HomeMy WebLinkAbout03121992 Ag Min · .. Ie City of Port Townsend PIa.fining and Building Department 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Business Meeting I. ROLL CALL II. APPROV AL OF MINUTES: 2-13-92 March 12, 1992 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Citizen letters from Gail Clemens, Trudi Ann Elofson, Harry Hurlburt Jr., Barbara Bogart, and Waring & Mary Fitch IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Conditional Use Permit 9112-03, City of Port Townsend, Wastewater Treatment Plant Staging Area, continued from 1/30/92 1. 2. 3. 4. Staff report (Bloomfield) Public testimony Committee report (Thayer/Sherwood) Commission discussion and conclusions B... Review of Home Occupation Permit 9108-03, Joan Best, continued from 2-13-92 1. Staff report (Bloomfield) 2. Public testimony 3. Committee report (Welch/Erickson) 4. Commission discussion and conclusions V. NEW BUSINESS VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings March 26. 1992 Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance workshop - Geologically Hazardous Areas Election of new chair March 30. 1992 City Council Legislative and Environmental Meeting re: SEP A review on draft Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance April 2. 1992_ . Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance workshop - city attorney review of ordinance ~- April 7. 1992 City Council Meeting re: SEP A determination on Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance April 9. 1992 Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance workshop - review final draft of ordinance April 22. 1992 Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance Public Hearing (joint hearing with City Council) re: public testimony taken on draft ordinance April 23. 1992 Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance recommendation (Planning Commission only) re: Planning Commission decision on Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance April 30. 1992 Planning Commission Regular Meeting - to be scheduled VII. ADJOURN - fill ee ,,:, . NAME Iple~se print J &JJ Guest List ADDRESS tf d~o;11lJc.e. Co ~O r\0J~o \A.. Y\ I "7 '-(0 * /Í{ )(/~ ~ 'If-(1 5 3 b $? CL-v~~ PI VJ( P CiX1.A^1 12 M¡1¡i.äf Do you wish to present testimony? YES NO If yes, indicate topic. .0 0 ~ 0 ÒGv, 18 0 0 ~e KJ 0 0 r3 8u¿~1 It?" 0 jfqC¡/h ú' f'Ot- C)t 0 '2>-v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d 0 0 O. 0 0 ·0 0 / /' . -- ,; . . City of Port Townsend Planning Commission 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000 Copied to pcq~~i\~ 3-J3-Cj2- ~ Meeting of March 12, 1992 I. ROLL CALL Chair Lois Sherwood called the meeting to order at 7: 14 p.m. Other members present were Ernie Baird, Karen Erickson, Cindy Thayer and Bob Rickard. Mark Welch was excused. Also present were staff Darlene Bloomfield and Katherine Johnson. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 13, 1992 Bob Rickard moved that the minutes be approved. Ms. Erickson seconded the motion and all were in favor. Mr. Baird asked that an amendment be added to read "mother-in-law cottages" instead of "mother-in-Iaws" are "being looked at for affordable housing." Mr. Rickard moved to accept the minutes as amended. Ms. Erickson seconded and all were in favor. III. COMMUNICATIONS -- See agenda IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Conditional Use Permit 9112-03, City of Port Townsend, Wastewater Treatment Plant Staging Area (continued from 1/30/92) 1. Staff Report (Bloomfield) Ms. Bloomfield read the Findings of Facts and Conclusions, Draft A and then the conclusions for Draft B (the Findings of Fact being the same in both drafts). . e 2. Public Testimony , \ ~~ ~~2J\'b · -- e Planni!1g Commission Meeting of March 12, 1992 Page 2 John Merchant, representing the City of Port Townsend Public Works Department, reviewed the changes made to the plan since the last time the application came before the commission. He said that several weeks ago Public Works staff held a meeting with concerned neighbors to discuss and attempt to mitigate their concerns as much as possible. Mary Fitch, neighbor, said that the neighbors have had two meetings with Bob Wheeler, Public Works Director, and his staff. Mrs. Fitch presented photos illustrating the view from her home and also discussed her concerns for losing it. She said she appreciates that the Public Works Department has worked to mitigate some of their concerns, but that she is still concerned about the project. Lynne Reid, neighbor, said she compliments the Public Works Department in trying to work out neighbors' concerns, but said she is still concerned about the sidewalk area, noise and dust. She said she thinks those issues can probably be worked out. 3. Committee Report (Thayer/Sherwood) Ms. Thayer said she is concerned about the proposed hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. She said she recommends that these be shortened to at least 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. She