HomeMy WebLinkAbout112990 Min Ag Packet ~"l'£ity of Port Townsel Planning Commission 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000 . e . e Meeting of November 29, 1990 I. Roll Call Chairman Ron Kosec called the meeting to order at 7:55 p.m. Other members present were Alan Carman, Lois Sherwood, Karen Erickson, Jim Tavernakis and Jim Roberts. Also present were planners Rick Sepler and Dave Robison. II. Communications: Darlene Bloomfield listed names of 22 persons who submitted letters on the Urban waterfront plan since the 11/19/90 public hearing. A. Current mail -- none III. Old Business: A. Urban Waterfront Plan and Implementing Ordinances 1. Staff Review. Rick Sepler introduced Jan Zimmer and Katherine Johnson, planning and building assistants new to the department. Mr. Sepler reviewed the draft ordinance. He stated the only changes to ordinance were clarification of language. Mr. Sepler also noted the memo of proposed costs which was attached to the ordinance. Mr. sepler reviewed the three drafts of the Planning commission Resolution. Draft A recommends adoption of the Preferred Alternative (PA) plan and draft ordinance, along with any amendments. Draft B recommends against the plan, however adopts the special overlay districts described in the ordinance. Draft C states that the Planning Commission requires more time to review the plans before they can reach a decision. Mr. Sepler described the two al ternati ves for measuring height overlays, as demonstrated on the maps before the Commission. Alternative A calls for measuring heights as described in the ordinance. Alternative B proposes measuring height for each block by taking an average of four corner points. Mr. Sepler commented on the procedure to date, stating that the 11/19/90 public hearing was the last opportunity for public comment, but letters have been taken since then. Letters will continue to be taken for the city Council up until their December 4, 1990 meeting. · e e .. ;¡ . . ." '. . Planning commission - November 29, 1990 Page 2 of 8 2. POlicies, Programs and projects Ms. Erickson disputed the map on p. 85 of the PA plan. She stated that parts of the "waterwalk" should be labeled as "proposed". Some discussion followed abOut the intention of the "Waterwalk." Mr. sepler stated that the map was conceptual. The plan was amended as follows: The "Waterwalk" section of the Preferred Al ternati ve should be amended to acknowledge existing private property lines, and the rights of property owners to control public access. The map of the "Waterwalk" appearing on pp. 85-86 should be relabeled to reflect the conceptual nature of the projects at this time. In addition, text should be added that specifically describes the planning process that will be used to design the actual trail. This written description of the process should include a comprehensive pol icy on the acquisition, lease, or creation over time of public access along the shoreline. Mr. Kosec asked the Commission to address the letter from the Port. Ms. Sherwood read the letter. The letter stated that the Port does not want bicycle access through the Port but along Sims Way instead. Ms. Sherwood also noted the letter from the OlYmpic Trails which made the same suggestion. Some discussion followed. Mr. sepler stated again that the plan was only conceptual. Ms. Sherwood stated that she had heard from some members of the communi ty that they thought the special pavement for the Town Common was unnecessary and too "glitzy" for Port Townsend. Some discussion followed. Mr. Carman proposed deleting the reference to special paving. The fOllowing amendment was adopted by the Commission: Create a citizen-based design process to involve the community in the design of the Town Common1 eliminate the following text on p. 18:" .through the use of special paving. . . ." The commission turned to discussing city Dock. Mr. sepler said that City Dock will be in severe danger in the next wind storm. Ms. Sherwood stated that she thinks City Dock is a high priority. Ms. Sherwood said she thinks some low cost alterations could be made to Jackson Bequest. Mr. Robison said the city could possibly obtain a $50,000 grant from the Washington Dept. of Fisheries for the renovation of the Jackson Bequest. The monies could become . e e (" . e Planning Commission - November 29, 1990 Page 3 of 8 available by June 1991 with an additional $50,000 in unmatched funds the following year. Some discussion followed. Mr. Robison stated that Bob Wheeler, pUblic works director, and Councilmember Mike Kenna have been in contact with the artist and are trying to obtain his cooperation in the renovation plan. The commission agreed to p. 30, #5: "Renovate the Jackson Bequest by providing landscaping, street furniture and interpretive marine-oriented displays." Some discussion