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· ~,.,,tity of Port Townse! ·
·Planning Commission
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385.3000
Meeting of October 25, 1990
I. Roll Call
Chairman Ron Kosec called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. other
members present were Lois Sherwood, Karen Erickson, Sally McDole
and Jim Roberts. Also present was Ron McConnell of Mcconnell/Burke
Planning and Development Services.
II. Approval of Minutes
Ms. McDole moved to approve the minutes of October 4, and October
11, as distributed. Ms. Sherwood seconded and all were in favor.
III. Introductions
Mr. Kosec introduced Jim Roberts to the Planning commission and
welcomed him to his first meeting as a member of the Port Townsend
Planning commission.
Mr. Kosec also introduced Ron McConnell a consultant from McConnell
Burke to the commission. Mr. McConnell will be presenting the
evenings first case.
IV. Communication - none
V. Old Business
A. Rezone Appl., 9009-02, Port Townsend Business Park
Ms. Sherwood stated that she was beyond 200 feet from the proposed
site. She asked the applicant if he would like her to leave the
room. The applicant, Bob Little, stated that he did not mind if
Ms. Sherwood remained in the room.
Mr. Kosec asked those present to sign in on the testimony sign in
Mr. Tavernakis joined the Commission at this time.
1. Staff Review (Mr. Ron McConnell)
The applicants propose a rezone of Government Lot #2, from R-IA and
C-II to M-I. The site is currently vacant. The applicant propose
to construct a business park to provide space for light
manufacturing and distribution establishments. Mr. McConnell
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reviewed the Findings and conclusions with conditions.
e Alan Carman joined the commission at this time.
Mr. McConnell also reviewed the recommended SEPA conditions as
drafted by Planner Dave Robison for review by the City council.
Ms. McDole asked Mr. McConnell to explain the difference between 40
decibels and 60 decibels. Mr. McConnell stated that noisy traffic
is 60 decibels and a loud motorcycle would be 80 decibels.
Ms. McDole asked for clarification on the condition in the SEPA
review to limit the height of buildings seen from neighboring
properties. Mr. McConnell stated that he believed the intent was to
keep buildings from being out of scale with neighboring properties.
Ms. Erickson asked about provisions made for power lines. Mr.
Little stated that there will be an easement made for the power
lines and no buildings will be allowed in the easement.
Ms. Sherwood asked the applicant if a left-hand turn lane will be
provided. Mr. Little stated that a turn lane is proposed.
Ms. McDole asked for clarification on the mention of the animal
shelter. Mr. McConnell stated that the county wanted to keep the
option of using the neighboring property to the proposal for a
relocation of the animal shelter.
Mr. Roberts asked the applicant what the paved percentage of the
project would be. The applicant was not able to give an answer.
Mr. Kosec asked for a clarification on the what the approval of
this rezone would allow on the proposed site. It was clarified
that any M-I uses would be allowed.
Public Testimony
Bill Sperry, proponent, discussed the need for the M-I district.
He stated that the only M-I in the city is at the Port of Port
Townsend. He also stated that the proposed site seems to be the
most logical location and that the site was designated in the
comprehensi ve plan for M- I use. As a result of a neighborhood
meeting with the proponents, Mr. Sperry stated that the applicants
were attempting to mitigate some of the concerns of the surrounding
neighborhood. Some of the concerns and proposed mitigation were:
wildlife, propose 30-foot berm around the project: traffic impact,
establish left-hand turn lane and possible future traffic light
(applicant to pay a proportionate share): noise pollution, 40-60
decibels and a 30-foot berm (propose to enter into a contract
rezone) ; landscape buffer maintenance, possible ownership
association or a contract wi th maintenance worker: road
maintenance, plan to build to city standards then the city would be
e in charge of maintenance: safety, security fences for business that
Planning co_ission - october 25, 1990
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have outdoor manufacturing: operating hours, outdoor manufacturing
for daylight hours from dusk to dawn: parking, allowed only between
building and roadway on perimeter lots; long term maintenance,
require in owners association that buildings be kept in good
condition; security patrol, the city police and individual lessee;
setback from berm, 40-foot setback from property line and 10 foot
setback from the front, interior lots would have 10-foot street
setback only.
