HomeMy WebLinkAbout092090 Min Ag Packet ') ',..__ Ii "~, \-- '- ý' city of Port Townsel ..... Ftanning Commission .. 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 e 206/385.3000 SPECIAL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1990 SIGN CODE WORKSHOP I. Roll Call Ron Kosec called the workshop meeting to order at 7: 35pm on September 20th, 1990. Other members present were, Lois Sherwood, Karen Erickson, sally McDole and Jim Tavernakis. Alan Carman was not present. II. Communications e Jim Tavernakis read a letter in response to a request for his resignation. He felt that the only matter in question was his attendance. He mentioned he consulted with Mayor Brent shirley and asked to be retained on the commission. III. Sign Code Michael Hildt referred the commission to Draft III of the Sign Code. Mr. Hildt stated that all major policy questions had been addressed in previous meetings, but the workshop meeting will be to finalize the Planning commissions major recommendations. section I Statement of purpose, Item C. If the PT sign code conflicts with the state sign code, the local rules govern. section 020- Historic District Signs: the language governing signs will be developed further with the new HPC review process , refer to the HPC design review ordinance. Karen Ericson asked if the Hpc ordinance in any way conflicts with the current sign code. Michael Hildt stated the HPC follows all the guidelines that are ~ present in the current sign code. Definitions: e Bench sign- Pg 6 item 6. To clarify the definition, if a bench sign is visible from the right of way, it is classified as a bench sign. e e e ....' -;j, e e Planning Commission Meeting - September 20, 1990 Page 2 of 6 Principal building, item 8,was added to deal with the typical downtown situation when diffenent tenants occupy the same space. All signage will be based on property ownership. Commemorative Plaque- item 11, changed the wording to remove the definition of the material that the plaque is made of. The critical definition for commemorative plaque is explained as being devoid of advertising. Grand Opening- item 20, is designed to facilitate the signage needs if someone is opening a new business, this particular signage is permitted for a certain period of time and for certain events as specified. The Commission discussed the need for this type of sign in order for new businesses to make themselves known. The Commission also discussed perhaps this classification could fall under temporary signs or special event signs. The definition states that temporary signs are permissible fora 15 day time period (pg 14). Signage especially for anniversaries was not included in the definition for temporary signs because there is usually not a special short term need for the public to know where the business is located. Anniversary signage should be adequately addressed under temporary or special event signs. Main Entry- This definition will tie in to the definition of principle. Monument Sign- The Commission suggested the possible need to reword this definition to identify that the base of the sign is solid, and filled in, rather than suspended from two poles. The Commission discussed wording the definition to say "solid base". After discussion and reading of the definition the Commission decided to retain the original definition. Off Premises Sign- Ron Kosec asked if this definition covered Real Estate Signs. The commission discussed the distance the sign may be from the property actually being sold. Michael Hildt referred the commission to Pg 27 item D, which covers real estate signs. These signs are listed as an exemption in the sign code. This section of the code is designed for Open House type signs. One idea that was discussed by the commission was to prohibit real estate signs that are marked sold, as the use therefore changes from. a information type use to an advertisement use. It was pointed out to the commission that realtors are not allowed to mark these signs "SOLD" until the closing of the real estate. The classification at this point may be "off premises advertising" not serving the purpose of real estate sign. The commission discussed requiring the signs marked sold be removed after 48 hours of closing. This provision may discourage leaving signs up for extended periods of time. The commission was hopeful that the e e e ... - 1. e e Planning Commission Meeting - September 20, 1990 Page 3 of 6 general public and new property owners may help pOlice this regulation. sign Area- Pg 13, The code specifies that in order to calculate the sign area, one would measure the perimeter of each word. When calculating sign area, decoration or trademarks shall not be included. The exception to this specification is internally lit signs in which the whole area is counted if the area is backlit. street Frontage- Pg 13, Michael Hildt read the existing definition as it pertains to facing an abutting street. The definition of street is broadly termed ( See pg 17 A1 for Historic District regulations). Allowable sign area is measured in relation to the street frontage of the business. The sign area is computed with the sign area in relation to lineal feet of street frontage. The Commission discussed this definition in relation to the number of entrances present in some of the downtown buildings. It was suggested that street frontage be used in order to accommodate side entrances. Also discussed was the need to define legitimate side store fronts. The addressing procedure was discussed in relation to street frontage. Definitions may need to identify each principal building, and require that it not be connected to other space. Also discussed was the option of owner designated frontage. Commission member Tavernakis referred back to the discussion regarding real estate signage, page 11 of the sign code. Mr. Tavernakis suggested that realtors should be required to get approval from the property owner to place real estate signs off si te. Also mentioned was a size restriction that could be proposed, for example a off site sign should not exceed 3 square feet. A sign that is placed illegally should be removed by the building official if the sign is in the right of way or on private property. Michael Hildt stated to the commission off premises real estate