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The Planning Commission met in regular session the 10th day of February
2011 in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, Chair Julian Ray presiding.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Commissioners present at roll call were Gee Hecksher, Jerauld Fry, Steven
Emery, Julian Ray, Monica Mick - Hager, and Sarah Bowman.
Staff members present were Development Services Director Rick Sepler, and
Deputy City Clerk Joanna Sanders.
Motion: Steven Emery moved to approve acceptance of Agenda. Jerauld Fry
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6 -0 by voice vote.
Motion: Steven Emery moved to approve Minutes of November 4, 2010 and
January 13, 2011. Jerauld Fry seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6 -0 by voice vote.
No public comments were made.
Election of Chair and Vice -Chair
Mr. Ray explained the need to redo the election of officers. At the last meeting,
two commissioners had not yet been reappointed by Council. Therefore, the
Commission felt it prudent to reaffirm its decision.
Motion: Steven Emery moved to approve re- electing Julian Ray as Planning
Commission Chair and re- electing Jerauld Fry as Vice Chair. Gee Hecksher
Vote: motion carried, 5 -1 by voice vote, Monica Mick -Hager opposed.
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Proposed Land Use Approach for the Howard Street Corridor and Upper
Sims Way - (Rick Sepler, DSD /Planning Director)
Rick Sepler reviewed the draft zoning regulations for the Howard Street
Corridor and explained that during the last meeting questions were raised
regarding: 1) the extent of the zoning in terms of whether or not to include
Upper Sims Way; and 2) if Upper Sims Way is included, whether relaxation
of the formula store ordinance is appropriate. Previously, the
Commission agreed to review the existing uses. At this time the Commission
is being asked for input and to provide general direction on specific sections
of the regulations in order for staff to prepare a final version for review at the
next meeting.
There was consensus that the draft form -based overlay standard regulations
are a positive and thoughtful approach. Mr. Sepler reviewed some recent
developments (parking) and the upcoming selection of the design consultant
for extending Howard Street to Discovery Road.
Comments were made that the same development standards should not be
applied to both Howard Street and Upper Sims Way in order to
accommodate a variety of retail businesses. The development of Howard
Street is going to be a more sanitized and organized development compared
to Upper Sims Way. It is important that the Commission consider both new
and existing structures in the development design and application of the
proposed development guidelines.
It was noted that the intent is not to legislate existing structures. These
regulations would only pertain to new construction and there are still many
locations along Sims Way where new construction could occur.
Mr. Sepler discussed the buildings along Upper Sims Way and the variations
in how they are situated on each lot which has transitioned over time.
Howard Street is not as long as Upper Sims Way and the development
design for Howard Street does not consist of a continuous street wall.
Discussion ensued regarding the process for creating individual lots through
a binding site plan which is preferred over the subdivision process because
they can prescribe the building footprint.
Mr. Sepler discussed funding options which include the possibility of creating
an LID, or the City installing the infrastructure with latecomer agreements for
sewer and water improvements. When the Real Estate market is high, an
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LID is practical. However, this option does not work well during a flat Real
Estate market when property is not selling. An alternative is to use utility
funds, while looking for TIB funds and then accomplish incremental
development over time. If the basic infrastructure were provided, then some
property owners might develop. The second option allows for property
owners to pay for the improvements at the time of development.
In response to a question about the intent of serving pedestrian and
nonmotorized access, Mr. Sepler explained that the development design
could incorporate shorter block lengths for walkability which would also give
the perception of being more manageable versus longer block lengths.
Challenges include figuring out how to work with existing platted blocks. He
presented a handout showing a design guideline using mid -block pedestrian
connectors as a possible solution. If this design guideline is used, it must be
artfully designed to keep it aestheically pleasing and prevent it from
becoming an alley with garbage cans, etc. This space will be a public
access easement.
The Commission discussed examples of mid -block pedestrian connectors
and covered walkways in other areas. In connecting the vision with the
language, and determining whether or not this is the right approach, Mr.
Sepler stated that landscaping is happening between the lots anyway unti
the lots are developed, so why not build landscaping into the design
Discussion then turned to parking requirements for future businesses
along Howard Street. Mr. Sepler explained the design guidelines require
buildings be constructed right up to the property line along the street and he
provided examples around the City. Parking would be located at the back of
the building and accessed from the side street. Mid -block pedestrian
connectors or covered passageways could be used as access to the rear
parking area thereby making a rear entrance to a business unnecessary and
allowing the use of back of the building for deliveries only.
Mr. Sepler expressed his concern about the commercial lots along
Howard Street which abut residential property and how best to address
parking, storage and access without creating a barrier. There was
discussion of the lack of design features on the back of buildings and how to
mitigate impacts or effect a transition with the use of fencing, landscaping,
alleys, etc.
After discussing fire access, Mr. Sepler agreed to do a site section on how to
transition design features and include required items for follow -up
discussion. He will also look at arcades, walkways and pedestrian
connectors and review circumstances where they might not work.
Mr. Sepler highlighted some main policy decision points to get agreement
and direction. He asked the Commission to review the design guidelines as
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they relate to the section on "Applicability" (page 2, line 7). He also pointed
out the section relating to "Formula Retail and Restaurant
Establishments" (page 2, line 22) and confirmed that there would be a
modified rule /use table based on applicability to this overlay district.
The following items were reviewed by Mr. Sepler for follow -up: 1)
departures /variances will be subject to approval to allow for creative
solutions while insuring the intent of the chapter is met; 2) check on the edge
of commercial (95% may not work entirely); 3) talk more about access to
driveways and rear alleys; review arcades, walkways and pedestrian
connectors; 4) review site section relating to back side of
commercial /apartments; and 5) review commercial prohibited uses (pages 4
& 5) and apartment subdistrict prohibited uses (page 7). He will fix
inconsistencies on height and he noted that planned unit developments also
need to be added to the list of prohibited uses. The Commission was then
asked to review the zoning map to determine where to put a common wall.
There was a question about the maximum building size and a request for
clarification of section 4(a) Screening and Landscaping on page 4 lines 16 -
18 where it states 'Parking facilities adjacent to the right -of -way shall be
screened with a combination of landscaping and fencing ..." Mr. Sepler
replied the maximum building size is 60,000 sq. feet. The types of
landscaping and fencing can be further clarified in the standards, but the
intent is to largely obscure the view of parking facilities. He stated a graphic
could be created showing a screening example.
Mr. Sepler will also be preparing a full section drawing of Howard Street and
the commercial blocks including apartments and the backside views.
Discussion then turned to Upper Sims Way, the 'rooms" approach and
consideration of the Gateway Plan. Mr. Sepler reviewed the guidelines for
development under the current code. There will be further input at a future
A brief discussion ensued regarding the economic benefit and
challenges of bringing broadband or a wireless distribution system to the City.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 24, 2011. Items
scheduled for discussion at the next meeting include the Nonmotorized
Transportation Plan Supplement and the 2011 Work Plan.
No items were presented.
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There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Planning Commission Chair
City Clerk's Office
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