HomeMy WebLinkAbout12281995 Min Ag . - . ~/. . '," ; ~'~ 1\'." ii'·'·· .. ':. b .:c...."'. .< . :-~s:m. 'R~, : Te:~ .¡rx·, :o/õ...~- '.' -....VI. City of Port Townsend Planning 'Comm¡~sion . S40 Warer Street. Port Towoseud. WA. 98368 360/385-3000 FAX 360/385-4290 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA AMßNDED Busu.sMeeting L } ROLL CALL - - AFPROV AL OF''OdØ1'Î'~:. December 14, 1995 ........u·a....,~~ ~ . COMMUNICA'ft0~: ~nt mail IV. -.OLD BUSINESS ii" - Â. Little & Little Construction Co., (Charles Pink House) Conditional Use Permit Application #9511-08 1. 2. 3. 4. Staff Report Public Testimony Committee Report (Welch/Enarson) Commission Discussion and C9nclusions V. NEW BUSINESS ANNðUNC~:~N_~.: . . '1C :~",' .- ..."_, ~1> _ ~~~-,:;;, tanum:y> H, 19tfi. . .~ \~ì1.r¡?,.r\, Eagles FOE 11¡2,\V~ Application 19511..14 (BnarsonITbayet) -'J~~. "'.ii~'~- ..'~: -- , ~~, vn. AD10URN ..' December 28, 1995 . '. . Business Meeting I. ROLL CALL City of Port Townsend PlaflQing 'Commlqion _ S40 Waœr Street. Port Towoseud. WA. 98368 360/385-3000 FAX 360/385-4290 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA ll. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 14, 1995 m. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail IV. OlD BUSINESS A. Little & Little Construction Co., (Charles Pink House) . Conditional Use Permit Application #9511-08 1. Staff Report 2. Public Testimony 3. Committee Report (Welch/Enarson) 4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions V. NEW BUSINESS VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next .Scheduled Meetings January 11. 1996 Jan~ 25, 1996 Vll. ADJOURN December 28, 1995. ,......' ··',.._;"..>,';"_c -~~~~~ .~'. · · · :f I ~ City of Port Townsend Planning 'Commiqion S40 Waœr Street. Port Towoseud. WA. 98368 360/385-3000 FAX 360/385-4290 PLANNING CO~SSION MINUTES December 28, 1995 Business Meeting 7:00 PM I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chair Lois Sherwood. Other members in attendance were Lisa I;narson, Karen Erickson, Cindy Thayer, Ian Keith and Mark Welch. Staff Members present were Judy Surber and Sheila Spears. ll. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to approve the minutes, as corrected, of the December 14, 1995 meeting was made by Keith and seconded by Erickson. The motion carried unanimously. m. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail A memo to City Council from the Mayor appointing John Boles to fill a vacancy on the Planning Commission. IV. OlD BUSINESS A. Little & Little Construction Co., (Charles Pink House) Conditional Use Permit Application #9511-08 1. Staff Report Surber outlined the applicant's proposal to rehabilitate the historic Charles Pink House and rent it as general office space. . The property is located at the comer of Harrison and Lawrence Streets and City Council recently approved a rezone of the property to P-l. The City of Port Townsend owns the Pink House property and has recently entered into a 2o-year . lease agreement with Little & Little Construction. Surber corrected #2 of Conditions to "six off-street parking spaces"; and #4 of Conditions to "The applicant shall construct the proposed repairs/rehabilitation in conformance with the HPC's recommendations." -Copied to PQOMM . Fa I /.3/9~ ~_ ..,,..,,_____,~,.~f· ..;._~ · · · . ~ .. Planning Commission Minutes December 28, 1995 Page Two Surber offered to make copies of the lease agreement for anybody to see and said that Erickson had picked up one that day. Erickson mentioned that it was her understanding that all the improvements had to be done in 18 months. Bob Little said the 18 month time period started when the lease was signed and now there is going to be an amendment to extend the time period to start from the time of City Council's approval of the rezone. Planning Commission directed that "occupancy permit" be deleted from Condition #8. Bob Little stated that the length of the shared parking agreement is for the length of the lease. He agreed that the date on the lease was in error and needs to be corrected. Planning Commission directed staff to change Condition # 1 to "If tenants and/or clients of the Pink House are found to be parking in the library parking lot, the City may require the lessee (Little & Little Construction, Co.) to terminate the sub-lessee. In answer to the question of whether or not the Pink House property is on the tax roles, Thayer said that it had not been since the City acquired it. 2. Public Testimony Bob Little, Little & Little Construction Co., stated that he had been working on a plan for the Pink House for a number of years and that he is excited about it being put back into use. He said that at the end of the lease period the City gets back a building that has been restored