HomeMy WebLinkAbout09121996 Min Ag · · · .' .~..';.;,.~..-"",,,,,¡,,,,,,,..,,, >.' '.~__~",;_".,~":',;¡;;¡;;";~"'4.;.':;;';o....._:,~_;." ",' _·".....;;./M~,_,.......,·,;~~;-"'~....,-.,'~-', "~,,_ .". ":;<;'~i;,~~~~'~~«~~dt¡t;¿'i1~~;'1'r~, CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA (Amended) Business Meeting September 12, 1996 I. ROLL CALL n. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 30, 1996 m. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Steven & Rhomfa Scharf, Conditional Use Permit Application #LUP96-00047 1. Staff Report, (rim Woolett) 2. Public Testimony 3. Committee Report (Enarson/Erickson) 4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions B. Review and discussion of time line for review and approval of development regulations, (Eric Toews) V. NEW BUSINESS VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings Sq>tember 26, 1996 Workshop on Phase I Development Regulations (parking, fences & hedges, home occupations) October 10, 1996 Assisted Living Concepts, PUD/Conditional Use Permit #LUP96-00040 (Welch/Boles) October 17, 1996 Special Hearing on Phase I Development Regulations (parking, fences & hedges, home occupations) October 24, 1996 Special Meeting to formulate findings and conclusions and recommendations for a decision by City Council regarding parking, fences and hedges, home occupations October 31, 1996 Joint Planning Commission/City Council workshop meeting on phase IT code revisions VII. ADJOURN .-- ,-."-- ,¡;¡.......;,"'<~.-.........-......'""" · · · CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Business Meeting September 12, 1996 I. ROLL CALL IT. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 30, 1996 m. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Steven & Rhonda Scharf, Conditional Use Permit Application #LUP96-00047 1. Staff Report, (Tim Woolett) 2. Public Testimony 3. Committee Report (EnarsonlErlckson) 4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions V. NEW BUSINESS VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings Sq>tember 26, 1996 Workshop on Phase I Development Regulations (parking, fences & hedges, home occupations) October 10, 1996 Assisted living Concepts, PUD/Conditional Use Permit #LUP96-00040 (Welch/Boles) October 17, \ 996 Special Hearing on Phase I Development Regulations (parking, fences & hedges, home occupations) October 24, 1996 Special Meeting to formulate findings and conclusions and recommendations for a decision by City Council regarding parking, fences and hedges, home occupations October 31, 1996 Joint Planning Commission/City Council workshop meeting on phase IT code revisions VII. ADJOURN _.> .__,J:~_~_>'_"~' ....,....¡¡;-,..,._" .ßf;,,,, .-_.~ . . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Business Meeting S~ptember 12, 1996 I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Lois Sherwood. Other members in attendance were Lisa Enarson, Linda Clifton, Mark Welch, Cindy Thayer and John Boles. Karen Erickson was excused. Staff members present were Eric Toews and Tim Woolett. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to approve the minutes of 5/30/96, as written, was made by Thayer and seconded by Welch. All were in favor. III. COMMUNICA nONS: Current Mail and Final Comprehensive Plan IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Steven & Rhonda Scharf, Conditional Use Permit Application #LUP96-00047 Scharfs representative, Victoria Carter, was asked if the input from Planning Commissioners Linda Clifton, Cindy Thayer, and Mark Welch was a conflict due to their office contact with Dr. Scharf Ms. Carter indicated she had no conflict. 1. Staff Report (Tim Woolett) Woolett described the applicant's proposal to construct a residential/commercial mixed use building and provide an addition to the existing dental clinic at 642 Harrison Street. The two buildings would be connected by a covered bre~zeway. The site is zoned C-III. The apartment and office building would be a conditional use in the C-III Zone. Questions were raised as to: Parking -- Enarson: What the three on-street parking spaces are that are mentioned in Findings of Fact 5. Woolett: The thre~ on Lawrence Street. Boles: Carter: New Parking: Lawrence Street, new curb and gutter; one paved and handicapped accessible. Set Back -- Bol~s asked regarding the rationale for set back clearance for residences or offices, or the Conditional Use that allows 0 set back. COPIED TO COUNCil BY FO DATE_l ô/dlq ç; ~'>#""'~""~ . . . Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 1996 Page 2 Sherwood said detriment is not to the residence, but to the neighbor, and the onus is on the neighbor to make complaint. 2. Public Testimony Victoria Carter, architect and representative for the applicant, spoke of the front office space and two story apartment. She noted there is a garage as well. She said Dr. Scharf thought that the area being right across the street from the Library would be quiet for a mixed use center. She said the uptown would be a prime location for someone to live and for the less stringent C-II zoning of the Comp Plan and indicated this is providing a little bit for the future. 