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City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 \Vater St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000
Business Meeting
December 8, 1994
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 10, 1994
A. All City Autobody & Towing/Carl Selset, Variance Application #9410-07
. 1. Staff Report (Surber)
_ .2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Baird/Thayer)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions _
B. Janel Carlson, Summary Short Plat #9408-05/ Subdivision Variance #9409-07
1. Staff Report (Surber)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Erickson/Enarson)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
A. Port Townsend Business Park PUDA Agreement
1. Staff Report (Hildt)
2. Commission Discussion and Recommendation
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
December 29
January 12
DallettlMathieson, Summary Short Plat #9403-07
December 8, 1994
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chair Lois Sherwood. Other members in
attendance were Lisa Enarson, Karen Erickson, Mark Welch, and Ian Keith. Cindy Thayer
was excused. Staff members present were Judy Surber, Michael Hildt, and Pam Kolacy.
The minutes of the meeting of November 10 were approved.
At this time, Chair Sherwood welcomed Ian Keith, the new member of the Commission.
Memo from Judy Surber to Michael Hildt regarding Admiral Marine Variance
Application No. 9401-13 clarifying recommendation of a maximum 50-ft. height
including any appurtenances (air conditioners, etc.) located on roof.
A. All City Autobody & Towing/Carl Selset, Variance Application #9410-07
Erickson excused herself because of conflict of interest. Enarson noted she had her car
repaired recently by applicant and offered to excuse herself if anyone objected. There were
no objections.
Erickson left the meeting at 7:06.
Ernie Baird entered the meeting at 7:07.
, 1. Staff Report (Surber)
Surber described the applicant's proposal to constrUët an eight-føcJthigh fence to enclose a 30
foot by 65 foot vehicle storage area on the All City Auto Body lot located at Logan Street
and Sims Way. Section 17.20.010 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC) limits
fence height to a maximum of six feet; therefore, a variance is required to allow the eight~
foot fence. Surber read conclusions in two draft reports prepared by staff, one for ¡¡Pproval
and one for denial. '
Surber also referred to a memo she wrote to the Planning Commission explaining that the
Washington Administrative Code (WAC) requires an eight-foot fence for state impound lots,
provided however, that the fencing requirement may be waived by the department where, due
to the topography or zoning a fence would be impracticable and the storage area is secure
without a fence. At the time the memo was written, the applicant had not requested a waiver
as provided for in the WACs. Surber noted that after the memo was written, applicant did in
fact request a waiver and it was denied. The Planning Commission therefore has two options
(approval or denial) rather than the four listed in the memo.
Surber noted that staff recommended approval with conditions listed in the Findings and
Conclusions. The Commission also requested that she go over recommendation for denial so
they would have all the facts.
2. Public Testimony
Carl Selset, applicant spoke for the project. He noted that the pJ;"oposed fenced impound lot
would be located at the rear of the property, abutting Bishop Park. He stated that he is
required by the state to have a secured area for state patrol impound. He also said he doesn't
consider the proposed fence to be an eyesore to any neighbors.
3. Committee Report (Baird/Thayer)
Baird stated he does not see any reason to deny the variance since the fence is well away
from any view of neighbors, and is consistent with existing uses even though prohibited by
Enarson asked for clarification of location of Sixth Street and whether it would ever be
opened. Surber stated that the street is now part of Bishop Park and will not be developed.
Enarson noted that with the park on north and east, it would be possible to have vegetation
grow over the proposed fence which would lessen the visual impact.
Baird moved that Variance Application 9410-07 be recommended to Council for approval as
conditioned. Welch seconded. All were in favor.
B. Janel Carlson, Summary Short Plat #9408-05/Subdivision Variance #9409-07.
1. Staff Report (Surber)
Surber described applicant's proposal to resubdivide Lots 2 and 4, Block "Z" of the Kuhns
Ranch Addition pursuant to Chapter 18.38 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC).
The proposal is to reorient the two 50 x 100 foot lots, which currently front on Van Buren
Street, into proposed Lots A and B which would front on Lawrence Street. Surber explained
findings and conclusions and presented two drafts for the Commission, one for approval and
one for denial. She noted that Building A is an existing non-conforming building, and that
approval of the project relies on an existing parking lot in an R-1 zone.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 8, 1994
Page 3
Enarson asked for clarification of conclusion #1 and whether there are grandfather rights that
apply. Surber replied that existing non-conformance is grand fathered but that in any new
configuration, all elements must comply with the Code.
2. Public Testimony
Applicant Janel Carlson gave a brief history of the property, noting that at the time the
variance was received for the chiropractic building with top floor apartments, there was no
minimum distance between buildings required. In 1990 the City Attorney advised that a
variance would be needed if the property were to be sold, but there were no plans to sell at
the time. She contends that now circumstances unforeseen in 1977 and 1990 exist that make
the variance necessary.
Applicant believes that certain special circumstances exist now that would cause hardship if
the request were denied. For example,she has agreed to purchase the building and will not
have the right to retain that ownership if the variance is not granted. As a business owner,
she feels it is prudent to own the building your business is in and that the location has value
to the practice because it has been established there for so long. This would also be a factor
if the practice were sold. She noted the guarantee of off-street parking was also important
and that the decision of who will occupy the apartments upstairs should be made by the
owner. Lack of approval would result in loss of stability because lack of a variance provides
an unstable situation for business. She does not feel the changes requested would affect the
City to the extent they would affect the owners of the building.
