HomeMy WebLinkAbout06171993 Ag Min Packet 0. . . PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Special Meeting June 17, 1993 I. ROLL CALL 7:00 PM II. Arterial Street Plan, Workshop A. Staff and Consultant Presentation B. Planning commission Discussion III. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings June 24 Gateway Workshop July 1 (Special Meeting) Arterial Street Plan Public Hearing ~. · · · !J City of Port Townsend Planning Commission 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385.3000 Planning Commission Minutes June 17, 1993 I. ROLL CALL Chair Lois Sherwood called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Other members present were Lisa Enarson, Cindy Thayer and Bob Rickard. Karen Erickson, Ernie Baird and Mark Welch were absent. Staff members present were Kit Perkins, Michael Hildt, Sheila Spears and pia Boyer. Also present were Michael Pawlak, Engineer, and Shawna Mulhaul, Transportation Planner, from Hennigar and Ray. II. Arterial Street Plan, Workshop A. Staff and Consultant Presentation Hildt gave an overview of the Arterial Street Plan saying that a citizens Transportation Advisory Committee has been working with the City on transportation. One portion of study by the committee is the arterial plan, another is street standards and the third is the overall transportation plan. The Arterial Street Plan is not strictly a transportation plan but is intended to determine whether there is a need for additional rights of way and modes of travel, and how large the corridors need to be particularly for pedestrians, bicycles and transit. We are behind schedule in addressing questions these questions. The firm of Hennigar and Ray is studying the eventual build-out of the area, projecting traffic in the future and what would happen if we didn't do anything about capacity of existing rights of way. Michael Pawlak explained the preliminary work that has been done thus far on the arterial street plan, saying that the arterial street plan is only one part of the overall transportation plan. Other modes of travel will be incorporated into this overall plan. What was addressed at this workshop was mainly about the future traffic projection method used. The effort was begun by collecting data. 1991 traffic counts collected by the city have been looked at. At this point in time growth in traffic has been based on preliminary growth patterns. The growth rate in Port Townsend might be in the range of one and one half to three percent on a annual basis. In addition what levels of service each of these roads will operate at in 20 years will be looked at. Shawn a Mulhawl gave a description of functional classifications, w . . . saying the primary role of the functional classification system is to develop a role between the functions of roads and land access. The primary arterial coming into the city is SR20. Local streets carry intra-city travel. Highways carry inter-city travel. She explained the Functional Route Classification table that was handed out. Mulhawl said Port Townsend needs mobility but since it is mainly residential the need is to get people through town while protecting the activity on the street. She explained the three maps that were handed out; the existing traffic volume in the city system and two different growth rates. She said that a variety of analysis can be carried out on these maps and requested questions and information. Mulhawl said they are also working on transportation plans for the county and the region and have those numbers of traffic counts along with the city's. She said they don't have any historical numbers along with the city numbers and don't know if traffic is growing at the same rate as the population and that is why they used 1.5 percent and 3 percent growth rates. Mulhawl said the 1.5 percent annual population growth rate is a constant traffic generation over each year. She said these growth numbers don't take into consideration areas that have not been developed. That will be superimposed on the traffic network. She said that the number of trips would increase even if the population does not. Mulhawl asked for clarification of the method for figuring out the best population forecasts to do this work and said she realizes this is not the only factor, people - not traffic. She said she assumes the population estimates will include not only the rate but the locations of future development in Port Townsend. Mulhawl explained the spreadsheet she handed out on Initial Estimate of Future Volumes saying "A" is the best level of service and "F" is the worst. She said local street definitions are not the same as the state definitions but that the city definitions are what are shown on these maps. She expressed concern with using two different systems because this creates confusion, especially when requesting funding. She said one of the goals is to be able to make a judgement call on future growth so houses don't have to be torn down to accommodate new roads, and to look at what width is needed to accommodate pedestrians. Hopefully there will be more pedestrians. Currently there is no level of service for bicycles and pedestrians. They are doing research on it to be up to date on standards. Pawlak said they will not restrict themselves only to auto travel, but will include width for non-motorized traffic based on street standards recommended by TPAC. He said arterial traffic is going to encounter more and more delays because of intersections and driveways (saturation flow rate) . 