HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-011 Improvements to Madison Street/Pope Marine Park/Waterfront Esplanade ProjectsResolutiofa 10-011
;l4adison St. Improvemef~ts/Pope PurklGVaterfront Esplanade
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A. By this Resolution, the Council gives direction to implement portions of the )last
Downtown Streetscape Plan (February 2007} as follows:
• Madison Street Improvement Project.
• Pope Marine Park Improvements.
• A portion of the Waterfront Esplanade in the vicinity around the Visitor Plaza
Conversion Project (Cotton Building) at the southeast end of the Madison Street
The Council also gives direction that remaining east downtown capital projects should be
implemented as funds become available and permitting and environmental issue are
resolved, with project sequencing to be determined based on available funding and as set
forth in this Resolution.
B. The City has been engaged in a planning effort to redevelop and. make improvements to
east downtown. The planning effort resulted in development of the East Downto~~1
Streetscape Plan (February 2007). Council approved the plan by Ordinance 2941
(February 20, 2007). The plan identified a number of projects and elements that address
safety, aesthetics, and functional conditions.
C. The projects identified in the East Downtown Streetscape Plan, along with a series of
other projects involving Upper Sims Way and Fort Worden, formed part of an action plan
to help position the community for sustained economic success. The action plan is a
three year capital. investment strategy to grow three main economic "anchors" -maritime
heritage, upper Sims Way and Howard Street, and. Fort Worden.
D. The actions and projects have been discussed at City Council meetings on June 2, 2008,
June l 6, 2008, and October 6, 2008. Projects and financing were discussed with the City?
Council Finance and Budget Committee on April 21 and May 29, 2008. The Council
held a workshop on May 11, 2009 to review status, scheduling, casts and funding of
Resolution 1O-(111
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capital projects. As set forth in this Resolution, the Council has taken actions on specific
projects implementing the East Downtown Streetscape Plan.
E. To finance the projects, including the projects in the east dow~~town area, the City
Council approved Ordinance 2978 (June 16, 2008), providing for the issuance and sale of
limited tax general obligation bonds of the City in the principal amount of $7,500,000. In
adopting the Ordinance, the City Council determined that it was and is in the hest interest
of the City to construct the identified projects. IN addition, the City has obtain federal
and state grants to help finance the projects,
F. Pursuant to Resolution 08-041 (November 10, 2008), the City Council authorized
construction of certain east downtown capital projects, as follows:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Part
Townsend that the City Manager is hereby authorized to sign all necessary documents
and contracts for the implementation and construction of Projects C, D, E, J, K, L,
and M, at an estimated cost of $53M (rounded), with funding from $1.3M (rounded)
in federal grants, and the balance of $4M (rounded) from bond proceeds from the
bond approved by Ordinance 2978 (June 16, 2008), plus a contingency not to exceed
l 0% of the total.
The map depicting the above downtown projects is attached as Exhibit A ("Downtow~l
Historic District Projects Map -May 1 l , 2009"}.
G. Construction on undergrounding utilities began in .Buie, 200$ and was completed in the
fall of 2008.
H. Work on Water Street and Monroe Street was contracted to Primo Construction in May,
2009 and commenced June, 2009.
I. The Council met in workshop ("City Projects Progress Workshop") on May 11, 2009 to
review capital projects including downtown Streetscape projects. The Council reviewed
downtown works in progress (Water and Monroe Streets) and implementation of future
projects (Wave Viewing Gallery Stabilization, Visitor Plaza (Cotton Building), and
Waterfront Esplanade).
On May 18, 2009, following the workshop on May 11, 2009, the City Council authorized
the City Manager to call for bids for the Wave Viewing Gallery Stabilization and the
Downtown Historic Visitor's Center (Cotton Building). On May 1 1, 2009, the Council
also authorized a change order to the Primo construction contract for the work on Water
Street and Monroe Street. To allo~~ for completion of the main route thought the
downtown as one time and maintain a consistent look and feel along that route, and given
increased traffic expected with the pending opening of the new maritime Center, the
change order moved. the Monroe Street segment up in priority and substituted the Monroe
Resolution 10-U11
rl4adi.sor~ Si. tmprovetr2ertts/Pope Pctrk/hYaterfyor~i Esl~lanacle
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Street segment for the Madison Street segment.
