HomeMy WebLinkAbout07151993 Ag Min · * * * * * · * * * * * · PLANNING GATEWAY COMMISSION MEETING DEVELOPMENT PLAN JULY 15, 1993 DISCUSSION ITEMS PUBLIC TESTIMONY BACKDROP TREES ISSUE 10TH STREET @ SIMS WAY KEARNEY - SIMS- WASHINGTON AREA LEFT TURNS ONTO DECATUR FERRY PARKING AND QUEUING RECOMMENDATIONS WHAT IS OPTIONAL? WHAT IS REQUIRED? BICYCLE SIGNAGE AND ALTERNATIVE ROUTES MANDATORY OR VOLUNTARY DESIGN REVIEW NEED FOR CITY LATECOMER AGREEMENTS? r Guest List 0Æ AI!! / 11 :~º!'1!'1-':¡fLO.,ym... ZIÍ:-rff:5..._.._ . NAME (ple8se print) A DOnF:SS Do you wish to plcsrmt testimony? YES NO -...-..,..-....',-.....,....-.... ""~--_....~---"" -.- . ..--..-,...-.-.......-,.....- _.__._-'"_.~--~-- - - .._~.- f:9.f l/J1JffLm - 7()~_..G-<ac£eirL.5 ft.r: . ~ . )/~S-3r-!:-f - ------------------------------------~------------ ,'fJ\ ~~LD~LL leS EU'v\ -Vr ____ _ _____________________________ _ _______________ _~_____ __-\-__i~__ o 'tIto.ybL 0 o 0 o 0 v.. b~ o o LO' ~-_._~-_._--- --~_._--_._--,--_..- o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 r-1 rì " City of Port Townsend .-- l' Planning Commission 540 \-Vater St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000 . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 15, 1993 I. ROLL CALL Vice-Chair Karen Erickson called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Other members present were Cindy Thayer, Mark Welch, Lisa Enarson and Bob Rickard. Lois Sherwood and Ernie Baird were excused. Staff members present were Dave Robison and Sheila Spears. II. GATEWAY DEVELOPMENT PLAN . Dave Robison explained that the agenda was made up of discussion items from the 7/14/93 public hearing. Robison said that at the 7/14/93 public hearing he hadn't covered funding very well noting that one thing of significance is that because Port Townsend is one of the first cities to put together a route development plan (Gateway Plan) and because the Department of Transportation (DOT) is encouraging all cities to do that, DOT is working to try to fund recommendations in the Gateway Plan. There is a window of opportunity because of federal funding being allocated to highway improvements. We are in a fairly good position to tap these funds because we have a Gateway Plan and other communities don't. However, funding is uncertain but we did get a fairly strong commitment from the District and DOT headquarters. Robison gave an explanation of funding for improvements to encourage projects and take care of traffic hazards. commissiqn Discussion: Backdrop Trees Issue Enarson said she likes the recommendation to maintain the forest corridor but suggested that the language be clear as to what is actually going to be required and what is recommended. She wants rear line planting of conifers encouraged rather than required. What is Optional? What is Required? There have been changes in development along the Gateway corridor since the planning process started and since the plan is fairly flexible it was decided this isn't an issue. 4IIÞ Bicvcle Siqnaqe and Alternative Routes Commission recommended that signage be placed directly on the "s" curve and at Mill Road. Commission requested that staff put together language referring to available routes and appropriate .. · · · Planning Commission Minutes July 15, 1993 -2- caution. Robison said that we would have to follow state rules on signage. Mandatorv or Voluntary Desiqn Review Robison explained mandatory design review and mandatory compliance which is currently used in the historic district, and the implications this would have for both commercial and private property owners on the corridor. It doesn't really have to do with flex zone improvements specifically. There needs to be some sort of integration in the design and development guidelines on how the flex zone will be incorporated ultimately. Robison said we want to keep this 24 foot strip organic and listed the primary uses but said there are no standards or guidelines for it. We may want to do some form of a developer's handbook after the plan is adopted that gives a better idea of how to install flex zone improvements. Robison clarified that if you looked at the whole detailed access program and set that down next to the state standards that have been suggested for Port Townsend, the state standards are much more stringent than ours. The city will be negotiating this with DOT for a class 4 or 5 under the new state legislation. Rickard said that mandatory review with mandatory requirements is too much on top of SEPA and development review. He suggested everything could be considered in SEPA. Robison explained that SEPA depends on the scope of the project and that not all projects on the corridor will fall under SEPA review. He gave the criteria for SEPA review and said the state gets notice of commercial development only when the project has to go through SEPA. Ferrv Parkinq and Queuinq Recommendations Robison said the state encouraged the city to get alternatives into the plan before the alternatives are no longer available. He said there would be a significant impact on SR20 unless the queuing is put in over the water or land is available for queuing purposes. Parking Alternatives listed on unmarked page 30 should state "Queuing alternatives should not necessarily be limited to the following" and put bullets rather than numbers. Robison said it is not our responsibility to solve queuing but we need to get it into the plan so that Washington State. Ferries (WSF) will get this back onto its agenda. We need to get something in the plan so that DOT will get moving on it. ., -~ .. . Planning Commission Minutes -:-3- July 15, 1993 Rickard suggested new wording "However, it is recognized that Port Townsend is increasingly being used as a demarcation point for bicycle touring," to take the place of "However, there has been a significant increase in the number of bicycle tours to Whidbey Island." Sherwood entered the meeting at this point (8:20 p.m.) Left Turns Onto Decatur Robison brought up a point about access to a building at the end of the PT Mall and said he thinks there is still enough right-of-way to have two lanes on Water Street behind the mall. He wants to keep the two-lane configuration for Water and Gaines Streets and keep the language flexible in case conditions change in the future. commission recommended "explored as an option" rather than a recommendation. 10th Street and Sims Way . Thayer proposed new language for Traffic Recommendations "Curbing and access consolidation is recommended at the former Maestro Burger property, with access limited to 10th Street and a right turn only at the Hill Street access to SR20. Hill Street should be vacated. A left-hand turn will be allowed at SR20 unless at some future date, a left-hand turn here presents future safety hazards." Need for city latecomer Aqreements The city is exploring the use of and how to do latecomer agreeménts for roads in general. Rickard suggested that the feasibility of latecomer agreements should be explored. Robison said he would put that into a memo to council along with a discussion on voluntary design review rather than put these things in the plan. Motion to recommend that Plan, as revised, be consideration was made by in favor. the Port Townsend Gateway Development forwarded to City Council for its Rickard. Seconded by Thayer. All were Motion to adjourn was made by Welch. Seconded by Erickson. All were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. x:/¿~~ 4IIÞ Sheila Spears Planning & Building Assistant