'v- . . . He said there is data being gathered and in the puget Sound region the trip rate is almost double the population rate. B. Planning Commission Discussion Rickard asked if Hastings growth in the county should be looked at with the city figures. Is the difference in growth in the county vs the city figured into the plan. He said the percentage from the county may be less in the future than in the city because the county cannot develop as dense as has been done in the past if the City is a designated Urban Growth Area. Hildt said the population and trip numbers need to be clearly separated. Enarson said she recognizes the value of statistical projections but that there are so many variables: school, Kur Ort, and tourism and she urged the presenters to remember that Port Townsend is unique. She also urged them to present statistics that assure that the recent past (5 years) has been looked at and are based upon what has really happened in the community. Enarson urged the Commission to remember the wishes of our citizens saying that they should have well-publicized hearings and citizen participation and that the presenters need the Commission's feedback as well as the Commission needing theirs. Rickard asked what is expected of the Planning Commission. Hildt responded that this informal workshop was held so that the Commission could learn what has been done so far, and what direction it seems to be going. Rickard asked what was going to be heard at the scheduled July 1 hearing. Hildt said Planning Commission is going to be making a recommendation to Council on a possible amendment to the city Comprehensive Plan 1) showing where we have some existing collectors or minor arterials which should be upgraded and 2) possibly additional rights of way. Planning Commission isn't ready for a public hearing and asked staff to look at a better schedule. The Commission needs to look at more detailed information before going into a public hearing. Pawlak requested that he be allowed to work up a revised schedule with staff and then check back with the Planning Commission to see if it works. A recommended schedule will be presented at the June 24 Planning Commission meeting. Perkins suggested that the Transportation Committee attend the next Planning commission meeting because of the Gateway speakers. Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Rickard and seconded by Thayer. All were in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM. þ~ .(J ~¿¿é~.~/4¿cl{_¿/ Cc:\d4\ '1 ~ NAME (please print I Guest List Ç)C~ \fV\ '. ~~ -\- <::- \N ~'-{ Do you wish to If yes, indicate ADDRESS present tesllmony? topic. YES NO F\~-S\ t=='ev-e .0 Q( ~:-r- /\,JÚEL6'S f 11 çr F \S-O ~R A-L 0 ~ Or-t e.- O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 èJ 0 0 0 0 0 ·0 -0 L!Al M00G-/£· ft:f · · · \ì \ C'\ -\..0 pea ""'---- \( r 'C... Se.. V"- ~ 5\L-(\~0 r/ ,I' Ò ~W ~Q,-l¿ g¿1~ru~ fa ~3 ~--J ~I-d.o. Chapter 468-52 WAC H!GHWAY ACCESS MANAGEMENT--ACCESS CONTROL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM AND STANDARDS {f NEW SECTION WAC 468-52-010 purpose. This c~a?ter is adopted l.n accordance with chapter 47.50 RCW for the implementation of an access centrol classification system and standards for the regulation and control of vehicular ingress to, and egress from t~e state hig~way system. NEW SECTION WAC 468-52-020 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the fo'llowingdefinitions ,of the terms shall apply unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: "Conforming connection" means a connection that meets' current departmer.~ location, spacing, and design criteria. "Ccnnection" means approaches, driveways, turnouts, or other means 0= providing for the right of access to or from controlled access facilities on the state highway system. "Connection permit" means a written aut~orization given by the department for a specifically designed connection to the state highway system at a specific location for a specific type and intensity of property use and specific volume of traffic for the ~roposed connection, based on the final stage of proposed development of the applicant's property. The actual form used for this authorization will be determined by the department. "Controlled access facility" means a transportation facility (excluding limited access facilities as defined in chapter 47.52 RCW) to which access is regulated by the governmental entity having jurisdiction over the facility. Owners or occ~pants of abutting lands and other persons have a right of access to and from such facility at such points only and in such manner as may be determined by the governmental entity. "Corner clearance" means the distance from an intersection of a public' or private road to the nearest connection along a controlled access facility. This distance is measured from the closest edge of the traveled way of the intersecting. road to the closest edge of the traveled way of the connection measured along the traveled way (through lanes). ¿- [ 1 ] "tt ":e::a=-::nen~ " :nea::s r.:-.e Wash:"::;~on ::;:-:=,-.;::l - -- -- c.¿~a.=~':71E::-. -:. ,-. = '-' - .. -S-C"--";O:1 '-=a.... ;'" - ......::.--- .. . - "Go~Je~::mental e::.t:.ity" ::1e a:: s , =o~ -::'1e pt.:.::-?::se c:: :':-.:'5 c::a?t.e=, a unit of local government or officially designated transportation ..' ~...." ....-... h ..' .. .., _Si-""';1;-y .¡;:o.,.. --'---,;"'a c......s.....",......; ... aU,-:lor"'-::1 ,-nc:.'- as ...:le _es:,o.. _....._.1...1..'- - - :--_c:....._.._, ...,.. ,--,-,-__0..., operation, maintenance, or ju=isdict.ion c"..rer transport.atio::. :facilities. . "Tntersection" means an at a=ade connection on a state hic:hwav ~i~~ a-~ead or stree~ duly est:ablished as a ~~=lic read or ~~blië street by the local governmental entity. "Joint use connection" means a single connection ?oint: that serves as a connection to more than one preperty or development, including those in different ownerships or in which access rights a=e provided in the legal descriptions. "Limited access facility" means a highway or street especially desicned or desicnated for t~rouch traffic, and over, from, or to w~ic; owners or ;ccu'Dants ef abu~tina land, or other oersons have no right or easemer:t, or only a limi':ed right or -easement of access, light, view, or air by reason of :.he fact t~at their -r"'-e"-y --""uts U~on suc~ limi-ec' ac"'ess ~aci';-H 0.. .