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City of Port TowaseJid
Pl9nning Commlqion .
S40 Water Street, PoR Towasead. W A. 98368
3601385·3000 FAX 3601385-4290
Business Meeting
ll. AFPROV AL OF MINUTES: October 12, 1995
m. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail
A. Paul Becker & Lisa Crosby, Variance Application #9510-03
1. Staff Report (Surber)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (KeithlErickson)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Calvary Chapel, Variance #9510-02
1. Staff Report (Surber)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Welch/Keith)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
November 30, 1995 .
C. City of Port Townsend (pink House), Rezone Application #9510-04
1. . Staff Report (Surber)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Thayer/Erickson)
4. Commission Discussion and ConcluSions
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
December 14. 1995
Vantage Construction Services, Variance Application #9510-07
December 28. 1995
, .
City of Port Townsend
Planning ·CommiqiOD
S40 Water Street, Port ToWDSeDd. WA. 98368
360/385-3000 FAX 3601385-4290
November 30, 1995
Business Meeting
7:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Lois Sherwood. Other members in
attendance were Lisa Enarson, Karen Erickson, Cindy Thayer, Ian Keith and Mark Welch.
Staff members present were Judy Surber and Sheila Spears.
Motion to approve minutes, as corrected, of the October 12, 1995 meeting was made by
Thayer and seconded by Keith. The motion carried unanimously.
A. Paul Becker & Lisa Crosby, Variance Application #9510-03
1. Staff Report (Surber)
Surber outlined the applicant's proposal to convert an existing deck into a covered porch ona
non-conforming single-family residence in the R-I zoning district. The proposed porch
would be within approximately six feet of the front property line. A minimum 2Q-foot front
setback is required.
2. Public Testimony
The applicant, Paul Becker, said that Surber had given a clear description of the proposal.
He offered to answer questions.
Nobody spoke in opposition to the variance request.
3. Committee Report (Keith/Erickson)
The proposal blends in with the setback of the neighborhood and aesthetically there is no
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Planning Commission Minutes
November 30, 1995
Page Two
. 4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
A question was raised about the percentage of lot coverage. Surber explained that the
maximum lot coverage of 35% will not be exceeded. The lot is 6,000 sq. ft. Becker
stated that the house is under 2,000 sq. ft.
Motion to recommend to City Council for approval of Variance Application #9510-03 was
made by Erickson and seconded by Keith. All were in favor.
B. Calvary Chapel, Variance #9510-02
Thayer excused herself from the proceedings because of a conflict.
Sherwood stated that she lives just outside the 200 ft. zone surrounding the proposal site but
that it would not influence her decision. No objection to her remaining on the hearings
board was voiced.
1. Staff Report (Surber)
· Surber outlined the applicant's proposal to enlarge an existing church and parking lot to
accommodate a growing congregation. Expansion of the church would result in a ten-foot
rear-yard setback where a minimum 20 foot setback is required. She presented two drafts,
one recommending denial and one recommending approval. The findings in the two. drafts
are similar but the conclusion relating to special conditions and circumstances is different.
2. Public Testimony
Tom Morrison, Chair of the Building Committee for the Chapel, explained that the church is
expanding and has gone to two services and could probably go to three, but would like to
keep it at two. They are trying to make the best use of the property they have and this is the
best proposal they have come up with so far. He said· that he had talked with the owner of
the house on the adjoining property and told her that the church would construct a 6 ft.
(probably cedar) fence when the church expanded so as to create more of a barrier between
the church and her yard.
Kathy Austin, the owner of the neighboring house, asked for reassurance that the fence will
be built. She requested a fence where the playground area will be also.
Nobody spoke in opposition to the proposal.
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Planning Commission Minutes
November 30, 1995
Page Three
3. Committee Report (Welch/Keith)
Welch expressed concerns about the impact to the neighboring residence, fire separation, and
the 4-year lease on the parking. What happens if the owners of the property leased for
parking decide to build?
