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Council Chambers, 7:00 PM
Business Meeting
October 10, 1996
1. ROL'¡' CALL
IT. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 26, 1996
A. Assisted Living Concepts, PUD/Conditional Use Permit #LUP96-00040
1. Staff Report, (Tim Woolett)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Welch/Boles)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Rosewind PUDA Scheduling
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
October 17, 1996
Special Hearing on Phase I Development Regulations (parking, fences & hedges, home
October 24, 1996
Planning Commission special meeting to consider the public testimony and formulate
findings and conclusions and recommendations fòr a decision by City Council
regarding parking, fences and hedges, and home occupation ordinances.
October 31, 1996
Planning Commission Workshop on Phase I Development Regulations (if needed)
__._c:i' ..-
Council Chambers, 7:00 PM
Business Meeting
October 10, 1996
IT. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 26, 1996
A. Assisted Living Concepts, PUD/Conditional Use Permit #LUP96-00040
1. Staff Report, (Tim Woolett)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Welch/Boles)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
October 17, 1996
Special Hearing on Phase I Development Regulations (parking, fences & hedges, home
October 24, 1996
Special Meeting to formulate findings and conclusions and recommendations for a
decision by City Council regarding parking, fences and hedges, home occupations
October 31, J 996
Joint City CounciVPlanning Commission Workshop on Phase IT Development
Business Meeting
October to, 1996
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.. by Chair Lois Sherwood. Other members in
attendance were Lisa Enarson, Linda Clifton, Mark Welch, Cindy Thayer and John Boles. Karen
Erickson was excused. Staff members present were Dave Robison, and Tim Woolett.
Motion to approve the minutes of September 26, 1996, as written and amended was made by
Enarson and seconded by Clifton. All were in favor.
Assisted Living Concepts, PUD/Conditional Use Permit #LUP96-00040
1. Staff Report (Tim Woolett)
W oolett introduced the Planned Unit Development (PUD) and associated Conditional
Use Permit (CUP) which is proposed to be located within an R-I Zone and subject to the 1981
City of Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan. He said the City is requesting enhanced
landscaping and buffering. He indicated the property slopes downward to the east, and that a
preliminary stormwater management plan has been reviewed by Public Works and found
acceptable. He noted a correction in Finding #14, line 3, to add the word tall, to read çç. . . thirty
(30) feet tall. . ."; and a proposed change top of Page 8 to read Ç'development is anticipated to be
carried out. . ." He said Staff recommends that the PUD/CUP be granted as conditioned.
Sherwood asked if there is any special handicapped parking requirement for this type
facility? W oolett said they will impose it if required.
Enarson noted a discrepancy in the 119% impervious surface. Woolett also noted it.
Thayer stated regarding Recommendation # 17, "become void if the applicant fails to
obtain building permit and/or occupancy. . ." that a building permit and occupancy are two
different things. Robison recommended deleting the reference to occupancy.
Welch asked if widening Discovery Road had been taken into consideration. Robison
said it will currently remain a 2-lane road.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 10, 1996
Page 2
Enarson stated Recommendation #6 would require one off-street parking space for each
3 units which would total 12 parking spaces. She noted the proposed development provides 18.
Robison said the site plan will take precedence which will provide a surplus of parking spaces.
There was discussion related to parking requirements of units vs. room in various
references. Robison said the parking code is antiquated, that references should be the same as
what the parking code uses.
Boles spoke of a 5% grade on the property and asked what elevations will be on that
property. Woolett indicated that is not yet clearly defined. Boles asked regarding calculations;
Woolett said they take into consideration access on Haines Street.
There was discussion regarding food preparation vs. delivery of food.
Applicant Representative:
Mr. Gerald Rehm introduced Architect Forrest Shannon with Kirkwood Architects. Mr.
Shannon gave the background of Assisted Living Concepts facilities and care provided, stating it
was started in 1994, by Dr. Karen Wilson. He said they have a number of facilities in the State
of Oregon, that their mission is to provide for moderate and low income elderly. He said to date
they have over 50 facilities across the country, and by the end of 1996 they expect to have tOO
facilities, targeting smaller to mid-sized communities. They provide assisted living with meals
and help with daily functions such as bathing, personal care, hair dressing, laundry, and cleaning.