¡;:or -ny otnQ" ::-' 'W ~ _ '- <::..., ~. .. _ _. ..... \- '- - - - - "- ~ , -.. c:... .. -- reason to accomplish t~e purpose of a limited access facility. "Nonconferming connection" means a connection not meeting cu=rent depa=:.ment location, spacing, or design criteria. "Pe=mit" means writ~en approval issued by the department, subject to cendi tions stat:ed therein, authori zing construction, =econst=uctien, maintenance, or reclassificaticn of a state highway connection and associated traffic control devices on or to the department's right of way. "Permitting authority" means the department or any county, municipality, or transportation authority authorized to regulate access to their respective transportation systems. .,. "State highway system" means all roads, streets, and highWays. designated as state routes pursuant to chapter 47.17 RCW. NEW SECTION WAC 468-52-030 General. The connection and intersection spacing distances specified in this chapter are minimums. Greater distances may be required by the department on individual permits issued in accordance with chapter 468-51 WAC to provide desirable traffic operational and safety characteristics. If greater distances are required, the department will document, as part of the response to a connection permit application pursuant to chapter 468-51 WAC, the reasons, based on traffic engineering principles, that such greater distances are required. Nonconforming permits ma" be issued in accordance with chapter 468-51 WAC allowing less than minimum spacing where no other reasonable access exists, or where it can be substantiated by a traffic analysis in the permit application that allowing less than the minimum spacing would not adversely affect the desired function of the state highway in accordance with the assigned access classification, and would not adversely affect the safety or operation of the state highway. . ,." '·i~<"'i<:\,');."'-f. .- .....""... ".'"". ":,,~" .. .... OTS.92:,2 1:: i^·',~~'t~ . . . NEW S~C:':::;N WAC 468-52-040 Access control classification system and standards. This sec~ion =rovides an access con~rol classification svs~em consisting of five classes. 7~e func~icnal c~aracteristics a;d the access con~rol desicn s~andards for each class are described. The classes are arranged from the most restrictive, class one, to the least restric,:i '.re, clas s five. This acces s control classificatien system does not include hig~ways or por~ions thereof that have been established as limited access highways pursuant to ch~pter 47.52 RCW. For sta~e highways that are planned for the es~ablishment of limited access control in accordance with the Master Plan for Limited Access Highways, an access cont:rol c:assification will be assigned to each highway segment to remain in effect until such time that the facility is established as a limi~ed access facility. On all access classes, prepe:r~y access shall be located and C'es~aned -~ m;~~m;~e '~-~r:ere~cQ W'-~ tr-~~i~ ~ac;'i-'es a~c'/~r ....... ~""" .I.¡,_......ì...I. _""" ......'-__.... _ .. _ ...~... ._c:...___ - -.--- ........- high occupancy vehicle (:îOV) facilities on state highways where such facili,:ies exist or where suc~ facilities are proposed in a state, regional, metropolitan, or local t:ransportation plan. In such cases, if reascnable acces s is available from the general street system, primary prcperty access shall be provided from the general street system rather than from the state highway. (1) Class one. (a) Func,:ional characte:ristics: These highways have the capacity for safe and efficient high speed and/or high volume traffic movements, providing for interstate, inter:regional, and intercity travel needs' and some intracity travel needs. Service to abutting land is subordinate to providing service to major t:.raffic movements. Highways in this cla~s are typically distinguished by a highly controlled, limited number of public and private connections, restrictive medians with limited median openings on multilane facilities, and infrequent t:raffic signals. (b) Access centrol desicrn standards: (i) It is the intent thát the design of class one highways be generally capable of achieving a posted speed limit of fifty to fifty-five mph. Spacing of intersecting streets, roads, and highways shall be planned with a minimum spacing of one mile. One-half mile spacing may be permitted, but only when no reasonable alternative access exists. (ii) Private direct access to the state highway shall not be permitted except when the property has no other reasonable access to the general street system. The following standards will be applied when direct access must be provided: (A) The access connection shall continue until such time that other reasonable access to a highway with a less restrictive access control classification or access to the general street system becomes availa~le and is permitted. (B) The minimum distance to another public or private access connection shall be one thousand three hundred twenty feet. Nonconforming connection permits may be issued to provide access to parcels whose highway frontage" topography, or location would otherwise preclude issuance of a conforming connection permit. No more than one connection shall be provided to an individual parcel or to contiguous parcels under the same ownership. ììi~ . . [ 3 ] OT 51"6'692 : (C) .:"'':'2. ::r:'-.-a::e ci.:'::eç::. ac:::ess 5:::'a':'':' :Ce -~- ::=-;:::: t'.:r=-.s :::-,':'j '-'.. ::-.~':~:':a:'.e =aci.2.:'~:'es, ""::l_ess s:::ecial c=~di":':"c::s ~Har=a:l~ a::d. a=e dccumen~ed by a ~=a==~c a~alysis ~~ ~~e co~~ec~~cn ~e=~~~ application, signed and sealed by a qual~fied profess~o;:al .:... _ - ..; S-e"'" ..: a "'....c·.......ce ..T; -~ c...,a,.......=.... '": 8 4' ~C··, ena.....ee_, _eg... '- _ec _n co'-'_ Q... Y'f____.. ,:-'--- - . - .- ~. ~ (;)) No adèi~ional access cenrlect:'::ms to t;¡e state hi;h.,.¡a'fe shall be provided for newly created parcels res~lting frem preper::: dhrisions. All access for suc:: parcels shall be provided by ~:¡ternal road networks. ll.ccess to t::'e s::ate highway ',.