K. Council approved Resolution 09-036 (September 21, 2009) authorizing rehabilitation.
work on the Cotton Building. The City secured construction funding through a FEMA
Hazard Mitigation Grant, and through the 2008 bond.
L. On January 25, 2010, the Council approved grant acceptance of a $618,000 `'Small
Communities in Rural Counties Grant" for the Madison Street Streetseape Project.
Madison Street, Pope Marine and Visitor Center Vicinity Improvements
N1. In March 2010, the City solicited bids for the Madison Street Improvement Project, a
project shown as E, Ki, and Da on Exhibit B ("Downtovan Historic District Projects Map
-April 1, 2010") {and generally identified as E and Da on Exhibit A under Resolution 08-
041,November ] 0, 2008).
N_ The lowest bid for the Madison Street Improvement Project was $ L 1 M (rounded), higher
than the engineer's estimate of $700,000 (rounded). B}r dropping pavers and associated
concrete work for this project, the project cost would total $951,000 (rounded).
O. In addition, Council. determines that the Madison Street improvements should include
vicinity improvements around the Visitor Plaza Conversion Project (Cotton Building) at
the southeast end of the Madison Street Project (shown as KZ on Exhibit B}. The Visitor
Center vicinity improvements work would be added to the contract for Madison Street
Improvement Project by change order. This area was originally listed as a portion of the
Waterfront Esplanade project.
P. T1ie estimate for the work shown as K~ on (vicinity around the Visitor Plaza Conversion
Project) is $45,000 (rounded). A portion of the approved Waterfront Esplanade project
budget would be used at this time to complete this portion during this construction
Q. The project cost would total $951,000 (rounded) for E, Ki, and Di on Exhibit B plus
$45,000 (rounded) change order for KZ on Exhibit B. Proposed funding of the $951.000
is $618,000 from the State Public Works Board ("Small Communities in Rural Counties
Grant," paragraph L above) and a $333.000 City match from bond. proceeds (Ordinance
2978 -- June 16, 2008), plus an allocation of $45,000 from the bond proceeds for
budgeted for the Waterfront Esplanade to cover the change order for K~ on Exhibit B.
R. In the solicitation for the Madison Street Improvement Project, a bid alternate was
requested for certain improvements identified as the Pope Marine Park Improvements.
T"he proposed Pope Marine Park Improvements are shown on Jz on Exhibit B. The
improvements were part of proposed improvements to Pope Marine Park and. Building
that was included as Project J in the original list of projects to be completed. in the
Resolution 10-011
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Downtot~~n Historic District (Exhibit A).
S. The estimated cost of the bid alternative for the proposed Pope Marine Park
Improvements that are shown on d2 is $295,000 (rounded}, vsihich is within the original
estimated budget of $300,000 for improvements to Pope Marine Park. The project will
provide: 4400 sq. ft of pedestrian pavers; staircase and retaining wall; removal and
replacement of playground equipment; trench drains; and landscaping which includes
sandstone planters, tree pits and irrigation.
T. The Council determines it would be in the best interest of the City to complete the
Madison Street Improvement Project and Pope Marine Park Improvements at this time.
U. Implementing these projects at one time would accomplish the following:
• The project would redesign Madison Street to tie Memorial Field and the City dock
together. The entrance to Memorial Athletic Field would be redesigned for aesthetic
purposes. City facilities will be modernized to comply with the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Discontinuous side«~alks on the west side of the
street across from City Hall will be repaired to resolve safety issues. The streetscape
between the two sides of Madison Street will be renovated to feature a consistent
urban design.
• The project v~-~ould complete an integrated project in the Madison Street area at one
time, v~rhich would provide a consistent, completed look and feel in this area.
• The vicinity improvements around the Visitor Plaza Conversion Project will provide a
finished plaza area behind the Cotton Building and connect that area with the
Madison Street Improvements and Pope Marine Park Improvements. Without these
improvements being done as this time, the Visitor Center improvements currently
underway and scheduled for completion in July, 2014 are much less accessible and
• The projects continue the general progression of the construction of east dow~ltown
improvements from east to west.
