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Pope Marine Park Building, 7:00 PM
Business Meeting
October 30, 1997
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 4, 1997 and October 9, 1997
A. Donald and Jacquelyn Barr, Variance Application No. LUP97-00050
Staff Report, (Judy Surber)
Public Testimony
Committee Report, (Enarson/Sherwood)
Commission Discussion and Conclusions
A. Parks and Recreation - Functional Plan, (Workshop)
1. Staff Report, (Paula Mackrow)
2. Commission Discussion
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
November 13 r 1997
December 11, 1997
Non-Motorized Plan, Workshop Meeting
January 8, 1998
Non-Motorized Plan, Open-Record Public Hearing
January 29, 1998
Workshop Meeting
October 30, 1997
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Pope Marine Park Building by Chair Cindy
Thayer. Other members in attendance were Lisa Enarson, Craig Johnson, Lois Sherwood, and
Joseph Finnie. Karen Erickson and John Boles were excused. Staff members present were
Bruce Freeland, Judy Surber, Bob Wheeler and Paula Mackrow. Parks and Recreation members
present were Mark Welch, Bill Davidson, Jim Farmer, and Steve Corrao
Chair Thayer noted that Mr. Boles would possibly be unavailable for the next couple of months
due to family illness and that he had asked if there was desire to replace him because of his
A correction was made to page 9 of the September 4, 1997 minutes to change the spelling to
Peter Badame. The minutes of September 4, 1997 were approved as corrected.
There was nöne.
A. Donald and Jacquelyn Barr, Variance Application No. LUP97-00050
1. Staff Report (Judy Surber)
Surber recounted the Findings of Fact pointing out the location and peculiarities of Lot 2
and the conclusions drawn. She noted that staff recommended approval of the variance. Surber
also noted issues raised in opposing letters, Exhibits B, C, D and E, but that they were issues that
were not specifically related to this variance application and would be considered later as they
Ouestions from Commission Members:
~ Thayer questioned reference to the 30 foot access and utilities easement shown in Exhibit F,
when it shows 10 feet on each side. Surber said she also questioned it, and it was thought
that probably referred to a 30 foot access from the northeast comer oflot 2 over into lot 3.
Surber said the original short plat did not even show that access. She said it showed access
on San Juan Avenue, but was approved with a condition that access be taken off Albany.
Thayer asked if they could clarify the matter with the surveyor, Alan Carman.
· Sherwood asked the width of Albany Street. Surber replied it was approximately 20' wide.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 30, 1997
Page 2
A member of the audience declared Albany Street is 26' wide.
~ Sherwood noted Staff had not provided two drafts, A and B, as with other applications that
had controversial issues and asked regarding the letters in the exhibits. Surber explained it
was because the letters would be covered in future issues.
~ Enarson referred to Findings of Fact 3, regarding the statement of a 30 foot access and
utilities easement and asked if "access and utilities easement" was written in the conditions
of the plat. Surber replied she could not recall if that was a condition of the permit. Enarson
and Johnson said they would like it clarified and Surber left to secure information.
Time out from Barr variance:
Enarson stated she had expected Dave Peterson to be present, and she asked about the
alternative Transportation Plan coming before the Planning Commission and Council and the
requirement for two public hearings, when the Parks and Recreation Plan is not coming before
the Planning Commission. Freeland stated there is confusion about the family of functional
plans that back up the Comp Plan: Parks; Non-motorized; Sewage; Drainage; and Arterial
Streets, about their going through other committees and not needing two hearings. He said,
however, that all five plans do require a Planning Commission hearing. Bob Wheeler concurred
the Parks and Recreation Plan requires a Planning Commission hearing, and it was determined
to schedule that hearing under new business.
Return to Barr variance:
Surber returned with the (Preliminary) Emil Nelson Short Plat Plan showing the following
~ easement shall be provided for utility installation and maintenance and shall conform to the
standard width of 5 feet on each side of the interior lot line and 5 feet along the front line;
~ city water supply must be provided to each lot;
~ applicant should submit a sewer improvement plan;
~ fire hydrants should be installed;
· applicant shall develop an access plan which provides access to proposed lots 2 and 3 from
platted Albany Street;
· Albany Street shall be developed in accordance with Washington State Department of
Transportation and city design standards from platted San Juan Avenue eastwards to a point
of access for lot 2;
· point of access for lot 3 from Albany Street shall be no closer than 125 feet from the San
Juan right of way;
~ access to lot 4 shall be from San Juan Avenue;
· more on lot 1; storm drainage plan; typical lot preparation.
Surber said the Preliminary Emil Nelson Short Plat Plan will be reduced in size; it will be
entered as Exhibit G.
2. Public Testimony
Planning Commission Minutes
October 30, 1997
Page 3
Chair Thayer opened the hearing to public testimony.