Ms. Erickson asked for clarifioation on setbacks. Some discussion
followed over the required M-I setbacks as set forth in the Port
Townsend Municipal Code.
Bob Little, applicant, distributed photos of the subject property.
Mr. Little stated that .each lot would be developed individually.
Mr. Tavernakis asked the applicant if any minutes or names were
taken at the neighborhood meeting. The applicant said no.
Ms. McDole asked a question concerning the contract rezone. Mr.
McConnell responded that the rezone runs with the land.
Frank Kilham, neighboring property owner, adjoins one-half of the
north property line of the proposal. He stated that more M-I is
needed in the city and that if done right M-I can be an asset to
the whole community. He stated that the land should not be rezoned
until the conditions are mentioned, and all desirable uses should
be listed.
Bill Eldridge, neighboring property owner, owns 40 lots adjoining
the north property line which he is developing into single family
residences. He stated he was not invited to the meeting held by the
applicants. He also stated that an M-I zone in the middle of a
residential area will have an adverse effect on all the residences
in the area and all future development in the area. The
comprehensive plan was drafted in 1981 and many changes have
happened in that area since it was designated. Feels the rezone
should be denied.
Leon Findlay purchased a house from Mr. Eldridge. He stated that
this rezone would depreciate his property substantially. He lives
only 150 feet from the proposed project. He also stated that he was
not notified of the hearing.
Mr. Little stated that when the research was done for the addresses
the names were not available at the assessor's office.
Kelly West, real estate agent in Port Townsend, stated that
affordable housing in Port Townsend is difficult to find. She
stated that the subject area is perfect for a new residential
development not for M-I.
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Planning commission - october 25, 1990
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Chuck Enfield, a neighboring property owner, would like to reserve
the land for residential development in the future. He stated that
if the proposal were allowed the property values will go down and
cause a traffic impact.
Gerald Torline stated his initial reaction was posi ti ve to the
proposal. He called the existing M-I zone in Port Townsend
industrial slums. He also stated that 40 decibels is too much
noise for a residential area, and that operating noise should not
exceed residential noise levels. He recommended that the
commission deny the application.
Dave o'Conner stated that he would rather look at homes than metal
Ted Baldwin asked why rezone an area that is already zoned for
residential. He stated that there is a need for residential
housing and the proposed site is a good location for housing. He
stated that the Glen Cove Industrial Park is available and people
are not utilizing that.
Warren Enfield, 704 27th street, stated he owns an adjacent
property. He stated that he had intended to save land for
retirement and prefers a residential neighborhood.
4IÞ 3. Committee Report (McDole/Carman)
Ms. McDole stated that this is a difficult issue to resolve. She
stated that she is on a committee with Mr. Eldridge for affordable
housing. She stated that Mr. Eldridge's houses are located very
close to the property line of the subject property. She also
stated that she had a concern for the traffic volume.
Mr. Carman stated that the subject property has been designated as
an industrial area in the comprehensive plan, which was drafted in
1983, and also in the gateway plan. Mr. Carman stated that this is
the most likely area to provide an industrial park. He suggested
a stipulation requiring the developer to contribute his fair share
of signals and left turn lanes. Mr. Carman stated that a contract
rezone would work well for the proposal and the conditions must be
written much tighter than currently written. He suggested that an
additional 20-foot setback from the berm would be recommended. Mr.
Carman asked staff to enter negotiations with the developer to
arrive at a finalized set of conditions for the contract rezone.
Ms. McDole stated that she is both for and against the project.
Mr. Kosec stated his concern about the notification of the
neighboring property owners.
e Mr. Carman stated that Frank Kilman's idea of removing obnoxious
Planning commission - October 25, 1990
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uses from uses allowed in the proposed industrial park would have
to be implemented.
Ms. Sherwood asked what the requirements are for performance bonds.