followed regarding Memorial Field fence. The Commission agreed to p. 30, #3, as was written in the PA plan: "Assist the county in the design and replacement of the existing Memorial Field fence with a more permeable screen along washington Street. Mr. Kosec opened the discussion of the crossroads triangle. Ms. Sherwood said she had not received positive comments on this aspect of the plan. Mr. Robison stated that the crossroads triangle is part of the Gateway plan, and many of the recommendations in the PA plan came out of the Gateway plan. Ms. Sherwood suggested the Commission make the language more general and suggested a citizen- based process. After some discussion, the following amendment was adopted by the Commission: Replace text on page 17, Project #5 to read: II Develop Kearney street to emphasize pedestrian linkages to the Kah Tai Lagoon, the Kearney Street-end view point and the waterwalk trail system. II The Commission turned to the Point Hudson section of the plan. After a brief discussion of the need for clearer language, the Commission adopted the following amendment: Replace text on page 48, Policies and Programs #5 to read: liThe beach shall retain passive public access and protect and enhance open spaces and view corridors. Any new development will be setback at least fifty feet from the Admiralty ¡nlet." Mr. Kosec opened discussion for acquisitions (p 20) under Land Use projects. Ms. Erickson strongly suggested that the City not acquire the 5i te. Ms. Sherwood stated that she would like to acknowledge the numerous people who spoke out against private development of the site. After considerable discussion, the Commission adopted the following amendment to the PA plan: . . e Planning Commission - November 29, 1990 Page 4 of 8 It is recommended that the proposed acquisition of the Thomas oil site be put to the public through a special election to determine the extent of community support for this purchase, and provide appropriate funding. This election should occur at the earliest possible time. Some discussion followed about whether or not an environmental impact statement would be required for the Thomas oil site. Ms. Sherwood stated she thinks the costs of the EIS should be incorporated into the plan. Mr. Robison stated that an EIS would likely not be required, but an extensive soil study would be. The Commission took a break at 9:55 p.m. Mr. Kosec called the meeting to order again at 10:10 p.m. Mr. Kosec opened discussion for Land Uses, #1, p. 20 regarding the Fleet Marine and Indian Point sites. Ms. Sherwood and Ms. Erickson suggested adopting this section as written. The Commission concurred. e After some discussion of p. 21, #3 regarding the City acquiring development rights for the Salmon Club, Ms. Sherwood suggested to eliminate the first sentence. The following text was deleted: liThe Salmon Club parcel provides a critical connection between the Pope Marine Park, Thomas Oil and the rest of the civic District." Mr. Kosec suggested a clarification for #4: American Legion. Mr. sepler suggested the following amendment to the text on page 21, Project #4: "Should, the American Legion b~ offered for sa;L~, a right of first refusal should be purchased by the City for the site." The Commission adopted the above amendment. The Commission discussed page 21, #5 regarding the restoration of Ci ty Hall. Mr. Robison stated that only grant funding was mentioned for this project. The Commission adopted this project as stated in the plan. The Commission adopted project #6, page 21 regarding the Chevron oil site as stated in the plan. e After some discussion, the Commission amended page 21, #7 to read as follows: e e e ." . . v Planning commission - November 29, 1990 Page 5 of 8 tI. . . On the waterside, the City co~ld provide a tree- lined Waterwalk atop the rip-rap breakwater with seating and Mediterranean docking." Mr. Kosec opened discussion of the Economics section (p. 25). Mr. Robison said he understands that Main street has received a grant to promote interagency cooperation in planning for tourism. The Commission members read the Incentives Program (p. 108), but had no verbal comments. Mr. Carman asked for clarification in the Economics section to change the wording to housing above (and not over) retail. The Commission adopted the following amendment for page 25, Policies & Programs #1: "Encourage mixed-use development which provides housing physically above retail and service uses on the ground floor. II 3. Special Overlay Height District The Commission reviewed the maps provided by Mr. Sepler. Ms. Erickson stated she does not agree that height limitations imposed on Pt. Hudson, specifically the Thomas oil site, are justified by the argument that the limitations are "to preserve the bluff line. II She proposed a 35 ft. height limit as the minimum