and maintained. He asked that he be allowed to go forward with the restoration. Nikki. Clark, Director of the Jefferson County Historical Society, stated that this is a wonderful partnership between the City and private enterprise. She displayed photos showing what the Pink House looked like from shortly after the time it was built. The house is Greek Revival architecture. She said this is an excellent way for the City to partner with the community and maintain the structure and generate revenue without having to invest tax- payer dollars. Barbara Marseille, Historic Preservation Committee Member (HPC), stated that she has disengaged herself from HPC review of the Pink House project. She had been on the committee to save the Pink House a few years ago. She said that the historic roots of our town are based in Greek Revival architecture and not Victorian architecture. Greek Revival architecture is rare in this state and very important. It is a significant house on a prominent site. . . . · 1 . Planning Commission Minutes December 28, 1995 Page Three Pete Raab, who lives two properties behind the Pink House, expressed that he is in favor of the Conditional Use Permit being approved. He said that he had served on the City committee for two years trying to figure out what to do with the house. He said that while not speaking from that group, his comments come from knowledge gained while on that committee. They tried everything they could to get outside investment into the property for maintenance and repair without any luck. Plenty of people were interested in using the building but wanted it for nothing. They wanted the City to invest in restoration and maintenance. He expressed pleasure at the prospect of it being restored and not removed from the site. It is a very important member of the community of buildings in town and our neighborhood. Raab said that the house has been an eyesore in all of the 18 years that he has lived here. 3. Committee Report (Welch/Enarson) Welch stated that he is comfortable with the Conditional Use Permit, and asked if the restoration will take the house back to its original condition. Marseille said that the Secretary of Interior standards allow the house to be restored only to documented evidence of what the house was. She said that photos of the sides of the house have not been found; only the front porch. At this time, the sides will remain. She stated that she is hopeful that someone can make a scale model of what the house might have looked like. Little stated agreement with Marseille's comments. He said he has to document as far back as he can take the restoration. The porch and siding will be replaced to look like the museum pictures. Some structural interpretation may be gained during demolition. Raab stated that the additions to the house over the years have some validity as historic interests of their own. A number of the people interested in it like the fact that the house is an artifact that shows changes in style and various trends of architecture in a way that is fairly obvious. There is an argument that it really doesn't have to go all the way back to Greek Revival. Enarson recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit but noted her discomfort with being presented with a lease agreement which the Planning Commission doesn't have the ability to comment on. She said that the City must meet the parking standards that it holds developers to; however, having the code about joint use and looking at the joint use agreement of the Rose Theater, and given the merits of the proposal she thinks there is sufficient parking. 'Cr . . . f .,t Planning Commission Minutes December 28, 1995 Page Four 4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions Motion was made by Welch to recommend to City Council for approval of Conditional Use Permit #9511-08 as conditioned and with corrections. Seconded by Enarson. Erickson expressed displeasure with the lease agreement and said that she thinks they do have a say in it. Five were in favor of the motion and one was opposed. Thayer further recommended that the City Attorney be contacted about Marseille's participation because she is on the HPC. She expressed concerns about the appearance of fairness. V. NEW BUSINESS: None VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings January 11. 1996 Eagles FOE #182, Variance Application #9511-14 January 25. 199~ VII. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn was made by Erickson and seconded by Enarson. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. ~~ Sheila Spears Community Development Assistant .. i' r.. 'r oJ., · · --_.__.--,._~--_.---.---.-~-'- · Guest List Name (please print' Address T~~timonv? 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