HomeMy WebLinkAbout02(360) 379-5047 (email: citycouncil@cityofpt.us) www.cityofpt.us February 2008
City of Port Townsend
from Mayor Michelle Sandoval
It is my pleasure to be greeting you as your new Mayor. New Deputy Mayor George Randels
and I are excited about this opportunity to serve our city. I know this goes for the two new
councilors sitting among us, David King and Brent Butler, and we welcome them. Former
mayors Catharine Robinson and Mark Welch, and councilor Laurie Medlicott who has been
elected to a second term, round out a council with which I am proud to serve.
We were left with many challenges from the turbulent end to 2007, and our work plan for 2008 reflects
the reality that many of our actions will be influenced by decisions the state legislature makes regard-
ing our requests for ferry mitigation. Our hope is that short-term measures to alleviate the pressure on
this summer’s travel season are adopted quickly. Our strategy also addresses a clear need for long-
term economic development programs that increase technical assistance to our city businesses. The
state will be developing a response to our concerns during the current 60 day legislative session, and
we welcome your participation in support of our plan to our legislators. The Council’s Ferry Mitigation
Strategy can be downloaded at http://www.cityofpt.us/
Our challenges can provide the motivation to find shared solutions. I’m excited that our work plan ad-
dresses this possibility by endorsing a series of Town Hall Meetings. We want to hear about what you
value in your community. Newcomers and old-timers, please come the evening of March 6 for the first
get-together. Port Townsend is good at this. Stay tuned for more information.
GCDE Town Hall Meeting-Thursday, Feb. 7,
6:00-8:00 p.m. (please note change in time)
The Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues
and Employment (GCDE) will be held Thursday,
Feb. 7, 6:00-8:00 p.m., PT Community Center.
Contact a Councilmember!
Throw away those old email addresses! Coun-
cilmembers can be contacted by using the fol-
lowing new email addresses that are part of the
City’s email system:
Michelle Sandoval—msandoval@cityofpt.us
George Randels—grandels@cityofpt.us
Brent Butler—bbutler@cityofpt.us
Catharine Robinson—crobinson@cityofpt.us
David King—dking@cityofpt.us
Laurie Medlicott—lmedlicott@cityofpt.us
Mark Welch—mwelch@cityofpt.us
Climate Action Committee
The City and County are recruiting members for
the Climate Action Committee (CAC), which will
serve as an advisory board to the Council and
BOCC on climate protection policies, programs
and priorities. The CAC will create a Climate
Action Plan with specific focus on reducing en-
ergy use and greenhouse gas emissions. They
will meet at least once a month and will include
representatives from the BOCC, City Council,
education community, builders, industry/marine
trades, PT Paper Corporation, business commu-
nity, non-motorized transportation and/or Jeffer-
son Transit, faith based organizations, and citi-
zens at large. More information will be avail-
able soon at <http://www.cityofpt.us> under
Boards and Commissions. You may download
the application form from the web site. Applica-
tions will be accepted at the City Clerk’s office,
250 Madison Street, Ste. 2.
Council Committees
Finance and Budget - Sandoval, Welch, King
Community Development and Land Use-
Sandoval, Randels, Butler
General Government - Robinson, Medlicott, Welch
Special Projects - Randels, Butler, King
Other City Activities with
Council Representation
HUD Loan - Butler
Peg Access Coordinating Committee - King
Alternative Electric Management Committee-Randels, Welch
You may be eligible for USDA
financial aide for home re-
pairs or home purchase.
Is your home in need of repairs?
USDA Rural Development pro-
vides financing to qualified, very
low income homeowners to repair or make im-
provements to their home through the 504 Re-
pair program. Examples include repairs to
eliminate health and safety hazards, or to im-
prove weatherization.
Are you interested in purchasing a home?
USDA Rural Development can help you find
out if you qualify for the 502 Direct or 502
Guaranteed Rural Housing Loan Program.
These programs offer 100% financing, with no
down payment to qualified borrowers.
USDA Rural Development will hold a free infor-
mation session on affordable housing and
home repair opportunities for rural residents
living in Clallam and Jefferson Counties.
WHEN: Thurs., Feb. 21 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Pope Marine Park Building, 100
Madison St. (on City Dock next to the Police
Station) in Port Townsend.
To learn more about the 504 Repair, 502 Direct
or 502 Guaranteed Rural Housing Loan Pro-
gram, contact USDA Rural Development at 452
-8994 extension 4, or drop by 1601 East Front
Street, Suite B, Port Angeles.
USDA Rural Development is an Equal Opportu-
nity Lender, Provider, and Employer. Com-
plaints of discrimination should be sent to:
USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Wash-
ington, D.C. 20250-9410
Caucus Locations February 9
The Jefferson County Caucuses for both
Democrats and Republicans will be held
Saturday, February 9 at various locations through-
out the county. All caucus locations will call their
meetings to order at 1:00 p.m. on that day.
You can find your precinct number on your voter’s
registration card or call the Jefferson County Audi-
tor Elections Division at 385-9119.
Democrats –
Precincts 104 Cape George, 105 South Discovery,
106 North Jacob Miller caucuses will be held at
the Port Townsend Community Center, 620
Tyler St.
Precincts 701, 702, 703, 704 and 705 all located
in the incorporated areas of Port Townsend will
be held at the Blue Heron Middle School.
Republicans –
Precincts 104, 106, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705
caucuses will be held at the Towne Point
Community Hall, 2240 Towne Point Ave.
Democrats with questions about the caucus can
visit the Jefferson County Democrats website at
jeffcodemocrats.com; Republicans can call Lyle
Newlin at 437-2568.
There will be more detailed information about the
process and the primary in articles appearing in the
Leader and Peninsula Daily News.
Friends of the Library
On Sunday, February 10 starting at
2:30 p.m., Friends of the Library will
be hosting a staged reading by Mary
Lou Sanelli and Jackie Leone from
Sanelli’s book “The Immigrant’s Table.” The per-
formance will be held at RoseWind at 3131 Haines
St. (from San Juan Avenue go west on Umatilla one
block to Haines and turn right).
Please join us for an afternoon of thoughtful enter-
tainment with Mary Lou and her family. Admission
is $22.00, which includes antipasto and a glass of
wine or sparkling cider.
For tickets and information, contact Cheryl Bentley
at 379-0953. Tickets are also available at the Port
Townsend Library. Proceeds will benefit Friends of
the Port Townsend Library, which supports Library
programs and materials that are not included in the
City’s budget.
EITC and Free Income Tax Filing
Olympic Community Action Program,
in conjunction with AARP, has estab-
lished a number of free Tax-Aide tax counsel-
ing and preparation sites throughout Jefferson
County, available to those of any age. The
Port Townsend site is at the PT Community
Center, beginning February 1 from 10:00 a.m.
to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays.
To find more information about Earned Income
Tax Credit (EITC), E-filing and more, visit
www.irs.gov or www.icanefile.org. To find a
Tax-Aide site near you simply telephone 2 1 1.