¡ill ::e at existing permitted connection locations or at revised connect~on loca~ions, as cOrlditions warran~. (iii) A ~estrict:' ve median shall be provided on multilane facilities to separate opposing traffic movements and to prevent unauthorized turning movements. (2) Class t',.¡o. (a) =unc::ional c~arac~erist:'cs: T~ese highways tave ~~e capaci~y for medium to hig~ speeès a~è medi um to high volume traffic movements over medi'.:m anc ,;,,:::r.<; distances in a safe and efficient manner, provid:'::; :er interregional, intercity, and intraci~y travel needs. Direc:: access service to abu~~ina land is subordinate to providincr ser~ice to traffic ~cvemen~. ·Highwavs in this class a=e tv~ica:lv - - - .. èistinguisheà by existing cr planneà =estric~ivemedians, w~e=e multilane facili~ies are warranted, and minim~~ distances bet~een public and private cennections. (b) Access control design standards: (i) It is the intent that the design of class two hig~ways be generally capable of achieving a posted speed limit of thirty-five to fifty mph in urbanized areas and forty-five to fifty-five mph in rural areas. Spacing of intersecting streets, roads, and highways shall be planned with a minimum spacing of one-half mile. Less than one-half mile intersection spacing maybe permitted, but onl. when no reasonable alternative access exists. In urban areas an developing areas where higher volumes are present or growth that will require signalization is expected in the foreseeable future, it is imperative that the locatien of any publ~c access be planned carefully, to ensure adequate signal progression. Addition of all new connections, public or private, that may require signalizatien will require an engineering analysis signed and sealed by a qualified professional engineer, registered in accordance with chapter 18.43 RCW. (ii) Private direct access to the state highway system shall be permitted only when the property has no other reasonable access to the general street system or if access to the general street system would cause traffic operational conditions or safety concerns unacceptable to the local governmental entity. When direct access must be provided, the following conditions shall apply: (A) The access connection shall continue until such time that other reasonable access to a highway with a less restrictive access control classification or acceptable access to the general street system becomes available and is permitted. (B) The minimum distance to another public or private access connection shall be six hundred sixty feet. Nonconforming connection permi~s may be issued to provide access to parcels whose ~ighway frontage, topog.raphy, or l~cation w~:)Uld otherwise precl Ud. J.ssuance of a conformJ.ng connectJ.on permJ.t. No more than on ... ,~ ..1'.', ,,,,,,P:>. ~>"" ".,..,',' -;.1('c~ [ 4 ] OTS~2 . . . cc~nec~~cn ~~all be prcvided ~o a~ ~~divid~a: :_a==e~ c= ~~ ::::::ntig-..:::::t:s :~ë'..=cels u:lder t::e sa:ne frontage exceeds one t~ousand ~~ree ~e shown that the additional access would desired f-..:nc1:ion of the state highway assicned access classification, and would safety or operation of the state highway. (C) All private direct access shall be for right turns only cn w'..:.ltilane facilities, unless special cer.ditions warrant and are documented by a traffic analysis in the connection pe=mit application, signed and sealed by a qualified professional engineer, registered in accordance with chapter 18.43 RCW. (D) No additional access connections to the state highway shall be provided for newly created parcels resulting from proper~y divisions. All access for suc~ parcels shall be provided by in~ernal road' networks. Access to the state highway will be at existing permit~ed connection locations or at revised connection :ocations, as èonditions warrant. (iii) On multilane facilities a restrictive median shall be :;::r::::vided to separa~e opposing traffic movemen~s and to prevent unauthorized turning movements. (3) Class three. (a) Functional characteristics: These highways have the capacity for moderate travel speeds and mcderate traffic volumes for medium and short travel distances previding for intercity , intracity, and intercommunity travel needs. There is a reasonable balance between direct access and mobility needs for highways in this class. This class is to be used primarily where the existing level of development of the adjoining land is less intensive than maximum buildout and where the pr9b~bili~y of significant. la.nd use change Clnd increased .traffic 'demand .is· -high. ". Highways "in this:classa"re typically distinguished -by planned restrictive medians, where multilane facilities are warranted, and minimum distances between public and private connections. Two-way left-turn-lanes may be utilized where special conditions warrant. _~evelopment e= properties with internal road networks and joint access connections are encouraged. (b) Access control design s~andards: (i) It is the intent that the design 'of class three highways be generally capable of achieving a posted speed limit of thirty to forty mph in urbanized areas and forty-five to fifty-five mph in rural areas. In rural areas, spacing of intersecting streets, r::::ads, and highways shall be planned with a minimum spacing of one-half mile. _Less than one-half mile intersection spacing may be permitted, but only when no reasonable alternative access exists. In urban areas and developing areas where higher volumes are present or growth that will require signalization is expected in the foreseeable future, it is imperative that the location of any public access be planned carefully to ensure adequate signal progression. Where feasible, major intersecting roadways that may ultimately require signalization shall be planned with a minimum of one-half mile spacing. Addition of all new connections, public or private, that may require signalization will require an engineering analysis signed and sealed by a qualified professional engineer, registered in accordance with chapter 18.43 RCW. (ii) Private direct access: . owr:e=s~i:) unle s s ~!:e ~.ic:h"Ñ;:;·" hundred twenty feet and _~; -- _ can ~ot adversely af:ec~ t~e in accordance ·,.