HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 From City Manager David Timmons The City will be holding a kick-off meeting and open house to review the process for updating its Shoreline Master Program (SMP) and to review draft shoreline inventory information. The kick-off meeting will be held at the Pope Marine Park Building on Thursday, June 3 from 6-8:00 pm. All interested parties are invited to attend. “Port Townsend’s current Master Program is out- dated,” notes City Planner Judy Surber. The City’s current SMP was adopted in 1974 and will be up- dated by December of 2005 to meet state require- ments and to improve how the SMP works for the community. The SMP is both a plan and a set of regulations that apply to shoreline areas. To assist in the de- velopment of an updated SMP, a Shoreline Advi- sory Group (SAG), consisting of citizens and key stakeholders, has been assembled. All meetings of the SAG are open to the public. Contact Judy Surber, Planner 379-5084, for more information. City and Property Owners Work to Avoid Bluff Erosion by Jeff Randall, BCD Director The shoreline beaches between Chetzemoka Park and Fort Worden State Park are open to the public and provide a place to walk, jog, or simply sit and enjoy the scenery. The steep bluffs above the beach are not and, in fact, are private property. Over the years, people climbing, digging into or sliding down the bluffs have caused higher than normal erosion rates and loss of vegetation. Climbing these tall bluffs is also dangerous due to the risk of landslides. Early this summer, new public beach signage will be placed in two locations at the beach stairs near Chetzemoka Park and Fort Worden State Park to remind people not to climb the bluffs. Residential bluff owners will also install private property signs. By working together, the City and the property owners hope to inform the public about the delicate nature of the bluffs and help to prevent any more damage that compromises their stability. City of Port Townsend (360) 379-5047 (email: citycouncil@ci.port-townsend.wa.us) www.ci.port-townsend.wa.us June 2004 From Mayor Catharine Robinson Port Townsend receives many awards – some of which City staff is directly involved in and some that need to be mentioned for their inter- relationship with the growth and vitality of our com- munity. The City Manager and I recently attended an awards ceremony presented by The Washing- ton State Office of Archaeology and Historic Pres- ervation where the City was awarded the 2004 an- nual award “Outstanding Achievement in Steward- ship” for restoring and preserving the Bell Tower. At this same program, Frank and Pat Durbin, along with the City and County, were presented the “Valerie Savinski Award for Historic Rehabilitation” for the restoration of their home (The O’Rear House) on Washington Street. Also noteworthy is Malcolm Dorn’s Uptown Court- yard Project, nominated by Mari Mullen of the Main Street Program, which received recognition as “Outstanding Design Project” by the Downtown Revitalization Program of Washington State Com- munity Trade and Economic Development (CTED). The courtyard project, which is a remodel of nearly half a city block, has breathed new life into our Up- town District and has been acknowledged for its contribution to our community. Store Stories – The Small Heart of Uptown Aldrich’s Memory Book, was also recognized by CTED for its imagination, talent and commitment and received the “Outstanding Special Project” award. Max and Sherry Grover, Pam Clise and Marty Gay, and Mike Kenna of The Printery were presented with the award May 6 for their collabora- tion on this very special project that will help fund the continuing revitalization of Uptown. Without exception, each of these awards affects our community in a very positive way and we extend our con- gratulations and appreciation to the many individuals who contributed to the projects. AN INVITATION TO HELP SHAPE THE FUTURE OF THE PORT TOWNSEND PUBLIC LIBRARY As the new director of the Port Townsend Public Library, I invite you to help define the future direction of your public library. It is critical that a strategic plan be developed through a joint effort between the library and the community. The plan must reflect the needs of library users and outline a course of action for the future. This plan will become the road map that guides the library into the 21st century. Please help us in this process by completing the following survey. This will provide critical information needed to shape and define the library’s strategic plan for the next 5 to 10 years. The Port Townsend Public Library has always been an integral part of the community. We want to continue to provide the best possible library services in the coming years. - Theresa Rini Percy, Library Director 1. How often does your household use the Port Townsend Public Library? ____ Weekly _____ Monthly ____ Rarely ____ Never How often does your household use the Jefferson County Library? (Port Hadlock) ____ Weekly _____ Monthly ____ Rarely ____ Never If "Never," for what reasons? 2. Please check all the reasons people in your household have used the library this past year. ___ Check out adult books ___ Use reference materials Special library programs: ___ Check out children's books ___ Use the maritime collection ___ Adults ___Children ___ Check out videos, CD's, tapes ___ Meet friends, socialize Use computers: Other: (please specify) _________________ ___ Internet ___ Word processing Of the reasons you've checked, please star (*) the THREE most important to you. 3. What is the ONE thing you like BEST about the Port Townsend Public Library? 4. If you could change ONE thing about the Library, what would it be? 5. Do you currently access the library's web site (www.ptpl.lib.wa.us) from your home or work computer? ___ Yes ___ No If Yes, which resources have you used? ___Library catalog __Online data bases (e.g., ProQuest) ___Other 6. Does the present Port Townsend Public Library meet your needs in terms of: Size? ___ Yes ___ No Customer service? ___ Yes ___ No Lay-out? ___ Yes ___ No Materials/information? ___ Yes ___ No Location? ___ Yes ___ No Other? (please specify) ________________________ Is it important that our PT Library is an historically significant Carnegie library? ___ Yes ___ No 7. If the Port Townsend Public Library were to face a fiscal crisis, what would you prefer? ___ Increase taxes Charge fees for: ___ Special searches ___ Fines for over-due books ___ Reduce services ___ Interlibrary loans ___ Special programs ___ Other (please specify)___________________ 8. Please, tell us a bit about you: Do you live within Port Townsend city limits? ____ Yes ____ No Number of people in your household: _____ Number with library cards:______ Ages: ___ < 5 ___ 5 - 12 ____ 13 - 19 ____ 20 - 44 ____ 45 - 64 ____ 65+ Highest education level: ___ High school ___ College/Vocational Cert. ____ Graduate level 9. What is your household annual income? ___ Under $25,000 ___ $25,000 - $49,999 ___ $50,000 - $100,000 ___ Over $100,000 10. Any thing else? (Please use an additional piece of paper and tell us.) Thank you! Please return the survey with your utility bill or to: City Clerk, 181 Quincy St., Port Townsend, WA 98368