Surber responded that churches are not a conditional use in this zone so in this case, the only
consideration is the setback variance.
Keith stated that nothing here justifies granting the variance. He said he understands the
proponent's position but that there appears to be no special circumstance. Unless
justification could be found, he said that he would have to recommend for denial of the
variance request.
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Enarson said that she agrees with the Committee and pointed out that the reason the previous
variance (Becker/Crosby) was approved was because the existing building was already non-
conforming. In this case there is no option. It should be denied and sent back to the
drawing board.
Sherwood said that the proposal doesn't significantly alter the character of the neighborhood
and feels that it is an appropriate, justifiable type of variance.
Surber outlined the setback requirements in response to Commission questions.
Motion to recommend to City Council for denial of Variance Application #9510-02 was
made by Keith and seconded by Enarson. Four were in favor of the denial and one was
C. City of Port Townsend (pink House), Rezone Application #9510-04
Thayer returned to the proceedings.
1. Staff Report (Surber)
Sherwood pointed out that there was no Exhibit "B" to the lease agreement, and that they
could not continue without it. The hearing was postponed for 15 minutes so that the
applicant's representative, Bob Little, could run up to the office to get the agreement.
The hearing reconvened at 8:17 PM and Surber outlined the proposal by the City's Public
Works Department to rezone the Charles Pink House site from R-m to P-I. The proposed
Planning Commission Minutes
November 30, 1995
Page Four
rezone is intended to encourage the restoration, rehabilitation and the reuse of the structure.
Proposed work includes remodeling and renovation of the historic structure for commercial
office uses. The City has entered into a 20-year lease agreement with Little & Little
Construction to rehabilitate and maintain the structure and property. The lease allows for
commercial office uses.
Surber noted that the· description in the draft report is incorrect and that. the description needs
to be changed to include that the parking lot for the neighboring City Library is on a portion
of this lot. She said the lease is for a section of Lot 1, but that the rezone is for the entire
2. Public Testimony
Bob Little, Little & Little Construction, stated that he is supportive of the rezone application
and wants to move forward. He pointed out that when the lease was written it was assumed
that the property was already zoned P-I. It could not be leased for commercial if it was
zoned residential.
3. Committee Report (Thayer/Erickson)
Thayer reported that her concerns had been covered by the draft report and the lease
agreement and she is in favor of the rezone because it will tidy up the neighborhood, and
also because the neighboring Library is in the P-I zone.
Erickson expressed that this is not a public benefit.
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Motion was made by Enarsoo to recommend to City Council for approval of Rezone
Application #9510-04 with amendments to the draft staff report to Findings of Fact numbers
1, 2,5, 6 and 7, and Conclusion number 6 and Condition number 1.
Surber asked for permission to add library parking anywhere else it is needed.
Keith asked whether or not Condition 3.a. (aesthetics) is unduly restrictive. Little stated
that the architecture is going to remain the same. The National parks Historic Preservation
guidelines will be used.
The motion was seconded by Thayer. Five were in favor and one was opposed.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 30, 1995
Page Five
Surber announced that the Lynnesfield PUD/PUDA will be heard by City Council on
12/4/95. She said some minor changes to the PUD conditions were made to the report
which relate to the phasing. Quite a few conditions had to be met before the PUD could go
to Council. That is part of the reason for the delay between the Planning Commission and
City Council hearings. She offered to make copies of the draft PUDA available for pick-up
by Planning Commission members.
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
December 14. 1995
Vantage Construction Services, Variance Application #9510-07 (WelchlEnarson)
35th Street Park, Rezone #9505-16 (EricksonlEnarson)
Sherwood announced that she would probably not be able to attend the hearing on 12/14/95.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Enarson and seconded by Thayer. All were in
favor. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.
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Sheila Spears
Community Development Assistant
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Guest List
Meeting of: 17 j}¿AA//f///!/O /:c;,Af~/57/cJA/
Date: 1M!}. -30,; 1C/t:Jf
Name (please print) Address Testimonv?
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