• The project is consistent with project E (Madison Street/ Water to Memorial Field and
DZ (a portion of D Water Street/Monroe to Madison) in the list of projects approved in
Resolution No. 08-041 (November 10, 2008).
Future Implementation of East llowntown Proiects
V. By approving the projects in this Resolution, the Council takes into account a number of
issues and factors, including those set forth above, and the following:
• There are unresolved environmental issues involving the balance of the Waterfront
Esplanade. The Corps of Engineers has yet to issue a fill permit that would allow re-
development of the tidal clock.. The Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe has requested
Resnlaction 10-011
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removal of the concrete pile in Pope Marine Park as mitigation for removal of the
tidal clock. It is as yet undermined what the cost and required mitigation will be to
redevelop the seawall in the vicinity east of Quincy Street. It is necessary to resolve
these issues before proceeding with fiirther Esplanade improvements.
There is funding available for re-location of the Wave Gallery, and permits have been
issued for this work, and this work should proceed. The grant funding for this project
requires it he used in 2010, or it is lost.
The City is seeking federal funding to implement additional Quincy and Washington
Street improvements. It is advisable to hold on those improvements to see if that
funding becomes available.
As noted in the materials presented to Council at the City Projects Progress Workshox
(May 11, 2009), Quincy Street improvements have always been identified as a
secondar}r goal to the completion of improvements on Water and Monroe Streets and
Madison Street.
W. The Council determines to amend the original capital construction plan for the do~mtown
historic district to reflect current conditions as to funding, permit status and priority, and
adopts the plan shown in Exhibit B. While identifying Quincy Street as a separate
project, portions of Quincy adjacent to the Waterfront Esplanade could be bid with the
Waterfront Esplanade if funding is available.
X, The Madison Street Improvements Project is funded by the 2008 Council Bond and a
Public Works Trust Fund Grant which is authorized by the City Council
Y. The Pope Marine Park Improvements and the Waterfront Esplanade projects are listed as
priority projects to be funded by the 2008 Council Bond.
L. These projects have been identified on the City's 2410 CIP.
AA. `These projects were designated as priority projects in the East Downtown
Streetscape Plan providing the installation of improved streetscape facilities.
BB. Construction dollars for both projects were included in the 2010 CIP budget under
the Civic District Madison Street Improvements and the Waterfront Esplanade Project.
Contract Authority
CC. This resolution confirms authority provided in Resolution 08-041 to the City
Manager to sign all necessary documents and contracts for the construction of the
Madison Street Improvement Project (identified as E on Exhibit B), Pope Marine Parlc
Improvements (identified as JZ on Exhibit B), and a portion of the Waterfront Esplanade
in the vicinity around the Visitor Plaza Conversion Project (Cotton Building) (identified
Resolution 10-Oll
~~Icrdisora .St. Ilnprovemerats/Pope ParkJG3~ater_ front Gspluhade
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as K, on Exhibit B) within available funding.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Part
"fownsend as follows:
1. Gives direction to implement at this time portions of the East Downtown Streetscape Plan
(February 2007), within available funding, as follows:
Madison Street Improvement Project (identified as E, DZ and KI on Exhibit B)
Pope Marine Park Improvements (identified as J2 on Exhibit B).
A portion of the Waterfront Esplanade in the vicinity around the Visitor Plaza
Conversion Project {Cotton Building) at the southeast end of the Madison Street
Project(identified as KZ on Exhibit B).
2. Confirms authority provided in Resolution 08-041 to the City Manager to sign all
necessary documents and contracts for the construction of these projects, within available
3, Amends the original capital construction plan for the downtown historic district to reflect
current conditions as to funding, permit status and priority, and adopts the plan shown in
Exhibit B ("Downtown Historic District Projects Map -April 1, 2010").
ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend at a regular meeting
thereof', held this 5th day of April, 2010,
Pamela Kolacy, MMC
City Clerk
Michelle Sandoval, Mayor
Approved crs try form:
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John. Watts
City Attorney
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