HomeMy WebLinkAbout01111996 Min Ag . . -. City of Port Towusend Plaoning 'CommiQiOD S40 Waœr Street. Port ToWDSeDd. WA. 98368 360/385-3000 FAX 360/385-4290 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Business Meeting I. ROIL CALL H. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 28, 1995 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail . IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Comprehensive Plan 1. Review of Public Process Schedule (Eric Toews) B. Eagles FOE 182, Variance (parking) Application #9511-14 1. Staff Report (Judy Surber) 2. Public Testimony 3. Committee Report (EnarsonlTl!ayer) 4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions v. NEW BUSINESS VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings I~uary 25. 1996 VII. ADJOURN January 11, 1996 '.~~'."';-""~--:;-----~ " . . /. ~. ~.... City of Po~ Towusend PI · C" annlng omm1Q10D S40 Water Street. Port Towaseod. WA. 98368 360/385-3000 FAX 360/385-4290 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 11, 1996 Copied to PCOMM Business Meeting I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Lois Sherwood. Other members in attendance were Karen Erickson, Cindy Thayer, and John Boles. Mark Welch and Lisa Enarson were excused. Staff members present were Dave Robison, Jan Zimmer, and Pam Kolacy. At this time John Boles, the new Commissioner was introduced and welcomed. Commissioner Thayer inquired whether staffhad discussed the implications ofHPC Board Member Barbara Marseille's appearance to testify about the Pink House at the last public hearing. Kolacy explained that she had consulted with Assistant City Attorney Mary Winters and cleared the appearance since Marseille had previously excused herself trom all Pink House proceedings before the HPC. II. MINUTES The minutes of the December 28, 1995, meeting were approved as written. III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current Mail Robison noted a memo trom TomAumock, Assistant Fire Chief, concerning tonight's application. A memo regarding the Comprehensive Plan timeline was also noted. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Eagles FOE 812, Variance (Parking) Application #9511-14 1. Staff Report (Dave Robison) Dave Robison presented the staff report in Judy Surber's absence. Applicants are presently constructing a new Eagles Lodge in the Port Townsend Business Park. The applicants request a variance to allow 48 parking spaces where 76· are required per the City parking ordinance (Chapter PTMC 17.30). The applicants state that the proposed total of 48 spaces would Planning Commission Meeting Page 1 January 11,1996 · · · adequately serve their needs except for a few occasions and at those times they propose to shuttle people from the Jefferson Transit Park and Ride to the site via Transit community vans. The number of required parking spaces is based on a determination by the Building and Community Development Director that the use proposed by the applicants is that of an Assembly Hall. Opportunities for a joint use parking agreement exist. The memo received tonight rrom the Fire Department concludes that on-street parking would be a public safety hazard as it would impede access for emergency vehicles. Staff also stated concern that the use of the Park and Ride would set a precedent for inappropriate use of the Park and Ride which was not intended to provide parking in lieu of the minimum requirements set forth by the PTMC. Draft B was prepared as a starting point if the Commission wishes to recommend approval of the variance to City Council. Robison also reviewed the definition of a variance which is a special exemption rrom rules and regulations adopted by City Council. According to the City Code, a variance may be granted only when special circumstances related to size, topography and configuration of a particular parcel of land can be demonstrated. Robison recommended the memo rrom Tom Aumock of the Port Townsend Fire Department be marked as Exhibit 5 and the Site Plan Map be marked as exhibit 6. He recommended incorporating exhibit 5 into the Findings and Conclusions if the Commission recommends denial of the application. Chair Sherwood read the memo into the record. Thayer questioned the statement that West Park Street is only 30 feet wide, indicating that the street seems wider on the map. Robison noted that the width shown on the site plan is the total right of way, not the actual width of the street. 2. Public Testimony Eric Bartl, project manager, spoke in favor of the project. He stated that the Eagles do not intend to use on-street parking, and stated that historically, most functions at the Eagles facility have attracted approximately 10-12 members or 10% of the membership. He presented a letter noting the contract between Jefferson Transit for shuttle vans which Sherwood labeled exhibit 7. He stated there are minimal situations where the additional parking would be needed and noted the community van may be reserved well in advance. He believes the Park & Ride's purpose of providing for overflow parking for the City applies to this situation.. Mr. Bartl explained that the Eagles is a non-profit service organization which generally raises money for various charities. He said the inability to finish the building was affecting their usual fundraising activities. He said he had discussed the purchase of Lot #68 rrom Lee Wilburn, the owner of the Business Park, and stated that the Eagles intend to buy the lot to provide extra parking but they do not have the money for the purchase at this time. Planning Commission Meeting Page 2 January 11, 1996 · · · Others speaking for the project were Brenda Bartl, ex-president of the organization, and Judy Hartzell. There was no testimony in opposition to the application. 3. Committee Report (Enarson/Thayer) Thayer asked about the restaurant and bar use which applicants say will not serve the public. Zimmer noted that the designation as restaurant was made because the parking requirement for a restaurant was I per 100 sf rather than I in 40, and that that interpretation saved parking spaces. Thayer said is was a difficult decision, because she can understand the reasoning of applicants now, but in 14-20 years, there may be considerably more demand for parking. She stated that is applicants really are pursing the purchase of Lot 68, it would be the best solution. She would like to know how many parking spaces could be accommodated in the new lot. She also stated this would obviously hold up building plans until purchased. 