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August 14, 1997
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Boles asked if Exhibit G is referenced; Randall pointed out Exhibit G is referenced in Findings
of Fact 4.
The Commission took time to read through the changes in Randall's revised draft.
Q. Enarson: Applauded the spirit of cooperation between the participants. The conditions of
this PUDA were voted on before the City Council adoption of engineering design standards,
which require sidewalks to be built along the right-of-way. Is this why we can have this
option in Exhibit G?
A. Randall: The only reference to the sidewalk, from the bus stop to the facility, in the PUDA
basically says the developer will install a sidewalk parallel alongside Discovery Road and a
sidewalk for access from the facility will be constructed from the bus stop to the front of the
facility. We don't need to go back and modifY it.
Q. Enarson: Believe the current standards require a sidewalk along the street.
A. Randall: They are putting a sidewalk along the entire frontage of Discovery Road.
Q. Boles: The statement that the developer estimates that 1 % of the residents operate vehicles --
there is no condition to that; we do not know that? We don't have any condition or clear
specification of movement other than the occupants, i.e. staff coming and going?
A. Randall: Staff does not know.
Q. Thayer: Asked if under Conclusion 3C, why it states it is affordable housing if it is not
subsidized housing?
A. Randall: The applicant can clarifY.
2. Public Testimony
Gerald Rehn, Rehn + Skorheim, Agents for Assisted Living Concepts
Swore and affirmed the testimony he was about to give was true.
Affordable housing: Because of his lack of involvement in this aspect of the project, he was
unsure concerning the reference to subsidized housing, but he indicated the type of
construction is being done in areas not really expensive, e.g. Bellevue, etc. He said a certain
percentage of occupancy would include MedicareIMedicaid residents and this facility would
probably fall between the low-income and mid-income range.
Building footprint: He stated Assisted Living Concepts is building 200 to 300 across the United
States and indicated they are a developer for Assisted Living Concepts and are only doing six
within the Northwest. He said the actual footprint is the same for 39 units as it would be for
36, that the area within the facility is open space and they are asking to work some of that
area into the additional three units; nothing is changed in the way you will see it.
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August 14, 1997
Page 4
Parking will remain the same; they don't anticipate an increase in resident parking, nor an
increase in staff, and do not anticipate any difference in traffic. He said data indicates the
average across the United States, is about 1% of residents have cars. He noted they have
provided more parking than required and declared there is more area available for parking.
VanDerVorst concern and perception of the area. Assisted Living Concepts responded by
moving the sidewalk to the front of building and increasing landscaping in its original place.
Q. Boles: Exhibit A. Asked if the area proposed for the additional three units was intended to
be open to the outside?
A. Rehn: It was never intended to be open to the outside. He said this closed area assists
residents who veer off and cannot find their way. They can access from the hallway to the
Q. Boles: Estimate of 1%. Do you have any data based on the performance from your other
facilities -- family member visits.
A. Rehn: He said there is that data available, but he did not have it with him. He indicated the
average resident is approximately 87 years old. Parking by family visitors -- at different
parts of the day, the parking lot is pretty empty. In making comparisons, he said he
believed the code allowed 200, or 20 single family residences; traffic is significantly less.
Bud VanDerVorst, 415 26th Street
Swore and affirmed the testimony he was about to give was true.
Their home backs up to the facility. He said he wanders through the construction site,
and he said he can say where the hallways and doorways are and that there is access for
everybody into the inner courtyard. He said there are exits going outside, an exit door but not
readily available for the elderly to wander out and get lost. He went on to say the neighbors as a
whole are in agreement with the project. The additional three units, based on his experience
having had an elderly person in such a facility, will not increase traffic in any significant
manner. He said as a neighbor to this facility, he is all for it; go for the three units and get on
with the project. He said he was in total objection to have the sidewalk run down his back yard
and wrote the letter to the City. The firm sent their representative; he came through his house
(their living space is in the rear) saw where the sidewalk would be right along across their
windows, and they came up with new plan, which he is all for and will not affect the project in
any way. He thinks the new sidewalk location is also better for the people; they will exit the
sidewalk right across the front door, rather than having to go way across the parking lot as
required previously. As a resident, he wants the sidewalk changed if at all possible, but also
feels it is a good project for the City. He said those three units are not going to have a significant
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August 14, 1997
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George Avis
Swore and affirmed the testimony he was about to give was true.
Spoke in support of applicant. He noted the cry of need for an assisted living facility
throughout his tenure of 7-112 years as Administrator at Kah Tai Care Center and subsequently 2
years as manager of Discovery View Senior Apartments. He stated the additional three units are
welcome and appropriate, and the construction time is ideal to add them, that the space is
Sunnie VanDerVorst
Swore and affirmed the testimony she was about to give was true.
