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City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 \Vater St., Port Townsend, \VA 98368 206/385·3000
Business Meeting
May 26, 1994
A. Jefferson General Hospital
(Conditional Use Permit Application #9401-11
(Rezone Application #9401-09
Staff Report (Bloomfield)
Public Testimony
Committee Report (Enarson/Baird)
Commission Discussion and Conclusions
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
June 9. 1994
City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 \Vater St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385·3000
Business Meeting
May 26, 1994
The meeting was called to order at 7;04 p.m. by Chair Lois Sherwood. Other members in
attendance were Karen Erickson, Lisa Enarson, Mark Welch, Bob Rickard and Cindy Thayer.
Ernie Baird was excused. Staff members present were Darlene Bloomfield, Michael Hildt, and Pam
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 23, 1994.
The minutes from the meeting of April 23, 1994, we~e approved as corrected.
- Two additional letters were distributed that had not been received in time for the packets.
- -
A. _ Jefferson General Hospital (Conditional Use Permit Application #9401-11 and Rezone
Application #9401-09)
ThayeF noted before the staff report that she -lives in the neighborhood of the Hospital project and
had one ex partê communication with a neighbor some time ago, but stopped that communication as
soon as she realized its substance.
Rickard suggested that public testimony would be easier if the rezone and conditional use permit
applications were examined in tandem. He also noted that administrative SEP A lIas ~een approved
and asked what relationship that would have to the Commission's :recommendations. M:-Hì.1dt noted-
that the Planning Commission cannot edit the SEP A report, but if a decision is made that is at odds
with the SEP A determination, the City Council would need to make an adjustment or remand the
determination to the Director. He also noted that a threshold decision on SEPA does not
constitute an approval of the project.
1. Staff Report (Bloomfield)- Rezone Application
- Bloomfield reviewed the Staff Findings and Conclusions regarding - the rezone. The applicant has
proposed to rezone the entire area owned by the applicant currently zoned R-l and R-3 to a P-l
zone. The conclusion of staff is that the rezone would provide for an expansion of the existing
hospital which is in the public interest, and would be consistent with the adjacent property which is
already zoned as P-l. In answer to a question by Erickson, Bloomfield noted that clinics are
currently not allowed outright in a P-l zone, but office and professional office buildings are allowed
with a conditional use permit.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 26, 1994
Page 1
Staff Report (Bloomfield) - Conditional Use Application
Bloomfield distributed a memo regarding the proposed helipad showing three alternative placements.
She noted that the FAA had withdrawn their previous approval of the helipad location pending the
receipt of more details. This withdrawal affected the original staff findings and a copy of updated
findings was distributed. Staff recommends the permit be granted with two conditions: (1) that the
uses established on the subject rezoned P-l property shall be limited to medical related offices or
other hospital related buildings; (2) that all future expansions of the hospital shall be subject to a
conditional use permit and reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council.
Enarson questioned the discrepancy in off-street parking spaces. Bloomfield confirmed that
the City is recommending a condition of 154 off-street parking spaces rather than the 140 proposed
by the applicant. Rickard questioned the last sentence in findings of fact #34, and requested that
"power lines" be added.
2. Public Testimony
Tony DeLeo, Hospital Commissioner, Warren Tyler, Architect, and Vic Dirksen, Administrator,
spoke for the applicants, summarizing the project and noting the last minute communication received
from the FAA; Tyler also noted the hospital would like to include 15 parking spaces on improved
7th Street in the total parking credit. Dirksen noted the applicant's best .effort to meet all factors
and responsibilities was before the Commission.
Mrs. Joy Brydon deferred to Attorney Erwin Jones to address concerns about the proposed
placement of the helipad. Jones noted concerns including whether the proposed size of the pad will
be adequate for larger aircraft that the August 109; that during bad weather, a time most likely to
lead to accidents, the helicopter path would be through the corridor next to the Brydons' residence;
and whether the Hospital's recent designation as a trauma center will increase the number of flights
from the current projected number. Jones encouraged the Commission to consider placement of the
helipad on top of the hospital. He suggested that a subcommittee be formed to study this issue and
make a recommendation to the whole Commission.
Mr. Robert Brydon deferred to Paul Asmus who identified himself as a former owner and operator
of helicopters with more than 35,000 flight hours. He passed out several documents to the
Commission. His comments included an analysis of the adequacy of the safety zone for takeoff and
landing from the proposed site, noting that the top of the hospital is in the flight path. He
encouraged a rooftop location for the pad.
Mark Hansen, Safety Director of Airlift Northwest which serves the hospital, noted that he had been
contacted prior to speaking by both Mr. Tyler and Mr. Asmus. He considers the eastern approach
corridor a good path and noted that the northwest approach is steeper than anticipated; therefore the
eastern approach would probably be used more frequently than previously thought. He noted
concerns with the western side because of the smokestack and lighting plus overall approach and
climbing requirements. He also expressed concerns about overflying the parking lot. In answer to
a question from Erickson, he noted that until this time, all patients have been flown out from the
hospital rather than being brought to the hospital from other sites. He urged the Commission not to
Planning Commission Minutes
May 26, 1994
Page 2
make a decision without all the information on the table.
