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City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 \Vater St., Port Townsend, \VA 98368 206/385·3000
Business Meeting
November 10, 1994
n. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 27,1994
m. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail
A Admiral Marine Works, Inc., Variance Application #9401-13
J. Staff Report (Surber)
Public Testimony
Committee Report (ThayerlWelch)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
December 8. 1994 .
A. All City Autobody & Towing/Carl Selset, Variance Application #9410-07
B. Dallett\Mathieson, Summary Short Plat #9403-07
City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 \Vater St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385·3000
Business Meeting
November 10, 1994
n. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 27,1994
m. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail
A . Admiral Marine Works, Inc., Vari~ce Application #9401-13
1. Staff Report (Surber)
Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (ThayerlWelch)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
. A. . Janel Carlson, Summary Short Plat & Vanance
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
December 8. 1994
A. All City Autobody & Towing/Carl Selset, Variance Application #9410-07 .
B. Dallett\Mathieson, Summary Short Plat #9403-07
November 10, 1994
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Lois Sherwood. Other members in
attendance were Ernie Baird, Lisa Enarson, Karen Erickson, Cindy Thayer, Mark Welch and
Bob Rickard. Staff members present were Judy Surber and Sheila Spears.
The minutes of the meeting of October 27, 1994, were approved with corrections.
Letter from Mary & Merrill Conitz.
A. Admiral Marine Works, Inc., Variance Application #9401-13
Thayer explained that she lives above the present Admiral Marine Works buildings and looks
over them. She was approached by Mr. & Mrs. Conitz last spring to do a market evaluation
on their property. She said she feels she can be objective in this case and offered to excuse
herself if anybody objects. Nobody objected.
Welch stated that he is an executor of an estate in the area of the proposal and offered to
excuse himself if anybody objects. Nobody objected.
Enarson stated that she has had business dealings with the applicant but that there is no
assurance she will be contracted to do work in the future. She offered to excuse herself if
anybody objects. Nobody objected.
Baird stated that his business is a neighbor to Admiral Marine Works and they have a shared
interest in a project in which they will both participate financially. He offered to excuse
himself if anybody objects. Members of the audience asked Baird to remove himself from
the proceedings.
Baird left the meeting at 7:05 p.m.
Erickson stated that her towing company has launched some of Admiral's large boats but that
is no assurance she will be contracted to do work in the future. She offered to excuse herself
in anybody objects. Nobody objected.
1. Staff Report (Surber)
Surber described the applicant's proposal to construct a 140 foot x 65
foot x 50 foot high building extension to the existing fifty-foot-high Admiral Marine Works
Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 1994
Page Two
boat building and repair facility. The building will be the same height, color, and type of
construction as the existing building and will be used for boat construction and boat repair.
A zoning variance is required to exceed the 35 foot height limit of the M - I zone to enlarge
the existing building to permit Admiral Marine Works to construct larger vessels. Surber
read the conclusions in the draft report prepared by staff.
Sherwood read the Conitz letter which addresses visual effects and property values.
Staff confirmed that 26,250 sq. ft. includes all three of the existing buildings on the site.
2. Public Testimony
Nobody was in attendance to represent the applicant.
Don Miller, 835 Jackman Street - asked for confirmation of the current building heights and
asked if the addition would cross the existing dirt road. Rickard explained that the proposed
addition will be on property currently used by Port Townsend Lumber, towards Safeway; not
the water.
Keith Malone, 902 Jackman Street - asked what the high-pitched humming noise is that often
comes from the Admiral building after midnight, and if they will be working at night in the
building. Rickard explained that this is not a part of the application; the variance is for the
height of the building. Malone asked if access to the lumberyard would be affected.
Rickard said that it does not affect 10th Street.
Marcella Younce, 828 Jackman Street - asked what guarantee there is that Admiral Marine is
going to stay in Port Townsend after it puts up this big old ugly metal building which isn't
going to enhance the Gateway entrance into town. The Commission explained that its
responsibility is to recommend to Council on the height variance application.
Thayer asked if there is a time limit put on business operation in the M-I zoning area.
Erickson said there is not in the Port area. There is no City code that says you cannot work
24 hours in an industrial zone. The City does not have a code addressing noise levels.
It is more likely that the Port would have more of a means of dealing with noise levels and
Admiral should be contacted by citizens if they have a problem with the noise.
Thayer said that she chose to live above the Port because of the view and the Port activity
and recognized that there would be some noise.
Malone asked if there would be any structure, like a fan or air conditioner, above the 50 ft.
height of the building. Welch said the ventilation system would not be on top of the
Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 1994
Page Three
Malone said that he bought his property above the Port because of the view of the straits and
the marina. He asked if the Port has any plans to build other buildings in the area. Thayer
explained that if any building are proposed at over 35 ft., they would have to come before
the Planning commission with a variance request.
3. Committee Report
Thayer said that since the variance requested is only for the height of the existing building
and they propose to build out into an area that isn't readily seen from Sims Way, she sees no
objection to the proposal.
Welch also stated that he has no objection to the proposal, because of the direction in which
the building is being extended.
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Discussion reo the Conitz letter included: 1) location of the property is right down from the
memorial 9n Sims Way; 2) it may be zoned P-l, not residential; 3) appears from the map
that they would see a broadside of the proposed building; 4) wiU be a difficult lot to build
upon because of the steep slope and wires; 5) the view is more focused towards the south
and the east rather than towards Admiral Marine.
Surber said that Michael Hidlt conducted an. on-site inspection of the views and was in
agreement with those observations made by the Planning Commission.
Thayer suggested that staff write a letter to Mr. & Mrs. Conitz regarding the above
mentioned comments by Hildt and the Commission. The letter should also describe the
process for the variance application, and be mailed in advance of the legal notice so that they
have sufficient time to make comments for Council.
Rickard mentioned that when Admiral Marine came in with the variance request in 1990 for
the existing 50 ft. high building, the audience was overflowing in favor of the application.
He said that if the heavy haul-out project doesn't go forward, Admiral may not proceed with
this building.
Erickson stated that the Planning Commission has no additional conditions in addition to
those addressed in the SEP A MDNSand confrrmed that the Commission was in agreement
with this statement. She said that the Commission may add conditions if it has concerns
which weren't met under the SEPA MDNS.
Surber said that Findings of Fact #4 needs to be amended because of the letter received in
opposition to the proposal. The last sentence should be eliminated.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 1994
Page Four
Thayer made a motion to recommend to City Council for approval of Admiral Marine
Works, Inc., Variance Application #9401-13, with the following modification to the draft
staff report: The last sentence in Findings of Fact #4 is to be removed. Seconded by
Welch. All were in favor.
Rickard registered a complaint into the record that copies for Planning Commission packets
were made single-sided.
Sherwood stated that the Planning Commission recommendation for approval will be
forwarded to City Council for hearing. Notice will be mailed in advance of that hearing.
A. Janel Carlson, Summary Short Plat & Variance
Surber explained that Summary Short Plats are usually administrative but that since a
variance to the subdivision is involved it needs to be heard by the Planning Commission.
The hearing was set for 12/8/94.
Erickson announced that she cannot serve on the committee for the Selset variance but would
serve on the Carlson short plat/variance.
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
A. All City Autobody & Towing/Carl Selset, Variance Application #9410-07
B. Janel Carlson, Summary Short Plat #9408-05, and Variance #9409-07
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Rickard. Seconded by Erickson. All were in
favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Sheila Spears
Planning & Building Assistant
Guest List
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