height limitation to be consistent with other waterfront property height limits. Ms. Erickson stated she prefers Map B. Mr. Sepler explained that in the design guidelines it further discusses the reasons for the pyramidal height limitations. After some discussion, the Commission amended the draft ordinance as follows: 1. It is recommended that Al ternati ve Map "B" be used as the Special Overlay Height District Official Map. Within this alternative, two sub-areas should be amended to have a maximum height limit of 35 feet. These areas are defined as: The block defined by Monroe street, Port Townsend Bay, Jackson Street and Water Street. The block def ined by Monroe Street, Jackson Street, Water Street, and a projected extension of Washington street toward Point Hudson. . . e Planning Commission - November 29, 1990 page 6 of 8 4. special overlay District, Design Review and Design Guidelines Mr. Sepler stated the final format in the ordinance would include a discussion of the design guidelines. Ms. Erickson stated that this plan changes the role of the HPC since the design guidelines will be required to have mandatory compliance. Discussion followed about mandatory versus voluntary compliance and about the timeline for the HPC Design Review Process. Mr. Carman stated he was concerned about the timeline of the process and feared it would become burdensome to the applicant. Ms. Sherwood asked if an appeal process is available if compliance becomes mandatory. Mr. sepler stated that no appeal process was provided for. A discussion of an appeal process followed. Mr. Kosec asked Mr. Sepler if he had heard any comments from HPC on mandatory compliance. Mr. Sepler stated that HPC elected not to make a formal decision until a final decision came from Council. e Ms. Erickson asked Mr. seplerabout the outcomes of recent HPC Design Reviews. Mr. Sepler stated that the HPC has had some concern about not being able to enforce their recommendations. Mr. Sepler stated that many national organizations, including the National Historic Preservation Society, strongly suggest mandatory compliance to Design Review. Ms. Sherwood restated Peter Raab's statement about the City's responsibili ty as a National Historic District to maintain the integrity of the district. Mr. Carman stated he thinks the parking reduction incentive will make Design Review mándatory compliance unnecessary. He stated that if compliance were mandatory, there should be an appeal process. Mr. Sepler suggested that if the Commission did suggest an appeal process, they create criteria for certain thresholds. More discussion followed. Mr. Carman suggested changing the 60 days back to the original 30 days. Mr. Carman motioned to omit mandatory compliance and to maintain mandatory review, voluntary compliance with parking reduction as the incentive. An extension of the 30 days could be granted at the applicant's request. Mr. Roberts stated he would like to know what the HPC thinks. Mr. Sepler stated that the majority of HPC members favor mandatory compliance. Mr. Sepler stated HPC can deal with many issues the Planning commission cannot. However, they cannot make decisions which violate any zoning. e . . . e planning Commission - November 29, 1990 Page 7 of 8 Ms. Sherwood asked Mr. Doug Lamy, a property owner in the historic district, how he felt about mandatory compliance. Mr. Lamy said he has been through the Design Review process and favors mandatory compliance. Ms. Sherwood seconded Mr. Carman's motion. Some discussion followed that the ordinance adds more guidelines for the HPC to follow and that this is positive. Mr. Sepler suggestèd that an appeal process be included in Design Review, but that appeals should be subject to certain criteria. Mr. Carman withdrew his motion; Ms. Sherwood withdrew her second. Mr. Sepler suggested and the Commission adopted the following amendment to the draft ordinance: e It is strongly recommended that an appeal process be included as part of any form of Design Review. In addition, specific criteria for determining the appropriate threshold for an appeal should be developed. Ms. Erickson opened discussion of the City Forum, #6 in the ordinance (p. 9). She stated she was concerned that the language "small parking lots It was too I imi tin9 . Mr. Sepler said the intent is that there should be many small pockets of parking to make it more appealing. Mr. Sepler suggested the language and intent could be clarified. The Commission adopted the following amendment to the draft ordinance: In the Urban Waterfront Design Guidelines, Section A: City Form, Guideline #6 should be expanded to more adequately describe what is meant by "small, incremental II parking structures. Ms. Erickson asked for clarification of the description of properties in the Pt. HUdson Marina District. Mr. Sepler suggested and the Commission adopted the following amendment to the PA plan: Amend the title text on pp.46-48 to read: IIpoint Hudson Properti,es" 5. General Comments Ms. Sherwood moved to recommend Draft A with the amendments to City Council. 