HomeMy WebLinkAbout083090 Min Ag "'''£ity of Port Townse' Planning Commission 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385.3000 e . Meeting of AUgust 30, 1990 I. Roll Call Mr. Kosec called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Other members present were Karen Erickson, sally McDole and Alan Carman. Also present was Planning and Building Director Michael Hildt. II. Reading and Approval of Minutes Ms. Erickson moved to approve the minutes of August 16, 1990 as distributed. Ms. McDole seconded and all were in favor. III. Communications Mr. Hildt asked the commission if they had received notification of an upcoming planning and zoning seminar. The commission did not receive the notice. A copy will be forwarded in the next information packets. 4IÞ IV. Old Business: A. Conditional Use Permit, 8912-07, Douglass and Nancy Lamy 1. Staff Review The commission received a revised application and plan from the applicants and a memo from Mr. Hildt dated August 24, 1990. Mr. Hildt explained to the commission that the proposed project would not be allowed under the existing interim controls ordinance and that the application currently has not been reviewed by the Historic Preservation commission. Lois Sherwood joined the Commission at this time. Mr. Hildt recommended that the project be denied without prejudice, making no judgement on the application but allowing the city Council to review the project under the future regulations. A second suggestion would be to continue the hearing until the interim controls are lifted. The complete project as revised would result in 12 residential hotel units. Mr. Hildt recommended the applicant work with the historic preservation commission and participate in the waterfront plan. ~e Ms. McDole asked about the Historic Preservation commission ·..' . e - .. e e Planning Commission-August 30, 1990 Page 2 of 8 determination. Mr. Hildt stated the project had not yet been reviewed by the Commission. Mr. Carman stated that the council could just deny the project if the Planning commission were to pass the application along without recommendations. 2. Public Testimony Mr. Lamy stated that he would appreciate a conditional approval of his proposal. Mr. Lamy stated that the draft as presented was a good one. Public testimony was closed 3. Committee Report Ms. Erickson left the room due to a possible conflict in interest. Ms. McDole asked Mr. Hildt for clarification on the letter from the applicant dated August 15, 1990. Mr. Lamy stated that the letter was intended to amend the application to include the change in the previous conditional use permit. Some discussion followed over the proposed amendment to the application. The commission reviewed the required parking spaces for the completed project. Ms. Sherwood asked the applicant to what extent the waterfront plan regulations may have on his project. Mr. Lamy stated that he did not feel his project would be denied by the Council. Ms. Sherwood stated that acting on the application now may create a problem for the applicant later with the possible change in the waterfront regulations. Mr. Lamy asked the Commission if they would approve the application if the interim controls were not in place. Mr. Hildt explained that the waterfront was currently subject to interim control regulations and that the commission must base its decisions under the current regulations. The current interim ordinance expires October 3, 1990. The city Council may extend the expiration date. Mr. Carman stated that the application has been under modification since December and that the Commission has been indecisive. He stated the applicant had first asked for 13 units and now is proposing 12. Ms. McDole stated that she felt it was not the commission's fault that the process has been delayed. She stated that the proposal has had so many changes it has been impossible to act. · e e Planning commission-August 30, 1990 4IÞ Page 3 of 8 Ms. Sherwood stated that the applicant has been aware of the interim ordinance since its inception, and the Commission is not responsible for the delay. Ms. McDole stated that this is the first time the Commission has seen a complete project. Mr. Carman moved to approve application 8912-07, Conditional Use Permit, Douglass and Nancy Lamy, adopting the Findings of Fact and Conclusions with amendments. The permit would receive conditional approval but must meet any future requirements as regulated by the results of the waterfront plan and that building B be presented to the Historic preservation Commission to reduce the parking requirements. Ms. Sherwood seconded for discussion. Ms. Sherwood asked the commission if the intention was to approve the Findings and Conclusions