¡i th t:"",e not adversely affec~ t~e '~,- " .....,. ...........f..·' - '" .., .. ,. ...... ;":" ~. ( 5 ] (A) ~o ~cre than e~e access shall be provided t~ an individual =arcel or to contig~ous parcels ~nder ~he same ownership unless it can be sho·....n t~at addi~icnal access points would no1:. adversely affect t~e desired function of the state highway in accordance with the assigned access classification, and would not adversely affect the safety or operation, of the s~ate highway.' . (3) The minimum distance to another public cr p=ivate access connection shall be three hundred thirty feet.' Nonconforming connection permits may be issued to provide access to parcels whose highway froptage, topography, or location would otherwise preclude issuance of a confo~ing connection permit. (4) Class four. (a) Functional characteristics: These highways have the capacity for moderate t=avel speeds and moderate traffic volumes for medium and short travel distances prov~a~ng for, intercity, intraci~y, and interco~~unity travel needs. There is a reasonable balance between direct access and mobilitv needs for hiahwavs in ~~is class. This class is to be used o;:':narilv where ~the - exist:'na level of develocment of the adjoi~ing land is more inter..siv'e and ·....here the prcbabi-lity of major land use changes is less probable than on class three highway segments. Highways in this class are typically distinguished by existing or planned nonrestrictive medians. Restrictive medians may be used as operational conditions warrant to mitigate turning, weaving, and crossing conflicts. Minimum cor:nection spacing standards should be applied . - adjoining properties are redeveloped. (b) Access control design standards: (i) It is the intent that the design of class four highways be generally capable of achieving a posted speed limit of thirty to ;~~-rt{n-f~~~aii'~r;~s~rba~~ ze:ura:lea:r:~~, t~~~~l~~i v~f t~n~~~;~~~t~. streets, roads, and highways shall be planned wi tha minimum spacing of one-half mile. Less than one-half mile intersection spacing may be permitted, but only when no reasonable alternative access exists. In urban areas and developing a=eas where higher volumes are present or growth that will require signalization is expected in the foreseeable future, it is imperative that the location of any public access be planned carefully to ensure adequate signal progression. Where feasible, major intersecting roadways that may ultimately require signalization shall be planned wi th a minimum of one-half mile spacing. Addi tion of all new connections, public or private, that may require signalization will require an engineering analysis signed and sealed by a qualified professional engineer, registered in accordance with chapter 18.43 RCW. (ii) Private direct access: (A) No more than one access shall be provided to an individual parcel or to contiguous parcels under the same ownership unless ït can be shown that additional access points would not adver,sely affect the desired function of the state highway in accordance with the assigned access classification, and would not adversely affect the safety or operation of the state highway. (E) The minimum distance to another public or private access connection shall be two hundred fifty feet. Nonconforming connection permits may be issued to provide access to parcels WhOSe ·~,(,:,,·~'r,r;;:;,'J '-~~<~·" -, ..~- . 6J . . . hig~~~j :r8~~açe, ~8~oçra~ty, or :oca~~on Neuld o~~erN~se ~rec:~~e ~ss~a~ce of a cen:orilli~g connect~cn pe~.~~. (5) C:ass :~·.·e. (a) :~~c~ional c~aracteristics: These highways have the capacity ~er moderate travel speeds a~d ~ode=ate t=af~ic volumes for pri~ar~ly short travel distances ~roviding for intraci~y and intracornIDt:.nity tr~ps pri::1ar~ly ~or åccess to state highways of higher classification. ~~cess. ~e~ds -lly ;...e . " ..h-...· need 0:0'" ....,....o"gh t....aO:-· C mo....· 1 . ...y r..ay gene rOo ..., n~gner.... Oon ...~e ... - ......... ....' - .1....- ----'- without compromising the public health, welfare, or safety. These highways will generally have nonrestrictive medians. (b) Access control desicrn standards: (i) It is the intent that the design of class five highways be capable of achieving a posted speed limit of twenty-five to thirty- five moh. In rural areas, soacing of intersecting streets, roads, and hiêhwavs shall be Dlanned with a minimum spacing of one-euar~er mile. -~ess than one-e~a=ter mi~e soacing may be oermitted where no reasonable alternative exis~s. In ùrban areas and developing areas wl:ere hiaher volumes are Dresent cr arowth that wi2-l reeuire signalization is exoected' in ~he fo~eseeable future, ;; is imperati·,re that the' location of any public access be planned carefullv to ensure adeeuate sienal orocrression. Where feasible, major i~tersecting rdadways - that ~may ultimately require s~gnalization shall be planned with a minimum of one-quarter mile spacing. Addition of a:l new connections, public or private, that may require signalization will req'tÜre an engineering analysis signed and sealed by a qualified professional engineer, registered in accordance with chapter 18.43 RCW. (ii) Private direct access: (A) No more than one access shall be provided to an individual parcel or to contiguous parcels under the same ownership unless it can be shown "that additional access points would not adversely affect the desired function 'of the state highway in accordance with the assigned access classification, and would not adversely affect the safety or operation of the state highway. (B) The minimum distance to another public or private access connection shall be one hundred twenty-five feet. Nonconforming connection permits may be issued to provide access to parcels whose highway frontage, topography, or location would otherwise preclude issuance