HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-021 RESOLUTION q2-:Z!
A RESOLUTION adopting the project priorities of the Port
Townsend City Council for 1992.
the maintenance and improvements to public facilities and services
needed by the citizens of Port Townsend exceed the resources available
to meet those needs; and
in order to make the most effective use of available resources, the City
Council desires that work plans of city departments be carefully
prioritized in the coming year to address the most important public
improvements and future planning, while at the same time maintaining
quality public services; and
the City Council discussed public needs and priorities at a two-day public
planning retreat on February 7 and 14, 1992; Now, Therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend that the following
projects are hereby designated as high priority for emphasis in work plans, budget
preparation, and public participation in 1992:
Secondary. Wastewater Treatment Plant Award bids, establish construction
oversight procedures, establish partnering procedures with contractors,
coordinate neighborhood involvement and initiate construction.
Council oversight:
Lead responsibility:
Bob Sokol
Bob Wheeler
Growth Management Act In concert with Jefferson County, provide staff
assistance in fulfilling the requirements of the Growth Management Act.
Elements included are environmentally sensitive areas, urban growth boundary,
countywide policies, land use, transportation, housing, and public facilities.
Citizen participation planning is required throughout.
Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance
Council lead: Cindy Wolpin/Jean Camfield
Staff responsibility: Michael Hildt
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Countywide Growth Policies
Council lead: Norma Owsley/Jean Camfield
Staff responsibilityi Michael Hildt
Urban Growth Boundary
Council lead:
Staff responsibility:
Norma Owsley/Jean Camfield
Michael Hildt
Water Projects Negotiate state compliance schedule for watershed control
program and other filtration avoidance criteria.
Council lead:
Staff responsibility:
Julie McCulloch/Bob Sokol
Bob Wheeler
Biosolids/Septage Composting Project Design composting and septage facilities,
negotiate interlocal agreement with Jefferson County, establish yard
waste/compatible waste program, conduct pilot project.
Council lead:
Staff responsibility:
Bob Sokol
Bob Wheeler
Chelan Agreement Project Assure the City's interests are represented in this
regional process to mediate future area water rights and resource management.
Council lead: Julie McCulloch
Staff responsibility: Bob Wheeler
Listed below are the ten additional projects receiving the highest priority
ratings from the City Council.
Transportation Plan
Review street standards ordinance.
Arterial street plan.
Transportation Master Plan.
Council lead:
Staff responsibility:
Sheila Westerman
Michael Hildt
Resolution elT~ J
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City Dock-Pope Marine Park-Jackson Bequest Sculpture Improvements,
Council lead:
Staff responsibility:
Jean Camfield
Bob Wheeler
Public Works Property Acquisitions
Executive lead: John Clise
Staff responsibility: Bob Wheeler
Affordable Housin~
Council lead:
Staff responsibility:
Bob Sokol/Sheila Westerman
Michael Hildt
Policy Plan
Permitting Priority
Bob Wheeler
Development Impact Fees Waiver
Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreements
Executive lead:
Staff responsibility:
John Clise
David Grove/Dennis McLerran/Bob Wheeler
PT21 Community-based process to seek a workable consensus for an overall
direction for future preservation and development of Port Townsend.
Executive lead:
Council lead:
Staff responsibility:
John Clise
Cindy Wolpin/Jean Camfield/Norma Owsley
Michael Hildt
Shoreline Master Program Amendment Consider appropriate amendments to
the Jefferson-Port Townsend Shoreline Management Master Program to correct
apparent errors in the use tables with respect to residential uses.
Council lead:
Staff responsibility:
Sheila Westerman
Michael Hildt/Dennis McLerran
Downtown Parking Assist citizen committees develop expanded downtown
parking facilities.
Council lead:
Norma Owsley
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Gateway Development Plan Assist Planning Commission and City Council
consider and adopt the Gateway Development Plan for the Sims Way-SR20
Council lead:
Staff responsibility:
Julie McCulloch
Michael Hildt
Water Service Area Review
Council lead:
Staff responsibility:
Julie McCulloch
Bob Wheeler/Dennis McLerran
Stormwater Master Plan Update the Stormwater Master Plan commensurate
with the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance and state and federal
regulations related to wetlands.
Council lead:
Staff responsibility:
Vern Jones/Cindy Wolpin
Bob Wheeler
Adopted by the Ci~ Council of the City of Port Townsend in regular session
assembled this £~ xt&y of ~'l ~ct4 , 1992.
/~flhn M. Clise, Mayor
David A. Grove, Clerk-Treasurer
as to form:
Dennis McLerran, City Attorney