HomeMy WebLinkAbout110890 Min Ag Packet r,-, """':7- '. . . tÙy of Port Townse! Planning Commission 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 e 206/385.3000 Meeting of November 8, 1990 I. Roll Call Ron Kosec called the meeting to order at 7;40 p.m. Other members present were Alan Carman, Lois Sherwood, Karen Erickson, Jim Tavernakis, Jim Roberts and Sally McDole. Also present were Ron McConnell, consultant and Michael Hildt Planning and Building Director. II. Approval of Minutes Mr. Carman asked that the minutes of October 25, 1990 be amended to record the proper spelling of Kilham and Findlay who gave public testimony during the Port Townsend Business Park public hearing. Mr. Carman also requested that a punctuation error be corrected to read tire-notification". Mr. Tavernakis also requested that the minutes be amended. He stated that his comment concerning the need for a common area for employees and recycling was omitted from the minutes. Mr. Carman moved to approve the minutes of October 25, 1990 as corrected. Mr. Tavernakis seconded and all were in favor. III. communications-None IV. Old Business A. Subdivision Appl. 9009-03, vantage Homes Inc. 1. Staff Review (McCOnnell) Mr. McConnell reviewed the draft findings of fact and conclusions. The applicant is proposing to subdivide 33.5 acres into 76 lots. At this time none of the proposed streets would be in the dedicated right-of-way. Mr. McConnell reviewed some of the concerns over the project as proposed. He stated that the City has not yet issued a declaration on the SEPA checklist. The applicant has submitted the proposed restrictive covenants. A neighboring property owner, Mr. O'Hara, has also submitted a letter in response to the applicant's SEPA checklist. The draft findings and conclusions require the applicant to provide two access points from the subdivision to the rest of the city, and that the proposed subdivision be redesigned and resubmitted to meet city requirements. Ms. Erickson asked for some clarification as to the distance to the proposed plat from developed Ivy Street. Mr. McConnell responded i·' . . '-.,.... , ,¡ - e --I that it was not far. 2. Public Testimony Lee wilburn, president of Vantage Homes, distributed a letter from John Dewitt of 614 P street. He also submitted a list of existing projects indicating the number of units and the number of entrances. Mr. wi lburn stated that he has been in contact with the Public Works Director to address water and sewer availability to the proposed site and has drafted restrictive oovenants to preserve the integrity and open space of the land. He stated that the proposed 76 lots is much less than the ourrent zoning ordinance would allow. He also stated that access is key to the sUbject property and that no objections have been made in the past about ingress and egress to the project. The SEPA conditions require a traffic study and also the development of the street. He feels that if streets are put in then a traffic study would not be necessary. Mr. Wilburn stated that he does not have easement access to put a road through from IVY· Mr. Carman asked if the applicant currently has a 20-foot access easement to the north. Mr. Wilburn stated that it is an emergency access only. Joe Germone asked for clarification on the availability of sewer and water. 4IÞ Cathy O'Shea a neighboring property owner stated her concern about not receiving a post card notice. She stated that Glenn Wood recently removed 15 acres of wildlife habitat from the area and this proposal would remove another 35 acres of wildlife area. She also asked how the home owners would enforcement the covenants? It Doug Roth an adjacent property owner stated his concern about ingress and egress over his easement. Mr. Roth asked who would be responsible for liability, installation and maintenance of the road. He also asked what the specifications for the required road would be. He also stated that platted 13th street has a wetland on it. Charlie o'Shea of Ivy Street stated that the City had stated that the properties surrounding his would be developed into similar densities. He asked the Commission if it would be wise to locate so many people so close to the City water system. Sharon O'Hara