4. Commission Discussion Boles questioned the applicants regarding potential purchase of Lot 68. Mr. Bartl stated they will purchase the lot to provide more parking and perhaps if the membership grows, they may need to expand the building. Boles stated that the applicants apparently do foresee growth of their organization. He also questioned other uses of the facility, particularly if it were rented to other agencies. Bartl stated that this has been done in the past, but it was more feasible when the facility was downtown and the organization hopes to make more internal use of this building. Boles asked about how cooperative adjacent property owners have been in joint use discussions. Bartl said there have been no actual discussions, and he suspects they would be less amenable to a written agreement. He also stated his feeling that it would be safer for people to be let off at the door than walk from a parking lot to the building. He stated current membership is approximately 65-70 for the Lodge and 114 for the auxiliary. Boles asked if any events were open to the public and Bartl stated that only bingo is the only activity open to the public. Thayer asked if Lot 68 could be leased until purchased; Robison stated that it could created a problem because, if the facility loses the lease, they would have to make other arrangements to meet parking requirements. Jan Zimmer stated she had discussed this possibility with Mr. Coulter, of the Eagles, and with Tim McMahan, City Attorney. McMahan pointed out that with the lack of guaranteed parking, enforcement would be difficult. Erickson then stated that Commissioners were looking for solutions rather than making a decision o'n the variance. She stated that the decision had to be based on the variance criteria and that the decision has nothing to do with the number of people or circumstances, only with the size of the building and the use. There is no apparent special circumstance with this parcel of land that is not the same as everyone else in the Business Park. She also stated the parking requirements should have been settled before the building got this far. Options are available, through joint use Planning Commission Meeting Page 3 January 11,1996 . · · · agreements or purchase. These are viable alternatives, but the circumstances simply to do not exist to allow the Commission to grant the variance. Zimmer noted that when the building permit was submitted last summer, the parking was calculated; the Eagles requested that the permit for the shell be issued so they could start building and stated they would pursue parking in the meantime. She noted that at that time, a representative of the applicants signed a letter of agreement stating that it was understood parking had· to be provided before the final building permit was issued. Sherwood noted that she was eager to see the building completed so applicants could get back to their business. She also noted that codes are based on maximum capacity use of the building. She noted the organization's goals and objectives may change into the future and the extra parking spaces would be needed; with a nice new building, it would be advantageous to the organization to have parking available for that maximum use. She suggested approving joint use agreements until the extra lot can be purchased. She also added she would certainly still encourage carpooling and the use of the Park and Ride, but this is simply not an option the City can count on in the years to come, nor can it be used in lieu of satisfying the parking requirements. Erickson also noted it would set a precedent for any other development in the park if they felt the code were wrong and this has the effect of null and voiding the code. Motion by Erickson to recommend denial of the variance application, and encouraging the applicant to work out joint use agreements or a lease/purchase option on Lot 68 that would satisfy the Code; she added to the motion that in number four, the first reference to 45 spaces should be changed to "up to 35". Thayer seconded. The motion was passed unanimously. The meeting was recessed at 8:10 PM and reconvened at 8:17 PM. B. Comprehensive Plan 1. Review of Public Process Schedule (Robison) Robison distributed the Draft Comprehensive Plan Document and described the appendices and summary which are also available. He distributed a draft timeline for public process and pointed out that joint Planning Commission/City Council workshops will be scheduled soon. Thayer stated she would be gone rrom February 3 - 18 and would appreciate an earlier scheduling to allow her to participate. Robison noted the Council is very concerned about the large commitment rrom staff, Planning Commission and Council. Most meetings have been scheduled for Wednesday when regular meetings aren't usually held. He noted that there is some built-in flexibility, for example, two hearings are scheduled in most instances in case there is more public testimony than can be accommodated in one hearing. Planning Commission Meeting Page 4 January 11,1996 . . . .. "--(,/ ! He stated the implementation regulations, and revisions of the Zoning Code will be progressing at the same time. Certain major amendments need to be in place at the time of adoption of the Plan, and some are state mandated. Erickson asked about the future role of the Planning Commission. Robison stated that much policy is still needed and the role of the Planning Commission will probably move toward a policymaking mode rather than a quasijudicial mode.; i. e. developing policy rather than reviewing projects. He noted the Council Land Use committee has evolved the into the Regulatory Reform committee. Boles noted he will be out of town rrom approximately May 15 - June 10. Robison said he hoped timeline decisions would be finalized by tomorrow, the second day of the Council retreat, and he will get back to Commissioners with the final schedule. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next scheduled meetings. January 25, 1996. Robison also noted the Planning Commission Journals are available at City Hall and asked Commissioners to consider attending the APA Conference which is coming up at Fort Worden. VII. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Sherwood, seconded by Thayer. The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 PM Q7h cf{~ Pam Kolacy, Administrative Assistant ¡,A ~ « Planning Commission Meeting Page 5 January 11,1996 "",-.ç;::~-_." .~ /-- ~#~ . . . Guest List P C " Meetíngof: .' LAIUIUI/UG fYlA~ Purpose: (l¡¡;!:ÞI ~, .~t;~rl Date: / - /1- q to Name (please printl Address ¡3,e(C- ~tL- ~- /' ~'31 . Sf