Speaking in favor of the variance:
Donald Barr
Swore and affirmed the testimony he was about to give was true to the best of his knowledge.
Mr. Barr said he wondered how relevant the easement is. He said it can't support any
reasonable width of access due to its shape; it is a very irregularly shaped parcel. He said it is,
however, .4 of an acre, and anything that is going to be built on this is going to be built back in
the lot itself, and he thinks the variance seems to be reasonable. He offered to answer any
There was no one speakin~ in oppositiop. to the vari~nce.
Chuck Enfield
Swore and affirmed the testimony he was about to give was true to the best of his knowledge.
Mr. Enfield asked regarding zoning for the first and second floors of any building on lot 2.
Chair Thayer replied that this is not what they are deciding tonight.
· Chair Thayer closed the public hearing and asked for the committee report.
3. Committee Report (Enarson/Sherwood)
Enarsonnoted that during the development of the Comprehensive Plan when they looked at
that comer for a mixed use center, they did not have detailed lots, lot by lot. She said this will
come up over and over. Enarson agreed with staff conclusions for reasons of approving this
variance, but is uneasy with it. She said when they discussed bulk and dimensions and set back
requirements, she didn't think they thought of anyone facing a 26 foot wide street, and an
interior lot like that.
Sherwood said she shared the same concerns. She remarked that in terms of providing Mr.
Barr with a buildable lot, without the variance it seems there is very little they can do with the
lot. She also said when they put together the Comp Plan they were not thinking about this lot,
but that they have a responsibility to make the lot usable. Sherwood concluded that they don't
want to be creating problems for this applicant or the neighbors; the variance makes sense
according to the requirements, and they will have to deal with some of the other issues later.
She also said they have not heard what would make it a clear picture. Sherwood spoke of the
difficulty of putting a C-I/MU building on an interior lot.
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Planning Commission Minutes
October 30, 1997
Page 4
Johnson said that from the owner's use the variance works. He said that he was not on the
Commission during the development of the Comp Plan, but that this could not be foreseen. He
said he was also hoping to hear something too that would clarify the issues.
Sherwood said with this short plat, one of their thoughts was to minimize access onto San
Juan Avenue.
Enarson pointed out Albany Street does go through, so it does work.
Finnie said that with the facts at hand, it is a permitted use and should be allowed to develop
to the best use. He said he thinks they are giving fair warning that there are a lot of unanswered
questions that everybody will be facing in the process that are not appropriate conversation
tonight. He said based on two facts: it is a permitted use; and that their task is to find a solution
for that property to be used, for them to speculate beyond that is not their responsibility tonight.
He said, however, he is not comfortable with this.
Thayer said these issues are difficult and will continue to be. When you rezone, you do not
look indepth at each individual lot. She said she does not know any other solution than this one.
Enarson said she agreed with everything said and stated a lot of the concerns of the
neighbors were valid and will be addressed during design review of the project, but is not their
decision tonight. She indicated Conclusion 4 is the key that special circumstances exist and
feels they have no choice but to grant the variance.
Request City Council approve Variance Application No.LUP
97-00050, Donald and Jacquelyn Barr
SECOND Sherwood
Discussion: Thayer referenced Findings of Fact 3, and Sherwood asked if they should strike
the reference to the 30-foot access and utility easement. Enarson suggested that
would be dealt with during the permitting process, but determined it should be
referenced that there seems to be confusion between the statement in Exhibit F
and the drawing.
AMENDED MOTION Request City Council approve Variance Application No. LUP
97-00050, Donald and Jacquelyn Barr, noting confusion
between the reference to the 3D-foot access and utility easement
in Exhibit F and the drawing.
VOTE: Unanimous, 5 in favor
B. Parks and Recreation - Functional Plan (Workshop)
Welch and Farmer introduced the Plan and discussed the survey that contributed to the
Plan. Mackrow gave a synopsis of the Capital Facilities Plan.
Wheeler stated the committee looked at park impact fees as regards larger subdivisions,
SEP A mitigations. He indicated after the Plan is out, impact fees will still need to be looked at.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 30, 1997
Page 5
Mackrow referred to her memorandum of October 21, 1997 to the Planning Commission.
She pointed out there is still land that can be protected, that they need to look at funding to buy
open space the city does not own.
It was determined to take questions tonight and review page by page on the next draft.
Enarson spoke of funding requirements, her pleasure at referral to repair and
maintenance, and called for volunteerism which was further discussed. Farmer said he did not
see this as a document to hit the community over the head, but a yardstick to help set priorities.
Issues Discussed:
Page 1-5: Enarson -- Multi-Modal, automobiles eliminated? Mackrow -- Noted this is directly
out of the Comp Plan, and made consistent with the Engineering Standards.
Page 1-6: Enarson -- Overlay zone, not shown as opportunities. Mackrow -- From Comp Plan,
word for word.