stated that most of what she had to say was in her letter submitted to the Planning commission. She stated that she had hired an attorney to review this project. Mr. wilburn responded to the public comments: Mr. Roth stated a concern for an easement over his property. Mr. Wilburn stated that he was concerned about the effect of access on the neighboring property and has acquired an additional easement to mitigate the impacts. The proposed roads will be brought to off-site city . e e . Planning commission - November 8, 1990 Page J of '1 e street standards. Mr. Wilburn stated that he will also sign on to a no protest agreement for the future development of these streets. He stated if a wetland does exist on 13th he will find a way to mitigate it or find another access. In response to Mrs. O'Shea question concerning fees for maintenance, the owners will pay for the cost. Mr. wilburn reviewed some photographs of some of his past projects. Concerning the water line; there is low pressure area in the water line so a water booster system would be developed on the City property which the applicant will contribute to. Sharon O'Hara stated that Mr. Wilburn had called her to discuss the project. Mr. Wilburn referred to the hydrology report that discusses the location of the natural swale and the plan to contain the drainage~ Michael Hildt, Planning and Building Director, stated that Mr. O'Shea had indicated that the Planning Department had recommended approval. Mr. Hildt stated this was not true. Mr. Hildt stated that other plats have very distinct patterns of roads which allow the driver to make many choices. concerning the list of other developments with one entrance, Mr. Hildt stated that those on the list open onto a major arterial. This plat is a long way from a major street. Mr. Hildt stated that neighboring property owners will bare the load of increased traffic. Mr. Wilburn stated that he is willing to redraw the plat to shoW' stubbed out streets as the city wishes. Public Testimony was closed c. Committee Report(Tavernakis/Sherwood) Mr. Tavernakis asked if parking is allowed on an ingress/egress easement. Mr. McConnell stated that the 20-foot easement to the north is for emergency access. The access to the south would be an easement of 60 feet. Ms. Sherwood stated that after reviewing the engineers re~rt on drainage, she feels the proper transport of drainage ~s an important issue. Mr. wilburn stated that he plans to deal with it in the proper way. Michael Anderson, applicant's engineer from NTI, stated that there is a road for public access to the south which is currently open but the proponents chose to go to the east on 13th. Mr. Anderson stated that the ponds on 13th Street are a portion of a different basin to the east. e , ' e e ~'¡'" . planning commission - November 8, 1990 Page + of 7 Ms. Sherwood stated that it is a beautiful piece of land. She liked the concept of preserving the integrity of the property by preserving the natural drainage basins. She stated that some of the areas are very steep. Mr. Wilburn stated that he is talking with the Public Works Department to redesign the subdivision for the steep slopes on the site. Mr. Carman stated his concern over access and discrepancies with the city code. He stated the preliminary plat was not complete. He would definitely like to see the revised preliminary plat before approving. He stated the revised preliminary plan should address the areas not in compliance with 18.24 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code, revised information on site plan, drainage plan and water plan. Mr. Kosec stated that conclusion number 2 should read "not vacant" the commissioners agreed. Ms. Sherwood moved to continue Subdivision Application 9009-03, Vantage Homes Inc. to a date specific and returned the application to the applicant with the request that he comply with the city ordinances as well as address the wetland issue on 13th street. Mr. Tavernakis seconded. e Discussion. Mr. Kosec stated that the next available meeting is January 31, 1990. Ms. Sherwood added the. date of January 31, 1990 to her motion for continuance. Mr. Tavernakis seconded. All were in favor. Mr. Wilburn stated that he would offer all interested to come and look at the property if they are interested. The commission discussed the location of the drainage basin in the area. B. Short Plat Application 9002-05, Karen and Jeff Porter, (continued from September 27, 1990) 1. Staff Review (Hildt) Mr. Carman excused himself from the meeting due to the appearance of fairness doctrine. Mr. Hildt reviewed the documents distributed to the Planning Commission pertaining to the subject short plat. Mr. Hildt reviewed the project proposal. Because the proposal was for,only two lots served by city water and sewer it was taken up as a e '. , e e .