HomeMy WebLinkAbout88-068RESOLUTION NO.
A RESOLUTION adopting policies for enforcement of the
building, construction, zoning, subdivision and
environmental protection regulations of the City of
Port Townsend.
WHEREAS, the City of Port Townsend has enacted certain ordinances
to promote the health, safety and general welfare of its
citizenry; and
WHEREAS, such ordinances also adopt by reference certain laws,
regulations and policies of the State of Washington, and certain
uniform structure-related codes; including the State
Environmental Policy Act, the Jefferson-Port Townsend Shoreline
Management Master Program, the Uniform Building Code, the Uniform
Mechanical Code, the Uniform Fire Code and the Uniform Plumbing
Code; and
WHEREAS, the City desires that the good and reasonable purposes
for which these ordinances have been enacted be achieved through
fair and effective enforcement; Now, Therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend
that the following policies shall guide enforcement of city
ordinances relating to building, construction, zoning,
subdivisions, and environmental protection:
City ordinances are enforced to achieve the public purposes for
which each has been enacted. These purposes, as set forth in the
Port Townsend Municipal Code, are attached hereto as Exhibit A.
Enforcement proceedings seek the cooperation of City property
owners toward compliance with City ordinances. Penalties are
sought only as a last resort when the City's efforts to obtain
cooperation and corrections have failed.
~j~. To assure fair and equal application of City
ordinances, enforcement shall be uniform and consistent in
similar instances within the enforcement priorities set
forth below.
Efficiency. Because Port Townsend is a small city of
limited resources, enforcement activities shall be
undertaken in a manner which makes efficient use of
financial and staff resources in accordance with the
priorities set forth below. Whenever an application is made
for a variance, conditional use permit, environmental
declaration, shoreline substantial development permit,
rezone or subdivision, the City Council will consider
requiring as a condition of such action that existing uses,
structures or signs which have been established contrary to
City ordinances be corrected as one reasonable and efficient
means to obtain satisfactory conformance with City
Interpretations and Rulings. Although the City Council
makes every effort to enact ordinances which are clear and
precise, inevitably the application of regulatory provisions
to specific circumstances requires interpretation. City
staff shall faithfully and consistently interpret the
meaning of City ordinances and shall request the opinion of
the City Attorney whenever in doubt as to the meaning of
such provisions, or whenever a citizen requests such an
Ap~. Pursuant to Section 17.64.090 of the Port Townsend
Municipal Code, all rulings of the building inspector may be
appealed to the City Council within thirty days. Where
authorized by City ordinances, a variance or conditional use
permit application may, if granted, also provide a means of
relief from City ordinance restrictions.
Stay of Proceedin~s. Whenever a ruling of the building
inspector has been appealed, or if an application for
variance or conditional use permit is pending which, if
granted, would correct the violation, enforcement
proceedings will be stayed until a final determination has
been made.
Ordinance Improvements. The City of Port Townsend desires
that all of its ordinances be clear, understandable,
reasonable, equitable and appropriate to the stated public
purposes of each. Accordingly, citizens and City staff
members are encouraged to propose amendments to City
ordinances whenever enforcement activities reveal that the
provisions of an ordinance do not fully satisfy these
- 2 -
Enforcement proceedings shall be undertaken in accordance with
the priorities set forth below, provided that new construction,
expansion or change of use shall be given enforcement priority
over pre-existing conditions:
I. Public Safety and Health, such as
Structural Integrity of Buildings
Fire Code
1. Fire Prevention and Suppression
2. Fire Spread
3. Fire Exits
4. Fire and Smoke Alarms
Minimum Building Standards
Building Separation
Utility Connections and Services (incl. drainage)
Street Numbering (new construction)
Traffic Safety
1. Street Capacity
2. Turning and Intersection Safety
3. Visibility
a. Sight Triangle Obstructions
(1) fences, hedges, signs, etc.