4IÞ Mr. sepler read resolution Draft A with the agreed upon amendments. - - e . . e . Planning Commission - November 29, 1990 Page 8 of 8 Mr. Roberts seconded the motion. Mr. Kosec opened the table for discussion. Ms. Erickson asked if the Thomas Oil site goes to vote before the city and is defeated, does the City have any other recourse? Mr. Sepler stated likely not because the City would not be ablè to show public ~nterest for condemnation. ! , i The Commission voted and unanimously approved Resolution Draft A with amendments. IV. New Business A. Conditional Use Permit Application, 9011-01, Ron Ramage and Suzanne Cabot. 1. Scheduled: February 14, 1991 2. Committee: Roberts/ Sherwood 3. Staff: Robison B. Rezone App., 9011-03, City of Port Townsend 1. Scheduled 2/14/91 2. Committee: Erickson/Tavernakis 3. Staff: Robison V. Announcements Announcements, as stated on the agenda were read. Mr. Kosec adjourned the meeting at 12:10 a.m. Katherine Johnson planning and Building Assistant < --\ty of Port Townse' Planning Commission 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000 . e NO PUBLIC TESTIMONY REVISED AGENDA Regular Meeting November 29, 1990 I. ROLL CALL----------------------------------------- 7:30 P.M. II. COMMUNICATIONS: A. current mail III. OLD BUSINESS: A. Urban Waterfront Plan and Implementing ordinances - 1. 2. 3. 4. Staff Review (Sepler) Policies, Programs and Projects special overlay Height District Special Overlay District, Design Review and Design Guidelines General Comments Recommendation to City Council 5. 6. IV. NEW BUSINESS: A. Conditional Use Permit Appl., 9011-01, Ron Ramage and Suzanne Cabot 1. Scheduled: February 14, 1990 2. Commi ttee: Roberts/Sherwood 3. Staff: Robison B. Rezone Appl., 9011-03, City of Port Townsend 1. Scheduled: February 14, 1990 2. committee: Erickson/Tavernakis 3. Staff: Robison - ,~, .. '" ".. '. . e e V. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings Dece~er 13. 1990 A. Port Townsend Business Park, Rezone (Committee: McDole/Carman) (Staff: McConnell) B. Herbert and Jean Herrington, Conditional Use Permit (Committee: Carman/Sherwood) (staff: Sepler) C. Robert A. Friedman, Conditional Use Permit (Committee: Erickson/Roberts) (staff: Sepler) ~anuary 10, 1991 A. Vantage Homes, Subdivision (Committee: Tavernakis/Shérwood) (staff: McConnell/Burke) B. Summit communications, Inc., Conditional Use Permit (Committee: Sherwood/Roberts) (Staff: To Be Assigned) C. Summit communications, Inc., Variance (Committee: Tavernakis/Roberts) (Staff: To Be Assigned) January 16, 1990 . A. Public Hearing on Development Plan for Gateway project JaQuary 31, 1990 A. Planning Commission Recommendation on Gateway project Devèlopment Plan F~bruary 14. 1990 A. Doug and Nancy Lamy, Conditional Use Permit (Committee: MCDole/Carman) (staff: Hildt) B. Ron Ramage and Suzanne Cabot, Conditional Use Permit (committee: Roberts/Sherwood) (staff: Robison) C. Rezone Appl., 9011-03, city of Port Townsend (Committee: Erickson/Tavernakis) (Staff: Robison) VI. ADJOURN . ~ ""," . e RESOLUTION 90/1- 0/ A RESOLÙTION of the Planning co~ission of the city of Port Townsend, recommending adoption of an Urban Waterfront Plan and recommending passage of a draft implementing ordinance. WHEREAS, on June 5, 1990, with Ordinance No. 2192, the City Council of the City of Port Townsend (the "City") enacted interim zoning controls (the ·'Interim Zoning Controls") to preserve the status quo while the City reexamined its land use policies in light of potential adVerse affects on the City's Historic and Central Business Districts of large-scale developments; and WHEREAS, a Joint waterfront Planning committee was appointed (the "Commi ttee" ), including three members of the Planning Commission, to oversee the planning process and recommend a preferred alternative urban waterfront plan (thé "Preferred Al ternati ve" ): and WHEREAS, the city Council subsequently extended the Interim Zoning Controls during its planning process; and WHEREAS, on septe1t1ber 25, 1990, the City issued a Draft Urban Waterfront Plan (the "Draft Plan II ) and Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement ("DEIs")1 and WHEREAS, on October 10, 1990, the city held a public open house and hearing on the Draft Plan and DEIS; and WHEREAS, the City received public comments on the Draft Plan from September 26, 1990, to october 25, 1990: and WHEREAS, on November 8, 1990, the Environmental Impact Statement ordinance 1 and the Committee Preferred Alternative; and City issued a Final and a draft implementing issued its recommended WHEREAS, on November 19, 1990, the City Council and Planning Commission held a joint public hearing on the Preferred Alternative and a proposed implementing ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Plan provides for the establishment by the City of special overlay districts wi thin the Historic and Central Business Districts which impose specially tailored height requirements and design guidelines on property located within certain subdistricts which differ from those imposed under existing zone classifications: and .