3. Committee Report (EnarsonÆrickson) Enarson pr~sented the committee report and pointed out that in the Comp Plan this proposal lies within the C-ffi District and fits in w~ll with the Planning Commission, Council, and city residents. She pointed out these are offices that do not need on-site parking. She asked why the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) conditions are not listed under the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) conditions. It was noted under new regulations the HPC can only recommend. 4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions Parking requirements were questioned. Woolett said that three spaces are enough if the professional office does not provide on-site service and the parking requirement is 1 space per 400 square feet. Professional offices that provide on-site services require one parking space per 300 square feet. Enarson recommended a condition that parking spaces need to conform to the current parking code, depending on whether the professional offices provide off- or on-site services. Ms. Carter asked if one space is required for 300 square feet, are they allowed to have an on-site tenant, if they have enough parking? Discussion followed. Boles said Finding of Fact 6 is confusing and Welch suggested rewriting it to meet the parking requirement. MOTION Enarson That the Planning Commission recommend to Council to approve the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Application No. LUP96-00047, Dental Clinic Addition and Mixed Use Building, Stephen and Rhonda Scharf as amended: 2 · · · Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 1996 Page 3 Finding of Fact #3 change Exhibit 2 to 3; Finding of Fact #4 change Exhibit 3 to 2; Finding of Fact #6 add language to consider on-site and off-site office parking; Finding of Fact #8 add the word "be" to will "be" required; Condition #4 add the word "be" to shall "be" submitted; Add a new conditions - Condition #6 which states parking for all future uses shall conform to the current parking code; Condition #7, This proposal shall conform to all conditions by the HPC. SECOND Thayer VOTE UNANIMOUS (5) in favor B. Review and discussion of time line for review and approval of development regulations, (Eric Toews) Toews enumerated Phases I through 4 of the time line and said they are being very deliberate in not over promising and under delivering. Toews asked concerning using joint workshops. Responses included: Thayer, Boles and Welch agreed that using joint workshops makes too many workshops. It was noted having 14 people was very awkward and suggested they have a workshop and invite Council to attend if they want. Toews asked if the Planning Commission has th~ir own workshop would they be more comfortable to craft the ordinance. Boles asked regarding their need to have a Public Hearing, if City Council is going to do that? Enarson replied that it would be difficult to make recommendation without it. Thayer suggested when they have a workshop to note it is not a public hearing, so they can do their work. Toews noted the process is good, except need for a joint workshop. It was pointed out Staff needs to notify and check the Port Townsend Leader for meeting cancellations. Thayer reported for the record she will be unable to attend the 9/26/96 Planning Commission meeting. Toews noted a Phase II rewrite, permitted uses of districts, and welcomed any reprioritizing of time line dates. 3 . . . Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 1996 Page 4 V. NEW BUSINESS Enarson asked as per Mr. McMahan's letter requesting the Planning Commissioners to vote at the next meeting the need to adopt new procedures and discuss Commission elections. Boles spoke about Staff intent of drafting Planning Commission procedures. Toews indicated they would discuss with McMahan, look at the bylaws and work on the procedures in the near future. The Octob~r 14 workshop sponsored by City Attorney McMahan at the Pope Marine Building was discussed. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings September 26. 1996 Workshop on Phase I Development Regulations (parking, fences & hedges, home occupations) October 10. 1996 Assisted Living Concepts, PUD/Conditional Use Permit #LUP96-00040 (W eJch/Boles) October 17. 1996 Special Hearing on Phase I Development Regulations (parking, fences & hedges, home occupations) October 24. 1996 Special Meeting to formulate findings and conclusions and recommendations for a decision by City Council regarding parking, fences and hedges, home occupations October 31. 1996 Joint Planning Commission/City Council workshop meeting on phase II code revisions VII. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Thayer and seconded by Enarson. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned 8:40 PM. Sheila Avis Minute Taker 4 --.. --._-_._~-- · · · Guest List Meeting of: AAA/4/A/tl CO,A()/(/5510/t/ Purpose: Date: q//~/qþ Name (plea.e print) Address T esti. IV? YES NO - - ^- u..... 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