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City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000
Business Meeting
II. APPROV AL OF MINUTES: August 27, 1992
A. Variance Application # 9208-01, James McCarron
Staff report (Bloomfield)
Public testimony
Committee report (Welch/Erickson)
Commission discussion and conclusions
B. Subdivision Ordinance Amendment
1. Staff report (Bloomfield)
2. Public testimony
3. Commission discussion and conclusions
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
September 24. 1992
October 8. 1992
October 29. 1992
Andrew Thurston, Short Plat Application (Thayer/Rickard)
September 10, 1992
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City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000
Planning Commission Meeting of September 10, 1992
Chair Lois Sherwood called the meetîng to order at 7:00 PM. Other members present were
Ernie Baird, Karen Erickson, Cindy Thayer, and Bob Rickard. Also present were staff members
Darlene Bloomfield, Kit Perkins and Sheila Spears.
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 27, 1992
Motion to approve minutes of 8-27-92 was made by Rickard and seconded by Thayer. All were
in favor.
Bloomfield introduced Kit Perkins, Planner. Perkins is replacing Rick Sepler in the City's
Planning and Building Department.
Bloomfield reported that she had talked with John Merchant about the walkway at the sewage
treatment plant construction site. Merchant said that school busses are coming down Kuhn
Street so kids wouldn't have to walk along the street to get to the bus.
A. Variance Application #9208-01, James McCarron
Sherwood excused herself from the proceedings because of appearance of fairness. Erickson
proceeded to conduct the meeting.
1. Staff report (Bloomfield)
Bloomfield read the draft Findings of Fact and Conclusions of the Planning Commission
recommending approval of the setback variance.
2. Public testimony
Applicant McCarron questioned the condition that he shall receive a certificate of occupancy
from the City within one year of the date of approval, saying that he is intimidated by that time
period. He listed SEP A as one of the stumbling blocks and said that he cannot easily comply
with the one year limit.
McCarron said he is trying to keep the project at only one level because of access and aesthetics.
He is trying to put together a project that will work and said that is why he wants an easily
accessible medical clinic instead of condominiums on the site. He acknowledged problems with
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Planning Commission Minutes of 9-10-92
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crosswalks and other problems that will evolve, and that he cannot have access from Sheridan
Street. McCarron said that the need for a medical clinic is there and he asked for
reconsideration of the one-year time restriction. He said that a two-year time frame would be
reasonable. If a two-year time frame is not granted, McCarron said that he may withdraw his
proposal at this time.
Commission asked for an explanation of the sidewalks on the drawings. Bloomfield said that
the applicant will be able to complete the application with better plans after the variance is
Dick D' Agostino, Hospital Commissioner, requested approval of this variance saying there is
great need for physician office space. He also agreed with applicant that one year is not enough
time and would like that stipulation removed.
No one spoke against the application. Public testimony closed.
3. Committee report (Welch/Erickson)
In Welch's absence the committee report was given by Erickson.
Erickson suggested that the wording in number one of the conditions be changed from
commercial building to medical clinic. She said that according to the way the report is written
there is no way to extend the one-year time limit and asked if there was a way it could be
extended if there was still interest in the project at the end of one year and something was being
done to keep the project alive.
Bloomfield said she will look up why one year was put in the conditions and forward that
language for city council approval. She said that the time starts after SEP A and city council
4. Commission discussion and conclusions
Concerns were expressed by the Commission about the drop off zone, foot traffic being
interrupted with cars going into the clinic, the sidewalk situation, and poor visibility at the
intersection of 9th and Sheridan Streets. This is opening the door to different setbacks along
Sheridan Street between commercial buildings and homes. This may also happen in the future
across the street -looking at the future for setbacks in that area. Suggestion was made to design
the project so that the parking is away from the street and people will not have to walk across
the parking lot to go to the hospital. McCarron said that the building is not designed at this
point. Commission and applicant agreed that the there are alternatives to how to situate the
building and parking at the site. The issue tonight is only the setback. McCarron said there are
no sidewalks now and that foot traffic tends to be on the other side of Sheridan Street.
Conditions recommended by the Commission: a) when the project goes forward, if a case can
be made that it cannot be done with the setbacks, then there should be options; b) modify
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wording in condition #1 to be "health care building", c) clarify a 15 foot setback on 9th Street
(add this as condition #2 and spell out in findings); d) eliminate the condition that says the
applicant shall receive a certificate of occupancy from the City of Port Townsend Planning and
Building Department within one-year of the date of this approval; e) Renumber second condition
in draft to #3.
Motion to recommend approval with Commission changes was made by Thayer. Seconded by
Baird. All were in favor.
Commissioner Sherwood returned to the meeting.
B. Subdivision Ordinance Amendment
1. Staff report (Bloomfield)
Bloomfield distributed a letter to the Commissioners from Andy Thurston in support of the
proposed ordinance changes. She explained the proposed changes and stated that they are in
conformance with RCW's.
Public Testimony: none
Commission discussion and conclusions
Motion to recommend approval, as revised by City Attorney and Commission, of these
amendments to the Port Townsend Municipal Code was made by Rickard. Thayer seconded.
All were in favor.
Motion to adjourn was made by Erickson. Seconded by Thayer. All were in favor. Meeting
adjourned at 8:20 PM
Sheila Spears
Planning and Building Assistant