of a conforming connection permit. (6) Interim standards. The interim standards set forth in this section shall .be effective for all segments of the state highway system, except where access rights have been previously acquired pursuant to chapter 47.52 RCW, t:.ntil superseded by an adopted access control classification as defined in this chapter. These interim standards are mandatory for all state highways where the department is the permitting aut~ority, and are advisory for city streets designated as state highways pursuant to cl:apter 47.24 RCW where incorporated cities or towns are the permitting authority. Permit applications received after adoption of this chapter, but before the classifica~ion of a highway segment is adopted, shall be reviewed for consistency with the interim standards. After a highway segment has been classified pursuant to this chapter, the standards described for that particular class shall supersede the interim standards for the classified highway segment. .~- T.7] I~TERL\1 STA~DARDS Posted ::s peed :v1Üúmum ~JjIÙmum Public Private Connection Intersection Spacing Spacing MPH Fe~t ~1iles 35 or less Rural: 250 0.5 Urban: 125 36 - 45 Rural: 330 0.5 Urban: 250 Over 45 Rural: 660 1.0 Urban: 330 . (7) Corner clearance. Cerner clearances for connec~ions shall meet or exceed the miniffi~m cennection spacing requiremen~s of the interim s~andards, or of the a==licable access class where the highway segment has been assig'Ded a classification. A single connection may be placed closer to the intersection, pursuant to the permit application process specified in chapter 468-51 WAC, and in accordance with the following criteria: (a) If, due to prcperty size, corner clearance standards of this chapter cannot be met, and where joint acces s meeting or exceeding the minimum corner clearance standards cannot be obtained, or is ,determined by the department to be not feasible because of conflicting land use or conflicting traffic volumes or operational.J::haracteristics, . then J:he following minimum corner clearancecriteriainay be used:--·-"· . . : CORNER CLEARANCE AT INTERSECTIONS With Restrictive ~ledian Position Access AlJowed ~1irúmum (feet) Approaching: intersection Ri2ht lnIRi2ht Out 115 Approacmne: intersection Ri2ht In Only i5 Departing: intersection Ri2ht lnIRi2ht Out 230*' Departine: intersection Ri2ht Out Only 100 Without Restrictive'Median Position Access Allowed ~1irúmum (feet) Approachin2 intersection Full Access 230*' Approachirii intersection Right In Only 100 Departing: intersection Full Access , 230 '" Departin-i intersection Ri2ht Out Only 100 *For Access Class 5 and for speeds less than 35 MPH, 125 feet may be used. *For Access Class 5 and for speeds less than thirty-five mph, one ~undred twenty-five feet may be used. , (b) In cases where connections are permitted under the above criteria, the permit issued pursuant to chapter 468-51 WAC shall contain the following additional conditions: 4IÞ :} "".t:->!~>4~¡'·toi ',";" , «i't!(ì.,i_.:;;>:.·(;. ""·._:,,,",":.1.:',""'4'" ." · · · (i) There shall be no more ~~an one cennection per ?ro?er~y :=~~tace O~ ~~e s~a~e h~g~way. (ii) When joint or alternate access mee~ing or exceeding t~e mi:1im:.:.m cor:1er cleara:1ce standards becomes available, ~he permi ~~ee will close ~he pe~itted connectien, unless the permittee shows ~o t~e depar~ment's satisfaction tha~ such cles~re is not feasible. NEW SECTICN WAC 468-52-050 Application of access control classification system standards. (1) Review of permits on classified highway segments. Connection permit applications on controlled access facilities of the state hicrhway svstem received on a particular segment that has been clasšified in accordance with this cnapter shall be reviewed subject to ~he requirements of t:-..is chapter pursuant to the permit application process specified in chapter 468-51 Wl-.C. (2) ? rior approval s . Connec~ions permitted prior to the adoption of this chapter and unper:nitted connections that do not require closure in accerdance with WAC 468-51-030 are not required to meet the interim standards or ~he standards of assigned access classifications adopted pursuant ~o this chapter. (3) New permits required by chapter 468-51 WAC. All new connection permits required due to significant changes in property site use pursuant to WAC 468-51-110, or permit modification pursuant to ,WAC~68-51-120 shall be reviewed subject to the requirements of this chapter. (4) Permits aooroved under . interim standards. Connection permits issued in å.êcordance with the interim standards in WAC 468-52-040 on a highway segment where an access classification has not been adopted shall remain in effect after adoption of an access classification on that highway segment unless a new permit is required due to changes in property site use pursuan~ to WAC 468-51-110 or unless permit modification, revocation, or closure of the permitted connection is required pursuant to WAC 468-51-120. (5) Nonconforming permits. Nonconforming permits may be issued in accordance with WAC 468-51-100 for certain connections not meeting the interim standards in WAC 468-52-040 or the access classification location and spacing standards adopted for a particular highway segment. NEW SECTION WAC 468-52-060 Assignment of access control classifications to highway segments. The assignment of an access control classification to all controlled access segments of the state highway system shall be the responsibility of the-department. The process to be followed in. assigning the classifications is as follows:"' . ~r;~::":>';tb'''\''~' -*- '. [ 9 ] - OT 5:"'669 2 : (1) Defining segments. T::'e cieter:nination of the leng::h and ~e~.ini 0= segments shall ze ~he respons~~ility of the depar~me;~ working in cooperation with the ~eaional Transportation ?lannina Organizations, Metropolitan ?lan~ing Organi~ations, and thé appropriate local aovernmental entities. .. ·(a) Segments ;f highways to ~e assigned to a partic~lar acces. control .class~fication shall be defi~ed ~y :~e d~part::t~n~ i_ cooperatl.on wl.th local governments. ...he _eng...::. anc te:7.ll.nl. e: secments shall take int:e consideration the mobility and access neéds of the traveling pu~_ic, t~e access needs of the existing and proposed land use abutting the highway segment, and the existing and desired mobility characteristics of the roadway. The number of classification changes occurring along a particular highway shall be minimized to provide highway system continuity, unifermity, and integrity to the maximum extent feasible. The segments shall net necessarily be confined by local jurisdictional boundaries. ?oints of t:::-ansition between classifications along a particular rou::e should ze located on bou::.