HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-066BRESOLUTION NO. ~7~ ~ .
WHEREAS, the use of committees expedites the governmental process
by affording the opportunity for a preliminary evaluation of a
proposition before its submission to the entire Council, thus
relieving the Council of having to deal with details of a
secondary nature, and
WHEREAS, members of standing committees are in a position to
carry on valuable work in keeping the public informed of the
activities of the departments with which they are most clearly in
touch, now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend
that the policy and procedure governing committees of the City
Council shall be as follows:
Section 1. Committee Appointment
The City Council of the City of Port Townsend shall
appoint from within its membership two types of Committees:
Standing and Ad Hoc.
Standing committees are permanent committees to which
are referred matters relating to the subjects of their
assigned concern. The present standing committees are:
1. Water/ Sewer
2. Street/Storm Drainage/Light
3. Parks/Property
4. Legislative/Environmental
5. Police/Fire/Animal Control
6. Finance
7. Community Services
Ad Hoc committees are temporary committees appointed
from time to time to study and report on some special
subject and will ordinarily be discharged when the
report has been made.
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Section 2. Committee Meetings
All meetings of Standing and Ad Hoc Committees shall be
open to the public and all persons are invited and permitted to
attendX, excepting those certain circumstances provided for as
exceptions in the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 42.30 RCW.
These are:
Executive sessions when necessary and justified by the
purposes set forth in Section 42.30.110 RCW. Before
convening in executive session, the presiding officer
shall publicly announce the purpose for excluding the
public from the meeting place, and the time when the
executive session will be concluded. The executive
session may be extended to a stated later time by
announcement of the presiding officer.
Those proceedings or portions of meetings expressly
exempted by Section 42.30.140 RCW.
Meetings interrupted by a group or groups of persons so
as to render the orderly conduct of such meeting
unfeasible may continue after ordering the room cleared
or may adjourn to another location in accordance with
the procedures set forth in Section 42.30.050 RCW.
Section S. Notice of Meetings
To the extent possible, committee chairpersons shall
announce at each Council meeting, the time and place of each
committee meeting which is to convene prior to the next Council
meeting. If, due to unforseen circumstances, a committee meeting
not so announced becomes necessary prior to the next scheduled
Council meeting, the chairperson of the appropriate committee may
call a special committee meeting by notifying every committee
member and each local newspaper of general circulation at least
twenty-four hours before the time of such meeting. Notification
will be done by the Council/Mayor secretary or other appropriate
staff person.
Section 4. Outline Minutes
Committee chairpersons are encouraged to appoint a
member of the committee in attendance to take outline notes of
each meeting. Such notes should contain:
(A) The type of meeting (regular or special) and whether or
1Persons attending any committee meeting must first be
recognized before speaking.
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not the meeting is a continuation of a previous meeting
which had been recessed.
The date, time and place of the meeting, including time
of adjournment or recess.
The names of the committee members, presiding officer
and others named if involved in discussion.
All motions (except those withdrawn), whether sustained
or not, and the names of the makers and seconders.
An outline of business discussed with conclusions
reached and actions taken.
The outline taken should be submitted to the City Clerk
as soon after the meeting as practicable, but not later than the
next regular meeting of the City Council.
Passed by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend and
approved by the Mayor this 20c~ day of O~oA~ , 1987.
David A. Grove, City Clerk
Approved as to form:
Keith C. Harper, City Attorney
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