> . Planning commission - November 8, 1990 Page 5 of 7 summary short plat but was denied due to access problems. The Gregory Short Plat was approved in the past with less than the required street in the code. The proposed plat attempts to deal with the street requirements. The proposed width is not suffioient, the turnaround is too small and the lot size is not large enough. Draft A recommend the plat be denied while draft B recommends it be approved. 2. Public Testimony e Marie Dressler stated her concerns about the proposed short plat. Her conoerns specifically concerned drainage and access. She stated that the potential density of the area would be greatly increased if the porter's were allowed a short plat and then others were later allowed to do the same. She stated she would like to preserve the open space. Kitti Cupp a long time resident of Jefferson county stated the lot size should be 100 by 100 minimum. virginia Wolf, a neighboring property owner, stated her concern over the potential for an increase in population density in the area. She stated that Gregory had gone through the short plat process. She stated the Porter's are requesting a short plat of a short plat which results in a long plat. Karen Porter stated she had a concern for the drainage and is willing to have a professionally designed system. She also stated that an additional 20-feet of property would be dedicated for an emergency vehicle use. Ms. Wolff asked the applicant if a drainage system would be supplied for all lots. Jeff Porter stated that a drainage system for the proposed site would be engineered. Some discussion followed over the need for improved drainage. Public Testimony was Closed. 3. committee ~eport (Tavernakis/Erickson) Jim Tavernakis stated he had problems diverting from the requirement for lot size. Densi ty should be addressed and the proposal does not appear to be acceptable. Ms. Erickson agreed with Mr. Tavernakis on density and stated the need for fire access. She stated that the increase in easement makes the lot area too small. For this reason, she stated she was e , . e e .J e Planning Commission - November 8, 1990 Page " of 7 unable to concur with the conclusions drafted in Draft B recommending approval. Mr. Tavernakis stated he appreciated the applicants attempt to make it work but the square footage was not enough to allow this project. Ms. Sherwood stated the need to use the ordinances because public process created them. She stated great care must be taken in granting variances. Ms. Erickson moved to recommend Draft A for denial of short plat application 9002-05. Mr. Tavernakis seconded and all were in favor 5-0. virginia Wolf thanked the Commission for the hard work and time they give to the community. V. New Business - None Mr. Carman returned to the room at this time. e VI. Announcements Mr. Hildt stated the Urban waterfront Plan and Environmental Impact statement will be available soon. If the Commission is unable to make a decision on November 29, 1990 ordinance 2192 will have to be extended by City council. Mr. Hildt recommended that the planning Commission schedule a workshop if necessary. Mr. Hildt stated that pUblic testimony will be taken on the 19th at the Joint planning commission-City council Meeting and recommended that the Commission not take public testimony on their decision meeting of November 29, 1990. Mr. Roberts stated he would like to have a workshop prior to the November 19, 1990 Planning commission meeting. The Commission received copies of draft implementing ordinances and draft plans. The Commission discussed a possible date for workshop. It was decided to hold the workshop on Tuesday November 13, 199Q. Ms. Erickson asked if there would be an opportunity to have dialogue with the public. The meeting of the November 19, 1990 will be for the Planning Commission and the City Council to take public testimony. Some discussion followed over the remaining public process on the e ". . .