èaries, or ceincident with identifiable chvsical features. - - (2) Assignment of classifications. All segments of all contrelled access facilities on the state highway system shall be assigned to one of t~e access centrol classes one through five. The assignment of a classification to a specific segment of highway shall be the responsibility of the department. The classification shall be made in cooperation ·.-lith the Regional Transportatien ?lanning Organization, Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the appropriate local governmental entities. For city streets that are designated as state highways pursuant to chapter 47.24 RCW, the department will obtain concurrence in the final class assignment from the city .or town for those state highways where the city or town is the permitting authority. The., assignment of . classification shall take into consideration -the fòllowing factors (a) Local land use plans, . zoning, and land developmen~ regulations asset forth in adopted comprehensive plans; (b) The current and potential functional classification of the highway; (c) Existing and projected future traffic volumes; (d) Existing and projected state, local, and metropolitan planning organization transportation plans and needs including consideration of new or improved parallel facilities; (e) Drainage requirements; (f) The character of the lands adjoining the highway; (g) The type and volume of traffic requiring access; (h) Other operational aspects of access, including corridor accident history; (i) The availability of reasonable access to the state highway by way of county roads or city streets as an alternative to a connection to the state highway; (j) The cumulative effect of existing and projected connections on the state highway system's ability to provide for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods within the state. (3) Changes in jurisdiction. When the boundaries of an incorporated city or town are revised to include a portion of a controlled access state highway resulting in a change in the permitting authority from the department to the city or town . acc~rdance with ch~pter 47.24 RCW, the access classificatign· .. (- 10 -] . . . ~~a- ~c-t~~~ 0:: t~e state hiçhwav sha~~ remain unchanged ~~:ess -.... .~.:: '"':. .:_ -;:____-....;;::--0 . ';-'-"\ ....i:,- A~c-::.2-("'\-O :r,oc.___ec. __. (;;0,'-"______"'__ N___. /</.-'- ...~.... - ..J I . N::W S::CTION WAC 468-52-070 Review and modification of classifications. (1) Department initiated action. The depar~ment may, at any time, initiate a review of the access centrol classification of any segment of any state highway. When a major change occurs in any of the fac~ors noted ir. WAC 468-52-060 (2), t:-e department shall review the access classi::ication for the specific segments of any state high.,.¡ay a::::ec":e"d by the change. ? =ior to t~e initiation of any change in c:assi::icaticn of a highway segment, the department shall noti::y in writing the appropriate ~egional Transpor~ation Planning Crganizatien, Metropolitan Planning organization, and local gevernmental entities. The depar~~ent will consult with the ~TPO, MPO, and l~cal governmental entities and shall take into consideration, any cemments or concerns received during the review process. :er city streets that are designated as state highways pursuant to chap~er 47.24 RCW, the department will obtain cencurrence in the final class assignment ::rom the city or town for t::'ose st:ate highways where ":he ci -:y or town is the permitting authority. The department shall notify the RTPO, MPO, and local governmental entities in writing of the final determination of the reclassification action. (2) Requests for departmental review. A Regional Transportation Planning Organization, Metropolitan Planning Organization, or "local governmental entity may request, in writing, at any time that the Secretary of Transportation initiate a review of the access control classification of a specific segment or segments of a state highway (s) . Such writ":en request shall identify the segment (s) of state highway for which the re·"iew is requested and shall include a s~ecl.!:l.C recommendation for the reclassification of the highway seçment(s) invol~ed. Justification for the requested change shall be provided in -:he request taking into account the standards and criteria in WAC 468-52-040 and 468-52-060. The department will consult with the RTPO, MPO, and local governmental entities involved and shall take into consideration, any comments or concerns received during the review process. The department shall notify the RTPO, MPO, and local governmental entities in writing of the final determination 0:: the reclassification action. Other interested persons or organizations who T,.¡ish to initiate a review of the access control classification of a specific highway segment shall do so through the local governmental entity, MPO, or RTPO. - ( 11 l OTS-6692:2 · · · . :.r. r: ~ - >' :: -. :E > ,-.. - ..., " >: - ,... - :r. I zl S1 ~I E·= _I - -.. r~ :;¡;; <::"" >~ ~~ . = = - - - - ::.; I' ~¡ -:1 = ~ - - - ¡:r. !": \I: E - '< :: - - - , -0: :.:, - - - - - - ; - - 5- - ë.. !": - - -- --- - - .... - -..... -- ..., v; - 5 ~~ ~ ~ ~=..,< ~ <:: :.-: ~- - I :. _ r: - =.'