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City Hall Council Chambers
Thursday, March 11, 2010 6:30 PM
EXH 1 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda, March 11, 2010
EXH 2 J. Surber, Memo to Planning Cormmission -Draft Code Revision Ordinances: Title 9,
17, 18 and 20 Revisions and Clarifications, Mazch 2, 2010
EXH 2A Attachment to EXH 2: Summary Table
EXH 2B Attachment to EXH 2: Draft Ordinance (Revised)
EXH 2C Attachment to EXH 2: Draft Findings and Conclusions
EXH 3 90 Day Schedule Worksheet -Key Topics (Mar -May 2010)
Chair Julian Ray called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:45 PM.
A quorum of Planning Commission members was present: Steve Emery, Gee Heckscher,
Monica Mick-Hager and Julian Ray.
Commissioners Jerry Fry and Bill LeMaster were excused.
Staff: Judy Surber, Planning Manager
Mr. Emery moved for acceptance of the agenda; Ms. Mick-Hager seconded. The agenda was
approved, as presented, all in favor.
Review of the minutes of the previous meeting was postponed.
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Update - Concerning permit requirements for small wind energy systems
(SHB 1008) -Judy Surber, Planning Manager
Ms. Surber reported that the process at the State level is ongoing. At the CDLU meeting eazlier
in the day, staff was requested to convene the Alternative Electricity Management Committee and
develop draft recommendations. This will be discussed with the HPC (Historic Preservation
Committee), which will address any modifications specific to the historic district.
Public Hearing: 2009 Development Regulation Amendments, Port Townsend Municipal
Code -Judy Surber, Planning Manager
Ms. Surber explained that each yeaz, staff bundles a list of code "housekeeping items" to be
considered for code amendments. At an earlier workshop in December, there were certain
procedural items [hat have since been transferred to a group of items that will be handled
separately by City Attorney Watts and City Council. The current list to be considered by the
Planning Commission numbers thirteen. The SEPA environmental review has been completed;
there were no comments received. The required 60 day review with CTED has also been done;
they granted an expedited review and there were also no comments. The next step is to conduct
this hearing and forwazd recommendations to City Council for final action, tentatively scheduled
for April 5.
Ms. Surber pointed out an error on the draft ordinance, and stated that she would correct that for
the final draft. On page 11, Section 8 she pointed out that the strike-out and underlined text is all
new language; she will remove the strike-outs and underline all in items 2 and 3. In addition, on
the last page, the paragraph of strike-out language will be removed - it is part of procedural code
sent to John Watts for inclusion in his revisions. Chair Ray and Ms. Surber mentioned that a few
minor style and typographical changes would be made by staff for the final version.
She offered to walk through the summary table or to simply respond to questions. Mr. Emery
referred to an a-mail he had sent out on March 10 concerning the number of stories pemutted in
C-II and C-IIII. He recalled that in the workshop, Mr. Sepler had stated that clarifying language
pertaining to this table (page 10) would be inserted to prevent building four stories within the
envelope as it had been defined. Mr. Emery said that the essence of his e-mail was a suggestion
to allow a bonus fourth story under certain conditions: a good design that Fits within the envelope;
has a green roof; and is used for affordable housing. He said that situation could be handled via a
departure or exception, and that staff may need to explore further if such an exception is viable.
Ms. Mick-Hager said that although she is not a trained designer, she likes and supports the idea.
She affirmed that it is an appropriate role for the Planning Commission to seek ways to provide
and support affordable housing; otherwise, service people will be unable to live in this town. She
said she was in favor of asking staff to determine if this is a viable idea.
Mr. Heckscher said that he also agrees in principle, and questioned whether or not it is legally
possible to single out a particulaz type of housing for this special treatment.
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Chair Ray said he also agreed with the principle and the possible merit, but suggested that the
Planning Commission move forward on the Omnibus now and follow up on Mr. Emery's idea at
a later date. Ms. Surber said that it would be possible to hold item 7 or allow it to go forward as
is, with a recommendation that it be explored further per Mr. Emery's idea in a future ordinance.
She said that she had spoken with Mr. Sepler, and the latter option was consistent with his
recommendation. He had said that bonus densities for affordable housing was already on the
slate for investigation and this could be included under incentives. Mr. Emery said he was
amenable to that approach, and he did not believe it necessary to hold that item.
Ms. Mick-Hager requested clarification on next steps. Ms. Surber said that staff could add an
item to the findings, conclusions and recommendations that would accompany this ordinance
indicating Planning Commissions concerns and desire to come back to this item. She said the
existing work plan lists bonus densities as part of Phase 2. Mr. Heckscher spoke in favor of
considering this item with bonus densities as a package.
Mr. Ray inquired why micro-distillery, micro-brewery and micro-winery were broken out
distinctively instead of treated collectively under one term. Ms. Surber said that originally micro-
winerieswere considered in the code. It was then called to staff s attention that micro-distilleries
should also be defined and considered. After a brief discussion about the differences in processes
and possible regulatory options, it was agreed that this level of differentiation should be retained.
There were no further questions from the Planning Commissioners.
Mr. Emery moved that the Planning Commission recommend to City Council the 2009
proposed 13 amendments to Title 9, Peace Morals and Safety; Title 17, Zoning; and Title 18,
Land Division of the Port Townsend Municipal Code, and that the issues of bonus density and
affordable housing be further explored as soon as work plans permit. Ms. Mick-Hager
seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Ms. Surber said that she would incorporate language into the Findings, Conclusions and
Recommendations for Chair Ray's review and signature; make the appropriate changes to the
draft ordinance as discussed; and forward all to City Council for the April 5 Hearing.
Ms. Surber distributed copies of a 90 day schedule -Key Topics (EXH. 3). She noted that due to
the busy City Council schedule, certain Planning Commission meetings would be cancelled:
March 25, April 8 and on May 6 Planning Commission is encouraged to attend the Town Meeting
The topic for the April 22 Planning Commission will be Fencing. Ms. Surber mentioned the
growing number of homeowner plans for deer fences, and the need to correct some
inconsistencies and gaps in the regulations.
Consideration of CAO waivers is scheduled for May 13.
An Update on the Howard Street Overlay will be the next topic, possibly on May 27.
Ms. Surber briefly reviewed the planned topics for other bodies: PDA, Town Hall meetings and
the JGMSC.
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