HomeMy WebLinkAbout121390 Min Ag Packet . °r.fl'''tity òf P;tOwnse' _ Planning Commission .. 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 . 206/385-3000 Meeting of 13 December 1990 Roll Call I. Roll Call Mr. Kosec called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Alan Carman, Lois Sherwood, Karen Erickson, Ron Kosec, sally McDole and Jim Roberts were present. II. COMMUNICATIONS A. Current mail -- none. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Dated November 8, 1990 and November 29, 1990. Ii Sally McDole moved that the minutes of 11/8/90 and 11/29/90 be approved. Mr. Kosec requested that the November 8, 1990 minutes be amended to record that the meeting was called to order at 7:40 and not 9:40, and that the reference to January 1990 in the agenda be changed to January 1991. Ms. Erickson seconded the motion that the minutes be approved as amended. All were in favor. Mr. Tavernakis entered the meeting. III. OLD BUSINESS A. Port Townsend Business Park, Rezone (Continued from October 25, 1990) 1. Staff Review (McConnell) Mr. McConnel reviewed the proposal for the Port Townsend Business' Park. Proponents Bob Little and Bill sperry are requesting a rezone of subject property from R-1A. and C-II to M-I. Mr. McConnell stated that the porposed rezone is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan since the Plan designates said property for industrial use. Mr. McConnell reviewed his Memorandum dated November 28, 1990 recommending the rezone. Mr. McConnell stated further that he does not think current M-1 zoning within the City is sufficient. Mr. McConnell discussed specific setback, height and material requirements recommended in his Memorandum. He also stated that primary access for the project would be off Sims Way with a secondary access off McPherson st. He stated further that the proponents must submit a transporation masterplan and comply with ./ "" _....~- ....:. 4t , f . .. . e ~"" . e ~t;. . all guidelines in the Gateway plan as well as all applicable city Ordinances. Ms. Erickson asked about the maintenance of building exteriors as recommended by the proponents. Mr. McConnell described that a collective fund for building maintenance is common in these situations. specific guidelines and standards would have to be complied with by all property owners in the proposed Business Park. He described that each property owner would pay according to the size of his or her building. He also stated that the primary purpose of the fund was typically for grounds maintenance as opposed to exterior building maintenance. Mr. Tavernakis stated that he would like to make the language stronger in the second recommendation under the transportation section so that the proponents are required to develop a left hand turn lane on Sims Way to facilitate access to Howard Street and the site. Some discussion followed about the City's proposed condition of a left turn lane and traffic light on Sims Way. Mr. McConnell stated that state approval would be required before the left hand turn lane and signal could be created. Ms. Erickson stated that she thinks primary access on McPherson and 9th would be better than Sims Way due to the existing heavy traffic on Sims Way. 2. Public Testimony Mr. Bob Little, proponent, stated that the State has been notified of the possibility of a left hand turn lane and possible signal. Mr. Little stated that the Public Works Dept. intends to open McPherson Street eventually. He stated that Public Works, in discussing the Gateway plan, has also recommended that 9th st. be opened. Mr. Little stated that the operating hours were more limited than the code provides. He also stated that the Code requires a buffer zone of 10 feet, and he is proposing a 30 foot buffer. Mr. Little distributed pictures of a similiar project to the Commission. Mr. Little stated that the land in question was identified for industrial use in the Comprehensive Plan and in the 1988 Gateway Charrette. Mr. Little stated that many businesses (Alaska Power, Erickson Auto, Northwest Electric, NW Wooden Boat School and others) have moved out of town because there were no available sites within the city limits to conduct their businesses. Mr. Kosec asked if anyone else wished to speak in favor of the application. No one came forward. : . e