Mr. McConnell stated that the city can require a bond as a
condition to the rezone. Mr. McConnell stated that the conditions
and uses can be more closely identified in the contract rezone.
Mr. Roberts asked if there were other options for access. Mr.
McConnell stated that McPherson is an option but not a good one,
and Discovery road is not suited for truck travel.
Ms. McDole asked if the staff report included consideration of
police or fire access. The commission referenced the recommended
SEPA conditions.
Mr. Carman moved that application, 9009-02, Port Townsend Business
Park, be continued to a future date and that the staff and
applicant work to clarify conditions.
Ms. McDole stated that she would also like to assure complete
notification of the future hearing to surrounding property owners.
Mr. Carman amended his motion to include re-notification of the
surrounding property owners. Ms. McDole seconded. The commission
continued the hearing of the Port Townsend Business Park to
December 13, 1990 with a proper 15-day notification.
Mr. Little asked what the next step to approval is. Mr. McConnell
stated that there should be further discussion between applicant
and city for detailed conditions.
Mr. Tavernakis stated that staff will work with the applicant for
more specific information. Mr. Tavernakis listed some concerns
that he would like to have addressed: perimeter streets should be
made to comply with minimum width for city streets, would like to
see a comparison study as compared to impact of R-II and R-III;
inside project would like to see common area, 24 hour decibel
levels should be addressed, 360 degree fire truck access to
buildings should be supplied; the county proposal for an animal
shelter may have an affect on the open space area, a common area
should be considered for employees and recycling.
A vote was taken on the motion on the floor and all were in favor.
B. Variance Appl., 9010-02, David Colbert
1. Staff Review (BlOomfield)
Darlene Bloomfield, Planning Commission Secretary, reviewed the
findings and conclusions for the proposed project. The applicant
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Planning commission - October 25, 1990
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proposes to demolish and restore most of an existing fire-damaged
residence at 30 Grant street, expanding the ground floor slightly
and adding a second story. The residence currently has a
nonconforming front setback. The addition as proposed requires a
setback variànce.
2. Public Testimony
David Colbert, applicant, stated the northern side setback from the
corner post to the house was measured incorrectly by staff. He
stated that if necessary the plan would be revised to avoid the
need for a side setback variance. He stated that it is necessary
to remove the existing structure and replace it to provide for the
second floor. He stated that he was not sure that the existing
foundation is adequate to hold the building with an added second
story. He stated that he felt it would not be necessary to have an
engineers approval if the existing wall proved to be adequate. He
stated that moving the house would not be aesthetically or
financially feasible.
3. Committee Report (Sherwood/Erickson)
Ms. Sherwood stated that this would be a prime opportunity to bring
the nonconforming house into compliance.
Ms. Erickson asked the applicant if the entire house would be
removed before beginning the construction. The applicant stated he
would remove the fire-damaged portion of the existing residence.
Mr. Colbert stated that a variance for the north section would not
be necessary. He stated he would meet the required 10 foot side
The commission discussed the requirement for nonconforming setbacks
and reconstruction.
Ms. Sherwood asked the applicant if he was involved in the Krieger
short plat. The applicant stated that he was interested in buying
from the Krieger's at the time of the plat.
Ms. Sherwood moved to recommend to City Council the approval of
variance application 9010-02, David Colbert. Ms. Erickson
Mr. Carman stated that the conclusions should state that the fire
was not an action of the applicant.
Some discussion followed over the building code requirements and
the nonconforming building restoration provision in the code.
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Planning comBission - October 25, 1990
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Mr. Tavernakis stated that he would like to have condition 2
removed from the findings and conclusions regarding the engineer's
inspection of the foundation.
Mr. Carman stated that he feels structural engineer apprbval may be
Mr. Tavernakis withdrew his suggestion for the deletion.
A vote was taken. The motion passed unanimously.
C. Officer election
Chairman Kosec explained that with the resignation of Bob Grimm the
vice chairman position was left vacant. Mr. Kosec called for
nominations for the position. Ms. Erickson nominated Ms. Sherwood
for the position of vice chair. Mr. Tavernakis seconded and all
were in favor. Because Ms. Sherwood had previously held the
position of treasurer, nominations were taken for that position.