-.. e e , . e e Planning Commission - November 8, 1990 Page 7 of 7 Urban Waterfront Plan. Mr. Tavernakis requested that the notification for the meetings should state that the meeting of November 19, 1990 will be the last public hearing on the Urban Waterfront Plan. Mr. Hildt reviewed the pUblic notice on the project. Legal notice were published in the newspapers and flyers were posted all around town. Ms. Erickson stated she would like to get pUblic input. Mr. Kosec stated that notification for the November 19, 1990 meeting should state that no public testimony will be taken. Npvember 19, 19~0 A. Joint Public Hearing: Draft Ordinances for Waterfront Plan (city Council and Planning Commission) ~oyember 29. 1990 A. PI~nning commission Recommendations Issued on Draft Ordinances and Waterfront Plan. DecemQer l~. 19~0 A. Port Townsend Business Park, Rezone (Committee: McDole/Carman) (staff: McConnell) B. Herbert and Jean Herrington, Conditional Use Permit (Committee: Carman/Sherwood) (Staff: Sepler) C. Robert A. Friedman, Conditional Use Permit (committee: Erickson/Roberts) (staff: Sepler) January 10. 1991 A. Doug and Nancy Lamy, Conditional Use Permit (Committee: McDole/Carman) (staff: Hildt) B. Summit Communications, Inc., Conditional Use Permit (Committee: SherwoodjRoberts) (staff: To Be ASsigned) C. Summit Communications, Inc., Variance (Committee: Tavernakis/Roberts) (staff: To Be Assigned) VII. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Darlene Bloomfield Planning Commission secretary . . .~ c.·_# , . . ëity of Port Townse! Planning Commission 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385.3000 e AGENDA Regular Meeting November 8, 1990 I. ROLLCALL-------------------------------------------7:3OP.M. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 25, 1990 III. COMMUNICATIONS: A. current mail IV. OLD BUSINESS: A. Subdivision Appl. 9009-03, Vantage Homes Inc. 1. 2. 3. 4. Staff Review-(McConnell) Public Testimony Committee Review-(Tavernakis/Sherwood) Findings and Conclusions CCV\\" . -to k. 3'\ \t::t'1Ü B. Short Plat Appl. 9002-05, Karen and Jeff Porter, (Continued from September 27, 1990) 1. Staff Review-(Hildt) 2. Public Testimony 3. Committee Review-(Tavernakis/Erickson) 4. Findings and Conclusions V. NEW BUSINESS: VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings November 19. 1990 d£,V\ l ~ A. Joint Public Hearing: Draft Ordinances for Waterfront Plan (City Council and Planning Commission) November 29. 1990 A. Planning Commission Recommendation Issued on Draft Ordinances Waterfront Plan · . e e " , 4If December 13. 1990 - I e e A. Port Townsend Business Park, Rezone (Committee: McDole/Carman) (Staff: McConnell) B. Herbert and Jean Herrington, Conditional Use Permit (Committee: Carman/Sherwood) (Staff: Sepler) C. Use Permit (Committee: ~¡ I.U. Ll- €,)lL0~ eou:. \¡ Robert A. Friedman, Conditional EriCkSO~1~.'S'- (Staff: Sepler) January 10 ~ A. Doug and Nancy Lamy, Conditional Use permi t McDole/Carman) (staff: Hildt) (Committee: B. Summit communications, Inc., Conditional Use Permit (Committee: sherwood/Roberts) (Staff: To Be Assigned) C. summi t communications, Inc. , variance Tavernakis/E~igkoon) (Staff: To Be Assigned) -?-e.~~ ADJOURN (Committee: VII. e /18/90 . Do you wish to If yes, indicate present testimony? topic. YES NO .l81 0 VA.~<:.L ~F.\ ~ 0 ~ ~. 0 ~ 0 60 rt ~ -0 tL,;T. 6¡¿~ S'hort-Iw. b?l Jð1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tJ 0 0 0, 0 0 ·0 0 F \ .st List ,'- t NAME please print) ADDRESS \ o S~...-A ¡, "3 1.. ~ --r \J 1-0 ,£ V .... '" ... .. t".a..-' .. ~ e e / //::2/90 . FJ1·C¥675 '+6 R'0I11J1;1 .- Pr¿p«/C! A-c¡eøW/17 ·{;V /;j¿!9ó _ /IJI,nu·j-es of /L)j 25/9'0 .-_ AJLe AA 0 d1. * d /1/ I /90 /l-IZtJ 41 /1/1 { {'/~( ¡-lid t- w ¡ rh '5J[;?J~ "L} 'I/m~) ¿;:i..Q¿v/~~/s Ûi77é¿¿'/-e¿~~~" lliun~wI ),:7û~<--s ? ._' 0 r?f/Í I t1£j S. 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