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City of Port Townetd e
Planning Commission
540 \Vater St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 2061385·3000
Business Meeting
September 9, 1993
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 19, 1993
A. David Green, Short Plat #9306-04
Staff report (Bloomfield)
Public testimony
Committee report (Enarson/Welch)
Commission discussion and conclusions
A. 1994 Budget Discussion
B. American Planning Association Membership Discussion
C. Set special meeting for public hearing and recommendations on the Urban
Growth Boundary
D. Schedule Ramey Conditional Use Permit for Quorum Decision
VII. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
The joint Planning Commission, City Council and Transportation Planning Advisory
Committee (TPAC) workshop on the draft Arterial Street Plan has been rescheduled from
September 15 to September 27, 1993 at 7:00 PM.
September 15. 1993
Joint Planning Commission/City Council
Urban Growth Boundaries Workshop
Held in Council Chambers at 7:00 PM
Planning Commission Agenda
September 9, 1993
Page Two
September 30. 1993
Port Townsend School District
Grant St. School Addition--Conditional Use
Committee: Erickson/Baird
High School Addition--Conditional Use
Committee: Rickard/Baird
October 14. 1993
Port Townsend School District
Rezone and Conditional Use for New Middle School
Committee: Thayer/Enarson
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Guest List
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City of Port Town_d e
Planning Commission
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385.3000
Planning Commission Minutes
Business Meeting
September 9, 1993
Chair Lois Sherwood called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Members present were Karen
Erickson, Lisa Enarson, Ernie Baird, Cindy Thayer and Mark Welch. Bob Rickard was
excused. Staff members present were Darlene Bloomfield, Michael Hildt and Sheila Spears
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 19, 1993
Motion to approve the minutes of August 19, 1993, as corrected, was made by Erickson and
seconded by Thayer. All were in favor.
The Commission voted unanimously to continue with the same officers until the next commission
election date in March 1994.
A. David Green, Short Plat #9306-04
Thayer announced that she lives close to the subject area and feels it would not affect any
decision she would make. The applicant was asked if it was acceptable to him for her to sit on
the hearing. The applicant requested that Thayer disqualify herself. Thayer excused herself
from the proceedings.
I. Staff Report (Bloomfield)
Bloomfield referenced several citizen letters and reported on the draft Findings of Fact and
Conclusions which states that only Option C, as described in the staff report, remains for
reasonable consideration for subdivision. Option C provides for development of a 30-foot-wide
access and utility easement, and 20-foot-wide access road in vacated 6th Street from Cleveland
Street to the site.
Erickson asked for clarification on the location of the access road, T turn-around and parking
shown on the revised short plat. Bloomfield explained the site plan and said that one of the
conditions of the preliminary plat would be that the applicant supply a more specific plan.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 9, 1993
Page Two
Enarson said that she wanted it made clear that the Commission is only addressing Option C.
2. Public Testimony
Michael Anderson, NTI Engineering, spoke on behalf of the applicant. He thanked staff for
its detai1edana1ysis of the proposal and said they agree with the conditions as proposed.
Anderson volunteered to help explain the access. Bloomfield explained the access easements.
Irwin Jones, attorney for the applicant, stated that his client doesn't have any objections to the
conditions proposed by staff. He commented on citizen letters that addressed access and said
there appears to be some problems with those accesses and this commission shouldn't have to
address those problems. He said his client is happy with Option C. Jones said that the staff
report adequately addresses all of the issues.
Keith Harper spoke on behalf of his clients, Barbara and Mike Soskin, saying they don't have
the argument they anticipated having. The Soskins live at 612 Wilson Street, located directly
north of the Green property. Harper said that the Soskins have an interest in both of the vacated
streets because of the lots they own. He explained the communication that he had submitted
for the record. Harper also included for the record the City ordinance which vacated Gise and
Wilson streets in 1948, and a letter to Soskin from Jefferson Title determining there was no right
of access over vacated Gise Street. He agreed with Jones that this is not the body to determine
the access routes of Gise and Wilson and said they should not be left to be used in the future.
Harper said that the rights of access over these two streets has come up in the past and he has
been advised that Dr. Green at various times has approached some of the neighbors requesting
access over Gise and Wilson. Green submitted a rezone in 1992 for a rezone for a medical
clinic which made provisions for access to Tax Lot 4 through the use of vacated 6th Street.
Harper asked that the short plat not be approved if any access would be allowed from Gise or
Wilson streets now or in the future. He said that his clients don't have any other objections to
the short plat.
Bob Murray (628 Gise Street) agreed with what Mr. Harper said. He mentioned that this was
gone through a few years back.
Victor Coster (909 7th Street, on the corner of Gise & 7th Street) gave a history of acquiring
his property and building his house. He said if they cut Gise Street through it would damage
his property and all of the landscaping. It was originally farming acreage owned by the Catholic
Church. He also stated that he wants this subject buried.
Robert Gibson (7th & Wilson Street) said that he wanted to re-emphasize that when they
purchased their property in 1977, Wilson Street was represented to them as a vacated street.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 9, 1993
Page Three
The sellers representation was backed up by title insurance and the Gibsons have been paying
real estate taxes on it since 1988. He said they would not approve of anything that would
provide any access except for vacated 6th Street.
Susan Carswell asked Dr. Green if this is the end of this. Sherwood stated that Ms. Carswell
was out of order and all questions should be addressed to the Commission and that personal
questions cannot be dealt with in this forum.
Richard Thompson (627 Wilson Street) said they bought with the understanding that Gise and
Wilson Streets were private and they want them kept that way.
