Parks, Recreation & Trees Advisory Board
(Name of Committee, Board, Task Force, Commission)
Date: 6/22/2010 Time: 5-6:40pm Location: Mountain View Commons
Members Present: Daniel Collins, Forest Shomer, Barbara Smith
Scribes: Barbara Smith & Daniel Collins
Staff Present: Jeremy Bubnick -Parks & Recreation
Follow-up (if needed)
Call to Order Quorum present
Approval of Minutes May 25t 2010 Approved 3-0
Approval of Agenda 6/22/2010 Approved
Announcements Forest gave an update on the Fall Forest will research other community
Arbor Day planting. The couple groups that we might pair with for an
planting trees in 50 States will not be October planting.
here until Spring.
Announcements Barbara gave the Proclamation of
"National Parks and Recreation month"
to Jeremy. The Proclamation
was read at the June 21 St City Council
Guest Presentation-Rick Sepler, Port Rick Sepler explained his role of Rick welcomes a member of the PRT
Townsend Planning Director proactively bringing City projects to the Board to participate on the streetscape
community. The streetscape steering committee.
project covers the area of Monroe to Rick is interested in our
the Ferry and Water Street to recommendations for trees. The
Washington. The Madison Street current parameters include well
ro~ect took two ears until actual mannered,
NeXt Meeting: 4/27/10 H: IParks & ReclParks, Recreation & Trees BoardlMinutesl6-22-10 Minutes.doc
Parks, Recreation & Trees Advisory Board
(Name of Committee, Board, Task Force, Commission)
Date: 6/22/2010 Time: 5-6:40pm Location: Mountain View Commons
Members Present: Daniel Collins, Forest Shomer, Barbara Smith
Scribes: Barbara Smith & Daniel Collins
Staff Present: Jeremy Bubnick -Parks & Recreation
Follow-up (if needed)
construction. Current FEMA funding is not a lot of litter, not too big, nice if
3 years -city is in 3rd year of process - compatible to lighting. Ken Clow may
must spend money or risks losing it. be able to give a rough
Partners includes the Main Street estimate of cost comparison between
Program, and the Historical container trees and those planted into
Preservation Society. City created a the ground. The Board will discuss the
steering committee for the process to streetscape project at the next meeting
advise city. and choose a representative for the
steering committee. Consider if you
have the time to participate.
Parks and Recreation: Status of Pope Play equipment for Pope Marine Park: Must be reviewed by Historical Society.
Marine Park Architect did not like Climbing rocks
(too tall).Now looking at a lower profile
play structure made of wood and
geared toward younger children.
Parks and Recreation: Benches A request for another Memorial Bench
has been received. It would replace a
stump in Chetzemoka Park; location
NeXt Meeting: 4/27/10 H: IParks & ReclParks, Recreation & Trees BoardlMinutesl6-22-10 Minutes.doc
Parks, Recreation & Trees Advisory Board
(Name of Committee, Board, Task Force, Commission)
Date: 6/22/2010 Time: 5-6:40pm Location: Mountain View Commons
Members Present: Daniel Collins, Forest Shomer, Barbara Smith
Scribes: Barbara Smith & Daniel Collins
Staff Present: Jeremy Bubnick -Parks & Recreation
Follow-up (if needed)
left of the arbor facing the gazebo.
Bench approved - to be installed August
Parks and Recreation: Survey Public meeting is Thursday 6:OOpm at
Blue Heron Middle School.
547 households responded to the
written survey. The youth survey will
be ready in early July for
Inclusion in larger survey/report.
The remaining agenda items were
postponed to the next meeting:
Work plan and goals
& portable tree strategy
Meeting was adjourned at 6:40pm. The
next meeting will again be at 5:OOpm
July 27th
G: ICityAdminlClerklboards-committees-commissionslFormslAction Minutes.doc
NeXt Meeting: 4/27/10 H: IParks & ReclParks, Recreation & Trees BoardlMinutesl6-22-10 Minutes.doc