HomeMy WebLinkAbout09291994 Min Ag . .- . ...,. City of Port Townsend Planning Commission 540 \Vater St., Port Townsend, \VA 98368 206/385-3000 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Business Meeting I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 8, 1994 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Mark and Betty Mysak, Variance Application #9409-03 1. Staff Report (Surber) 2. Public Testimony 3. Committee Report (RickardJEnarson) 4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions V. NEW BUSINESS VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings October 13. 1994 Admiral Marine Works, Height Variance (Thayer/Welch) VII. ADJOURN September 29, 1994 · · · -.I City of Port Townsend Planning and Building Department 540 Water St.. Port Townsend. WA 98368 206/385-3000 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA (Revised) Business Meeting I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 8, 1994 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Mark and Betty Mysak, Variance Application #9409-03 1. Staff Report (Surber) 2. Public Testimony 3. Committee Report (Rickard/Enarson) 4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions V. NEW aUSINESS VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings October 1~. 1994 September 29, 1994 Admiral Marine Works, Height Variance (POSTPONED, WILL BE RESCHEDULED AT A LATER DATE) (Thayer/Welch) VII. ADJOURN · · · ~., PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 29, 1994 I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Lois Sherwood. Other members in attendance were Lisa Enarson, Ernie Baird, Cindy Thayer and Mark Welch. Bob Rickard entered the meeting at 7:02 p.m. Karen Erickson was excused. Staff members present were Judy Surber and Sheila Spears. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of September 8, 1994, were approved as written. II: CURRENT COMMUNICATIONS: None IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Mark and Betty Mysak, Variance Application #9409-03 1. Staff Report (Surber) Surber made a brief presentation on the applicant's request for a variance to construct an entry stairway to the second-floor deck of an existing single-family home. The deck is within 9.5 feet of the front property line and the home is within 18-feet of the front property line. The applicant proposes to construct the stairway within 5.5 feet of the front property line. The residence is located at 2617 Holcomb Street in the R-I zoning district. The Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC) requires a 20-foot front setback. The house was constructed in 1980-1981 on Lots 1 and 2 with the front-yard facing 27th Street. The subject property has since been separately sold, leaving a non-conforming front setback facing Holcomb Street. A variance is required for the existing non-conforming deck, the existing non-conforming residence, and construction of the proposed stairway. 2. Public Testimony The Mysaks stated that the reason for the variance request is so that they can have a front entrance to the livingroom of their house. Betty said the back staircase is very narrow and large furniture cannot be moved upstairs on it. Also the inside stairway does not allow for moving large furniture upstairs. A refrigerator could not be taken upstairs to the kitchen in the event a replacement was needed. The Mysaks have agreed to remove the non-conforming (setback and height) fence, and said that it was built to line up with other fences on the street. - · · · Planning Commission Minutes September 29, 1994 Page Two 3. Committee Report (Rickard/Enarson) Welch asked the width of the street right-of-way, which is 60 feet. Rickard asked what can be done to prevent this situation in the future. Surber explained that a restrictive covenant would be drawn up which would tie the two lots together at the time a building permit is issued. The restrictive covenant would be recorded in the County Auditor's office which would prevent the lots from being sold separately in the future. The Mysaks' said they did not create the non~onforming set-back of the house. The person they bought ~heir house from had the house built and then sold the two lots separately. Enarson asked for clarification on the exhibits pertaining to the width of the driveway and which part of the deck is proposed to be demolished. The applicants said they eventually want to put a garage in the back and presently there is not enough room to drive to the back. They want to cut the existing deck down by 4 feet or else entirely remove it. A 4 foot stairwell would still allow for a driveway. Rickard said that he thinks the stairs in front would be fine. He said he feels bad that a fence that sits back so far from the traveled path needs to be removed; it is in scale with the neighborhood. Enarson said that the house immediately to the south visually looks like it lines up with the Mysak house and it has no stairs, deck or fence; and now what <:10 we do if the neighbor wants to build into the city right-of-way. She said she feels this is granting a special privilege to the Mysaks. Enarson said it is a real nightmare when the City right-of-way needs to be utilized for access, and water and sewer lines after landscaping and fences have been placed. She said there is a different way to do this without encroaching so far into the setback. She expressed concern with structures being 5 1/2 feet from the street right-of-way. She wants the deck configuration changed to within 10 feet of the right-of-way and said that the neighbors in the future may not approve. of such a small setback. Rickard said the stairs wouldn't be on the front of the house if this was done a different way. He said that the traveled street is so far from the stairs that it is not a concern in the neighborhood. Sherwood said that if in the unlikely event that the street was ever widened, then there would be ways to modify the stairs. She doesn't look at decks and stairs as having the same impact .~ . · · · Planning Commission Minutes September 29, 1994 Page Three as a structure. She wants the stairs approved because they go visually with the front of the house. Thayer said she is familiar with the house and there has never been an adequate way to get into it. 4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions . Motion was made by Rickard to recommend to City Council for approval of Variance Application #9409-03, with a modification to Condition No.1 to read: Prior to issuance of a building permit for the stairway, the existing fence which extends beyond the front property line shall conform with Chapter 17.36 PTMC. Seconded by Thayer. The motion passed with 5 in favor and 1 opposed. Surber said that the Council hearing on this variance application is scheduled for 1117/94. V. NEW BUSINESS: None VI: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings Since no hearings have been scheduled for 10/13/94, the meeting has been cancelled. Commission participation in the Comprehensive Plan workgroup meetings was discussed. Activity and progress was reported on Capital Facilities, Land Use, Transportation and Housing committees. VII. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn was made by Thayer and seconded by Thayer. All were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. xÆ;¿*~ Sheila Spears Planning & Building Assistant