for the city council's consideration after the moratorium ends. e e Mr. Hildt stated the City Council will not be able to act on an application that is illegal. Their decision would have to await the concl~sion of the waterfront planning process. Mr. Hildt stated this project is not vested. A complete building permit must be submitted to cause the project to be vested. Therefore the project is subject to the interim controls and the future waterfront regulations. Mr. Carman stated he would like to amend the motion to approve the application but hold action on the conditional use permit in abeyance until the conclusion of waterfront plan. Mr. Hildt stated that it is possible that the Council may set a hearing after the waterfront plan and find the commission has not made a recommendation under the revised waterfront regulation. They may then remand the application to the Planning Commission. Thus it may be faster for the Commission to continue the application to a future meeting rather than send it on to the council. Ms. Sherwood stated that the Commission should act on an application with current criteria. A vote was taken on the motion on the floor. The motion failed 1- 3. wi th commissioners Sherwood, McDole and Kosec against the motion. MS. McDole moved to deny without prejudice Conditional Use Permit, 8912-07, Douglass and Nancy Lamy. Ms. Sherwood asked for a clarification. If the prevoius motion would not allow the Council to act would this motion? Some , e e Planning commission-August 30, 1990 4IÞ Page 4 of 8 discussion followed. e e Ms. Sherwood seconded the motion. Discussion. Mr. Carman stated that this motion puts the applicant in the same jeopardy. A vote was taken on the motion. 2-2 with Lois and Alan opposed. Mr. Carman moved to continue Conditional Use permit, 8912-07, Douglass and Nancy Lamy to the first regular meeting following the interim controls, October 24, 1990. Ms. Sherwood seconded and'all were in favor. B. Preliminary Sub-Division, Vantage Homes Inc. 1. Commission Discussion Mr. Hildt stated that applicants for subdivision under the sub- division ordinance may come to the commission informally to discuss a proposed project. This is not an application. Lee Wilburn president of vantage Homes told the commission of a proposal to divide a 30 acre parcel into 76 local housing units. The proposal includes underground utilities, open areas and restrictive covenants. He asked for Commission input into the proposed project prior to the formal application submittal. Layout of the proposed plat is intended to use the natural contours of the land and will need minimum excavation. The north and west of the properties have large trees which the proponent hopes to preserve. Mr. Wilburn asked the Commission if they had any questions. Ms. McDole asked the applicant what the properties would sale for. The applicant stated that his research indicated the range of $85- 115,000. Mr. Carman asked where the playground area would be. Mr. wilburn stated that Area C would provide space for the playground and the area behind lots 40-43 is a meadow to which access will be provided. The ravine will be left in its natural state. The applicant stated that a plan for surface water management program would be prepared. Ms. McDole asked about access to the plat. Mr. wilburn stated that Ivy would likely be only for emergency access. Access will be off of Discovery Road and 13th street. Ms. Erickson asked how many building sites. responded 75 with one access. The applicant 'e e Planning Commission-August 30, 1990 4IÞ Page 5 of 8 Some discussion followed over the street standards ordinance. Mr. Hildt stated that the subdivision ordinance already deals with standards. The proposed new standards would not effect subdivisions. The applicant stated that it would be necessary to meet the requirements. Mr. wilburn stated that he would like to develop something better and unique to what the City of Port Townsend has seen. c. Variance 9007-01, Keith and Flora Lee Malone 1. staff Review e Mr. Hildt reviewed the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of the Planning commission. The applicants propose to construct a residence located on Jackman street, between 9th and 10th street. Mr. Hildt suggested that a condition number 4 be added, stating the height of the building shall not exceed 24 feet as defined in the uniform building code. 2. Public Testimony Keith Malone, applicant, told the Commission that he requested the variance to build his home to avoid building over the bank. The bank required the access to the garage would not be from Jackman street. Some discussion followed over the square footage of the proposed building. A member of the audience asked how much