HomeMy WebLinkAbout091390 Min e e e .. '"city ~f Port Townsel · Planning Commission 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000 MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 13,1990 I. Roll Call Mr. Kosec called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm. Other members present were Lois Sherwood, Karen Erickson, Alan Carman, Jim Tavernakis. Sally McDole it was reported would be joining the commission at a later time. Absent was commission member Bob Grimm. Staff Planners Dave Robison and Rick Sepler were also present at the meeting. In addition the City of Port Townsend Public Works Director was present at the meeting. II. Reading and Approval of Minutes Mr. Kosec suggested a change in the minutus. A person reffered to as Mr. Dean, should be changed to Mr. Dean Nelson. No further changes were made and Karen Erickson motioned to approve the minutes as amended. Jim Tavernakis seconded and all were in favor. III. Communications Jim Tavernakis presented a letter he received from a Kitty Reithel supporting the development of the Point Hudson Seaport concept. IV. Old Business A. Street Vacation Application, 8911-04 continued from previous meeting. Arne Willenhag, 1. Staff Review City planner Dave Robison read the findings of fact and conclusion both draft A which recommends denial, and draft B which recommends approval of the application. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The applicants propose to vacate the portion of extending from Haines street east to McNeill street. abuts lots 5-8 on Block 2, and lots 1-4 on Block 11. these lots have also joined in the application. 33rd Street This portion The owners of There is a 6-inch water main located in the portion of 33rd street propo~d to be vacated. The applicants state the vacation is e . . c..- -<4 requested to preserve the area in its natural state and to prevent ... the future use of the street for vehicular traffic. . puget Power and the City Police Department have no objections to the application while Port Townsend Cable has requested to retain an easement through the area. The Public Works staff, Fire Department, and Water and Sewer Superintendents wish to retain the street for future use. 2. Public Testimony Joshua Sage: Represented the applicant. He stated the applicants do not have a problem with granting an easement through the street right of way. He restated the applicants reason for requesting the vacation is to eliminate only vehicle traffic. Joshua Sage stated that he was not an adjoining property owner but merely helping the Willenhags since they could not be present at the meeting. David Reel: stated he was the principle developer of the PUD that is being proposed on the adjoining 6 acres. He stated that he was in favor of granting an easement through the property to support pedestrian and bicycle access. The only concern that he and the developers of the PUD had was access to lots 3 and 4 of Block 2. He stated that in conjunction with the PUD procedure, the developers intended to apply for the vacation of 32nd street sometime in the near future, and that if both vacations were approved access to these lots would be a concern. He ended saying 4IÞ that for all intents and purposes that he was in favor of the application. No one wished to speak against the application and chairman Kosec closed the public testimony portion of the hearing. 3. Committee Report (Sherwood/ Tavernakis) Jim Tavernakis stated that his concern was that this vacation would take place in the vicinity of the very important intersection of San Juan. San Juan is currently used a great deal and elimination of an alternate route via 33rd may be a mistake. Lois Sherwood concurred with Mr. Tavernakis that 33rd may be used as an alternative to San Juan. Ms. Sherwood noted that the Public Works department recommended that this street be retained as a future right of way. It would be short sighted to deny that this street may be needed in the future. Lois Sherwood asked for comment from Bob Wheeler concerning his response to the application. Bob stated that the impacts of one street vacation may seem minimal at this time, but without a overall traffic plan and a traffic study the prospective impacts may be great. Lois Sherwood stated that in the face of probable future ~ development of this area, it seems a poor time to contemplate . elimi~ting a street from Port Townsends traffic plans. e e e ~ , . e Jim Tavernakis added that the Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan encourages alternative routes to heavily traveled streets, and this vacation would eliminate doing that. In addition the nearby property is zoned for commercial uses and it is entirely possible that in the future this street will be a crucial part. Sherwood moved to approve draft A , which recommends denial of Street Vacation Application 8911-04, Arne Willenhag proponent. Jim Tavernakis seconded. A vote was taken with all in favor of draft A for denial, with the exception of Alan Carman who was opposed. Lois Sherwood commended the applicant for trying to preserve a corridor for pedestrian access. Joshua Sage expressed his confusion with the comissions recommendation, and Ron Kosec clarified that the commission had recommended denial of the application. Sally McDole entered the meeting at this time. B. Rezone Application ,9007-02, Quimper Credit Union. 