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City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000
Business Meeting
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 14, 1993
A. East Jefferson County Emergency Medical Services Council
Conditional Use Permit #9307-01
1. Staff report (Bloomfield)
-- 2. _J>ublic testimony
3. - COl!lmittee report (Welch/Erickson)
4. _ Commission discussion and conclusions
October 28, 1993
A. - Schedule hearing for Larry & Marty Johnson, Variance Application #9310-09
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: - Next Scheduled Meetings -
Cí ty of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000
Business Meeting
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 14, 1993
A. East Jefferson County Emergency Medical Services Council
Conditional Use Permit #9307-01
L Staff report (Bloomfield)
2. Public testimony
3. . Committee report (Welch/Erickson)
4. Commission discussion andconc1usions
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
October 28, 1993
Guest List
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Name (please print!
· City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
. 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000
October 28, 1993
Chair Lois Sherwood called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. Present were commissioners
Lisa Enarson, Ernie Baird, Cindy Thayer, Mark Welch and Bob Rickard. Karen Erickson was
absent. Staff members present were Darlene Bloomfield and Sheila Spears
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 14, 1993
Motion was made by Rickard to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Thayer. AUwere
in favor.
. III. COMMUNICATIONS: .. Current Mail
A. _ East Jefferson County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Council
Conditional Use Permit #9307-01
1. Staff Report (Bloomfield)
Bloomfield read the DRAFT Findings of Fact and Conclusions on East Jefferson County
Emergency Medical Services Council's proposal to construct an 8xl0x8 foot metal building, and
20--foot high tower with four two-way FM radio antennas. Site of the proposal is near the
northern boundary line of city property located near the Morgan Hill Reservoir on Blocks 12
and !3 .of the Mountain View Addition to the City of Port Townsend in the P-I zoning district.
She referenced two letters from neighboring properties concerning the location of the antenna
-and mentioned the packet of information commission members had received prior to the meeting
which included the DRAFT Findings of Fact and Conclusions and exhibits 1-7.
Bloomfield -and -Bob LaCroix from the City's Water Quality Department had visited the site
earlier in the day. Bloomfield said that another site at the northwest comer of the reservoir
might be a better location to consider for the proposed installation. Access to the building in
either location would be from the gate on Reed Street. The building and antenna will be inside
the fence that will run along the perimeter of the blocks containing the reservoir.
2. Public Testimony
Joanne Clyde, EMS Director, explained the work the committee has done in the past year to
improve the EMS communications system for the s~te. Jefferson County was awarded a grant
last November. The reason for applying for the grant is that multiple problems with
Planning Commission Minutes
October 28, 1993
Page Two
communications with various emergency services exist because of the geographic nature of the
county. Some of the problems are: skipping; ghosting; frequency problems; and complete radio
silence. She displayed a map that has highlighted areas known to breakup or be absent during
communications. The Morgan Hill site is a better site for the northern repeater. It will address
some of the problems along the airport cutoff and in the Cape George area. She expressed the
importance of the system especially in a disaster situation when phones will be jammed.
Clyde said that when they were awarded the grant they tested alternative locations for the
repeaters and determined this site was the best for solving transmission problems. She described
the building and said it is portable and able to be moved if the need arises. This will greatly
enhance the system even if it is temporary for the next couple of years. The facade of the
building is open to whatever is necessary to make it look better.
Jefferson County Sheriff/Emergency Management Director Mel Mefford, spoke in favor of the
application. He said they are the keepers of the communication capability of the county which
includes seven fire districts and two law enforcement agencies, and they operate the 911 system.
He said they hope to provide a service that in the event of an emergency or a medical problem
they can have direct communication with physicians at Jefferson General Hospital. He said there
are a number of areas where radio reception is poor or dead. Fort Worden State Park is in a
poor area for communication. Mefford said the needs for communication for the EMS people
are probably greater than for law enforcement. This grant allowed them to raise the tower on
the Coyle Peninsula. Also included is a tower on Green Mountain in Kitsap County so
communication can be improved along the Highway 101 and 104 corridor. The tower on
Morgan Hill will provide communication from Gardiner, Discovery Bay, 2/3 of the Port Ludlow
area and the back side of Morgan Hill. They also have to meet Canadian requirements with the
Morgan Hill site.
Bloomfield said the change in location of the site has yet to be approved by the City's Public
Works Director.
Kathy Langley, from Fire District #6 just outside the city limits, spoke in favor of the proposal.
She said the tower which is currently in use at the City Fire Hall will be taken down. It is in
poor shape. Langley said a windstorm will take it down if it is left up.
David Pratt, EMS Planning Committee member, said the tower on the Fire Hall belongs to the
City and it is the City's decision when to remove the tower. He addressed public safety issues
related to radio communications equipment and said that in his 25 years in the radio business
no evidence of any damage from radio communications has been found. He read some
supporting safety documentation from "Ocean Navigator" and entered it as Exhibit 9.
Enarson asked for clarification of overall height of the structure. It is proposed at 40 feet,
building and antenna.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 28, 1993
Page Three
Mark Saran, neighboring property owner, spoke in opposition to the proposal. He has a ham
radio and owns the land directly to the north of the revised tower location. The house he is
going to build will be about 80 feet north of the tower. He said he feels towers should never
go in residential areas if it can be avoided, but that this would be OK if it is truly only intended
to be at this location for two years. He said the proliferation of radio frequency is expanding
daily and he has some concerns. He said he didn't realize the dead spot that med com and the
sheriff already have. He asked if this is a two-year plan and if it for sure is going to be moved
in two years to the Howard Street site, and if the Howard Street site is as good a transmitting
Clyde said the Howard Street site was tested and found not near as optimum as the Morgan Hill
site. If required to move to Howard Street they would have had two good years at the Morgan
Hill site and they would be grateful for those two years. They hope not to have to move.
Sherwood confirmed that the limit of the proposal is one tower with four antenna on the top.
3. Committee Report (Welch/Erickson)
Welch objected to the original site but by moving it, as suggested by Bloomfield, his concerns
were eliminated. He wants greenery around the building since it is in a residential
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Thayer asked if Saran would get the ham radio reception interference he complained about if he
(Saran) built any place on his site. Dave Pratt, Green Tree Communications, said that he is not
aware of any interference we have caused. Saran said it is because of his cheap radio.
Enarson reminded the Commission that the City approved the fence around the reservoir area
and agrees that greenery should be planted around the site. She said the greater health, safety
and welfare issues of the community are better served by allowing this conditional use permit.
Thayer said she agreed.
Motion was made by Welch to grant Conditional Use Permit #9307-01 with the location as
described in this hearing and with buffering the site; The dimensions of the building, 8xl0x8 to
show in the report; and add condition number 6 requiring an evergreen buffer around the
building. Seconded by Thayer. All were in favor.
A. Schedule hearing for Larry & Marty Johnson, Variance Application #9310-09.
Rickard and Thayer asked not to be assigned to committee on this application. Hearing was
scheduled for a special meeting on Wednesday, November 17, 1993. Rickard will not be able
to attend the meeting.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 28, 1993
Page Four
VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
Wednesday. November 17. 1993
Larry & Marty Johnson, Variance Application #9310-09
Motion to adjourn was made by Thayer and seconded by Baird. Meeting adjourned at 8: 10 PM.
Sheila Spears
Planning & Building Assistant