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City of Port Townsend
Planning and Building Department
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385.3000
Business Meeting
January 30, 1992
I. 1tC>~~ <:A~~-----------------------------------------'7:00 J>.M.
III. AJ>J>ltC>VA~ C>F MINUTES: Minutes of November 21, 1991, January 9, 1992,
January 16, 1992, and January 23, 1992.
IV. <:C>MMUNI<:ATIC>NS: <:urrent mail
V. C>~D BUSINESS: <:onditional Use J>ermit 9112-03, <:ity ofJ>ort Townsend, Wastewater
Treatment J>lant Staging Area
Staff report (Bloomfield)
J>ublic testimony
<:ommittee report (Thayer/Sherwood)
<:ommission discussion and conclusions
VII. ANNC>UN<:EMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
February 6. 1992
Environmentally Sensitive Areas C>rdinance workshop, continued from 1/23/92
(Staff: Itobison)
February 13. 1992
Island View J>artnership, J>lanned Unit Development (continued from 1/9/92); proposed 28
single-family-unit condominium development called "Forest J>ark," to be located at the southern
city limits near the spot where 1st Street intersects with Sherman, Hendricks, and Grant Streets.
(Staff: Sepler)
Iteview of Home C>ccupation J>ermit 9108-02, Joan Best (<:ommittee: Welch/Erickson)
(Staff: Bloomfield)
Itezone Application 9110-03, ~ Allen/Derek Iteijnen (<:ommittee: Shewood/IDckard)
Staff: Sepler)
February 20. 1992
Environmentally Sensitive Areas ()rdinance workshop, continued from 2/6/92 (Staff: Itobison)
February 2'7. 1992
Environmentally Sensitive Areas ()rdinance J>ublic Hearing (Staff: Itobison)
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City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385·3000
Minutes of January 30, 1992
I. JtC>~~ <:A~~
Lois Sherwood, Acting <:hair, called the meeting to order at '7:06 J>M. C>ther members present
were Ernie Baird, Karen Erickson, <:indy Thayer, Mark Welch and Bob IDckard: Staff
members present were Darlene Bloomfield, Katherine Johnson and Sheila Spears.'
II. S<:HEDU~E TC> E~æT NEW <:HAffi
Since the regular time to elect a chair is in March, Ms. Sherwood suggested delaying the
election until March, since we have an interim chair, and with the intention that a new
commissioner will have been appointed by then. Ms. Thayer moved to$ØåeÖul.e an election for
&:,$)W duJ.it.i~i". Seconded by Bob IDckard. All were in favor; the motion carried.
Mr. IDckard moved to approve the minutes of November 21, 1991, as written. Ms. Erickson
seconded. All were in favor; the motion carried.
Mr. IDckard moved to approve the minutes of January 9, 1992, with corrections. Ms. Erickson
seconded. All were in favor; the motion carried.
Ms. Erickson moved to approve the minutes of January 16, 1992, as written. Mr. IDckard
seconded. All were in favor; the motion carried.
Ms. Thayer moved to approve the minutes of January 23, 1992, as written. Ms. Erickson
seconded. All were in favor; the motion carried.
IV. <:C>MMUNI<:ATIC>NS: No current mail
V. C>~D BUSINESS: <:onditional Use J>ermit 9112-03, <:ity ofJ>ort Townsend, Wastewater
Treatment J>lant Staging Area
1. Staff report (Darlene Bloomfield)
Findings of fact read by Darlene Bloomfield. She stated applicant is listed as <:ity of J>ort
Townsend. That should be revised to read the property owner's name on the application.
Mr. IDckard clarified that the <:ity is the applicant, but the property owners are Jack and
<:arolyn Guiher.