1. Staff Report The applicant proposes a rezone of lots 17-28 of Block 31, Eisenbeis Addition from R-1 to C-II. The subject property is adjacent to the safeway Store to the East. The rezone application would have the effect of expanding the entire block to a C-II zone. The applicants propose to conduct a new Community Credit Union facility if the site is rezoned. Lots 29-32 zoned C-II are owned by Quimper Credit Union. In addition Quimper Credit owns lots 17- 22. The owners of the other lots have also joined in the application. Also reviewed in the findings are the definitions and purposes of each zoning district. The applicant states that the proposed rezone would allow for the relocation of the Quimper Credit Union facility. A determination of non significance was issued by the Council on Aug. 7, 1990 which cited mitigating measures including a possible traffic study, a storm drainage plan for the site, and consultation with the Gateway committee. Also the commission discussed the fact that there was a house on lot 17. The findings stated that the lots were vacant which in fact they are not. The commission discussed that finding of fact #1 be amended to state this fact. 2. Public Testimony Gailyn Page of the Driftmeier Architects was representing Quimper Credi t union. Mr. Page presented a map detailing all the zones and the zoning districts that are affected by this application. The map also shows existing uses in the area. Mr. Page stated that the Credit Union wishes contiguous C-II zoning since the property is surro4Dded by Commercial uses. He was uncertain why the previous e e .. <~ rezone excluded the portion of the Block that was closest to access ~ streets. . Mr. Page stated that neighboring views would be retained. He stated that the credit facility will be located somewhere on the lot , although the location is not yet firm. He agreed that access to 10th, 12th, and Hill are indeed important concerns. In addition, he felt that the views and noise may present problems for residences that are in back of Safeway. He stressed the importance of the Credit Union being accessible to arterial streets. Mr. Page responded to the conditions of the MDNS saying that a traffic study may not be warranted at this point considering the low impacts' this building will have in relation to the great impacts of the Safeway store. He responded that the applicants intended to file a storm drainage plan but at this time a drainage plan for the entire site should not be part of the rezone requirements. Also indicated was that the applicants intended to follow the Gateway committees recommendations. The commission asked for clarification regarding the proposal and the view corridors. Mr. Gailyn Page presented a letter to the commission from the Driftmeier Architects concerning the rezone application which they read at the meeting. Use tables and the classification of Credit Unions was discussed. PUBLIC TESTIMONY 4IÞ Mr. Bussart: Stated that the other original lots weren't rezoned because Quimper Credit union bought the lots from the Bussarts with the understanding that the Credit Union would apply for a CUP for parking. Apparently from testimony a verbal agreement existed between Kelly West; the realtor for the Bussarts, Bernie Arthur; representing the Credit Union and the Bussarts. Also expressed as concerns were view corridors and the right to rezone property owned by someone else. Public Testimony was closed. 3.COMMITTEE REPORT: Lois Sherwood initially felt the property should remain R-I in conjunction with the Gateway proposal that encourages mixed uses. The site inspection revealed an existing house, but it was not clearly marked on the map and it was unclear where the house was. Other commission members discussed the fact that noise from Safeway is extreme so residential construction is perhaps not the best use. Also identified were traffic concerns with extra traffic off of 10th street . The commission discussed the desirability of the property if it were zoned commercial; development uses may be extreme. The v~bal agreement between the Bussarts and the Credit Union was e 'I . . .& . e e again discussed and clarified based on Mr. Bussarts understanding. The commission indicated that the verbal agreement may constitute a covenant. The commission discussed the number of lots and the lot coverage that the Credit Union building would use. Also discussed were the adjacent parking needs and the conjunction between using R-1 for parking and C-II for the building uses. The commission was reminded that they cannot consider project specific considerations in a rezone application. The height limits between the R-1 and CII zones were considered , and setbacks would be considerably different if the property was rezoned. Mr. Tavernakis expressed concerns about traffic through the Safeway parking lot, and stated that it would be ideal, and eliminate on street traffic, to allow Quimper to cut across the parking lot to access the property. Ron Kosec asked, and obtained an affirmative response, that all the adjoining property owners had joined in the application. e other topics considered by the commission were impacts on adjacent uses and zoning, and traffic considerations. Of special consideration were the neighboring streets and their classifications in the proposed traffic plan, and whether this proposal merits a traffic study in the area. Dave Robison stated the Gateway plan is reviewing access to sims way from 10th and Hill and more information will be forthcoming on Wednesday the 19th. The commission discussed other options for rezone areas if this area is denied, Kearney street was discussed. Lois Sherwood moved to approve Rezone application 9007-02 Quimper Credit Union, changing findings of fact and conclusion to reflect accurately condition #4 which should read "4 lots are currently zoned CII". The motion was seconded by Karen Ericson. Jim Tavernakis expressed his concern and suggested conditioning the motion in order that the applicant may ask Safeway for a response on using its property for access to the Credit Union. Street cuts and additional access to Sims way were discussed. Staff reminded the commission that this is a rezone application and site specific review is not