Services are customized to individual residents, from those who are independent to those
needing more services. The average age is 86 years old and best described as frail elderly who
don't move very fast and don't get around very easily. He said they often stay within protection
areas; some may be early Alzheimer residents. This provides a safe place, not a prison.
The proposed building has 36 resident units, roughly 20% are I-bedroom units (no 2-
bedroom), the rest are studios. They include bath, sleeping and kitchenette (microwave only).
Residents typically do not prepare full meals; there is a common dining room and a common
living room downstairs. Statistics show only 1% own a car; and those who do own a car don't
drive far, very often.
The front portion faces Discovery Road; back wings are residences. There is room for
expansion. Construction is wood frame, composition roofing, vinyl siding, and vinyl single-
hung windows. Exterior paint choices are cream, light green, or light grey.
Welch asked regarding external accesses for residents. Mr. Shannon said they have only
emergency access.
Enarson asked for the east profile of the structure. Mr. Shannon said from Discovery it is
cut fairly steep to create a large flat building then slopes down to 6 to 7 feet above ground. A
portion of the 30' front ridge is higher, to screen from the street. The dining room and living
room have cathedral ceilings. Ceiling heights are 8' throughout that portion.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 10, 1996
Page 3
Boles asked regarding the height in back. Mr. Shannon said the building will be flat, 22'
slope, then a cut. Boles asked about the elevation in back. Mr. Shannon said approximately
22' to 23'.
Sherwood asked if there are delivery trucks for food preparation. Mr.. Shannon said their
facilities typically have one food delivery per week plus a couple others for service.
Boles asked for clarification regarding staff Mr. Shannon replied, typically there are 16
to 18 staff. He said the largest is day shift, that they anticipate 6 to 9 in the day time. Boles
asked if there are shift changes at night. Mr. Shannon said the shifts are staggered, but he is not
sure of the of the timing of the shifts.
Boles asked if the density is too high: have they considered anything else. Mr. Shannon
said no, they use one overall design for savings.
Clifton asked if they have a facility constructed nearby. Mr. Shannon said they have
several in Portland, and that there is one under construction in Bremerton.
Boles asked if they have concept designs.
2. Public Testimony
Ms. Jane Rebelowski, 24th Street. Requested during construction they limit access for
construction equipment and workers to Discovery Road only, and, if at all possible, do not use
Haines Street as an access. She said overall she is happy with the proposal.
Mr. Bud V anderV orst, 26th Street. He said the proposed sidewalk is up to the edge of his
property, and asked, "What will they expect of me?" He spoke regarding auto traffic into the
facility itself; every auto that comes in and turns, the headlights go into his house. He said they
have reverse living (in back) and requested a visual barrier for the lights, noting the effect of the
use of deciduous trees for a barrier when the leaves are gone. He said he would like to see it
guaranteed that everything that is planted is old enough to give barrier. He said he has no
problem with the use of property.
Ms. Linnea Patrick, 26th Street. This is optimum use of this area of anything she has heard. She
noted concerns for privacy and quite and asked regarding night shift employees using the gravel
road, especially between 11 :00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. She spoke of privacy barriers, that she had
expected to see a hedge or fence. She said she has really strong privacy issues, and reiterated
concern for nighttime noise, that she does not wish to see that happen.
Mr. Dana Roberts thanked the Planning Commission for the opportunity to supplement his
statements already filed. He said staff comments are reasonable. He spoke about lighting and
related screening, the berm along Discovery. He asked that they think about some creative
planting. He recommended to Staff they encourage use of native species, that do not take as
much water for exøtic plants, and use run-off to help water the landscaping. He spoke about
Planning Commission Minutes
October 10, 1996
Page 4
comments of his August 19th letter regarding impervious surface and suggested there are two
techniques that should be examined further: paving scheme and materials. He said they should
encourage a possible condition, the use of permeable paving techniques on any of the hard
surface ground level material. He suggested they consider the stormwater retention pond as a
landscape and wildlife asset rather than a water garbage can. Suggested a sitting room where
residents can watch the wildlife. He spoke about the reference to removal of existing small
shrubs, etc. and encouraging in the landscaping plan what might be retained. He suggested they
give careful thought to a planting inventory that might be retained. He suggested looking for
larger tree species, not a full height now to complement the building mass, and give
encouragement to think long term and select materials species that would get to some size. He
referred to the song bird population and creation of habitat that can be an encouragement and
improve quality oflife. He noted the building mass and coverage footprint and asked ifthere is
any consideration for residential staff to be housed on the upper floor. He said the target
population is commendable. He said he really appreciates the exterior illumination which would
not prohibit seeing the stars. He said that individual and group socialization and community
involvement, to whatever extent they can, provide an edible garden, and that flowers be
considered in developing the landscape plan.