She said the parking spaces are primarily designed behind their lot and the lot
immediately adjacent to it, Lot 6 and Lot 5. She said because of the level of the parking area
which is sunk down significantly below the level of their property, and because of the
landscaping that the developer has been very accommodating in providing to adequately screen
them, she does not feel the coming and going will make an appreciable impact on them.
3. Commission Report (BolesÆrickson)
Boles spoke of the issue of the sidewalk, an issue that came up after their deliberations.
He applauded the developer on how they worked it out with everybody.
Boles spoke of his understanding of chronically ill people. He focused his remarks on
two issues:
~ The side of the building on which the three units are proposed was to be open, and that
seemed to be more in the spirit of a residential area, an open space where people do things,
either in the center part or had access to walk around the facility. He said these three
residences will clearly take that option away.
~ It exceeds the density. He has a problem, that when you call people's attention you don't
have assurance of the things they are talking about -- we don't know what the traffic impact
will be. Weare just hearing that it is a better facility than if it were single family houses, but
it is greater density on paper. He mentioned those who had spoken reflecting their sense of
the spirit of the proposal and were not opposed to it, but he said he feels it should remain at
36 until they see the effect. He said he is not persuaded that ample room is available for
needed parking in the future; he would hate to see that become a large enclosed building
with asphalt around it. He said his position is that they should stay with the original
proposal, that it may be possible in the future. He said he felt in the first place it was a
borderline proposal with regard to density.
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August 14, 1997
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4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Enarson: Did not agree with Boles regarding parking; under the code she was not sure they have
that justification since they are providing 18 spaces for a requirement of 13. She said she
appreciated Boles' concern regarding open space and expressed her uncertainty in terms of
the drainage on the east side of the building in relation to open space She said since the
building footprint remains unchanged, she is in favor of the change.
Boles: Pointed out it was stated there is no additional impact, but traffic is a concern.
Thayer: Said she tends to agree with Enarson, to allow the three additional units since it will not
change the building footprint. Regarding the provision of affordable housing for the elderly,
and the desperate need for affordable housing for the elderly -- she said she has seen copies
of Assisted Living Concepts brochures and there is nothing for subsidized housing which she
said was presented to them originally. She requested removing the reference to "affordable"
housing. She replied to a question from Boles that she felt to change wording to housing for
the elderly or assisted care for the elderly is fine. She says she feels they are giving a
perception that is not the case.
Enarson: Did not remember it proposed as subsidized housing, but did recall it as affordable
housing. She said in their discussion they were thinking of it as lower income housing. She
said they could strike the phrase "affordable housing" but she did not think it would change
anything regarding the cost of building the facility.
Thayer: It is the perception, and sometimes these things are presented as affordable and she
feels they need to be careful about using that term. She said she is absolutely not opposed to
the project, that it is very much needed in Port Townsend, but feels the terminology is
offensive. She replied to Boles that ~he sees affordable housing as being below a certain
level, rather than as subsidized.
Thayer: Suggested, Conclusion 3C -- Strike "affordable housing" to read "suitable housing".
She asked regarding reference in Findings of Fact 3 to the VanDerVorsts feeling regarding the
sidewalk. It was determined the statement provided history, and it was determined to leave it as
Planning Commission recommend approval of the First
Amendment to Assisted Living Concepts PUDA (LUP97-00040)
as revised August 14th with small revisions: 1) Page 4,
Conclusion 3C, strike "affordable"; 2) Findings of Fact 3 last
line, delete "a" to read "indicated the developers. . . "
SECOND Johnson
Discussion: Enarson- With the addition of these three units, Staff did say it would not have
a significant impact on traffic; we should take into account that all these people may not
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August 14, 1997
Page 7
drive. Boles said for the record, his main concern is they don't know, that it is someone's
opinion and on that basis is uncomfortable proceeding until they see how the initial project
turns out. Boles suggested adding Exhibit G to Conclusion 6.
MOTION AMENDED to include: 3) Conclusion 6 amended to read, "... should be
modified by the Developer to retlect the new approved sidewalk location (Exhibit G). . . ."
VOTE 4 in favor; Boles opposed
There was none.
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
August 28. 1997 (pope Marine Park Building not available on this date)
September 4. 1997. 7:00 p.m. Recreation Center
Land Use revision workshop.
. September 25. 1997
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Enarson and seconded by Boles. All were in favor.
The meeting adjourned 8:15 p.m.
Sheila Avis, Minute Taker
Meeting of:
Guest List
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