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RESOLUTION NO. 88-66 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION IN THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS CHINESE GARDENS IN PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON. WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chebuhar are the owners of cer- tain parcels of uplands and tidelands commonly re£erred to as the Chinese Gardens, adjacent to Fort Worden State Park in Port Town- send, Washington, which is herein, after referred to as the "Property"; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Parks and Recreation. Commission desires to purchase said property; and WHEREAS, the City desires to contribute £inancially toward the purchase, and to continue using a portion o£ the Property for a stormwater treatmen~ pond and surge leveling o£ stormwater runo£f at historic levels and rates, NQW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City o£ Port Townsend that the Mayor be and is hereby authorized to exe- cute the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Port Townsend and the Washingt©n State Parks and Recreation Commis- sion, providin~ for the City's financial participation in the pur- chase of the above-described Property, the Commission's share being $750,000 and the City's share being $50,000. Passed by the City Council for the City o£ Port Townsend on September 20, 1988, and signed by the Mayor this date. Attest: David Grove, City Clerk Appr/ved as to/tm: k~i~-l~.~ ~per, /City Attorney M~yo"~~ Brent Shi~ y~