II. Use Compatibility, such as
Uses by Zoning District
1. Principal Uses
2. Conditional Uses
3. Accessory Uses
4. Home Occupations
Use of the Shoreline Zone
1. Public Access
2. Public View and Use from the Uplands
3. Public View from the Water
Off-street Parking, such as
New Construction or Expansion
a. Commercial/Manufacturing
b. Residential
Existing Buildings When Conditional Use, SEPA
or Home Occupation Permit Applies
a. Commercial/Manufacturing
b. Residential
- 3 -
Light, Air and Density (bulk and dimensional
requirements), such as
1. Lot Size
2. Height
3. Setbacks
4. Lot Coverage
Signs, such as
Prohibited Signs
Freestanding And Pole Signs
Projecting Signs
Wall and Awning Signs
Special Category Signs
Other Signs
Fences and Hedges
Passed by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend and
approved by the Mayor this
David A. Grove, City Clerk
Appr~/ed~as to ~rm:
KeXt~f~ C. '~arper, Cit[~ Attorney
4th day of October , 1988.
- 4 -
Title 17
17.04.020 Purpose. Such regulations are deemed neces-
sary in order:
(A) To promote the interest of health, safety, morals
and the general welfare;
(B) To secure safety'from fire and to provide adequate
open spaces for light and air;
(C) To prevent the overcrowding of land;
(D) To avoid undue concentration of population;
(E) To conserve and stabilize property values;
(F) To facilitate the adequate provision of transporta-
tion, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public require-
ments, and to carry out the goals and objectives as set forth
in RCW 35.63, and other applicable laws of the state of Wash-
ington. (Ord. 1625 Sl.02, 1971).-
1985 EDITION 101-104
Part I
Chapter 1
Sec. 101. These regulations shall be known as the "Uniform Building Code,"
may be cited as such and will be referred to herein as "this code."
Sec. 102. The purpose of this code is to provide minimum standards to
safeguard life or limb, health, property and public welfare by regulating and
controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy,
location and maintenance of all buildings and structures within this jurisdiction
and certain equipment specifically regulated herein.
Chapter 17.34
17.34.010 Statement of purpose. A. The purpose of
this chapter is to improve the quality of living and business
environment in the city. It is to promote and protect the
public welfare, health and safety by regulating existing and
proposed advertising and display signs of all types. It is
intended to enhance the natural beauty of ~e city, create
a more attractive economic and business climate, and en-
courage installation of appropriate advertising and display
signs that harmonize with buildings, natural settings, and
other signs in the area. It is further intended to reduce
signs or advertising distractions and obstructions that may
contribute to traffic accidents; reduce hazards that may
be caused by signs overhanging or projecting over public
rights-of-way or private property; promote proper maintenance,
elimination of clutter, and encourage thouqhtfu! placement
designed to fit within the different !and use zones; and
preserve and protect the view of the sea, the mountains,
and the historic qualities of the city.
B. Signs complementing the aesthetic appeal and nationally
recognized historic significance of Port Townsend, as pro-
vided for by ordinance, will form a key part of the overall
visual attractiveness of the city and thereby contribute
to the economic well-being of Port Townsend.
C. This chapter shall not regulate traffic and di-
rectional signs installed by a government entity; signs not
intended to be viewed from and not readable from a public
right-of-way; window merchandise displays, point-of-purchase
advertising displays, such as project dispensers; national
flags and flags of political subdivisions; symbolic flags
of an institution; legal notice required by law; barber
p~A~-~-historic site plaques; gravestones; structures in-
tended for a separate use, such as phone booths, contalners
and recycling containers; lettering or symbols painted di-
rectly onto or mounted magnetically onto an operable motor
vehicle operating in the normal course of business. (Ord.
2039 S§1--3, 1986).
Title 18
18.04.010 Purpose. The purpose of this title is to
provide rules, regulations and standards for the partitioning
of land parcels in the city. It shall promote the public
health, safety, convenience and general welfare by insuring
the orderly growth and development of the municipality, the
conservation and proper use of land, and by requiring ade-
quate provision for circulation, utilities, drainage and
services. (Ord. 1671 §1.00, 1973).
Chapter 43.21C RCW
Legislative recognitions Declaration--
Guidelines for state agencies, local governments--
Statements Reports--Advice Information.
Significant impacts.
Certain irrigation projects decisions exempt from RCW
Application of RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c) to forest
Application of RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c) to school
Examination of laws, regulations, policies by state agen-
cies and local authorities Report of deficiencies
and corrective measures.
Specific statutory obligations not affected.
Chapter supplementary Conditioning or denial of
governmental action.