- .... e e e . . . the Planning commission finds that it is in the best interest of the City to adopt the Plan and establish the special overlay districts provided for in the Plan; Now, Therefore, WHEREAS, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION that it is hereby recommended that the city council adopt the Preferred Al ternati ve as the Urban Waterfront Plan of the City of Port Townsend as an addendum to the Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Preferred Al ternati ve be amended in the following respects: 1. The "Waterwalk" section of the Preferred Alternative should be amended to acknowledge existing private property lines, and the rights of property owners to control pUblic accesS. The map of the "Waterwalk" appearing on pp. 85 - 86 should be relabeled to reflect the conceptual nature of the project at this time. In addition, text should be added that specifically describes the planning process that will be used to design the actual trail. This written description of the process should include a comprehensive policy on the acquisition, lease, or creation over time of pUblic access along the shoreline. create a citizen-based design process to involve the community in the design of the Town Common1 eliminate the following text on p. 18: fI...through the use of special paving... It 2. 3. Replace text on page 17, project #5 to read: "Develop Kearney street to emphasize pedestrian linkages to the Kah Tai Lagoon, the Kearney street- end view point and the waterwalk trail system." 4. Replace text on page 48, Policies and Programs #5 to read: "The beach shall retain passive public access and protect and enhance open spaces and view corridors. Any new development will be setback at least fifty feet from the Admir~lty Inlet." 5. It is recommended that the proposed acquisition of the Thomas Oil site be put to the public through a special election to determine the extent of community support for this purchase, and provide appropriate funding. This election should occur at the earliest possible time. 2 · e e 6. Eliminate from text on page 21, Project #3 the following: liThe Salmon Club parcel provides a critical connection between the Pope Marine Park, Thomas oil and the rest of the Civic District." 7. Add to text on page 21, Project #4 the following: "Should the Ame~icanLe9ion be of~ered fot' .w.e, a right of first refusal should be purchased by the city for the site." 8. Amend the text on page 21, Project #7 to read as follows: "...On the waterside, the City co~ld provide a tree-lined Waterwalk atop the rip-rap breakwater with seating and Mediterranean docking." 9. Amend the text on page 25, policies & Programs #1 to read as follows: "Encourage mixed-use development which provides housing phy~ically aboye retail and service USes on the ground floor." e 10. Amend the title text on pp. 46 - 48 to read as follows: "Point HUdson Prope:rties" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proposed implementing ordinance be passed to establish the special overlay districts1 and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said draft ordinance be amended as follows: 1. It is recommended that Al ternati ve Map "B" be used as the Special Overlay Height District Official Map. Within this al ternati ve, two sub-areas shoUld be amended to have a maximum height limit of 35 feet. These areas are defined as: The block defined by Monroe Street, Port Townsend Bay, Jackson street and Water Street. The block defined by Monroe Street, Jackson Street, Water street, and a projected extension of washington Street toward Point Hudson. e 3 ----~- ~ ... ... e e e . . . . . . It is strongly recommended that an appeal process be included as part of any form of Design Review. In addition, specific criteria for determining the appropriate threshold for an appeal should be developed. 3. In the Urban Waterfront Design Guidelines, Section A: city Form, Guideline #6 should be expanded to more adequately describe what is meant by "small, incremental" parking structures. 2. Adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Port Townsend and approved by the Chair this 29~h day of Novembe~, 1990. ~\~ Ron Kosec, Chair 4 ---- ------ ------------~-------------- '! \i! . >~. . ¡II . .~. Iii .. .. ¡i; e ~.....-.',' . ~. 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