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Councilmembers present at roll call were David King, Laurie Medlicott, Kris Nelson,
George Randels, Catharine Robinson, Michelle Sandoval, and Mark Welch.
Staff members present were City Manager David Timmons, Finance Director Michael
Legarsky, DSD Director Rick Sepler, Public Works Director Ken Clow, Police Chief
Conner Daily, City Attorney John Watts, and City Clerk Pam Kolacy .
Mr. Timmons stated the Council would hold an executive session regarding
potential litigation at the end of the meeting.
There was no public comment.
Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants
Approval of Minutes: Oct. 12, 2009 and Nov. 9, 2009 and Nov. 16, 2009
Motion: David King moved to approve the following items on the consent agenda:
Bills, Claims and Warrants
Vouchers 109565 through 109578 in the amount of $3, 284.95
EFT in the amount of $12,303.93
Vouchers 109695 through 109809 (plus EFTs) in the amount of $1,018,599.00
Approval of Minutes: October 12, 2009; November 9, 2009; November 16, 2009
(with change on page 5, Standing Committee Reports, first sentence to read "Mr.
Randels asked for a briefing before the Special Projects Committee before
implementing the Verizon Cell Tower lease strategy approved tonight.... "Catharine
Robinson seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
Ordinance 3029, appropriating the Sum of $201,576 to the General Fund;
$36,565 to the Library Fund; $68,000 to the Public Works Admin &
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Engineering Fund; $5,762 to the Lodging Tax Fund; $11,200 to the Fire and
Emergency Services Fund; $445,000 to the Community Development Block
Grant Fund; $2,500 to the G.O. Debt Service Fund; $23,231 to the City Hall
Construction Fund; $96,140 to the Equipment Rental 8~ Revolving Fund;
$7,838 to the Firemen's Pension Fund; $13,200 to the Golf Course Fund;
$441,000 to the Northwest Maritime Fund and making findings and declaring
an emergency.
Mayor Sandoval reviewed the rules of procedure for public hearings. No Council
members disclosed any financial or property interest in the matter.
Finance Director Michael Legarsky provided a new supplemental line item budget
which includes departmental descriptions as headers. He stated the document is
a detailed list of all accounts which have been adjusted, whether through City
Manager or Council authority.
No public comments and no written comments were received by the City Clerk
related to the public hearing.
Mr. Randels pointed out a discrepancy of $1 between the head note and the
corresponding "whereas" clause. This will be corrected for the final version. He
also suggested that in future years, since many items in the whereas clauses
contain both additional expenses and revenues he would prefer to get those
figures in addition to net result.
Mayor Sandoval closed the public hearing at 6:57 p.m.
In response to Mr. Randels, Mr. Watts stated that the Council cannot waive rules
and adopt the ordinance tonight because of a provision in state law requiring a
five day waiting period between introduction and adoption of an amended budget.
The Council agreed to schedule a special meeting on Monday, December 14, for
second reading of the ordinance.
Motion: Catharine Robinson moved to approve first reading of Ordinance 3029,
appropriating the Sum of $201, 576 to the General Fund; $36, 565 to the Library
Fund; $68, 000 to the Public Works Admin & Engineering Fund; $5, 762 to the
Lodging Tax Fund; $11,200 to the Fire and Emergency Services Fund; $445,000
to the Community Development Block Grant Fund; $2, 500 to the G.O. Debt
Service Fund; $23, 231 to the City Hall Construction Fund; $96,140 to the
Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund; $7,838 to the Firemen's Pension Fund;
$13,200 to the Golf Course Fund; $441,000 to the Northwest Maritime Fund and
making findings and declaring an emergency. Mark Welch seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
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Ordinance 3028, Adopting the Budget for the City of Port Townsend,
Washington, for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2010
City Manager Timmons and Finance Director Legarsky reviewed the packet
Ms. Nelson noted it would be helpful to have updated budget pages rather than a
narrative describing changes. Mr. Legarsky stated this can be helpful, depending
on the number of changes made throughout the process. If numerous changes
are made, the page substitutions can also become onerous and confusing.
Public Comment:
Liesl Slabaugh spoke regarding the letter and report provided to Councilmembers
on Friday regarding a request for $20,000 to fund a mentoring program begun
under the auspices of Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Funding for the program has
been discontinued by that organization.
Others speaking in favor of funding the mentoring program were:
Bill James
Rosie Harris and Ayla Taylor (with other signatures from high school students in
Sheila Lauder
Jake Myer
Jim Aldred
Ms. Slabaugh answered several questions from the Council members regarding
the particulars of the program.
The Council moved to general discussion of the 2010 budget. Mr. Timmons
stated because of the many capital projects underway and because the entire
amount of funding from the levy is credited to the Library at the beginning of the
year, there will be some limits to cash flow at the beginning of the year; however a
fund balance within Council's directed range will be achieved by the end of the
Discussion ensued about the liquor excise tax revenue of $42,000 which was
transferred to the Police budget for tracking; the funds were earmarked by the
City for County substance abuse programs. Chief Daily presented a report from
the County Health Department regarding the programs supported by that funding.