appropriate. Planner Rick Sepler stated some of the commissions considerations would be addressed in the MDNS. Alan Carman stated that in his estimation the application meets all the criteria and was in favor. A vote was taken with all in favor excluding Jim Tavernakis who was opposed. e Meeting adjourned by chairman Kosec for a five minute recess. Meeting reconvened at 9:40 /6- e e ". . '. C: City of Port Townsend: Variance application 9008-02, 4IÞ Revised draft was received by the commission members in the mail. 1. STAFF REVIEW FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS The findings of fact and conclusion, Draft A, recommends approval of the application was read to the commission and reviewed by planner Rick Sepler. The City of Port Townsend petitions the City Council for a Variance to construct a Secondary Wastewater Treatment Plant. Four setback variances and one lot coverage variance are being required. The proposed expansion would include Blocks 20 and 21 as well as portions of 52nd, 53rd and 54th street extending East of Kuhn street. The proposal would affect both the P-I and the R-1A zone in those areas. The subject property is described as being bounded by Kuhn street to the West, Block 30 California Addition , to the North, the Chinese Gardens pond and wetlands, to the East, and Block 11 California Addition, to the South. The subject property is surrounded by residential development and some agricultural uses. The Chinese Gardens have been purchased by the Washington State Parks for addition to the Ft. Worden State .. Park. . The applications states that all buildings would have one floor, and that the oxidation ditches and secondary clarifiers would be uncovered. The proposed expansion of the treatment plant is required by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency and Washington State Department of Ecology water quality regulations. The City Council at their meeting of January 5th issued a determination of Nonsignificance for the proposed project after review of the SEPA checklist. A variance is requested for a 5-foot and 10 foot setback from the frontage property line on Kuhn Street between 52nd and 53rd streets. This is to allow construction of oxidation ditches and secondary clarifiers. Two side setback variances are requested along the north and south property lines. The variances are to extend the area available for placement of the aerobic digestor and oxidation ditches. A lot coverage variance is requested for the south half of the property to allow coverage to exceed the 35% that is currently permissible under the R-1A zone. Considering the other half of the proposed site is in the P-I zone, the lot coverage together is computed as 33%. The variance would remove any uncertainty on whether it is permissible to combine the lot coverage calculations on the subject property. 2. PUBLIC TESTIMONY e /.. e e e .. . .. . e Mr. Bob Wheeler represented the city of Port Townsend as its Public Works Director. Mr. Wheeler described the basic structure and function of the proposed Secondary Sewage Treatment Plant. The plants Aerobic Digestor and Oxidation Ditch were discussed relative to their purpose and their function. Mr. Wheeler discussed the purpose for the variance and the original Plant and its characteristics were discussed, its location was pointed out. He stated that originally the impacts to the Chinese Gardens were great, because some of the area required for the treatment plant may have required filling of the gardens. Mr. Wheeler also testified that the layout of the plant tried to follow the layout of the land, and that the design tries to avoid pumping septage uphill. Mr. Wheeler stressed that timely approval is necessary because Washington state grants for the project are pending and need to be addressed before Oct. 13th. Construction needs to begin by Dec. 1st. Bob Wheeler discussed the Value Engineering Study and the issues it has dealt with. Cape George sewage and acceptance of such is a concern to those participating in the Value Engineering Study. Concurring with the staff report, Mr. Wheeler felt the variance meets all requirements and stated the City is very concerned with meeting the conditions and will meet the landscaping needs and requirements. Bob Wheeler explained the technical aspects of the operations of the plant and the proposed screening of the plant. The public access to Chinese Gardens was pointed out to the commission and discussed. Bob Wheeler explained the stages of septage processing through the proposed plants, and the exchange of the particles to bacteria. Sludge will be brought to the county landfill. Bob also stated that certain permits are still in the process. For example the CUP and Variance before the Council and the shorelines permit Septage from the county was discussed and the current placement of septage in relation to the proposed acceptance of additional county septage. Also discussed were the options and the considerations for accepting the Cape George sewage. The commission discussed the options (if the variance were not issued) for expansion into the Chinese Gardens, and the way it may affect the tidal changes of the Chinese Gardens. The city is negotiating for possible purchase of neighboring property which holds a residence. Bob Wheeler was asked about the impacts on the wildlife and he responded by saying the impacts on wildlife should be minimal in the lopg term , but obviously during construction some disturbance e e may occur. The circulation and rotation of raw sewage, as well as noise concerns were discussed between the commission and Bob Wheeler. OTHER PUBLIC TESTIMONY Milton Foss: This plant will be a regional plant and impacts will effect the property owners on North Beach. Septage is very corrosive and hazardous to nearby uses and people. Greg