Notice of action by governmental agency How pub-
licized--Form Time limitation for commencing
challenge to action.
List of filings required by RCW 43.21C.080.
Decision of governmental agency to be accorded sub-
stantial weight.
State environmental policy act rules to be accorded sub-
stantial deference.
Content of state environmental policy act rules.
Rules, ordinances, resolutions and regulations--
Adoption Effective dates.
Model ordinances.
Authority of local governmental .units to adopt rules,
guidelines and model ordinances by reference.
RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c) inapplicable when statement
previously prepared pursuant to national environmen-
tal policy act.
Utilization of statement prepared under RCW 43.21C-
.030 to implement chapter 90.62 RCW Utilization
of chapter 90.62 RCW procedures to satisfy RCW
Challenges to consistency of rules adopted pursuant to
RCW 43.21C.110 and 43.21C.160 Procedure.-
Council on environmental policy.
Council on environmental policy Personnel.
Certain actions during state of emergency exempt from
Incorporation of city or town exempt from chapter.
Development and adoption of plan under chapter 43.180
RCW exempt from chapter.
Workshops Handbook.
Exemption from this chapter of emergency recovery op-
erations from Mt. St. Helens eruption authorized--
Expiration of section.
Short title.
Severability 1974 ex.s. c 179.
Section headings not part of law 1983 c 117.
Applicability 1983 c 117.
Severability 1983 c 117.
Effective dates 1983 c 117.
RCW 43.21C.010 Purposes. The purposes of this
chapter are: (1) To declare a state policy which will en-
courage productive and enjoyable harmony between man
and his environment; (2) to promote efforts which will
prevent or eliminate damage to the environment and bi-
osphere; (3) and stimulate the health and welfare of
man; and (4) to enrich the understanding of the ecologi-
cal systems and natural resources important to the state
and nation. [1971 ex.s. c 109 § 1.]
RCW 43.21C.020 Legislative recognitions Dec-
laration Responsibility. (1) The legislature, recog-
nizing that man depends on his biological and physical
surroundings for food, shelter, and other needs, and for
cultural enrichment as well; and recognizing further the
profound impact of man's activity on the interrelations
of all components of the natural environment, particu-
larly the profound influences of population growth,
high-density urbanization, industrial expansion, resource
utilization and exploitation, and new and expanding
technological advances and recognizing further the criti-
cal importance of restoring and maintaining environ-
mental quality to the overall welfare and development of
man, declares that it is the continuing policy of the state
of Washington, in cooperation with federal and local
governments, and other concerned public and private or-
ganizations, to use all practicable means and measures,
including financial and technical assistance, in a manner
calculated to: (a) Foster and promote the general wel-
fare; (b) to create and maintain conditions under which
man and nature can exist in productive harmony; and
(c) fulfill the social, economic, and other requirements
of present and future generations of Washington
(2) In order to carry out the policy set forth in this
chapter, it is the continuing responsibility of the state of
Washington and all agencies of the state to use all prac-
ticable means, consistent with other essential considera-
tions of state policy, to improve and coordinate plans,
functions, programs, and resources to the end that the
state and its citizens may:
(a) Fulfill the responsibilities of each generation as
trustee of the environment for succeeding generations;
(b) Assure for all people of Washington safe, health-
ful, productive, and esthetically and culturally pleasing
(c) Attain the widest range of beneficial uses of the
environment without degradation, risk to health or
safety, or other undesirable and unintended
(d) Preserve important historic, cultural, and natural
aspects of our national heritage;
(e) Maintain, wherever possible, an environment
which supports diversity and variety of individual choice;
(f) Achieve a balance between population and re-
source use which will permit high standards of living and
a wide sharing of life's amenities; and
(1983 Laws) [Ch. 43.21C RCW--p 1]
State Environmental Policy
(g) Enhance the quality of renewable resources and
approach the maximum attainable recycling of deplet-
able resources.
(3) The legislature recognizes that each person has a
fundamental and inalienable right to a healthful envi-
ronment and that each person has a responsibility to
contribute to the preservation and enhancement of the
environment. [1971 ex.s. c 109 § 2.]