Ms. Candice CosIer, 26th and Haines, spoke about the peaceful neighborhood and said of all,
this is a good option. She stated concern for access to Haines Street, for staff use, that it is close
to residential properties. She asked if it would be possible to move parking to the back of
building. She stated plantings need to be evergreen and of some size, that there could be
wonderful use of native plantings. She asked about stormwater retention, that normally it is a
fenced area. She said a courtyard could be good use of space with edible plantings. She asked
about where the sidewalk is adjoining, the high traffic and poor visibility. She noted their
basement is underwater four months out of the year, and that they might consider that problem.
Mr. Mitch Poling, around comer on Landes. He asked if this is the first time the applicants have
put their facilities in a residential area? He said they will be changing the neighborhood from R-
I; it will change the place. He said he is curious about safety and fire. How can people get out
that are too old? He asked the impact on the tax rolls, that it would bring in $3 million if they
were houses. Sherwood replied they do not allow that in their consideration. Mr. Poling said
the project will change the neighborhood.
Chair SherWood closed Public Testimony.
3. Committee Report (W elchIBoles )
Welch thanked everyone for their effort and the public for their input. He noted the
effect on the neighborhood, that it is a good opportunity to work with the neighborhood. He said
he would like a condition that neighbors be consulted without veto power especially in
Planning Commission Minutes
October 10, 1996
Page 5
cooperation with staff to develop landscaping. He spoke about the gravel access road, and said
he would like to see grasscrete, or less impervious surface, or at least be limited to emergency
access only -- reducing impervious surface wherever possible. Berming for landscape amenities
where possible is also appealing. He said otherwise the project is in compliance and within the
intent of the comprehensive plan and a real benefit to the community. It is good for both the
neighborhood and people living there, and provides a mix of uses.
Boles noted two concerns, the bulk and size of the building in the community and
movement of residents. He indicated the slope made an uphill climb for people to leave from
the entrance or terrace in back. He said he is not clear how to put a building that size on a flat
surface. He stated it could be barrier to old people and is not persuaded people would be
sedentary at an average age of 86 people. He said they have to look at this as a neighborhood
unit, and they have to have some place to go and some place to move around. He said he is
concerned with density and other ways to accomplish open space. He suggested having one end
of the building be opened or H shaped. He expressed another concern -- screening, and on the
south side, a 6', 10' to 12' greenbelt buffer in the service area of the road being knocked apart by
service trucks. He suggested consideration be given to putting a parking lot in back.
He said his final concern is a requirement for a sidewalk on Discovery. He said his first
strategy for walking would be go out to Haines Street. Clifton spoke of access to the bus and a
for a breath of air. Boles replied, then they have to consider the concerns of the neighborhood
regarding access to Haines when walking.
Thayer spoke about what people that age do for exercise. She noted this project is for
people who need assistance, but that the area will allow people to be more independent than a
nursing home, and said there is a lot of value to the project. She said as far as traffic, she
doesn't foresee a lot of traffic and doesn't think those issues are that great. She spoke about
buffering and landscaping and said she likes the idea ofberming, and evergreens for winter.
Thayer said the way she interpreted it, where there is walking it will be level. She said
there probably will be steps or some sort of slope going up to the walkway on Discovery.
Boles asked regarding parking and traffic flow for just employees, etc. and asked if there
is not adequate parking on-site where would they park? He noted there is no alternate parking in
the vicinity. Robinson explained if they needed additional parking, they could expand on-site.
Sherwood said she liked limiting construction access to entrance and exit off Discovery.
She encouraged careful placement of parking lot lights and native plants. She spoke
about community involvement and meeting neighborhood needs, especially for headlights. She
indicated the facility serves a definite need in community.
Welch said he would like to add a condition to limit the gravel road off Haines Street to
emergency access. Robison suggested a condition to limit the road to emergency access.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 10, 1996
Page 6
Welch spoke of Conditions #9 and # 10, the landscaping plan, having some verbiage wherever
possible beyond native and drought resistant species, if feasible and possible, incorporate
reduction in impervious surface and increase in habitat and wildlife.
