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~ '/. . City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000
Business Meeting
A. Comprehensive Plan (Toews)
April 27, 19~
Review of Comprehensive Plan development and adoption schedule
B. Gary W. Kennedy and Jerry Haynes, Short Plat Application #9411-03
1. Staff Report (Surber)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Welch/Erickson)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
May 11. 1995
Parkview Associates, Zoning Code Text Amendment #9504-04
May 25. 1995
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· - City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000
Planning Commission Minutes
April 27, 1995
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Lois Sherwood. Other members in
attendance were Ernie Baird, Lisa Enarson, Karen Erickson, Cindy Thayer and Ian Keith.
Staff members present were Judy Surber, Dave Robison and Sheila Spears. Mark Welch was
Motion to approve minutes of 4/13/95 was made by Thayer and seconded by Erickson. The
minutes were approved as written.
A letter dated 4/18/95 from Stephanie Snyder and David Nechak reo the Kennedy Short Plat
was distributed to Planning Commission members.
A. Comprehensive Plan
1. Review of Comprehensive Plan development and adoption schedule
Robison handed out a detailed timeline for the Comprehensive Plan, saying that a strong
commitment is needéd for the summer by staff, Planning Commission and City Council. He
explained that staff has been working on the remaining issues during the past two months.
Some of the issues that still have not been fully addressed are: 1) open space; 2) coordinate
open space with the trails and non-motorized travel; and 3) stormwater control. There may
be an opportunity to combine open space, trails, wildlife corridors and stormwater control.
Robison reported that more work has been done on the mixed use areas in the Land Use
Element. The City has been coordinating with county planning staff over the last two months
working on alternatives for the Glen Cove area. Glen Cove could remain as it is or be
incorporated into the City, serving retail and industrial uses. Robison will present the Glen
Cove alternatives at the next Planning Commission meeting on 5/11/95 if there is time on the
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Planning Commission Minutes
April 27, 1995
Page Two
If Planning Commission members have suggestions or concerns with the schedule for
Comprehensive Plan meetings and hearings, they should contact Eric Toews. Erickson
announced that she would be gone for two of the scheduled meetings in August. Robison
said the schedule may need to be changed.
B. Gary W. Kennedy & Jerry Haynes, Short Plat Application 9410-09
Sherwood announced that she has a conflict and will have to leave the meeting at 8:00.
1. Staff Report (Surber)
Surber described the applicant's proposal to reconfigure two lots, one of which is landlocked,
to provide access and waterfront exposure to both lots. The property is zoned R-1 and is
located in North Beach on the northeast corner of vacated 57th and Sheridan Streets. The
property is generally described as Lots 7 and 8 along with adjoining portions of vacated
Sheridan Street and 57th Street in Block 52 of the Montana Addition to the City of
Port Townsend.
Surber made minor corrections to the draft report and presented an overhead view of the
proposed site plan. The 30 foot easement described in La of the Decision will be stricken
from the draft report at the request of the City Attorney.
2. Public Testimony
Erickson asked for clarification on the map so that she could figure out where she was when
she visited the site. She said that she had not been looking at the right property, but feels it
looks like all the other undeveloped lots in the same vicinity.
Applicant Gary Kennedy introduced Jerry Haynes as co-owner of the property. He explained
that they are not generating any greater density and are sensitive to the North Beach area
residents who are in the process of requesting a down-zone. He described that the neighbors
are in support of their proposal. He doesn't presently live in the area but did for 10 years in
the past.
Thayer asked for clarification of Exhibit 6 reo the access easement. Kennedy explained the
intent is that the Simpsons and he gave each other cross easements for the hammerhead turn-
around. He drew it on Thayer's copy of the exhibit. Thayer asked if there is any other
access to Block 53, even though it doesn't have an effect on this proposal. The response was
that the developers of Block 53 will have to provide their own access with any future
development proposals.
Planning Commission Minutes
April 27, 1995
Page Three
3. Committee Report (Erickson)
Erickson asked for clarification on the size of the lots and said that she sees no problems at
all with this proposal and that it is the thing to do with landlocked lots.
Thayer, referring to the Snyder letter about not bringing utilities up Sheridan Street, asked if
they are not brought that way how is that going. to affect other property owners? Kennedy
explained that rather than disturb the vegetation within undeveloped Sheridan he requested
that he be allowed to bring the utilities in on the 57th Street utilities 'corridor which had
already been disturbed.
Keith questioned where the manhole would be. Enarson pointed out that the manhole doesn't
have to be at the terminus of the sewer line. Surber displayed the map from the Simpson file
which clarifies the utility lines.
Surber explained that a correction needs to be made extending the 15 ft. utility easement
outlined in 1. b of the Decision.
Thayer asked for assurance that the legal description be more clearly written. Kennedy has
asked a title company to clarify the legal description.
Motion was made by Erickson to recommend to City Council for approval of Short Plat
Application #9410-09 with corrections to the staff report as noted by the Planning
Commission. Seconded by Thayer. All were in favor.
Sherwood excused herself from the meeting at this time (8:05 PM).
A. Schedule public hearing for Campbell Construction
Lynnesfield PUD #9404-10
Surber described the proposal to develop just over 100 dwelling units, including multi-family
and single family units. She described the site for the proposal and said that about 20 letters
have been received and there is a lot of public awareness of the SEP A that has been done on
the project. She listed the options for scheduling the PUD for hearing. The earliest time the
hearing could be scheduled is 5/25/95.
Planning Commission decided that only one public hearing be set and it could be continued to
a special meeting the fOllowing week if needed (two weeks is too long). They requested
blue-print sized maps of the project for each Commission member. Also in their packets they
Planning Commission Minutes
April 27, 1995
Page Four
requested all the letters that have been received, the SEP A checklist and the mitigations.
They would like this before the regular packet so they have more time to study it.
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
May 11. 1995
Virginia Hollender, Variance #9503-16 (Thayer/Erickson)
Parkview Associates, Zoning Code Text Amendment #9504-04
May 25. 1995
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Enarson and seconded by Thayer. The meeting
was adjourned at 8: 15 PM.
Sheila Spears
Community Development Assistant