Welch asked Hansen if he would be better served by a rooftop helipad. Hansen replied that in a
perfect world he would always prefer being able to take off into the wind and this would be possible
from a rooftop. He also noted that there were other safety factors to consider from rooftop
helipads as well.
Thayer asked Hansen to compare the proposed site with the present helipad site. He noted that an
Eastern pad gives the helicopter more options, that his main concerns with the new site are the need
to overfly more cars, that the overfly fan is limited, and that more buildings need to be overflown;
however he also noted that they have looked at area thoroughly and believes NW Airlift can operate
safely from the proposed helipad.
At this point, Vic Dirksen, Hospital Administrator, requested that the Commission consider the
rezone and conditional use applications with the exception of the helipad. He indicated that in light
of the public testimony, hospital representatives would like to consider the helipad alternatives in
more depth; he also noted that a temporary helipad might have to be arranged.
Bob Gibson and Byron Swigart spoke against rezoning the present R-l and R-3 areas to P-l. Mr.
Swigart also believes the drainage plan should be discussed further; he is concerned that the pond
will not be drained dry as understood in the text of the Environmental Checklist Review but not in
the Mitigating Conclusions. He is also concerned about a 12" pipe carrying all drainage and
maintenance of the drains by the City.
Hildt clarified that the applicant retains responsibility for all requirements spelled out in the SEP A
process documents. It is intended that the applicant shall retain responsibility for all requirements
drawn from the research and comments that resulted in the mitigation and determination and also
that final design be approved by the Public Works Director. He also noted that the City Attorney
has addressed the issue of zoning and found that parking areas and drainage detention ponds are
accessory uses to' the hospital and must be in same zone as the expansion..
Pat Fuhrer, a licensed professional engineer retained by the hospital clarified that drainage would be
contained by ditch retention and biofiltration. He also noted that all engineering calculations show
that a 12" pipe will be adequate to handle the flows leaving the site.. All drainage plans are also
subject to City Public Works guidelines.
3. Committee Report (Enarson, Rickard)
Enarson presented the committee report as committee chair. Regarding the rezone application, the
committee recommended that all hospital properties be .rezoned to P-1 as requested. She noted that
public testimony has been in support and the public on the whole supports the expansion as
evidenced by voter support for the construction bond. She noted that if the rezoning is
accomplished the only future expansion of the area will be related to medical functions and that all
applicants requesting conditional use permits will be required to go through full public process. If
the areas were retained as residential, the property could be sold and taxpayers would have no
Planning Commission Minutes
May 26, 1994
Page 3
review over what would be built there, no control over draininge, lighting, etc. She noted that the
hospital has done much to mitigate the concerns of the neighborhood. Rickard added that by doing
a rezone to a restricted P-l, it is clearer which uses may be considered in the future; that many
uses, i.e., tourist homes, nursing homes, will not be allowed.
Motion by Erickson to recommend approval of rezone application to City Council with the following
changes: (I)Conclusion #5 changed to read "Because of the increase in population and the need to
update current hospital facilities to meet hospital development requirements, and because Jefferson
County voters have verified the need for increased services, a change of circumstances which
justifies the rezone exists." and (2) to strike Conclusion #2 which references the helipad. Seconded
by Enarson. All in favor.
Commission members requested staff opinion on the practicality of proceeding with conditional use
permit recommendation with the exception of the helipad. Hildt noted that it would be ideal to wrap
it all up at the same time; however, the applicant has important concerns about getting construction
underway in order to avoid extra costs to the hospital and taxpayers; there has already been a
substantial delay because of SEP A appeals; Hildt suggested that the Commission make the
recommendation excluding the helipad to keep application on track for City Council meeting on June
20. He noted that the Commission could ask the applicantal to come before the Commission again
either with an amended application or an entirely new application.
Enarson, as the committee chair, presented the committee report on the Conditional Use
Application and recommended that Commission approve the application. Enarson noted that the
language of Condition 2 may be sufficient to cover the helipad issue since the location of the
helipad site would depend upon FAA approval. Thayer suggested that the recommendation should
go forward with the exception of the helipad location which would be considered at the next
meeting. It was also noted that the construction and use of a temporary helipad may be necessary.
Rickard asked if there were any other aspects of the Conditional Use Application that the committee
wished to discuss before voting. Thayer noted that she would recommend approval of the 154
parking spaces recommended by staff. There was no further discussion.
Motion by Rickard that the Planning Commission recommend to City Council the approval of
Conditional Use Application 9401-11 with the exception of all conditions relating to the placement
and construction of the helipad. Welch seconded. Unanìmous approval.
The next meeting of the Commission will be on June 16 for consideration of the applicant's final
helipad proposal.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 on a motion by Welch, seconded by Enarson.
Administrative Assistant
Planning Commission Minutes
May 26, 1994
Page 4
Guest List
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Name (Please Print)
Do you wish to If yes, indicate
testify?(Mark box) topic
Yes No
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