Sherwood asked if they wished some kind of survivorship for landscaping. Robison said
they could discuss mature species, evergreen, and drought tolerant in consultation with the
neighborhood. He said they could be put in as performance stanqards under Condition #9.
Enarson said she would like to be more tolerant. Welch said it should be up to the
Planning Director. Robison suggested setting a meeting with the landscaper and neighbors to
review the draft landscape plan.
Enarson indicated she did not want to micro manage the project and the discussion was
to leave it to the Planning Director to determine the neighborhood and process. Enarson spoke
about the vagueness of comments regarding limiting impervious surfaces, and the expense of
grasscrete. Thayer noted this is a low income project. Welch suggested reducing impervious
surfaces and changing the roadway for emergency acCess. Robison said the Planning
Commission can direct Staff to contact the Fire Department to reduce the emergency access to
10' to 12' .
Robison asked for clarification about landscaping the detention pond. Enarson said the
detention pond needs to be landscaped for safety and for wildlife. Thayer said she would like to
make that a condition of approval. Enarson said there are many qualified people who could
assist with the process.
Enarson said she does not agree with all exiting off Discovery Road rather than Haines
Street during construction because of the cost. Thayer asked if access is limited from Discovery,
would it be a big problem during construction? The proponents said it would not be impossible.
Enarson said she would like to maintain some area for walking out to Haines and said
that not all plantings should be required to be native. She had concerns regarding
Recommendation #11 and recommended it be stricken. She said Conditions #3 and #4 address
those issues very specifically. Robison said the intent of Condition #3 is also covered under the
Uniform Building Code and could be stricken.
The Planning Commission all agreed to delete Recommendation #11.
Clifton asked if they needed a reference to this predating the new Comprehensive Plan?
She said it is also much in spirit of the new Comp Plan, for mixed use, low income, special
facilities for special needs, and more of the neighborhood character. She said she thinks it is
going to be really well done.
Enarson asked why Recommendation # 18K is needed, and what do the special conditions
mean? Robison replied under SEPA the review is broader and it becomes more specific as they
go through the permit process.
, .'.,.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 10, 1996
Page 7
Recommend approval of Assisted Living Concepts, Inc.
36-Unit Assisted-Living Care Facility Application No.
LUP96-00040 as amended and conditioned
Discussion: Robison said Staff will review Condition #9 with the members of the Review
Committee before passing it on to the City Council.
VOTE: Unanimous: 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Sherwood asked and discussion followed regarding barbed wire and electric fences, in
17.36.040, th~t they decided to scratch barbed wire and electric fences. Thayer asked if they are
going to get a new packet before the October 17 meeting. Robison said it is in tonight's packet
and they would have this change attached to it.
Enarson said they did not take the issue of grandfathering. It was noted there will be
opportunity to modify.
Boles asked regarding the meeting Monday 9:00 to 3:00 p.m. Robison suggested they
come for what they can.
The Joint Meeting with the City Council has been canceled.
B. Rosewind PUDA Scheduling
Robison said they are looking at moving one of the setbacks 10 feet closer to the trail that goes
through. He said it looks like a minor change, but he does not have authority to make these
changes. It was scheduled for October 24, 1996.
Robison spoke about the Pre-hearing Conference for the appeal of the Comprehensive
Plan, and that they feel very confident. He said they received a letter from the Department of
Community Trade and Economic Development where they talked about the hard work the
Planning Commission did over past year or two.
He said this conference will narrow the scope of what the Hearings Board is looking for.
He said Toews indexed 514 documents, documenting our public process so at least it cannot be
said the City had a limited public process.
.. .~
Planning Commission Minutes
October 1 0, 1996
Page 8
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
October 17. 1996
Special Hearing on Phase I Development Regulations (Parking, Fences and Hedges, Home
October 24. 1996
Planning Commission special meeting to consider the public testimony and formulate findings
and conclusions and recommendations for a decision by City Council regarding Parking, Fences
and Hedges, and Home Occupation ordinances.
Motion to adjourn the meeting wa.s made by Thayer and seconded by Enarson. All were in
favor. The meeting adjourned 9:30 p.m..
~ 0' ><f~~
. Lois Sherwood, Chair
Sheila Avis
Minute Taker
Guest List
Meeting of:
I Name ....... ."""
I Address
I T~=~iO~~ I
4 ~8- ~2- f'\
_'. "'r,*",,",