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Business Meeting
May 14, 1992
7:00 PM
Minutes of March 26, 1992, and April 2, 1992
Rezone Application #9203-14, Bertram Levy
1. Staff Review (Bloomfield)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Erickson/Rickard)
4. Findings and Conclusions
B. Planned Unit Development #9106-04, Rosewind
1. Staff Review (Sepler)
2. Public Testimony
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
Thursday. May 21. 1992
Workshop meeting - Review of Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance, Draft 7
Thursday. May 28. 1992
Workshop meeting - Review of Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance, Draft 7
Thursday. June 11. 1992
Rosewind Planned Unit Development (#9106-04), Continued Public Hearing
(Committee: Welch/Baird)
Wednesday. June 24, 1992
Joint Public Hearing, (Planning Commission and City Council)
*Public testimony taken on Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance, Draft 8
Thursday. June 25. 1992
Planning Committee Recommendation on Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance
*No Public Testimony taken
Thursday. July 9. 1992
Variance Application #9205-01, Elizabeth Berman
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City of Port Townsend
Planning and Building Department
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385·3000
Meeting of May 14, 1992
Chair Lois Sherwood called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Other members present were
Ernie Baird, Karen Erickson, Mark Welch and Bob Rickard. Also present were staff members
Darlene Bloomfield and Katherine Johnson.
The minutes of March 26, 1992 and April 2, 1992 were not included in the packets; they will
be reviewed later.
Cindy Thayer joined the meeting at 7:04 p.m.
Darlene Bloomfield distributed a packet regarding Wetlands training.
A. Rezone Application #9203-14, Bertram Levy
1. Staff Review (Bloomfield)
Bloomfield read Draft Two of the Findings of Fact and Conclusions.
Randy Maag joined the meeting at 7:12 p.m.
The commission raised questions about the parking requirements and the number of suites or
offices that the clinic will hold. The applicant was not present to clarify.
2. Public Testimony
Dr. McCarron said there is a great need for medical office space and that proximity to the
hospital is key. He said he thinks that Dr. Levy's proposal would be a minimal impact and
would in fact benefit the area considerably.
Planning Commission
May 14, 1992
Page 2
No one spoke in opposition to the project.
3. Committee Report (Erickson/Rickard)
Rickard said that the improvements were not shown on the submitted plot plan.
Erickson said that she was concerned about the neighbors, but in light of no neighbors being
present or testifying she was satisfied that there would be minimal impacts, if any, to the
Dr. McCarron said that it was his understanding that two physicians would occupy the space,
possibly three.
Dr. Levy joined the meeting at 7:35 p.m.
Some discussion ensued regarding times of construction, the plot plan and proposed
improvements, specifically the location, length and approval of a sidewalk.
Erickson moved to recommend approval of the rezone with the changes discussed, as will be
reflected in the revised Draft Findings of Fact and Conclusions. Rickard seconded the motion.
All were in favor; the motion carried.
The commission took a brief recess at 7:44 p.m. The meeting resumed at 7:50 p.m.
R Planned Unit Development, 9106-04, RoseWind
1. Staff Review (Sepler)
Sepler outlined the process and described the location, size, scale and nature of the proposed
project. He also described the meaning of a Planned Unit Development and the criteria the city
uses in reviewing these proposals.
Sepler then reviewed the Draft Findings of Fact and Conclusions, recommending in favor of the
project. He said that in light of some neighbors' opposition to the project, a second draft
recommending denial will be prepared for the next meeting.
2. Public Testimony
Nancy Milholland, applicant, said that seven families are working together on this co-housing
project. She said they were attracted to co-housing for many reasons: ability to enjoy open
space, be able to grow much of their own food and build energy efficient homes.
Planning Commission
May 14, 1992
Page 3
Bjorn Lunde, applicant, said the group selected this site because
it is close to town and because some of the streets on this site
had been vacated and others have not been platted, giving
flexibility for creating open space. Mr. Lunde stated that the
model, Exhibit 3, is an approximation of what the site will look
like. He said the exact placement and sizes of the houses will be
determined at a later time. He also stated that RoseWind has
worked very hard to please everyone, but have found that in
pleasing some they displease others.
Jim Rogers, applicant, said the maximum build out of the existing
lots is 57 single-family homes. RoseWind is proposing 27, maximum.
He also said the existing street build-out is 18 blocks; RoseWind
is proposing building 8 blocks. He said that RoseWind is
requesting narrower streets than current street standards would
require, but still build the streets wide enough for safety.
Richard Rakowski, applicant, stated that all the roads, sewers,
water lines, storm drainage and placement of fire hydrants were
engineered by Polaris Engineering.
Doug Milholland, applicant, said that over 50 percent of the land
will be a common area and the project will also include a common
house. He said he thinks this project will come to be a model for
how people may live.