said she is concerned about who would monitor the hours of operation. Ms. Thayer said that other than this concern, she thinks the revisions present a good plan. Ms. Erickson said she would like the pedestrian walk lengthened to extend past the public works building to provide safer access for children. Mr. Baird suggested that the City inquire with the School District about the possibility of the school bus traveling up Kuhn St. to pick up children. Ms. Bloomfield will inquire. Mr. Rickard recommended that condition #5 be revised to read: ". . . Restoration shall include removing gravel, construction debris and contaminated soils and replacing top soil and reseeding the site. . . ." Some discussion ensued regarding the hours of operation. The 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. hours were suggested by the applicant to allow for ferry and other traffic delays. Construction work will not exceed 40 hours per week without written notice to neighboring property owners. Ms. Thayer moved to recommend approval of Draft A with the noted changes. Ms. Erickson seconded the motion. All were in favor; the motion carried. B. Review of Home Occupation Permit 9108-03, Joan Best (continued from 2/13/92) The commission took five minutes to review the material presented before them this evening. ~ \ ~ (\ ...MJ-~ ,q~ \fl,' -;~ \'? · Plannipg Commission Meeting of March 12, 1992 Page 3 Ms. Erickson stated that the night after the last hearing on this application, her business, Erickson Towing, towed Ms. Best's car at the request of the Sheriff's Department. Ms. Erickson said she had no contact with applicant and said she does not think this transaction in any way affected her decision on this application. She said her husband towed the vehicle. No one objected. 1. Staff Report (Bloomfield) Ms. Bloomfield reviewed the material set before the commission this evening, as is included in the record. Some discussion ensued over the traffic impacts on the neighborhood. Ms. Best said that there are only three other houses on this road. She said only the Hurlberts are home all day. One home owner lives out of town and is only in Port Townsend once every few weeks. The third homeowner is a couple who both work away from the home during the day. -- Ms. Best also stated that those opposing her occupation were all involved in a law suit with the owner of the home, Jim Tavernakis. She said she feels that she is being caught in the middle of their dispute. Ms. Erickson stated that she did not think the pending lawsuit had any bearing on the case before the commission. Mr. Masenga, 620 Hudson Place, stated· that he would like to emphasize the importance of the content in Barbara Bogart's letter. He said it reflects how he feels about the issue as well. A lengthy discussion ensued over whether or not the application should be denied due to neighbors' objection to the potential of three traffic trips per day and if objecting to this number is reasonable. Currently, there are only 7 trips per week. The question also was raised as to the number of trips that could potentially be generated if a large family were living in the 5,000 square foot house. The commission also discussed and acknowledged the uniqueness of this neighborhood: very private and secluded. Mr. Rickard moved to recommend to City Council that the home occupation be allowed to continue as is. Mr. Baird seconded. Mr. Rickard and Mr. Baird voted in favor. Ms. Thayer, e Ms. Erickson and Ms. Sherwood opposed. -\ .l~~~ (\ .J'A U)-.. \ ? . q V\· ~. ~ . -- . Planniµg Commission Meeting of March 12, 1992 Page 4 Ms. Thayer moved to recommend to City Council that the home occupation be revoked; Ms. Erickson seconded the motion. Ms. Thayer, Ms. Erickson and Ms. Sherwood voted in favor. Mr. Rickard and Mr. Baird opposed. The motion carried. The Commission requested that the minutes from this meeting be forwarded to the City Council for their next meeting, March 17, 1992. There was also some discussion of filing a "Minority Opinion II for the City Council. Mr. Rickard summarized the minority opinion saying, "Given the municipal code as written, we feel the impact in this instance is not great enough to deny the permit. We felt that three trips per day in that neighborhood was not a threshold determination in that neighborhood." V. NEW BUSINESS The commission had a brief discussion about revising the procedures for disclosure of facts and for public testimony. The commission requested a recommendation from the City Attorney. The commission also discussed the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. The commission also briefly discussed the possibilities for making some revisions to the home occupation code. It was suggested to schedule the topic for a later meeting. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: See agenda VII. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 9:43 p.m. Signed, q~ Katherine M. Johnson Administrative Assistant ,~ ~ (þf~~\?,>.'1V