HomeMy WebLinkAbout030311CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF MARCH 3, 2011 CALL TO ORDER The Planning Commission met in regular session the 3rd day of March 2011 in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, Chair Julian Ray presiding. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present at roll call were Julian Ray, Steven Emery, Sarah Bowman, and Jerauld Fry with Gee Hecksher, and Monica Mick -Hager absent. Staff members present were Senior Planner /Planning Manager Judy Surber, Senior Planner John McDonagh, Civil Engineer Mary Heather Ames, and Deputy City Clerk Joanna Sanders. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Commissioner Ray suggested adding to the agenda an update on the Overlay District. Motion: Steven Emery moved to approve the agenda with the suggested addition of an update on the Overlay District. Jerauld Fry seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 4 -0 by voice vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission agreed to table action on the Minutes until the next meeting to allow additional time for review. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES PER PERSON - FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA) There was no public comment. NEW BUSINESS Workshop: Amendment (or Supplement) to the Non - Motorized Transportation Plan - Mary Heather Ames, P.E., Public Works Department and John McDonagh, Senior Planner Senior Planner John McDonagh introduced Civil Engineer Mary Heather Ames who would summarize the Nonmotorized Transportation Plan Supplement. Ms. Ames provided background on the Non - motorized Transportation Advisory Board (NMTAB). She reviewed the proposed modifications to the Nonmotorized Planning Commission Meeting - March 3, 2011 Page 1 of 3 Transportation Plan Supplement that, when adopted, would be incorporated into the existing plan. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the supplement on March 24, 2011. Public Comment: Lys Burden, a member of the NMTAB and Transportation Lab of Local 20/20, encouraged a name change of the NMTAB to the Active Transportation Advisory Board. Scott Walker, Chair of the NMTAB commended Ms. Ames for her work on the plan amendment. He talked about the importance of building a walkable community and concurred with the suggestion for a name change. Pat Teal of the NMTAB expressed how pleased she is with the process. Commissioner comments /suggestions on the plan were as follows: give higher priority to developing trails that meet accessibility goals, consider expanding the plan to consider other forms of active transportation besides walking or biking, expand the plan vision to include ADA compliance, valuing the aging population, and community health; depict senior care facilities on maps; review the timing of the objectives in the project list; consider including school, police, and hospital district as partners in plan development; and adding more photographs and live links to documents might enhance the document. In response to a question, Ms. Ames noted the unit costs referred to in the document were from 1998. There was some question about the mid -cycle assessment schedule mentioned in the introduction. Ms. Ames explained that instead of re- writing the plan at the 10 -yr mark, it was suggested that there be a full update in 2018 (20 years). OLD BUSINESS Chair Ray presented some preliminary display boards showing visions for traffic flow and nonmotorized access in an Overlay District on the Howard Street extension to Discovery Road. NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) Discussion on 2011 Planning Commission Workplan - Judy Surber, DSD Planning Manager /Senior Planner Planning Manager /Senior Planner Judy Surber reviewed the proposed 2011 work plan draft as included in the agenda packet. She explained where these items fall in the list of priorities to City staffing and solicited Commission input as well as an explanation of the issues surrounding each of the scheduled topics: Ongoing Items (Howard Street, Non - motorized Transportation Plan Update, and Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan Update); the Comprehensive Plan mid -cycle assessment, and anticipated additional items (Dual zone for city -owned lands on affordable lands inventory, wind and solar ordinance - HB 1081, and subdivision /PUD Ordinance updates, critical areas ordinance update). Ms. Surber then solicited items on which the Planning Commission has requested information briefings besides Economic Development. Planning Commission feedback Planning Commission Meeting - March 3, 2011 Page 2 of") was the desire for continuing dialogue with the County Planning Commission and concern about DSD workload due to impacts of new development applications. Ms. Surber noted items going before Council include a H.A.P.N. recommendation to extend the committee past its sunset date in April 2011 and a presentation of the Climate Action Committee's recommended action plan. Motion: Steven Emery moved to approve the proposed 2011 Planning Commission Workplan as presented. Jerauld Fry seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 4 -0 by voice vote. UPCOMING MEETINGS March 10, 2011 This meeting will be cancelled to allow staff additional time to prepare the Upper Sims Way design. March 24, 2011 Public Hearing on the Nonmotorized Transportation Plan Supplement April 14, 2011 Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan Preliminary Docket. There were none. COMMUNICATIONS ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm. Attest: -hL-L� Planning Commission Chair ✓k. r. v�n.^o� t. a L� l -b..3 C_- City Clerk's Office Planning Commission Meeting - March 3, 2011 Page 3 of')