Knowles: The pavement on North Beach roads is not adequate for the type of traffic the plant is going to require. The road does not have adequate access to the proposed site. Elevation and slope of the proposed site are major concerns, as are the lack of shoulders and travel lanes. The City's proposal to build in the property of the city street is not appropriate, as no other applicant would be allowed to build in the street right-of-way. Studies and the permits weren't applied for in a timely manner especially since the project has been apparent for some time. Ron McElroy: Significant truck traffic will impact the streets and the traffic flow. It will effect not only the direct routes but the accessory streets as well, there is no question that the streets will have to be rebuilt. Franchescia Knowles: Wishes to focus on the criteria for granting a variance. Brings the commissions attention to item #3, in the criteria for applying for a variance. This condition pertains to the fact that a variance shall not be granted if it is necessitated by actions of the applicant. Franchescia stated that there was no doubt that the special conditions applied for in this variance are actions of the City of Port Townsend. Bob Wheeler was asked to respond to the question of the projected life and use of this plant for the long term. The Design Life is expected to be 20 years and population considerations need to be made in conjunction with that. Additional capacity concerns and projections were discussed by the commission. Possible alternatives for Treatment Plant life after 20 years were discussed. Street improvements were discussed for access, as well as improvements for streets to Ft. Worden that may affect this plant. Lynn Reid: The sidewalks and pedestrian access are concerns. Within this proposal no provisions for sidewalks are being considered. Also the widening of the street may sacrifice some of the landscaping that is supposed to be planted. Dirk r,andsdon: ..." .-# e e e ¡.,,,,, .... e e e ..... .. . e street improvements haven't even been discussed, much less been met to the satisfaction of the property owners this plant will affect. Fred Martin: Landscaping will not be adequate for the height of the plant. Five foot trees will not cover the eighteen foot height of the plant. 2.COMMITTEE REPORT: Lois Sherwood asked that the Kuhn street improvements apparently needed for this project be addressed. It seems the City should maintain the street in consideration of the traffic impacts. Lois also echoed the concerns that had been present in the testimony regarding landscaping and affects to adjacent uses. Property lines and easement lines were discussed and presented by Bob Wheeler from the board map. Greg Knowles was asked by the commission to respond with an open suggestion about what he would like to see in regards to the plant. He suggested shrinking the plant to fit the property ,and continue with the value engineering process. The Commission clarified that there would be two employees working at the site. Also discussed was the height limit in the R-1A zone, and the lot coverage of the particular building. The commission discussed the City's options in leasing its own property , for example use of street for city projects. The discussion that followed centered on the Public Right of way questions and public improvement inadequacies. Not enough information is available to the commission as far as reducing the impacts to the neighboring properties, and buffer zones (safety and landscaping). The information received does not include all the conditions or all the mitigating circumstances. Alan Carman asked for clarification on classifications of streets accessing the subject property. Bob Wheeler stated the goal for this project was to get public and interested party comments on landscaping at a later stage . The commission discussed whether it was appropriate to condition the application for approval before the City Council. Alan Carman explained to the commission that the state regulations forbid conditioning an application of this nature, based on the lack of a Capital Improvements Plan. closing discussion centered on the existence of documents petitioning the acceptance of outer septage which have been circulated. They contain over 645 signatures of residents wanting to exclude additional septage from County areas and Cape George. i~ .... e e .... ... - ~ Karen Erickson- moved to approve variance 9008-02, City of Port .. Townsend with the provision that a strongly worded memo be attached . detailing the concerns brought forth at the Planning Commission meeting. Sally McDole seconded the motion with Lois Sherwood abstaining, Jim Tavernakis opposed and all others in favor of the motion. IV. New Business Short Plat application submitted by Barbara Williams was scheduled for September 27th meeting. Committee Grimm\Sherwood. Short Plat application submitted by Campbell\Hogue Associates for the "Discovery View" proposal will be scheduled for the October 11th meeting. Committee Carman\Erickson. V. Announcements Alan Carman discussed budgeting to allow commission members to attend Land Use conferences offered to them. September 27.1990 Porter Short Plat application, 9002-05 , Jeff and Karen Porter. October 4.1990 sign Code Hearing e October 11.1990 Discovery View, 9009-01, Campbell/Hogue and Associates ,Short Plat Application. October 25.1990 Conditional Use Permit, 8912-07, Douglass and Nancy Lamy,( McDole/Carman) November 1,1990 Joint Public Hearing-City Council and Planning Commission: Draft Waterfront Plan Ordinances. November 15.1990 Planning Commission recommendation on Draft Waterfront Plan Ordinances. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 on September 13th. VI. Adjourn Tammy Quinn Planning & Building Assistant e /...