Mr. Kosec asked if anyone against the application would like to speak. Mr. Leon Findlay, 1014 Howard st., a neighboring property owner spoke. He stated a stop light on Sims Way would create a line of stopped cars on the hill and continuing past Kearney Street. He stated that he came to Port Townsend to avoid industry. He asked who would pay for the stop sign or signal. He stated that he is against the plan and does not think the City needs an industrial park. Mr. Bill Eldridge spoke. He said he had a list of neighbors who were against the proposed plan. He read a letter dated November 13, 1988 addressed to Michael Hildt, planning and building director, and to Bart Phillips, director of the Economic Development Commission, regarding the high statistics of traffic accidents on the Hwy 20/Sims Way corridor. Mr. Eldridge stated that the area has been referred to as a low density residential area. He said he does not think this label is accurate any longer. He stated the comprehensive Plan was written in 1980 and he alone has built 39 homes in the area since then. Mr. Eldgridge stated that he had more than 100 signatures of people in a two-block area of the subject site who strongly oppose the plan. The signatures were submi tted to the chairman for the record. . Mr. Chuck Enfield, a neighboring property owner stated that he thinks housing is an important issue in Port Townsend. He stated that he thinks it is the only area left in town for affordable housing. He strongly objects to the plan. .~ Marti Slattery, a neighbor stated she is concerned about the quality of life if the project were to be approved. She stated she is very much against the plan and does not want to live next to an industrial park. Warren Engle asked if an environmental study was done. Mr. Kosec said an environmental checklist was done. shelly Bell said she is neither for or against the plan. She stated that the traffic light is part of the Gateway plan and is necessary today. She stated that if the property were developed residentially, the traffic impacts would also be significant. Mr. McConnell stated that the average trips per day for a single family dwelling is 10. If the area were developed residentially, more than 1000 trips per day would occur. 3. Committee Report (McDole/Carman) Ms. McDole stated that she likes that the project is not a strip project. She is concerned that many neighbors are present and tIÞ speaking against the plan. · e e , \ e e Mr. Carman stated that he commends the applicants for their sensitivity to buffer zones and other neighborhood concerns. Discussion. Some discussion followed over #3, Circulation in Mr. McConnell's memorandum. Ms. McDole stated she thinks it is a good idea to limit the traffic and not allow large trucks. Some discussion followed about the difficulty in policing this issue. Ms. McDole said the project is located close to the grade school and the traffic situation must be carefully considered. Mr. Carman stated he thinks Mr. McConnell's recommendation of providing the left hand lane prior to beginning the project is good. He stated he thinks the language should be stronger to make it a "must" that the proponents take part in the funding of the traffic improvements. Mr. Carman stated again that the area has been targeted for industrial use. Mr. Carman moved to adopt the Findings of Fact and Conclustions recommending approval with the amendment that 9th street allow emergency access only. Ms. McDole seconded the motion. Discussion. Mr. Tavernakis stated he is concerned about the possibility of total lot coverage in the center lots for indoor/outdoor uses and the impact on emergency access. Mr. McConnell stated there should be some provision for emergency access. Mr. Tavernakis asked the applicant to justify the rezone. Mr. Kosec stated going out of town only requires a few minutes. Mr. Tavernakis stated that the businesses Mr. Little mentioned who left the city were not city specific. He said he is concerned that the City will be displacing future residents to the county in favor of industry. He stated that he has heard some people express in the past that they would not want to live in that area because of mill smoke, but that problem is improving. He also stated he is very concerned about the traffic impacts. Ms. Sherwood stated