Ms. McDole nominated Ms. Erickson. Mr. Tavernakis seconded and all
were in favor.
VII. Announcements:
Ms. McDole announced that she would not be present at the meeting
of November 29, 1990.
N9vember 8. 1990
A. Vantage Homes Inc., Short Plat, (Tavernakis/Sherwood)
B. Karen and Jeff porter, Short Plat, continued from september
27, 1990 (Tavernakis/Erickson)
November 19. 1990
A. Joint Public Hearing: Draft Ordinances for Waterfront Plan
(City council and Planning Commission)
November 29. 1990
A. Planning Commission Recommendation Issued on Draft Ordinances
Waterfront Plan
December 13. 1990
Herbert and Jean Herrington,
Condi tional Use permi t
Robert A. Friedman, Conditional Use Permit (EricksonjRoberts)
, . . .
.. " .....
Planning Commission - October 25, 1990
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January 10. 1990
A. Doug and Nancy Lamy, Conditional Use Permit (McDole/carman)
B. Summi t Communications, Inc. , Condi tional Use permi t
C. summit communications, Inc., Variance (Tavernakis/Erickson)
Mr. Roberts asked if property values adjacent to the Port Townsend
Business Park could be assessed and establish the difference in
assessed value between residential and industrial. He suggested
the assessor's office and/or real estate offices as the source of
this information.
Ms. Erickson stated that the proposed site for the industrial park
is a good one because there are fewer houses around then anywhere
Some discussion followed over whether the property owners were
aware of the possibility of rezoning when they bought their
The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
Darlene Bloomfield
Planning Commission Secretary
·...... .
, i
;:êity_ of Port Townsel
vPlanning Commission
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368
Regular Meeting
October 25, 1990
I. ROLLCALL-------------------------------------------7:3OP.M.
1990 & OCTOBER 11, 1990
III. INTRODUCTIONS: Jim Roberts and Don McConnel
A. current mail
. A. Rezone Appl., 9009-02, Port Townsend Business Park
S\-'t.);i-t) foU~ l N scpA 1 Staff Review- (McConnell) /
'7t~ \Ã( ~,,~ 2: Public Testimony c.,o\')-+. -\-0 l2JI'3 q()
.., 3. committee Review-(McDole/Carman)
4. Findings and Conclusions
Variance Appl., 9010-02, David Colbert
1. Staff Review-(Bloomfield)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Review-(Sherwood/Erickson)
4. Findings and Conclusions
A. Conditional Use Appl., 9010-03, Robert Friedman
Scheduled: December 13, 1990
Committee: Erickson/McDole
B. Conditional Use Appl., 9010-04, Summit Communications
Scheduled: January 10, 1990
Committee: Sherwood/Roberts
c. Variance Appl., 9010-05, summit communications
Scheduled: January 10, 1990
Committee: Tavernakis/Erickson
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VII. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
October 25~ 1990
A. Port Townsend Business Park, Rezone (McDole/Carman)
B. David Colbert, Variance (Sherwood/Erickson)
November &. 1990
A. Vantage Homes Inc., Short Plat, (Tavernakis/Sherwood)
B. Karen and Jeff Porter, Short Plat, continued from september
27, 1990 (Tavernakis/Erickson)
November +9. 1990
A. Joint Public Hearing: Draft Ordinances for Waterfront Plan
(city Council and Planning commission)
November 29. 1990 ~ 0u-t'
A. Planning commission Recommendation Issued on Draft Ordinances
Waterfront Plan
DecemrJ, 1~~t,99~~'(. W"..r\\)\f0\JE~
A. Herbert and Jean Herrington, Conditional Use Permit
Robert A. Friedman, Conditional Use Permit (Erickson/MeÐvlé1
January 1Q, 1990
A. Doug and Nancy Lamy, Conditional Use Permit (McDole/Carman)
B. Summit Communications, Inc., Conditional Use Permit
C. Summit Communications, Inc., Variance (Tavernakis/Erickson)
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