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October 12, 1995
Business Meeting
7:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 7: 15 p.m. by Chair Lois Sherwood. Other members in
attendance were Lisa Enarson, Cindy Thayer, and Ian Keith. Karen Erickson and Mark
Welch were excused. Staff members present were Judy Surber and Pam Kolacy.
Motion to approve the minutes of the September 18, 1995 meeting was made by Thayer and
seconded by Keith. The motion carried unanimously.
A letter from Nancy Ward in opposition to Conditional Use Permit Application #9508-04 and
Variance Application #9508-05 (DeBoehr/Masci) was distributed to Commissioners by Judy
Surber (Exhibit 8).
A. Cher DeBoehr & Geoffrey Masci, Conditional Use Permit Application #9508-
04; Variance (Parking) Application #9508-05
Enarson noted she had once been of patient of Dr. Masci's but that this would not affect her
ability to judge the application fairly. She offered to excuse herself from the proceedings.
Keith stated he has also been of patient of Dr. Masci. Thayer stated that she has a client
relationship with applicant's representative Rick Sepler in an entirely different manner. No
objections were forthcoming and all three Commissioners remained seated for the hearing.
1. Staff Report (Judy Surber)
Surber summarized the applicants I proposal to expand an existing home medical office within
the R-II zone by an additional 1,000 square feet. The expansion would result in a total of
2,340 square feet of medical office space (46% of the total use). The square footage and
number of outside employees exceed the criteria for a home occupation and therefore a
Conditional Use Permit would be required under Section 17.16~01O PTMC. In addition,
applicants request a variance to provide less than the required number of off-street parking
spaces (Chapter 17.30.100 PTMC). Currently, two of thirteen required off-street parking
spaces exist. Because office space within the R - II Zone is required to be within the
"principal building" or residence, applicants propose a breezeway to connect the new building
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to the existing house. Surber noted that Exhibit 2 should be amended to show two parking
spaces rather than four because the spaces indicated are not long enough to provide tandem
An additional parking study done by City staff to supplement the parking study conducted by
Madrona Development (Exhibit 3) was distributed and Surber noted the results were very
similar, but the City study included a wider area, looking down the block toward the bed and
breakfast inns on Adams Street (Exhibit 6).
Surber distributed photographs submitted by Madrona Planning & Development Services as
examples of home occupied businesses (Exhibit 5).
Surber stated that two draft Findings and Conclusions have been included in the Commission
packets. One is staff's recommendation for denial, based on the strict interpretation of the
applicable Codes. Draft B has also been provided as a starting point for conditions if the
Commission considers approving the application. She then showed the site plan and went
through the Conclusions in Drafts A and B and the suggested Conditions of Approval in
Draft B.
Keith asked whether the existing outbuilding garage/storage would be demolished. Surber
stated the building will remain, but will be used as storage rather than as a garage.
2. Public Testimony
Geoffrey Masci, D.C., applicant, spoke in favor of the project. Dr. Masci stated he has
lived on the property and worked at that site for over 20 years. He stated that his portion of
the business is at the maximum level he can accommodate. He explained that the project
transpired after his marriage to Ms. DeBoehr; their practices are similar and they would like
to combine their (chiropractic and physical therapy) offices on the site of their residence.
He stated he has spoken to surrounding neighbors and he believes those most affected would
be the Millers and the Lundes, contiguous property owners; letters in support of the project
from these neighbors were distributed to the Commissioners as Exhibit 8.
He also noted the practice would be open four days a week rather than five, with Thursday a
day off for both practitioners. He noted that the other conditional uses in the neighborhood
are mostly bed and breakfast inns.
Masci stated that many of his patients live in Marine Plaza or in the Uptown district and walk
to their appointments. He believes the clinic is an integral part of the uptown community and
makes health care more affordable and easier to maintain.
He noted that the only part of the new proposed building visible from the street would be the
gable end. The new building will be designed to be similar in appearance to the existing
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buildings. Applicants have been before the Historic Preservation Commission for a pre-
application and received no adverse comments regarding the design concept.
Masci stated a willingness to make accommodations on the parking issue but hopes to
preserve the greenbelt.
Cher DeBoehr also spoke in favor of the project, emphasizing the "homey" nature of the
practice and the fact that many patients are picked up and delivered.
Dr. Masci stated that the breezeway connecting the buildings is a shared waiting room and
will result in the need for fewer staff members. He said the front entrance to the practice
will remain on Lawrence Street, where a wheelchair ramp is located.
Rick Sepler, Madrona Planning, applicants' representative, stated that the neighborhood of the
proposed project is a transitional one and that the applicants are proposing a use that is
relatively quiet and will be operating only during daytime hours.
Sepler also stated that the site plan and parking plan could be altered in accordance with the
recommendation of the Commission.
He noted that under the Parking code a garage may be counted as an off-street parking space
even if it is used for storage rather than parking. He also noted that some shrubbery, trees,
and fences could be removed to provide alternative parking. He said that Lawrence Street is
a major arterial and that in his experience there is usually parking available there.
Sepler suggested a modification to Condition 5 in Draft B so that the first sentence include
" . . . . . . .agreeing to join in, and not to oppose or protest, a petition or resolution to
establish a parking and business improvement area serving the uptown area pursuant to
Chapter 35.87 A RCW . . . . . . . . . "
Whitney Miller, a neighbor, spoke in favor of the application. She stated that her few
concerns had already been addressed directly to the applicants. These concerns include the
number and type of windows that would face her property and whether the business would be
active evenings or weekends.
There was no other public testimony.