Page 1-9: Enarson -- Urban Growth Areas definition. Mackrow -- Also from the Comp Plan.
Page 1-3: Thayer -- paragraph 1, swimming is confusing, ". . .full range of recreational and
swimming activities." Wheeler -- We have a recreation director and a swimming director.
Enarson -- Vision reads as a description. Mackrow -- Taken from the Vision Statement, but
aptly describes it as it exists.
Page 1-7: Enarson -- disagree with some, e.g., "Anywhere in town, we are only a convenient bike
ride or walk from work. . ."
Page 1-9: Thayer -- Admiral Marine. This is history, not a positive statement. Wheeler --Can
make change.
Page 11-9: Enarson -- Pope Marine Park/City Dock "has become best one of the best public
waterfront facilities in the state." Wheeler "'- will tweak.
Page 11-9 and 10: Thayer -- Has a lot of history. If do some, we should do all. Mackrow -- will
incorporate what we get. Wheeler -- financial limitations to research. Thayer will go
through and add some history. Farmer -- want to add what is available.
Page II-II: Enarson -- Union Wharf, commercial boats; cruise ships back and forth? Wheeler--
will be buying. Davidson -- some of his constituency do not have a good feeling about big
cruise ships coming in at all.
Page 11-12: Finnie -- Golf Course, listed as park. Asked what is current level of use by
community, return on investment, who has oversight of the lease. Wheeler -- Public Works.
He noted the City received $4,500 income under the lease and they get free water. Finnie--
Maybe it should be more informative.
Page 11-12: Mackrow -- requested by City attorneys to strike all but sentences 1 and 2 from
paragraph 2 of Port Townsend Municipal Golf Course (i.e., "The contract. . . , to provide this
protection. )
Page 11-12: Finnie -- Other Facilities. "Prospective public facility" perhaps have something more
Planning Commission Minutes
October 30, 1997
Page 6
Page 11-14: Enarson -- Questioned number of visitations at Fort Worden. Farmer -- Includes
individuals at camp sites. Wheeler -- We need to say that.
Page 11-17: Enarson -- City Parks, The 200 foot City Dock. Questioned large ships at low tide.
Page 11-31: Enarson -- Last paragraph, "The waters surrounding the Quimper Peninsula are
dangerous due to severe conditions including strong currents, low water temperature and
sudden strong winds. These considerations make it obvious that a comprehensive swimming
program be offered to all residents." This could be changed.
Page 11-33: Enarson -- Pool Program. Youth at risk, good selling point for program.
Page 11-46: Enarson -- Paragraph 1, inaccurate. Strike reference to partnership of Lisa Enarson
and Terry Steuben's storm water ponds at Hastings and xx Street.
Page IV-16: Finnie -- Management of Golf Course? Mackrow -- Not able to address in this Plan.
Recommended golf course business management and site master plan to address all the
issues in a comprehensive way. Asking Council to fund ov~r 4 - 5 years.
Finnie spoke of the possibility of incorporating HotellMotel Tax in some creative ways when
the new board becomes a reality. He mentioned a vision statement, how things can be done and
what benefits there are. Welch spoke of discussion with County Commissioners also. Wheeler
noted there are some nice commercial places, and some pocket parks, but nothing exists at the
hospital or along Sims Way. Finnie said this is a marketing tool, and Welch indicated people
want to move where quality of life exists. Finnie suggested they prioritize a want list in terms of
a capital facilities budget. Mackrow noted priority 1 recommendation was to finish buying Kah
Tai and the two lots on Cherry Street, that the recommendation was left over from the 1991
Parks and Recreation Plan.
Sherwood asked regarding revenue at the pool. It was noted the user fee is $2.50 per adult.
The cost is $5.00 per person.
Wheeler suggested Paula Mackrow make changes and bring a draft back. It was determined
to find overlap with the Non-Motorized Plan, tie together and keep the context connected.
It was determined to hold the Parks and Recreation Functional Plan public hearing in
conjunction with the Non-Motorized Plan public hearing as scheduled below and to schedule the
City Council hearings for the second Council Meeting in February.
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
November 13. 1997
December 11. 1997
Non-Motorized Plan, Workshop Meeting
Planning Commission Minutes
October 30, 1997
Page 7
January 8. 1998
Parks and Recreation Functional Plan, Workshop Meeting
January 29. 1998
Non-Motorized Plan; Parks and Recreation Functional Plan, Open-Record Public Hearing
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Sherwood and seconded by Enarson. All were in
favor. The meeting adjourned 9:25 p.m.
Sheila Avis, Minute Taker
Guest List
Meeting of: 1~/t/l11/1 diG C:C A1~1IS5/ûrl/
Date: /6 !,J (J /97
Name (please print) Address T estimonv?
VF~ ~