2. J>ublic testimony
John Merchant, operator of the <:ity Wastewater Treatment J>lant, stated that he feels by using
the proposed site the impact to the neighborhood would be lessened because of proximity to the
J>lanning <:ommission Minutes
January 30, 1992
J>age 2
site, and that the property will be brought back to conformity with what it is now. No trees will
be eliminated. Impact on roads would be significant if the <:ity had to locate the staging area
farther from the construction site. He said all safety precautions will be taken to ensure safety
of residents of the area, and that North Beach residents have been made aware of agreement with
Nobody else spoke in favor of the project.
Iton McElroy, 5309 Kuhn Street (across from staging area), spoke against the project, stating
that the area is mainly residential. He suggested the staging area be located at the Jefferson
<:ounty fairgrounds which could accommodate the construction equipment. He said Kuhn Street
would not be destroyed by equipment because it is already destroyed. He asked about the berm
and bio f1ltration system - What is that and how will it be incorporated into the area?
Mr. McElroy stated that he was also concerned about pedestrian use on Kuhn Street, especially
school children catching the bus.
Ms. Sherwood gave a brief description, saying that the intent is to keep water from leaving
Ms. Bloomfield pointed out the berm on the drawing attached to the application.
Mr. McElroy expressed concern about the impacts of storing equipment, noise, dust, and hours
of operation.
Mary Fitch, 53rd and Landes, stated that the view from her deck is where the treatment plant
will be. She said that the project is not in harmony with the neighborhood, and asked what
buildings (trailers) are going to go in there. She stated that she was told by the J>lanning and
Building Department there wouldn't be buildings, only trucks and equipment. She also
suggested using the fairgrounds.
Waring Fitch, 53rd and Landes, said he is concerned about security and that so many things
about the site would encourage vandalism; poor lighting and kid mischief (fence does not keep
them out).
~ynne Iteid, 5309 Kuhn, said she is concerned about J>ublic Works' increased traffic and
parking, and said there has not been adequate space at peak periods. She said with this increase,
the staging area would be an added burden and that locating the staging area at the fairgrounds
would be better.
3. <:ommittee report (Thayer/Sherwood)
Ms. Thayer stated that the committee shares concerns of the neighbors but believes for health
and safety it is best to have the site close to the project. <:oncerns raised by the <:ommission
and information they need before making a decision include:
J>lanning <:ommission Minutes
January 30, 1992
J>age 3
a) Where is the entry? Should have received an accurate map.
b) How soon is construction to start?
c) Hours stated on application are '7:00 AM - '7:00 J>M; <:onditions state 8:00
AM - 5:00 J>M. Must be made clear (8:00 AM-5:oo J>M) since this will
be for two years.
d) J>ublic Works is in charge of drainage plan and this is a city project.
e) How can you re-vegetate after gravel']
t) Access off of 52nd Street is right across from }>Ublic Works parking lot.
g) Itequest plot plan which shows parking spots and a list of equipment.
h) Is entire area going to be graveled?
i) How is lighting and fencing not going to be too intrusive?
j) Need something in writing that states trees will not be disturbed.
k) Itequest specific description of dry material stored on site.
I) <:omparison of re-vegetating the site compared to travel to site at
m) Need plan for pedestrian safety.
n) Need accurate map showing where storage will be in relation to trees and
accurate drainage and berm area.
0) J>arking.
Motion was made by Ms. Thayer to ..~~ meeting to March 12, 1992, and to include
Pf~~ntoadjacent pro~rtyowners. Amended motion to move up to an earlier date
if'it becomes available. Seconded by Ms. Erickson. All were in favor; motion approved.
Mr. IDckard said that Mayor <:lise mentioned at the last city council meeting that "<:onflict of
Interest" tapes are available with the <:ity. He suggested J>lanning <:ommission members watch
Ms. Thayer asked if a commission member needs to state involvement in an issue each time a
hearing has been continued. Ms. Bloomfield said that in the past it was stated each time.
The meeting was adjourned at 8: 35 J>M.
Jd'l~~ 4u¿¿~/
Sheila Spears
J>lanning & Building Assistant