3. Committee Report (Keith/Thayer)
Keith asked for verification of some facts by the applicants. He asked about the additional
patiept load (15-20 clients per day in addition to the present 20-25) and whether the expanded
facility would accommodate any more clinical care providers. Masci verified the change in
patient load and stated there would be no more clinical practitioners. Keith noted that if the
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additional four treatment rooms were created and sufficient parking provided, the property
could be used by another party as a medical clinic with multiple practitioners, thus creating a
greater impact on the neighborhood. De Boehr noted she would like to add at least four
treatment rooms and a bigger gym. 'Keith questioned whether the conditional use permit
would attach to the property or would be limited only to present applicants.
Surber stated that a CUP could be issued and conditioned to the present applicants only.
Keith again noted his concerns about setting limits on future increases either in number of
treatment rooms or clinical practitioners employed at the site.
Thayer and Keith both noted that the uptown commercial area is traditionally nonconforming
in use. Thayer said that in her neighborhood, the situation would be very uncomfortable, but
she feels this particular neighborhood is different. She stated she is not opposed to the
proposed project, but she would not like to see a conditional use permit granted that would
travel with the property.
Surber noted that the Commission may set a dangerous precedent for allowing medical office
use in a residential area, particularly one which has such a significant lack of parking
compliance. She suggested that a rezone may be a better solution if approval is
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Enarson stated that the presentation of photos of other known home business uses must be
considered in light of the fact that there isn't any information about which of these uses have
been permitted by the City.
Surber noted that most uses pictured are home occupations, and therefore limited to home
occupation requirements which are considerably more stringent than conditional use permits
in regard to allowed square footage, number of outside employees, etc.
Sherwood stated that although land use changes are currently being discussed and new zoning
will be implemented in the future, the Commissioners must deal with the City Code as it
currently exists when recommending approval or denial of current applications. She also
noted that the need for a variance is created by the applicant's wish to expand the office in a
residential zone.
Keith stated that although he believes the granting of the variance to accommodate the
practice as it is proposed would be reasonable, he also agreed that the Commission has to
work with the existing Code.
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Enarson noted there is a sign at the property stating certain spaces are for "patient parking
only" but those spaces exist in the public right of way. She asked if property owners have
the legal right to reserve parking in the public right of way.
Surber stated that they do not. Enarson noted that, in effect, applicants are using the public
right of way for private parking already. She went on to note that the current hearing does
not revolve around whether the Commission approves of the applicant and the applicant's
business at all; rather the decision must be based on considerations of what the impact on the
neighborhood area will be.
She pointed out that even counting the current garage space, which is actually used for
storage rather than parking, the applicants are significantly short of the legal requirement for
on-site parking spaces and that other businesses on the commercial portion of Lawrence Street
have had to comply with parking requirements. Thayer stated that some of those businesses
had different circumstances.
Enarson suggested that the approval would set a precedent for the area. She noted there are
good reasons why home occupations are limited in size and that many battles have been
fought before the Commission about much smaller issues involving home occupations. She
noted that of the neighbors who had gone on record, one of the three was opposed to the
increased use. She said that such a use would be opposed in her neighborhood as well, but
did agree there are some differing circumstances in this particular location which is at the
edge of a commercial area.
Keith stated he would like to see the application return after the revision of the zoning code.
Sepler suggested the Commission consider the Conditional Use application and parking
variance separately, implying that the Commission could approve the conditional use and let
applicants work out parking as a separate issue.
Surber stated that the Commission has the alternative to deny the application without
prejudice, in which case the applicant could return with a revised application at any time.
Enarson asked if a compromise position should be discussed at this time.
Sherwood questioned whether some type of joint use agreement with neighboring property
owners might be worked out, as suggested by applicants earlier. Thayer noted everyone in
the uptown area will be impacted and it is hard to determine where such an agreement would
come from.
Thayer stated that there are rarely any cars in the parking lot at the Carlson chiropractic
clinic. Surber stated that the applicant was required to have signage directing people to the
parking lot since it doesn't look like a commercial lot, but that hasn't been done yet.
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Enarson noted that it is often impossible to find a parking place on Lawrence Street in that
block and that is probably because the lot is not being used.
Keith stated he wouldn't like to approve the conditional use, then have the applicant come
back and say the only way to fulfill the parking requirement is to cut down trees.
Thayer suggested requiring fewer off street parking spaces.
Sepler then requested a continuation of the meeting, while applicants work on a parking plan
which would accommodate as many reasonably placed parking spaces as possible.
Thayer suggested that Planning Commission recommend a certain number of parking spaces
as a condition of approval and forward the application to City Council. Surber noted staff
would prefer that the application come back to the Planning Commission as there are several
other issues that will need to be dealt with on a completely revised application.
Sherwood asked if Commissioners had any recommendations. Enarson noted she would like
to leave the plan to the applicant rather than making specific suggestions; she would
recommend the Commission should not try to "micro-manage" an application.
Keith moved to continue the hearing on Conditional Use Permit Application #9508-04 and
Variance (Parking) Application #9508-05 to the October 26 meeting. Thayer seconded.
There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously.
Surber distributed a notice regarding an A WC educational workshop on consolidating the
permit process for information. Any Commissioner who would like to attend should let her
or Dave Robison know.
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
October 26. 1995
Continued Hearing: Cher DeBoehr & Geoffrey Masci, Conditional Use Permit Application
#9508-04, Variance (Parking) Application #9508-05 (Keith/Thayer)
November 9~ 1995
City Council has a budget hearing scheduled in chambers on this date
Enarson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Thayer. The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.
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Pam Kolacy, Administrative Afs'sistant
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