Rick Sepler of Madrona Planning and Development Services, representative for the applicant,
spoke next. He said that he would like to request the Commission postpone the hearing on
this application so the variance can be amended to include a cover for the stairway. He
contends that this would eliminate the Fire Code requirement for a 10- foot setback between
buildings as it would in effect bind the buildings together.
Erickson noted that if a stairway linked buildings and they were considered one, then each
owner could own up the middle of the stairway.
Baird asked if the situation might court problems of maintenance' and relationship between
two owners.
Sepler said that many garages straddle property lines and each owner maintains up to a center
line. He said a restrictive covenant could be crafted regarding maintenance.
In answer to a question by Baird, the applicant noted the stairs are necessary because they are
the only access to the front apartment. She also said any access built on the north face of the
Planning Commission Minutes
December 8, 1994
Page 4
building would be costly. A stairway built from Lawrence would significantly affect the
setback of the building.
Erickson noted that a better vicinity map showing the parking lot and street would be helpful.
Keith noted that it was the applicant who originally built Builq.ing B which created the
conditions that are now causing ·problems. He said the lot lines were erased and the building
could have been done on Lot 4. He questioned the request for relief from City for a situation
created by the applicant's own actions.
3. Committee Report (Erickson/Enarson)
Erickson noted the need to make sure that if the variance is justified, there would be good
reasons that would apply for other applicants. There is some definite language that would be
needed to justify granting this variance. She noted that changing the lot line doesn't change
the use of the land but may be necessary at some time to sell one piece or the other, so it
does limit the use of the property which would not have been predicted several years ago.
Enarson recommended that a condition clearly be made that Lot 6 is tied to Parcel B and also
needs to fit current parking regulations.
Sepler then asked if it would be worth the time and energy to resubmit application with
changes, and asked for the Commission's guidance on whether or not they might be willing to
consider the amended variance favorably.
Baird said he would be willing to consider it, particularly if other examples could be found.
Surber suggested copies of the apartment floor plans be provided for consideration if the
matter were continued; this would make the question of access to the apartments more clear.
Enarson noted that she would like to be sure the applicant is considering all alternatives.
Erickson moved to continue the matter to January 12. Enarson seconded. All in favor.
Erickson excused herself due to conflict of interest.
. .
Planning Commission Minutes
December 8, 1994
Page 5
I. Staff Report (Hildt)
Hildt referred to a memo to the Commission from Jan Zimmer outlining a proposed
amendment to the Port Townsend Business Park P.U.D.A. In the current agreement, no
residential uses are allowed, although the Business Park Covenants, Conditions and
Restriction do allow one residential unit for security use. A mini-storage is presently under
construction and it is proposed that a residence be built in association with it.
Hildt noted that the Planning Commission has three possible decisions:
1) Whether they cQnsider the change a substantial one to the PUDA agreement. (If the change
is substantial, the Commission must set a date for hearing and public notice.)
2) If the change is not substantial, Commission must make a recommendation to City
Council for approval or denial.
4) If change is substantial, Commission must re-examine the SEPA determination to see if it
should be revisited.
Staff recommends that the change is not substantial and does not rise to the level of going
back to the SEP A threshold agreement.
Hildt noted that it would be counter to the policy represented to the City if large portions of
the Business Park should go to non job-producing space. Residential use is not within the
stated purpose of the park, and if there were general residential use, then it would conflict
with the purpose. This is a specialized residence only for security purposes and would be
restricted to persons who are owning and managing the mini-storage business, and the lot
would not be saleable by restrictive covenant.
Sherwood noted the language of the Business Park CC&R says the residence would provide
securìty for the whole project.
Hildt noted that regardless of the Commission's decision on the single residence, the Park
owners could not request any other residences.
Hildt noted that the PUDA is the superior document. If the Park is restricted to one
residence, it would be up to the owner to determine specific use of that residence. He also
noted that there has been no public notice regarding this matter and the present discussion is
not a public meeting, so no public testimony can. be taken.
Sherwood asked whether other potential tenants will give up their right to have security for
the whole park rather than just the mini-storage if this particular residential use is allowed.
. .
Planning Commission Minutes
December 8, 1994
Page 6 '
Hildt said if the Commission's concern is that there are owners or tenants who have read the
Business Park CC & Rs but not the PUDA, then their quarrel· would be with Mr. Wilburn,
not with the City.
Baird noted that it seems that one tenant will have a unique security arrangement, but it is
apparently an arrangement between the developer and other tenants. In light of this concern,
he suggested that the language state that security is allowed rather than provided.
Enarson moved that the first amendment to the. Port Townsend Business Park Property l!se
and Development Agreement be recommended to the City Council for approval as amended
to read:
"All uses which are consistent with the standards imposed by this Agreement and which are
permitted either conditionally or unconditionally in PTMC zoning districts C-II, C-III, or M-I
are permitted on the subject property. Residential uses are not allowed excepting that one
residential structure may be permitted within the Property for security purposes as allowed by
the As~iation of Owners of the Port Townsend Business Park. "
Keith seconded. All were in favor.
· Erickson returned to the meeting at this time.
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
Hildt noted that there is no business scheduled for the December 29 meeting so none will be
He announced that the Accessory Dwelling Units ordinance is about to clear SEPA and will
probably be ready in January. The Commission felt another general meeting was not needed
and can go directly to hearing.
Erickson moved to adjourn.. Baird seconded. All in favor.
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