she too is concerned about the future planning issues. She asked, "What kind of Gateway are we creating?" Ms. Erickson stated yes, we need affordable housing, however we also need a strong tax base and jobs. Mr. Tavernakis stated he wonders it a residential area could not also create a strong tax base. He asked is Port Townsend the city limit for industrial or for residential areas? Mr. Carman stated we need it all. He stated the City needs an industrial tax base, a commercial tax base and a residential tax base. Mr. Tavernakis stated that the county has on their masterplan to · e e e e open up the areas around the airport for M-1. Mr. Carman stated the City does not obtain the benefit. Mr. Kosec stated that jobs would/could be provided for City residents and the City and its residents would, therefore, benefit. Some discussion followed over whether or not to follow the Comprehensive Plan's designation of this site as industrial. Mr. McConnell stated he suggested that the plan be changed first or the Commission could be in danger of being held arbitrary and capricious if a lawsuit resulted. Ms. MCDole stated she thinks the proponents would be good neighbors. Mr. Carman stated that the City would require much more limiting restrictions on this project than could be required of a residential area. Mr. Carman stated he does not think a better project, visually, could be presented. Ms. Erickson agreed. Some discussion followed about the importance of sufficient emergency access. Mr. Tavernakis stated he thinks it will be difficult to enforce the limitation of 40 decibels. Discussion ended and roll was called. Mr. Carman, Ms. Sherwood, Ms. Erickson, Mr. Kosec and Ms. McDole voted in favor of the project. Mr. Tavernakis and Mr. Roberts opposed the project. The motion carried. B. Herbert and Jean Herrington, Conditional Use Permit 1. Staff Review (Sepler) Mr. Sepler reviewed the proposed request for a Bed and Breakfast. He stated the applicants would like to use two rooms, with no additions for transient guests. He discussed the parking requirements, stating that ample parking is available, especially since the site is located on a corner lot. Mr. Sepler recommended granting the Conditional Use Permit. 2. Public Testimony Mr. Herrington, proponent, stated he did not have anything to add to the staff report. He distributed photos of the site to the Commission. 3. Committe Report (carman/Sherwood) Ms. Sherwood stated that the house is a beautiful and maintained area and that she recommends granting the the Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Carman concurred. Mr. Carman moved to adopt the draft Findings and Conculsions provided by staff and to recommend approval of the Conditional Use , I e e e e e Permit application to City Council. motion, and all were in favor. Ms. Sherwood seconded the C. Robert A. Friedman, Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Tavernakis stated he has had some previous dealings with this project when others were involved. He stated he did not think there was a conflict of interest, but was willing to excuse himself if the Commission thought it was appropriate. He was not asked to excuse himself. 1. Staff Review (Sepler) Mr. Sepler reviewed the revised draft findings and conclusions. He stated the sole change to the original draft was the addition of matinees in show times. Mr. Sepler went on to discuss the parking requirements. He stated that he recommends that the permit be granted with two conditions: 1. The plans must comply with Historic Preservation commission Design Review. 2. Parking spaces at the Antique Mall should be clearly marked with signage and there should be signage at the ticket window indicating available parking. 2. Public Testimony Robert Friedman expressed his dedication and enthusiasm for the project that he has worked on for six years. He stated that he is receiving grant support funding. He stated that the building has not changed very much since the theatre closed in 1968. He stated that he completely supports the staff findings and conclusions. Some discussion followed about the varied uses. Mr. Friedman said his approach is to make the theatre accessible for a variety of projects, not just films. 