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City of Port Townsend
Planning and Building Department
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000
Regular Meeting
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 13, 1994
January 27, 1994
Robert and Edeltraut Sokol, Conditional Use Permit #9401-04
1. Staff Review (Bloomfield)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Enarson/Erickson)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
February 10, 1994
GMA Workshop
, City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000
Business Meeting
January 27, 1994
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chair Lois Sherwood. Other members in
attendance were Ernie Baird, Karen Erickson, Lisa Enarson, Mark Welch and Bob Rickard.
Cindy Thayer was absent. Staff members present were Darlene Bloomfield, Sheila Spears
and Pam Kolacy.
Pam Kolacy was introduced by Bloomfield. She is the new Administrative Assistant for the
Planning & Building Department and will be taking minutes once a month for the Planning
- Commission.
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 13, 1993
A IÍlQtion to approve the minutes as written was made by Rickard andsecondedJ>y Erickson.
All were in favor.
Planning Commission members pointed out that "The Jefferson County Planning Process"
which was included in packets was missing every other page after page 10. Staff will mail
the missing pages tomorrow.
A. Robert and Eleltraut Sokol, Conditional Use Permit #9401-04
1. Staff Review (Bloomfield)
Bloomfield reviewed the Revised Findings of Fact and Conclusions which were distributed at
the meeting. The applicant proposes to add an additional floor to an existing residence
(parakeet Bill's); legally establish the use of one story of the building as a bed and breakfast
inn unit; and legally bind the subject lot to a bordering site in order to establish the proposed
use as accessory to an existing bed and breakfast inn (Starrett House).
As directed by the City Attorney, Applicant Bob Sokol was advised not to sit in on the
hearing because of his position on the City Council. Sokol retired to the lobby.
Rickard asked for clarification of the parking code. Bloomfield explained that the parking
plan was for the combined site (thè existing Starrett House and Parakeet Bill's).
Planning Commission Minutes
January 27, 1994
Page Two
Enarson pointed out that the side setback requirement is 10 feet but the plans indicate a 9.5
foot setback. A balcony encroaches the setback. Bloomfield explained that the applicant
would need a variance to have a 9.5 foot setback. It was agreed that it could be an
administrative variance.
2. Public Testimony
Bill Blackman, a licensed general contractor and member of the Jefferson County Home
Builders Association, represented the Sokols and said that he hopes to gain the contract. He
described the project saying that it includes heavy cosmetic changes to the building. His
company intends to do the work with as little disruption to the landscaping and neighborhood
as possible. He requested that the Planning Commission recommend for approval and allow
the applicant to proceed with permitting for renovation and upgrade of the existing single-
family structure.
Blackman described how he would mark and direct guests to the parking spots. There will
be reorganization of the existing parking space, but no extra density is proposed. He said
the building presently looks like a garage and with the new roof and improvements it would
increase the ambiance of the neighborhood. The interior would be more generic to victorian
design. Blackman said the colors would come from the Historic Preservation color chart.
Chuck Henry, attorney for Mark Wilcox, spoke in opposition to the proposal. Wilcox lives
next to Parakeet Bill's and Henry stated that he (Wilcox) lives in the most heavily
concentrated Bed & Breakfast neighborhood in the City. Every time the tenants of those
other Bed & Breakfasts have parked in front of Wilcox's house and blocked his driveway the
operators have been very responsive to his request to remove the cars. After a while this
gets to be an irritant, especially since he is relying permanently on the good will of the other
operators to keep his driveway clear. Wilcox disputes that the proposal is an accessory use
and also that the parking plan is adequate or really meets the code. Henry said that if this is
approved the parking situation will be a lifetime hassle with the character of the
neighborhood. Wilcox wants to maintain good neighbor relations but feels that unless off-
street parking is required, his neighborhood is going to be diminished permanently.
Blackman said this parking design has some options, but one of the options would be to
eliminate a hedge and large tree which would be unacceptable. He described a design that
incorporated decorative gravel to indicate the parking spaces and said that he would not like
to use the option that removes green cover.
Baird asked about the innermost of the two proposed parking spaces and whether it is
intended that transient users of Parakeet Bill's use that space. Blackman said that it is a
delivery area but could be striped to also accommodate guest parking.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 27, 1994
Page Three
3. Committee Report (Enarson/Erickson)
Enarson agreed that the proposal will be more pleasing to the eye than the current building
and said that if parking is not consistent with the code the use will not be permitted. She
expressed distress that application was not made for a Conditional Use Permit when the
present use was established. These oversights can be corrected and this is an appropriate
use of the area if the parking concerns can be addressed.
Bloomfield explained the code as pertains to cooking units. Exhibit 10 shows cooking units
upstairs and downstairs in Parakeet Bill's. The upstairs cooking facility will have to be
removed if the Starrett House continues to have one.
Blackman said the second floor unit will have a sink and refrigerator (wet bar).
The Planning Commission discussed the parking situation and suggested a "Park Here" sign
or a physical barrier to prevent the neighbor's driveway from being blocked.
Blackman said it is the intention of the owner and contractor to comply with the parking
Baird said that a parking arrangement which traps one car in doesn't seem reasonable.
Bloomfield said the parking code allows one tandem space and there is the distance and
width to allow for that space. Blackman said that space could be dedicated to the Innkeeper.
Bloomfield said that development in the street right-of-way, such as an architectural rock at
the end of the street, could be reviewed by Council or Public Works. They could direct the
applicant to pursue those avenues.
Henry said that he preferred some kind of design approach (rather than a sign) to the parking
Bloomfield clarified the distribution of units. The residential space being vacated in the
Starrett House will not be used as a unit any more. It will become staff space. The
combined occupancy will be 10 units in the Starrett House and one unit and a residence for
the Innkeeper in Parakeet Bill's.
A motion was made by Erickson to recommend approval of Conditional Use Permit
Application #9401-04 as written, with corrections. Seconded by Welch
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Rickard suggested additional conditions saying it might be appropriate to add as a condition
that the number of guest units in the Starrett House will not be increased with the moving out
of the manager, and also that any additional units would require a Conditional Use Permit.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 27, 1994
Page Four
A condition that the applicant is to provide some means that would be acceptable to the City
and neighbors of preventing cars from blocking neighbors' driveways should be added.
Welch suggested that the applicant be directed to work with the neighbors and the Street
Committee rather than a condition being added for very specific requirements.
Enarson said time would have to be added to the contract to allow time for the Street
Committee to be involved. It may need to be extended by three months.
An amendment to the motion was made by Rickard to add conditions 9 and 10. Seconded by
Welch. All were in favor.
A. Scheduled a public hearing for a text amendment to the zoning code for the
G-2B project for February 24, 1994.
Sherwood will not be able to attend the meeting on 2/24/94.
Sheila Spears
Planning & Building Assistant
Guest List
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