< - ..:;': r'; = ..., ~ _ :t: ::.~-<- - ;::: - :.r. - . t""'; -'< < -. ,... :: -. "'- ~'G :;1..1\ c: - = -= :. - :..... ~O=:ñ ",n~ ~ ~ - -. - - - - - '":; ,... _.:or. :r. - - 1..1\ .::.. s = - :E_ 3: ' ~ =-~rt =.: - !": à· ~ ~ ~~ - -'< V) .... _ .-.- .. 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RESOLUTION NO. ~ 3 Cc t A RESOLUTION adopting guiding principles for the City of Port Townsend to use in the Gateway Development Plan adoption process and future implementation of the Gateway Project. WHEREAS, the Port Townsend City Council requested and authorized preparation of the Port Townsend Gateway Development Plan to guide improvements to the SR 20/ Sims Way Corr idor area; and WHEREAS, the Gateway Development Plan was developed "to improve and preserve the overall quality of life and facilitate the creation of a graceful community for both residents and visitors;" and WHEREAS, the Gateway Development Plan recommendations are made to further the community goals of traffic safety, economic vitality and streetscape appearance to assure the interests for the community as a whole are served; and WHEREAS, implementation of the Gateway Development Plan must include a continuing dialogue and involvement of the community in the development of the corridor and must ensure that the Gateway concept is implemented, in a timely, cost-effective and efficient way; Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City council of the City of Port Townsend that the following set of principles will guide adoption and implementation of the Gateway Development Plan: 1. It is the intent of the Gateway Development Plan to enhance economic development, support business strength and expand available shopping and services--primarily for residents. At all stages of consideration of the plan and at each step in plan implementation, private property rights shall be respected. 2. The City of Port Townsend will make all reasonable efforts to help property and business owners examine workable alternatives and plan for future roadway improvements along SR20 consistent with the Gateway Development Plan. ~. 3. The Gateway Development Plan is a blueprint for action. It is 4IIÞ a tool to be used to obtain funding from the Washington state Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to provide comprehensive roadway improvements. The plan will also be used to provide more predictability for developers and to assure that the City and WSDOT use a consistent method to evaluate new development proposals in the Gateway corridor. 4. The Plan's recommendations pertain to those properties directly abutting SR 20 and/or adjacent properties which, when developed, may have a significant impact on the operation, vehicle capacity and traffic safety of Sims Way/SR20. All references within the Plan to properties within 200 feet of the SR20 right-of-way are for planning purposes only and have no relevance or bearing on any future district which may be created for assessment purposes. 5. Implementation of improvements recommended within the Gateway plan are anticipated to occur incrementally as opportunities occur within the next twenty years or more. While the plan is intended to provide consistent guidance, it is recognized that conditions along SR 20 will change over time, as will the need for refining certain recommendations in the plan, depending on site- specific characteristics and conditions at a particular time and location. . 6. Similarly, the major recommendations of the plan will be phased over the long-term, and are dependent on the amount of federal and state funding that can be obtained. Implementation of major roadway improvements will require successful cooperation and coordination between property and business owners, the City, and the Washington state Department of Transportation. 7. Federal and/or state funding will be sought to finance the maximum available portion of the major roadway improvements recommended in the Gateway Development Plan. As any roadway improvement along SR 20 is public in nature, the City will contribute its fair share to meet the local match. 8. In order to foster implementation of the Gateway Project the city should provide "seed money", within City budget limitations, to promote pUblic-private partnerships in those areas where business and property owners would like to construct Gateway "demonstration projects." As appropriate, the City will help to coordinate private investment to the extent that private property owners desire such assistance. -":'. . · 9 . Existing, developed single-family residential lots which remain in single-family residential zoning shall be made exempt from any special district assessments for Gateway roadway improvements, except for any general obligations as may be required of any other city taxpayer throughout the city. 10. The city shall establish a Gateway Implementation Committee to work with the City and WSDOT to assist in implementation of specific roadway improvements (e.g. demonstration projects) once the plan is approved. The Committee will recommend funding priorities, grant prioritization, and develop public involvement strategies to keep interested and affected parties involved in the implementation process. 11. Prior to construction of future SR 20 roadway improvements, the City shall coordinate meetings with WSDOT to assure that business and property owners will have the opportunity to be involved in the design and engineering phase of roadway improvements which may affect their properties. · 12. Upon adoption of the plan, the City shall prepare a developer's guidebook for property owners which g1ves recommendations and design standards for those improvements (landscaping, drainage, pedestrian walkways, etc.) which can be located in the "flexzone" and estimated costs of installation. City Council and signed by the Mayor this 7th day of . Mayor Approved as to form: o 'I ~;d ~~.j~ [}-&l~~.. David Grove, Clerk-Treasurer ~, .~p - ( ~~McLerran, City Attorney ·