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City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000
Business Meeting
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 10, 1995
m. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail
A. S1. Herman of Alaska Eastern Orthodox Church
Variance Application #9507-05
Staff Report (Judy Surber)
Public Testimony
Committee Report (WelchIThayer)
Commission Discussion and Conclusions
B. Text Amendment to PTMC 17.50, SIGNS (#9506-Q4)
1. Staff Report (pam Kolacy)
2. Public Testimony
3. . Commission Discussion and Conclusions
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
August 31, 1995
S~tember 14. 1995
Parkview Preliminary Plat (#9009-03), Request for one-year extension
S~tember 28. 1995
Hamilton Heights PUD #9409-05, Ken McBride, Proponent
- . City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000
Business Meeting
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 10, 1995
m. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail
A. S1. Herman of Alaska Eastern Orthodox Church
Variance Application #9507-05
Staff Report (Judy Surber)
Public Testimony
Committee Report (We1chlThayer)
Commission Discussion and Conclusions
B. Text Amendment to PTMC 17 .50, SIGNS (#9506-04)
1. Staff Report (Dave Robison)
2. Public Testimony
3. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
C. Parkview Preliminary Plat (#9009-03)
Request for one-year extension
1. Staff Report (Dave Robison)
2. Public Testimony
3. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
S~ptel11~er 14. 1995
S~tember 28. 1995
August 31, 1995
. . City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000
August 31, 1995
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chair Lois Sherwood. Other members in
attendance were Mark Welch, Ian Keith, Cindy Thayer, Lisa Enarson, and Karen Erickson.
Staff members present were Judy Surber and Pam Kolacy.
The minutes of the August 10, 1995 meeting were unanimously approved as written.
There were no communications.
A. St. Herman of Alaska Eastern Orthodox Church
Variance Application #9507-05
1. Staff Report (Judy Surber)
Surber described applicant's proposal to construct a church with an onion dome and cross
mounted on top of its bell tower resulting in an overall height of 44 feet in an R-l zone. The
Port Townsend Municipal Code restricts height to 30 feet in the R -1 zoning district; therefore
a variance is required for the proposed tower.
She noted that the church roof excluding the dome and cross would not exceed the height
limit and that several churches in the City have bell towers or steeples which exceed 30 feet
in height. A tower of up to 50 feet in height would be allowed by the Uniform Building
Planning Commission
August 31, 1995
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Surber stated that Finding of Fact #6 in the Staff Report should be modified. The tower is
actually on the west side of the building, not internal to the site, and is set back 7 feet from
the property line.
She noted also that the church is quite small in area, and the scale and design would be
compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Surber stated that one letter in support of
the project had been received.
Staff recommends approval of the variance and that the one condition in the Draft Findings
and Conclusions be deleted.
2. Public Testimony
Father Nicho~as Kime, the project proponent, was present to speak in favor of the project.
He brought building plans and an additional elevation for the Commissioners to see.
Commissioner Erickson entered the meeting at 7:09.
Father Kime noted he understands why height restrictions exist, but said he has talked with
several people in the area and has found no one who does not support the building project.
He stated that everyone to whom he has spoken feels it will be a pleasant visual addition to
the neighborhood.
Enarson asked if there is any intention to use the church for other functions. Father Kime
stated there was not. The church is designed with an interior loft which is just big enough
for a combination office, baby crying room, and storage. There will be no basement, parish
hall, or living quarters.
Enarson asked how often the bell would be rung.
Kime replied it would be rung at least every Sunday before services, and probably Saturday
night, and occasionally during the week before special services. He noted the bells are not
amplified. Surber reminded the Commissioners that the ringing of the bell was not regulated
by any ordinance and was not a part of the variance application. There were no further
questions, and no other public testimony.
3. Committee Report (Welch, Thayer)
Welch stated his opinion that the church would be less aesthetically pleasing without the
tower. Thayer agreed and also recommended that the Condition be deleted. She moved to
recommend for approval to City Council without the condition and with changes as suggested
by staff to Finding No.6 and the addition in Finding No.8 that one letter was received.
Welch seconded. There was no Commission discussion. The motion passed with five in
favor, one abstention.
Planning Commission
August 31, 1995
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Text Amendment to PTMC 17.50, SIGNS (#9506-04)
1. Staff Report (Pam Kolacy)
Keith noted that he had a potential conflict of interest because he is a candidate for office and
part of the proposed amendment relates political signage. He offered to remove himself from
the proceedings, but there was no objection to him remaining.
Kolacy described the changes proposed to the Sign Code. The amendment to PTMC
17.50.070(F) was accompanied by a memo from City Attorney Tim McMahan, explaining his
recommendation that the City ordinance be changed to conform to a recent Washington
Supreme Court ruling which struck down restraints on duration of political sign display. The
present condition in the PTMC requiring that political signs be displayed "no earlier than 30
days prior to the election" would be eliminated.
The other proposed amendment to the sign code would allow more square footage for
multiple-business directory signs. This would allow each individual business on a directory
sign enough room to display its name in a manner that can easily be read by passing
motorists. Additional square footage is also proposed to allow and encourage the name of
the business complex to be displayed without using any of the area allotted to individual
business names..
Staff recommends approval of both proposed sign code amendments, noting that the Code
would continue to carry out its designated purpose, while allowing more flexibility for
business owners and encouraging the erection of directory signs for multiple-business
2. Public Testimony
There was no public testimony.
3. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Commissioners questioned the difference between single business and multi-business
monument signs and asked for clarification of the distance signs need to be set back from
property lines. Kolacy noted that Commissioners did not receive a copy of the entire section
regarding freestanding signs. 17.50.060 (E)(1) deals with single-business monument signs
and an exception under 17.50.06O(E)(4) was not included. The exception notes that alternate
placement approved by the Director may be allowed as part of a streetscape improvement
project under the Gateway Plan. Kolacy said these parts of the Code would be added for City
Council's information.
Planning Commission
August 31, 1995
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Some discussion of enforcement ensued. Enarson noted she would like Council to consider
Planning Commission's recommendation that sign code enforcement be pursued more
vigorously in the future.
Thayer moved to recommend to City Council that the Text Amendment to PTMC 17.50 be
approved. Welch seconded. All were in favor.
There was no new business.
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
September 14. 1995
Parkview Preliminary Plat (#9009-03). Request for one-year extension.
There is not likely to be a quorum for this meeting. Surber contacted Dave Robison by
phone to ask whether delaying this item would affect any deadline applicable to the extension
application. Robison said it would not. The item will be rescheduled.
September 28. 1995
Parkview Preliminary Plat (#9009-03), Request for one-year extension
Hamilton Heights PUD #9409-05, Ken McBride, Proponent (Enarson/Welch)
The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 PM.
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Pamela Kolacy .
Administrative Assistant
Planning Commission
August 31, 1995
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Guest List
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