Parks, Recreation & Trees Advisory Board
(Name of Committee, Board, Task Force, Commission)
Date: 3/31/2010 Time: 4-5:30pm Location: Mountain View Commons Scribe: Jeremy Bubnick
Members Present: Rosemary Sikes, Daniel Collins, Karen McKee, Forest Shomer, Matt Berberich, Barbara Smith
Staff Present: Jeremy Bubnick -Parks & Recreation Manager
Follow-up (if needed)
Introductions No Action
Approval of Minutes Approved 6-0
Daniel suggested that more detailed After discussion of the topic, it was
meeting minutes are taken generally agreed upon that they would take
more detailed minutes and then boil them
down to action items
Election of Secretary Forest made a motion to nominate Matt
The motion was seconded by Rosemary
After discussion -Matt was appointed 6-0
Memorial Bench Donation Jeremy received an application fora Jeremy will receive approval from PW
memorial bench donation to be placed at Director, Ken Clow and City Manager
Chetzemoka Park. The bench would David Timmons and order bench.
replace an older existing bench. The
donation & location had already been
reviewed and approved by park staff and
Jeremy. Jeremy recommended that the
board endorse the donation.
Rosemary made a motion to endorse the
donation. Barbara seconded the motion.
Motion was approved 6-0
Next Meeting: 4/27/10 C: IDOCII~1~'~IIEASYPD~IILOCALS~IITempIBCL TechnologiesleasyPDF 61~a,BCL~401194CEI~a,BCL~401194CE.doc
Parks, Recreation & Trees Advisory Board
(Name of Committee, Board, Task Force, Commission)
Date: 3/31/2010 Time: 4-5:30pm Location: Mountain View Commons Scribe: Jeremy Bubnick
Members Present: Rosemary Sikes, Daniel Collins, Karen McKee, Forest Shomer, Matt Berberich, Barbara Smith
Staff Present: Jeremy Bubnick -Parks & Recreation Manager
Follow-up (if needed)
Parks, Recreation & Open Space Jeremy reviewed the process for receiving Board members will take the survey draft
Functional Plan public involvement/feedback. He also home for a more in depth review and will
reviewed the goal timeline for completing email Jeremy with their comments.
the plan. Jeremy then shared a draft
community survey that will be distributed Jeremy will draft a final version to be
to a random sample of households in the ready for distribution in April before the
April utility bills. The survey was well next Advisory Board Meeting
received and was generally agreed upon
that it was a good first draft.
2010 -Work Plan & Goals There was discussion regarding other Jeremy will work with other city staff to
issues that the board wants to address locate a copy of the recommendations that
throughout 2010. Jeremy agreed that he the past Trees Advisory Board made to
would take the lead on the functional plan, City Council. He will also work on
so the board could definitely take on other finding a copy of any current city policies
projects. There was some discussion about or ordinances regarding trees. He will
the city trees program. Forest shared some distribute these by email before the next
history of the street trees. The board board meeting.
requested that Jeremy find as much
background info as possible from the past
Trees Advisory Board. Due to the meeting
running over in scheduled time Barbara
made a motion to table to discussion until
NeXt Meeting: 4/27/10 C: IDOCII~1~'~IIEASYPD~IILOCALS~IITempIBCL TechnologiesleasyPDF 61~a,BCL~401194CEI~a,BCL~401194CE.doc
Parks, Recreation & Trees Advisory Board
(Name of Committee, Board, Task Force, Commission)
Date: 3/31/2010 Time: 4-5:30pm Location: Mountain View Commons Scribe: Jeremy Bubnick
Members Present: Rosemary Sikes, Daniel Collins, Karen McKee, Forest Shomer, Matt Berberich, Barbara Smith
Staff Present: Jeremy Bubnick -Parks & Recreation Manager
Follow-up (if needed)
2010 -Work Plan & Goals (Continued) the next advisory board meeting. Matt
seconded the motion and it passed 6-0.
Public Comment It was recommended to the board that they
look at the other benefits of trees,
specifically the reduction of global
G: ICity Admin I Clerklboards-committees-commissionslFormslAcfion Minutes. doc
NeXt Meeting: 4/27/10 C: IDOCII~1~'~IIEASYPD~IILOCALS~IITempIBCL TechnologiesleasyPDF 61 ~a,BCL~401194CEI~a,BCL~401194CE.doc