RCW 43.21C.030 Guidelines for state agencies, local
governments Statements Reports Advice
Information. The legislature authorizes and directs that,
to the fullest extent possible: (1) The policies, regula-
tions, and laws of the state of Washington shall be in-
terpreted and administered in accordance with the
policies set forth in this chapter, and (2) all branches of
government of this state, including state agencies, mu-
nicipal and public corporations, and counties shall:
(a) Utilize a systematic, interdisciplinary approach
which will insure the integrated use of the natural and
social sciences and the environmental design arts in
planning and in decision making which may have an im-
pact on man's environment;
(b) Identify and develop methods a~d procedures, in
consultation with the department of ecology and the
ecological commission, which will insure that presently
unquantified environmental amenities and values will be
given appropriate consideration in decision making along
with economic and technical considerations;
(c) Include in every recommendation or report on
proposals for legislation and other major actions signifi-
cantly affecting the quality of the environment, a de-
tailed statement by the responsible official on:
(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action;
(ii) any adverse environmental effects which cannot
be avoided should the proposal be implemented; (iii) alternatives to the proposed action;
(iv) the relationship between local short-term uses of
man's environment and the maintenance and enhance-
ment of long-term productivity; and
(v) any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of
resources which would be involved in the proposed action
should it be implemented;
(d) Prior to making any detailed statement, the re-
sponsible official shall consult with and obtain the com-
ments of any public agency which has jurisdiction by
law or special expertise with respect to any environmen-
tal impact involved. Copies of such statement and the
comments and views of the appropriate federal, province,
state, and local agencies, which are authorized to de-
velop and enforce environmental standards, shall be
made available to the governor, the department of ecol-
ogy, the ecological commission, and the public, and shall
accompany the proposal through the existing agency re-
view processes;
(e) Study, develop, and describe appropriate alterna-
tives to recommended courses of action in any proposal
which involves unresolved conflicts concerning alterna-
tive uses of available resources;
(f) Recognize the world-wide and long-range charac-
ter of environmental problems and, where consistent
ICh. 43.21C RCW~p 2]
with state policy, lend appropriate support to initiatives,
resolutions, and programs designed to maximize interna-
tional cooperation in anticipating and preventing a de-
cline in the quality of mankind's world environment;
(g) Make available to the federal government, other
states, provinces of Canada, municipalities, institutions,
and individuals, advice and information useful in restor-
ing, maintaining, and enhancing the quality of the
(h) Initiate and utilize ecological information in the
planning and development of natural resource-oriented
projects. [1971 ex.s. c 109 § 3.]
RCW 43.21C.031 Significant impacts. An environ-
mental impact statement (the detailed statement re-
quired by RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c)) shall be prepared on
proposals for legislation and other major actions having
a probable significant, adverse environmental impact.
Actions categorically exempt under RCW
43.21C.110(1)(a) do not require environmental review
or the preparation of an environmental impact statement
under this chapter.
An environmental impact statement is required to an-
alyze only those probable adverse environmental impacts
which are significant. Beneficial environmental impacts
may be discussed. The responsible official shall consult
with agencies and the public to identify such impacts
and limit the scope of an environmental impact state-
ment. The subjects listed in RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c)
need not be treated as separate sections of an environ-
mental impact statement. Discussions of significant
short-term and long-term environmental impacts, sig-
nificant irrevocable commitments of natural resources,
significant alternatives including mitigation measures,
and significant environmental impacts which cannot be
mitigated should be consolidated or included, as appli-
cable, in those sections of an environmental impact
statement where the responsible official decides they
logically belong. [1983 c 117 § 1.]
RCW 43.21C.035 Certain irrigation projects deci-
sions exempt from RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Decisions per-
taining to applications for appropriation of fifty cubic
feet of water per second or less for irrigation projects
p.romulgated by any person, private firm, private corpo-
ration or private association without resort to subsidy by
either state or federal government pursuant to RCW
90.03.250 through 90.03.340, as now or hereafter
amended, to be used for agricultural irrigation shall not
be subject to the requirements of RCW
43.21C.030(2)(c), as now or hereafter amended. [1974
ex.s. c 150 § 1.]
RCW 43.21C.037 Application of RCW
43.21C.030(2)(c) to forest practices. (1) Decisions per-
taining to applications for Class I, II, and III forest
practices, as defined by rule of the forest practices board
under RCW 76.09.050, are not subject to the require-
ments of RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c) as now or hereafter
(1983 Laws)