signs are not permitted by the code so a permitting process for non-permitted signs is inappropriate. Signs required by law may be exempted. For example, parking lot signage has to be posted for tow away zones. The commission discussed allowing a maximum square footage for parking lots. The commission discussed a proposal that would allow signs that are required by law to be exempt from counting in the total square footage. The commission amended the exemptions category on pg 28 item I, to add to the wording "impound regulatory sign", i.e. parking signs. The wording should read, "traffic, informational, or directional sign, installed or required by a government entity." e e e """ " \0 e e Planning commission Meeting - September 20, 1990 Page 4 of 6 The commission discussed adding to the classifications as signs, other items interpreted as signs by public. The commission agreed that the wording should say that it is "unlawful to erect or to take any action to circumvent this code" (the sign code). For example the footprint decals that are designed to lead customers into a store. Commercial Historic District- Pg 17, the definitions between the classifications of principal and secondary are an issue. The classification of "secondary" does not have a main entrance. The application in Port Townsend lies with the buildings that have sides, but don't have businesses fronting them. There are an infinite number of physical possibilities that the code may not be able to address. Item 3 on this page was discussed pertaining to businesses that do not have a building , it was clarified that each is allowed 40 square feet of signage on the premises. Signage may be a problem with the transitional businesses. These businesses can have a certain number of square footage signs, although these businesses could contract with another business to use some of their unused extra sign area. window Signs- Pg 18, letters that are less than six inches tall are exempt. The sign code does not allow extra sign areas on the front of the building by virtue of the area allowable for the sides. Monument Signs- Pg 18, the signs regulations in the Historic district shouldn't exempt pole signs because they are historically significant. Page 19 Exception is removed Under item I the commission discussed not allowing much area of backlit illuminated signs although the commission felt that neon is popular and fairly subtle. Sandwich Board signs - The alternatives the commission discussed are noted in the sign code for public information. commercial Districts within the Historic District- The commission decided to omit the computation for sign area per each business. The commission discussed the signage needs for temporary buildings, for example fireworks stands and tents. Readerboard size exemptions were discussed and the definition was clarified so the area is computed based on the sign area per sign face. . e e e ..,. ..... . e . Planning commission Meeting - september 20, 1990 Page 5 of 6 Industrial zones- Pg 24. The commission discussed the fact that this version of the sign code specifies that separate businesses in these zones are allowed their own sign area. A provision to allow exemption of non illuminated religious symbols was discussed. Size, scope and appropriateness of location were discussed pertinent to these signs. On pg 39 the commission changed the time period for removal of signs by the building official from 30 days to 15 days. In addition, on pg 40 it was noted that "notice" is met on the date of deposit to the United States mail. Nonconforming sign, item 2B, may authorize repair or alterations to noncomplying signs before they need to be replaced if sign areas are reduced. Appeals regarding non conforming signs to building official shall require that the determination be published to the applicant. Also available to the applicant is the option to appeal to City Council if not satisfied with the building officials determination. The commission discussed the procedure for Public Notice in the Leader for the Sign Code. The Notice should highlight major issues. Ron Kosec called for a vote to accept the Sign Code as amended at the Workshop meeting. Sally McDole moved to accept the changes and Karen Erickson seconded. All members present were in favor. IV. Growth Management A handout was given to the commission members regarding HB 2929, the Growth Management Act. Michael Hildt stated that the goals in passing this Act were to achieve funding for Growth Management, and to encourage the State to coordinate this Act with the comprehensive plan so this process is addressed all at once. Comprehensive plan should allow additions and other ordinances to be adopted in conjunction with the comprehensive plan. The priority should be implementation of regulations and not necessarily another plan. We hope to correlate with the state requirements on growth management. V. 1990 Budget request Main issues are staffing and again this year, enforcement is not being addressed. Because current planning is suffering, the planning Department wants to maintain the current project load and handle enforcement. The City needs the resources to implement these plans. Along with regular growth, major regulatory changes may cause a need for extra staff. The Planning Department wishes to give the council options to decide. A Code enforcement officer .- y' e e e - ~" , ". .. e e Planning Commission Meeting - September 20, 1990 Page 6 of 6 is proposed in the 1990 budget and other positions are needed to maintain the status quo. The Sign Code workshop meeting was adjourned by Ron Kosec at 10:00. Tammy Quinn Planning & Building Assistant *'" I . , ,. "'cty of Port Townsel e e Planning Commission 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385.3000 AGENDA <Proposed) Workshop Meeting September 20. 1990 I. Roll Call ------------------------------------------ 7:30 PM II. Communications A. Current mail IlL Old Business: Draft ordinance updating the sign code e A. Review of amendments presented in Draft 3 1. Staff Presentation and Review <section-by-section) 2. Commision Discussion and Preliminary Decisions IV. Next meeting: Thursday. September 27. 7:30 PM Sign code hearing: Thursday. October 4. 7:30 PM V. 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