3. committee Report (Erickson/Roberts) MS. Erickson stated she strongly supports the project. Ms. Sherwood moved to accept the revised findings and conclusions as drafted by staff. Ms. Erickson seconded the motion and all were in favor. v. NEW BUSINESS: A. Bill 1. 2. 3. and Sue Maxwell, Variance Application 9011-06 Scheduled: February 28, 1991 Committee: Sherwood/McDole Staff: (To be assigned) B. Mobile Home Ordinance Workshop 1. Scheduled: March 14, 1991 2. Staff: Sepler · ¡ e e e e e Mr. Sepler briefly discussed what will be discussed in the workshop. Mr. Kosec asked that the Commission be updated on the Gateway Plan. Mr. Sepler stated he would coordinate a meeting. Ms. Erickson asked about the status of Mark Johnson I s Townsend Meadows project. Katherine Johnson, planning/building assistant, stated that the project will not be scheduled until a completed application is submitted to the Planning & Building Dept. Mr. Sepler discussed the next phase of implementing the Urban Waterfront plan. He stated that consultant Tom Hudson will not be available for hire as plannned so the first phase of implemenation will unfortunately be delayed. VI. ANNOUNCEMENT: Next Scheduled Meetings As stated in the agenda. Ms. Erickson moved to adjourn. Mr. Kosec adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m. Katherine M. Johnson planningjBuildingAssistant ~ . .est List NAME (please print! ADDRESS c¡ J..( )/ "-t?'1 /' i ( HowarcL / () 14 ¡r/ó-iL: #ft~ ~ ~~\~ck ) ð L .). >~ .5: 11 "2..?-Cf1 - cto ~8- /)61- -1;- Gc e \>t~~~~ Do you wish to If yes, indicate present tesllmony? topic. YES NO .0 o FJJ ~ ~" 0 o ð o ~ o (Sg o o ~ 0 ~ 0 0 Œ:Y 0 0 0 0 .~ 0 tJ 0 0 O. 0 0 ·0 0 ;04- . . e City of Port Townsetl Planning Commission 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 e 206/385.3000 AGENDA Regular Meeting December 13, 1990 II. COMMUNICATIONS: I. ROLL CALL----------------------------------------- 7:30 P.M. A. current mail III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Dated November 8, 1990 and November 29, 1990. IV. OLD BUSINESS: A. Port 1. 2. 3. 4. Townsend Business Park, Rezone Staff Review (McConnell) Public Testimony Committee Report (McDole/Carman) Findings and Conclusions B. Herbert and Jean Herrington, Conditional Use Permit 1. Staff Review (Sepler) 2. Public Testimony 3. Committee Report (Carman/Sherwood) 4. Findings and Conclusions C. Robert A. Friedman, Conditional Use Permit 1. Staff Review (Sepler) 2. Public Testimony 3. Committee Report (Erickson/Roberts) 4. Findings and Conclusions V. NEW BUSINESS: A. Bill 1. 2. 3. and Sue Maxwell, Variance Appl. 9011-06 Scheduled: February 28, 1991 Committee: Sherwood/McDole Staff: (To Be Assigned) ,j, . ~ e e .. VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings . e J9nuary +0. 1991 A. Vantage Homes, Subdivision (Committee: Tavernakis/Sherwood) (Staff: McConnell) B. summit Communications, Inc., Conditional Use Permit (committee: Sherwood/Roberts) (Staff: To Be Assigned) C. summit Communications, Inc., Variance (committee: Tavernakis/Roberts) (Staff: To Be Assigned) J?1nuary 16. 1990 A. Public Hearing on Development Plan for Gateway Project January 31, 1990 A. Planning Commission Recommendation on Gateway Project Development Plan F~bruary 14, 1990 A. Doug and Nancy Lamy, Conditional Use Permit (Committee: McDole/Carman) (Staff: Hildt) B. Ron Ramage and Suzanne Cabot, Conditional Use Permit (committee: Roberts/Sherwood) (Staff: Robison) c. City of Port Townsend, Rezone Appl. (committee: Erickson/Tavernakis) (staff: Robison) February 28. 1990 A. Bill and Sue Maxwell, Variance (Committee: Sherwood/McDole) (Staff: To Be Assigned) VII. ADJOURN "" -.- _. --~_.---.- - -- - - - - - ~ - .. ;-" "'''- e e ~C¥C15 d. /z/~/q() .. :¡\¡ '-'~ . AElEN~ PO¡¿ L:E:c. I ~ /9'10 . M'nV~S F/20M ;Ue:Ð7/IJG Oç /1/8/9D " MJNt/~$ F/2-DM ~J06 QF 11/29/?D · ~e\Jl.*\ Oh"5 Ç"Of2... "[j{<JDI1J6S t Co¡...)CLUSló/'JS POe-irtl -rDtVnSClUD B1/S//?'i1?s.s ~¿ l2e;??-C?/?~ . ÇIi-JbliL~ /þND CDNCLV5/0/V'S ~ )2é)f>.eæ.j-- k/ec7h1M'7 ~Qnj¡j . Us.-e ~ #I ç:1,vÞ~r6S Af,j[) CvA)CL~S/ð/lJS' ¡../ee.e¡~-/-ern ~ ¿)~ · V~fr0CQ- ·ÂW· ~.A-<Ld ðwi ~~ · U-t-t -h-vn? ~ ~aff7/?1? ¿:e.. L/w ~ ~S ~clIVl5/é?P1 ! PiM.:i 0,vletJ VIrn~ ~S ~d/(//5/0;-¡ . ú'J'rk.,e ~ t:u; '6ocdhvç: Û: {fPðn Ør!Þ-rÞønf '?~ ~ \7-)1319-0 - ~ÐI4er -+r~ W' F ~:p Mt~ ~ ~\~ (Jç¡~ , . Rw¡ sui D~ BrJ;Mj5 .\~. ð'JtA- k . ~-r rr '~ i1; iii Ii. I 'i .