Brett Swigart (610 Gise Street) read a letter on behalf of his parents, Byron and Barbara
Swigart, that he wanted submitted for the record. He said that he is in opposition to any
approval of Mr. Green's Short Plat based upon any current or future anticipated use of vacated
Gise or vacated Wilson Streets as access to Mr. Green's property. Swigart requested that all
letters and records in the City's file on this project be made a part of these proceedings and said
that the information contained in the City's file will establish that Mr. Green had previous
knowledge of these facts when submitting his application.
Irwin Jones addressed the various comments saying that 1) Harper argued eloquently and agreed
with the applicant's proposal and does not object to my client using 6th Street; 2) Murray argued
about the use of Holcomb but that is not a part of the application; 3) No argument with Coster
he argues against Gise; 4) Gibson didn't raise any objection to vacated 6th; 5) Carswell wanted
to ask Mr. Green a question that he doesn't have to answer; 6) Thompson is consistent with the
application before this body; and 7) Swigart objects on behalf of his parents about Gise Street.
Jones said there is no argument and asked that this board recommend for approval of the
3. Committee Report (Enarson/Welch)
Enarson said she walked the property and feels she has a clear knowledge of the application and
asked about the existing interceptor sewer line. She said that by granting the access easement
on 6th Street we are in no way providing potential easement for other areas that would not
conform with city codes. She said she sees the potential of adjoining lots asking Green for
easement for access and recognizes there is a potential for access to Block 240 or other lands
which he owns. She asked if the language is clear enough.
Jones said that Green intends to use vacated 6th Street for his own benefit as well as for lots 1,2,
and 3. He doesn't intend to use it for anybody else. Enarson expressed concern that private
access may eventually turn into additional access.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 9, 1993
Page Four
Hildt said some legal help may be needed on this language but it was not the intent of staff to
restrict the easement in some way that would be an obstacle to Dr. Green's use of the easement
for his personal use or grant to of his own choice to others. It was merely to make sure that
the easement was in favor of the owners of lots 1,2 and 3, and also that this is a private access
easement and not public and available to the public. We should make certain the language is
clear and legal.
Baird asked Enarson if she is proposing any restriction. Enarson said she wants the language
to be broadened so that the access is not limited to providing access to lots 1, 2 and 3.
Jones said that just because it says for the exclusive use of lots 1,2 and 3 doesn't prohibit Green
from expanding that to include others.
Hildt asked Jones if he and his client are clear in the intent that the easement is for owners of
lots 1,2 and 3 and is there anything in this language which could be interpreted from other uses
of that easement other access to lots 1,2 and 3. J ones said they will broaden the language.
Enarson said that on a private access road she wants to see a road maintenance agreement. The
City's interest is well served by such an agreement. She asked if this could be required. Hildt
said that he doesn't know of any reason why reasonable requirements cannot be made. Baird
said that street maintenance could be added as a condition.
Welch stated that he wants to be sure that the parking strip and shoulder don't eliminate the need
for offstreet parking. Bloomfield said it would still be required to have two off-street parking
spaces for each residence.
Erickson asked for clarification on whether the Planning Commission or City Council makes the
final recommendation. Bloomfield explained that the Planning Commission recommendation
goes to Council for final approval and then the final plat comes back to the Planning
Commission for final review.
Hildt said that because of language yet to be submitted from the applicant which needs legal
review the Commission could make a decision this date in terms of intent and can then, with the
help of legal counsel, come back and do a final review of the language. Approval would be for
a preliminary plat and there would be final plat approval within three years.
4. Commission Discussion andConc1usions
Motion was made by Enarson that Short Plat #9306-04 be approved as conditioned, including
the request for additional language to be worked out between the applicant and staff. Seconded
by Welch. All were in favor.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 9, 1993
Page Five
A. 1994 Budget Discussion
Hildt gave an overview of the process for the proposed 1994 budget and asked the Commission
members for their thoughts about the budget issues as well as budget requests for things such
as materials, conferences, training and level of staff support.
Welch explained a cablevision connect within the City that could be a good communication
Baird expressed appreciation for the excellence of the preparation by staff and said that what
little money is available should be put into people. He said the Commission is positive because
it is so well supported by staff.
B. American Planning Association Membership Discussion
Hildt explained that the American Planning Association is working on creating a planning
commissioner division which he thinks is a very positive step. Hildt attended a round-table
meeting on this recently and it was very well received. They recognize that a tremendous
amount of planning is being done by others than just planners. It would be a focus and training
and more things could be done here on the Peninsula so that Planning Commission members can
have more trainings and workshops. He said they wouldn't be required to participate but it
would be available. He produced a petition and asked if the commissioners were really
interested in it. He recommended it and asked that those who are interested sign so it can be
added to the state wide petition.
C. Set special meeting for public hearing and recommendations on the Urban Growth
Hildt explained there is an Urban Growth Boundary workshop meeting on September 15, and
after that meeting it will be necessary for the Planning Commission to have a public hearing and
meeting(s) to come to a recommendation. He said it looks very doubtful we will be able to meet
the schedule the County is requesting. The Commission expressed uncomfortableness with
setting a hearing before knowing what is being talked about. Workshop meeting was set for
October 7 and a public hearing was set for October 21. There are now three meetings
scheduled for October. Hildt said we will not schedule anything for October 28.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 9, 1993
Page Six
D. Schedule Ramey Conditional Use Permit for Quorum Decision
Bloomfield explained that a quorum has to vote and since the Ramey Conditional use Permit
hearing had a quorum at roll-call but not at time of vote, the hearing will have to be repeated.
Notice will be mailed to those who came and then for the record there will be a review of what
occurred and remind the Commissioners on the record that they have a draft Findings &
Conclusions and ask if they have any questions.
VII. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Thayer. Seconded by Baird. All were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Sheila Spears
Planning & Building Assistant