lower the residence would be than if it were built under the existing ordinances. Mr. Malone responded that it would be the same as the maximum height of the Younce house. Richard Short stated his concerns regarding the height of the proposed structure. He stated this will not benefit the neighborhood and will devalue neighboring properties. Ms. McDole asked Mr. Short the location of his property. Mr. Short responded that his property is directly across Jackman from the subject site and that he built with the understanding that other property owners would build with the proper setbacks. Mr. Short asked how the applicant will access his garage. Some discussion followed. Mr. Hildt stated that the State will not grant access to Sims way. Mr. Malone stated that the Maestro Burger may grant an easement through their property. Dean Nelson, neighboring property owner, stated he was against the variance. He stated he did not have enough information to make a good decision on the variance. He stated that more information was needed to analyze the impact of the variance on the views. e . . e Planning Commission-August 30, 1990 4IÞ page 6 of 8 He submitted two letters from Marilyn Sogo, a neighborinq property owner, stating her feelings on the variance. Lucinda Thayer a neighboring property owner asked where the top of the bank was in relation to the house. How much of the property is at the top of the bank? Mr. Kosec read the letters from Ms. Sogo into the record. Public testimony was closed. 3. Committee Report Mr. Carman stated that a topographic survey had not been done on the property. He stated a severe limitation on the buildable size of the lot existed and that this variance is essentially the same as the Younce variance approved by the commission. e Mr. Carman moved to recommend to the City council the approval of variance Application, 9007-01, Keith and Flora Lee Malone including the Findings and Conclusions as drafted with the added conditions: 4. ) using the southwest corner of the subject property as a reference point for measurement, the maximum height of any structures, additions, appendages or vegetation shall not exceed 24-feet in height. 5.) A restrictive covenant describing the above mentioned height restriction shall be recorded with the Jefferson County Courthouse. Mr. Carman stated that it appeared that with the above mentioned conditions the variance height would be more restrictive than a 30- foot height without the variance. Ms. Erickson asked when access to proposed structures is reviewed by the city. Mr. Hildt responded that it is reviewed prior to the building permit. Mr. Carman moved to approve the variance as conditioned above adding conditions 4 and 5 to the draft Findings and Conclusions. Ms. McDole seconded. Discussion. Ms. Sherwood stated that she applauds the applicants desire to protect the bluff. She asked the applicant what the buildable space on the top of the bluff was. Mr. Hildt stated it was approximately 4,500 square feet of buildable land. e Ms. McDole stated she was uncomfortable because of the request by testimony for more information. Mr. Dean stated that he still does not know what the impact on his property will be. Some discussion , e e e " .0 . Planning commission-August 30, 1990 page 7 of 8 followed. Mr. Carman asked Mr. Hildt if the information supplied for the application proves to be false if the application can be revoked. Mr. Hildt stated this was a part of the application. Some discussion followed. Mr. Carman stated that the proposed structure will not exceed the maximum height requirements of a house following the zoning requirements on the property. Ms. Sherwood asked the commission if the criteria for ml.nl.mum variance allowable for reasonable use of the land had been met, and asked if this could be determined without knowing the square footage of the above bluff area. Mr. Carman stated that in the past applications have been taken without a survey. Mr. Carman stated that being a surveyor he is uncomfortable requiring someone to get a survey. He stated that many people are capable of establishing the measurements submitted. Ms. Erickson suggested that the applicant bring more accurate maps to the city Council for review at the time of the hearing. Ms. Erickson asked Mr. Carman to review the suggested requirement for a height with less impact than the height of structure without a variance. Some discussion followed. A vote was taken and all were in favor. V. New Business Short Plat application submitted by Barbara williams will be schedUled for September 27, 1990 at the next meeting. VI. Announcements Ms. McDole told the Commission that she will be late for the meeting of September 13, 1990, and will not be present at the meetings of September 27, and November 8. Mr. Kosec asked the secretary to update the Leader on upcoming meetings. Some information has been inaccurate in past issues. Mr. Hildt reviewed the revised project schedule for the waterfront plan. Mr. Kosec brought to the attention of the Commission that attendance by SOme members had been less than desirable. Mr. Hildt stated that the mayor would contact the members concerning their attendance. A. Next Scheduled Meetings " . e Planning commission-August 30, 1990 4IÞ Page 8 of 8 September 13. 