HomeMy WebLinkAbout060710PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 540 WATER STREET Business Meeting 6:30 p.m. I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance IL Roll Call III. Changes to the Agenda IV. Special Presentation(s): Amateur Radio Week Proclamation June 7, 2010 V. Comments from the Public (re consent agenda items and items not on the agenda) (Each person has 3 min. to comment -City Clerk will signal at 2 ruin. 30 sec.) A. Public comment B. City staff response VI. Consent Agenda Action: Motion to adapt the consent agenda or request to remove any individual item from the consent agenda. A. Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants B. Approval of Minutes: April 19, 2010 C. Waiver or Deferral of Land Use and Utility Connection Fees for Low-Income Housing -Refer to Finance & Budget Committee for Recommendation D. Mountain View iJse Agreement For RadioPT VII. Public Hearing(s): A. Ordinance 3036, adopting a map designating residences as historic; Ordinance 3037, adding provisions to the City's historic preservation code on design review and demolition of historic residences; Ordinance 3038, relating to zoning code changes adding bulk and scale limitations to residences. Action: !Clove for,first reading of the.following Ordinances: Ordinance 3036 Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending Chapter 17.30 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code Concerning Design Review of Historic Buildings, and Adopting a Map, Survey and Methodology Designating Residences as Historic and Contributing to the National Historic Landmark District. Ordinance 3037 Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending Chapter 17.08 and 17.30 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code Concerning Design Review of Historic Buildings, and Adopting Regulations Concerning Demolition or Alteration of'Certain Historic Structures, Including Residences, and Providing for Designation of Historic Building and Places, and Adopting Maintenance Standards. for Historic Buildings. Ordinmlce 3038 Relating to Land Use and Zoning, and Amending Chapter 17.16 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code to Provide for Bulk and Scale Limitations for Residential Development and Re-development, and Anending Chapter 17.08 of the Municipal Code Providing Definitions for Daylight Plane and Modulation. 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action B. Community Development Block Grant Planning-only Grant Application -PUBLIC HEARING CANCELLED VIIL Unfinished Business IX. New Business A. Ordinance 3039, Amending and Updating Port Townsend Municipal Code. Chapter 16.04, Building Construction Code Action: Move for first reading of Ordinance 3039, Amending and Updating Port Towszsend Municipal Code, Chapter 16.04, Building Construction Code. 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment Council deliberation and action B. Resolution 10-0] 8, Authorizing the City Manager to apply for a USDA Rural Development Library Initiative Loan/Grant Package Action: Move to approve Resolution I D-018, Authorizing the City Manager to apply for a USDA Rural Development Library Lniliative Loan/Grant Package. 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action C. Golf Course Lease Agreement Amendment Action: Move to authorize the Ciry Manager to execute an amendment to the golf course lease to allow a temporary (not to exceed 3 years) waiver of percentage fees for food service. 1. Staffpresentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action X. Presiding Officer's Report Xl. City Manager's Report XII. Standing Committee Reports XIII. Suggestions for next or future agenda, regular meeting and/or study session XIV. Comments from Councit XV. Executive Session XVI. Adjourn Americans with Disabilities Act !n compliance with the Amesicans with Disabilities ~1 ct, Those regulrirzg accommodation for this meeting shau[d noK~ the Gity Clerk's Office at least 29 hours prior to the meeting at (360) 379-5045.