Parks, Recreation & Trees Advisory Board
(Name of Committee, Board, Task Force, Commission)
Date: May 25, 2010 Time: 4:00-6:05 Location: Mountain View Commons Scribe: Matthew Berberich
Members Present: Matthew Berberich, Forest Shomer, Rosemary Sikes, Daniel Collin
Staff Present: Jeremy Bubnick -Parks & Recreation Manager
Follow-up (if needed)
Call to order No Action
Approval of Minutes Minutes approved 4-0
Approval of agenda Forest moved to approve minutes as Plan to re-inventory trees was not on
amended agenda
Agenda approved 4-0
Announcements: Stepping down from board Was not in person. Daniel made us aware
Karen McKee of situation.
Was some talk of how to fill the position
Now we need a quorum of three members
Forest report on Sarah Foster Has not been able to get in touch with her Will continue his pursuit to get information
in last two weeks with multiple messages on funding for street trees from state for
urban communities
Old business Satya Santi- intern for city working on No follow up- survey in progress
youth involvement survey
Also to manage treescape in city main Recommends:
streets Getting a commitment in writing from the
city council on why they would or would
not take the TPR's
advice/recommendation s
Being proactive with the media coverage
on certain issues
Next Meeting: 4/27/ 10 C: (Documents and Settings IMatt.PC3490247922181My ll ocuments IMatt's Business) TPR Committee (May Minutes.doc
Parks, Recreation & Trees Advisory Board
(Name of Committee, Board, Task Force, Commission)
Date: May 25, 2010 Time: 4:00-6:05 Location: Mountain View Commons Scribe: Matthew Berberich
Members Present: Matthew Berberich, Forest Shomer, Rosemary Sikes, Daniel Collin
Staff Present: Jeremy Bubnick -Parks & Recreation Manager
Follow-up (if needed)
Old business cont. George Bush- former board member Encourage city to embrace committee and
use our knowledge
Sit down with the council and have a
constructive meeting and get an actual
contract as to what our (TPR) tasks and
goals are and following through on our
*Invite Rick Seplar from city to visit and
present to board
Board as a group Goals: Tabled until next meeting
Tree: Change Arbor Day to Autumn, (Running out of time)
Update inventory, Continue Tree City
USA, Focus on downtown trees
Parks: Work parties for invasive plant
removal to help improve wildlife
Recreation: Inventory recreation already in
place(not discussed)
Forest moved to table portable trees Approved
agenda until next month
Parks and Rec manager report- Jeremy Currently collecting survey results with Will have numbers and info in power point
positive results format for next meeting
NeXt Meeting: 4/27/ 10 C: (Documents and Settings IMatt.PC3490247922181My ll ocuments IMatt's Business) TPR Committee (May Minutes.doc
Parks, Recreation & Trees Advisory Board
(Name of Committee, Board, Task Force, Commission)
Date: May 25, 2010 Time: 4:00-6:05 Location: Mountain View Commons Scribe: Matthew Berberich
Members Present: Matthew Berberich, Forest Shomer, Rosemary Sikes, Daniel Collin
Staff Present: Jeremy Bubnick -Parks & Recreation Manager
Follow-up (if needed)
Jeremy cont. Presentation also for public meeting June
Pope Marine Park old play structure Working on review of future structure with
moved to new location in Bobby McGera city officials
park on Cherry St Forest started anon-profit call Friends of
PT Trails that is available for trail clean up
near parks such as Bobby McGera
Public Comment Frank Vane Frank should get public support by going
Chief Chetzamoka statue at golf course to a city council meeting with his
should be moved to Chetzamoka park presentation
Also get support of arts committee
Could put an article in the news paper
Future meeting agenda items Move meetings to Spm Approved 4-0
Revisit portable trees Solidify GOALS in concrete
Review of work plan and goals
Survey results reviewed
Adjourn 6:02 pm Approved 4-0
Daniel moved to adjourn
NeXt Meeting: 4/27/ 10 C: (Documents and Settings IMatt.PC3490247922181My ll ocuments IMatt's Business) TPR Committee (May Minutes.doc