Sally McDole, a neighbor, said that she has found the RoseWind
group very cooperative to work with. She said she is in favor of
this project in light of the fact that 57 homes could be built on
this site.
Robert McDole, a neighbor, said he would rather the space remain
open space, but prefers this project to the development of 57
Jim Biedel, a neighbor, affirmed the statements of Sally and Robert
Sam Hill, a neighboring property owner, said he supports the
project. He also asked if at some later time the Planned unit
Development could be dissolved.
Sepler stated that a dissolution could only happen with a public
process and City Council determination.
Mickey McKinney, a neighbor, said he will be surrounded by two
sides by RoseWind sites, but he said he is very much in favor of
the project.
Planning Commission
May 14, 1992
Page 4
John Hulburd, a neighboring property owner, spoke in favor of the
project. He said he thinks the layout of the project enhances
solar gain and also deals well with storm drainage. He said he
also commends the Rosewind group for their communication with the
neighbors. He also asked if the Land Trust could be involved in
this project so the open space could be dedicated as such in
perpetuity. He said he is concerned about the requirements for
sewage, and thinks comporting toilets would be an ideal alternative
for this project. He said he would like to be considered as a
potential lot buyer in the future.
John Barr, a neighboring property owner, said he lives on the
corner of 35th and Haines st. He said he has agreed to dedicate a
total of 20 feet of his property so that the project may be
accessed from 35th and Haines. He said he will be impacted, but is
in favor of the project.
Don Bliss, said he is interested in becoming a resident of
Rosewind. He said he is very impressed by the project.
Bob Little, a property owner at 35th and Haines, said he supports
the concept of the project but is concerned about the traffic along
35th street. He said that there are many children who live and
play along 35th st. He recommends access off of 33rd st. Other
than this issue, he said he supports this project.
Dan Yesberger, said he owns land west of the project. He said he
has only been contacted once by the RoseWind group and is concerned
about the impacts on his utilities and about the roads. He said
this project will prohibit a east/west access road on Woodland
Robert Costain, a neighboring property owner, said he has no
objections to the concept of this project, but said he is opposed
to routing traffic along 35th st. He said the RoseWind group does
not want streets running through their proj ect, but they are
therefore adversely affecting neighboring property owners by
increasing traffic along 35th st. He said he recommends opening
33rd st.
Ed stanton spoke against the project. He said he questioned some
of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. He also said that
this project is not consistent with the Gateway Project.
Joe Pollis, a neighboring property owne~, said he agreed with Bob
Little and Bob Costain about the access on 35th. He said he likes
the concept of the project, but he would like to see access on 33rd
for the safety of his and his neighbors children.
Planning Commission
May 14, 1992
Page 5
Ann Wee Ian , a neighboring property owner, said she is concerned
that this project will cut off access to her lots. Ms. Weelan also
stated that she was not notified of this meeting. She lives on
35th and pettygrove.
Claude Grabell said his main concern is traffic on 35th st. He
recommends access on 33rd st.
Bob Scalf, a neighboring property owner, said that he sold the
RoseWind Group the majority of land for the project. He said that
when he had the land for sale, he was going to require that each
building site be 100 feet by 100 feet, so the build-out density
would have been 28 homes, not 57 as the RoseWind group stated.
Sepler stated that the Woodland st. collector option has been
reconsidered to call for a Woodland to Landes to umatilla as a
possible east/west route.
Sandra Johnson, a neighbor at Haines and 33rd,
the property owners in favor of this project
will be vacated so they have much to gain.
concerned about traffic and safety for
stated that many of
live where streets
She said she is
her children and
Pat Wheelan, also said he recommends opening 33rd st.
Robert Costa in asked if the developers would have to pay for the
streets within the project that will not be developed.
Chair Lois Sherwood closed the public testimony portion of the
hearing, reserving the right to ask questions at a later date.
The commission requested an existing features survey map to be
blown up to 11" x 17." They would also like to know where the
existing street vacations are. They also requested more
information on the transportation plan and how this project would
fit in with that plan, including the feasibility of developing
Baird asked if the proposed walk would include parking. Sepler
said that this decision is up to the Planning Commission and City
Council. Baird also asked for more information on the
possibilities for ensuring that the open space will always exist;
e.g. the Land Trust. He also asked if comporting toilets were a
Sepler said that the Port Townsend Municipal Code requires that any
new single-family home within 250 feet of a sewer line connect to
the sewer. If home owners would like to also use a comporting
toilet, they may.
Planning Commission
May 14, 1992
Page 6
The application was continued to June 25, 1992.
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
The meeting was adjourned at 9:43 p.m.
~herine M. Johnson
Administrative Assistant