1990 street vacation, 8911-04, Arne willenhag (Sherwood/Tavernakis) Rezone, 9007-02, Quimper Credit Uniont (Grimm/Sherwood) City of Port Townsend, 9008-02, City of Port Townsend (EricksonjMcDole) e e September 20, 1990 sign Code Workshop September 27. 1990 Short Plat, 9002-05, Jeff Porter (TaVernakis/Erickson) Variance, 9008-01, Garth and Patty Hatfield (Tavernakis/Carman) October 4, 1990 Sign Code Hearing October 25. 1990 Conditional Use (McDole/carman) and Nancy Lamy, Permit, 8912-07, Doug November 1, 1990 Joint Public Hearing-City Council and planning commission: Draft Waterfront Plan Ordinances November 15. 1990 Planning commission Recommendation on Draft Waterfront Plan Ordinances. VII. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Darlene Bloomfield Planning commission secretary e e e . City of Port Townse' · Planning Commission 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000 AGENDA (Proposed) Regular Meeting August 30, 1990 I. ROLLCALL-------------------------------------------7:30P.M. II. READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING III. COMMUNICATIONS: A. current mail IV. OLD BUSINESS: A. Conditional Use Permit, 8912-07, Douglass and Nancy Lamy ~5 ..-\v OG{ ÛØ''Jr, 1. 2. 3. 4. staff Review Public Testimony Committee Review-(McDole/Carman) Findings and Conclusions B. Preliminary SUb-Division, vantage Homes, Inc. 1. commission Discussion (15 Minutes) C. Variance Appl., 9007-01, Keith and Flora Lee Malone 1. Staff Review 2. Public Testimony 3. Committee Review-(Carman/Grimm) 4. Findings and Conclusions ~. - or5> &-\~ ð''>(\. u:.>\~ '5-0 V. NEW BUSINESS: None VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: A. Next Scheduled Meetings: 1. September 13, 1990 a. Street Vacation Appl., 8911-04, Arne Willenhag (Continued from meeting of April 12, 1990) (SherwQod/Tavernakis) b. Rezone Appl., 9007-02, Quimper Credit Union (Grimm/Sherwood) . . e e VII. ADJOURN September 20. 1990 S· l.gn Code Workshop September 27, 1990 Short Plat A (TaVernakis/~P~" 9002-05 Jeff rl.ckson) , Porter Variance A Hatfield (gPl., 9008-01 G avernakis/C ' arth and arman) c. 2. a. 3. a. b. e e Variance A (EriCksonJP~l., 9008-02 City Of cDole) , Port Townsend Patty October 4, 1999 a. s' 19n Code Hea . rl.ng ~? uJMe-<~~ 'Y\""^- ..- ~lS W-. Z~ ¿kV'-Ai Ccn.J... f00Y. \ C ,c. / p(þV\M PCPMÞO- ßCO/Vl 4. µov. ~\~G. f> ).ßl--l C ~l¡()Q, G:IS 01-' W~~ ~ IS ·".1 ··e "e" e . e ¡/C01l1/1/l ßJC/Zë7S S/Z3/iù _::/lJdÞvtl-r. ~ ~J~ -,'~ .çJ. /tvg- !(¿,uqo . - .....J¡..L:2~..tlkO ~ ~~ -SuIo D\V - ~. Ç-"'~ G ~~QM ..~ - tE-: ~ ~ ,.;.. ,...~., ,. " ~r··· " e e e e e Revised 8-29-90 REVISED PROJECT SCHEDULE URBAN WATERFRONT PLAN Aug 9-10 DESIGN EVENT o Policies reviewed o Alternatives identified/prioritized Aug 13-24 Develop Alternatives/Preliminary Draft Plan Aug 24 Review preliminary draft plan with Joint Waterfront Planning Committee Sept 6 Preliminary Draft Plan delivered to EIS Team Ordinànce preparation begins Sept 7- Sept 24 Sept 25 Oct 10 Sept 26- Oct 25 Oct 25 Prepare Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Prepare Draft Plan and Presentation Print Draft Plan DRAFf PLAN AND DEIS ISSUED o 30 Day DEIS comment period begins o Draft ordinances available PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE AND HEARING: DRAFf URBAN WATERFRONT PLAN &: DEIS JOINT WATERFRONT PLANNING COMMITIEE CITY COUNCIL Revise plan and EIS as comments are received DE IS COMMENT PERIOD ENDS (unless extended by City Council) ·...~ \. . .. e e e e e Re~i~CedUle ~ JOINT PUBLIC HEARING: DRAFf ORDINANCES CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION Page 2 Nov 2 Joint Waterfront Planning Committee Review Nov 5 FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ISSUED RECOMMENDED WATERFRONT PLAN ISSUED REVISED DRAFr ORDINANCES ISSUED e PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION ISSUED Nov 20 CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF PLAN AND PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES Nov 28 Ordinances published Dee 3 Ordinances become effective Guest List Do you wish to If yes, indicate ADDRESS present tesllmony? topic. 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