Ms. Robinson expressed concern about pulling this money from the existing
Health Department budget to fund community nonprofit agencies. She stated the
Health Department should have some notification if the funds are being
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pulled. Ms. Nelson agreed; discussion followed. Mr. Randels stated that support
of substance abuse prevention programs is very important but he is concerned
that the Council is not getting current, comprehensive reports on expenditures of
the liquor excise tax funds.
Ms. Sandoval advocated reallocating $20,000 from the liquor excise tax revenue
from County Health Department to the mentorship program.
Ms. Robinson asked Mr. Legarsky for information about the liquor profits revenue
after a break.
Mayor Sandoval called a recess at 8:33 for the purpose of a break.
The meeting was reconvened at 8:48 p.m.
Mr. Legarsky stated that the liquor profits tax is restricted to law enforcement; he
is not sure whether it is 100% restricted but will report on that tomorrow.
Mr. Randels, although supportive of the mentoring program, cautioned
about looking at the needs of one community group at the expense of others who
have also asked for assistance and could have come with supporters tonight if
they thought it would be useful. He emphasized this is not a competitive situation
but a question of how best to serve the community in total. He stated that perhaps
the reserve target could be lowered to accommodate requests.
Mr. King noted that the mentoring program is at risk of ceasing to exist. He
also stated that a portion of the funds we have been allocating to the County
would return to City control if allocated to the mentoring program.
Motion: Catharine Robinson moved to amend Ordinance 3028, Adopting the
Budget for the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for the Fiscal Year Ending
December 31, 2010 by appropriating $20, 000 from the General Fund to
Community Services to fund the youth mentoring program formerly under the
umbrella of Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Laurie Medlicott seconded.
Vote: motion carried, 5-2 by voice vote, David King, and Michelle Sandoval
Motion: David King moved to amend Ordinance 3028, Adopting the Budget for
the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31,
2010 to retain $20, 000 from the liquor excise tax fund to fund the mentoring
program under the umbrella of the organization formerly known as Big Brothers/
Big Sisters. Mark Welch seconded.
Vote: motion carried, 5-2 by voice vote, Kris Nelson, and Catharine Robinson
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Motion: David King moved to adopt Ordinance 3028, Adopting the Budget for the City
of Port Townsend, Washington, for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2010 as
amended. George Randels seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
Resolution 09-040, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Agreements with
Certain Governmental, Nonprofits and Other Entities Consistent with Fiscal
Year 2010 Approved Budget
Ms. Nelson stated she supports providing specific benchmarks, stipulations and
requirements for all funding recipients and a monitoring and assessment
system to make sure the requirements are fulfilled. Mr. Timmons referred to the
attachment showing conditions placed on each recipient. Ms. Robinson asked
about the process for funding the Boiler Room, how the City plans to make the
decision whether or not to release the funds. Mr. Timmons said he would meet
with them for an explanation of their current situation and ask how they plan to
fulfill their prior commitments upon which the increased level of funding was
based. Mr. Timmons noted that original funding was based on a submitted
business model and that the situation will be reviewed by the Finance/Budget
Committee prior to coming before Council.
Ms. Nelson stated that a similar model would be useful for the funding allocated to
the County Health Department. Mr. Timmons stated that he will discuss the
issues with the County Administrator. Mr. Welch supported an annual process for
determining targeted distribution of liquor excise funds.
Council agreed to amend the resolution by reducing the substance abuse line
item expenditure by $20,000. At this time a line item will not be added for the
mentoring program, subject to a contract being approved by the Council.
Motion: George Randels moved to approve Resolution 09-040, authorizing the
City Manager to execute agreements with certain governmental, nonprofits and
other entities consistent with Fiscal Year 2010 approved budget as amended.
Laurie Medlicott seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
Planning Commission Appointment
Motion: George Randels moved accept the Mayor's recommendation and confirm
the reappointment of Jerauld L. Fry to the Planning Commission (Position 5, term
expires December 31, 2012). Catharine Robinson seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
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Joint Growth Management Steering Committee Appointments
Motion: George Randels moved to accept the Mayor's recommendation and
confirm the appointment of Michelle Sandoval, David King and Catharine
Robinson to the Joint Growth Management Steering Committee. Mark Welch
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
Mr. Timmons stated that the City testified at the County hearing regarding the
airport rezoning. He said the hearing has been held open so the Commissioners
can continue to receive comments. He said the City would be responding to some
comments and criticisms that were made at the hearing.
Motion: Mark Welch moved to cancel January 4 business meeting and set a special
business meeting for January 11 to review major projects and consider a draft
schedule for first quarter 2010 Council meetings and workshops. Catharine
Robinson seconded.
Vote: motion carried, 6-1 by voice vote, Kris Nelson opposed.
Mr. Randels suggested that while he is recovering from knee surgery that Mr. King
be appointed temporary chair of the Special Projects Committee.
Motion: Laurie Medlicott moved to allow Mr. Randels to participate in the January
11 meeting by telephone if necessary. David King seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
At 9:49 p.m. the Mayor announced the Counci{ would go into executive session to
discuss potential litigation. She stated the session would take no more than 20
minutes and that no action would be taken following the session.
The meeting was reconvened at 10:10 p.m.
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There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:11 p.m.
Pamela Kolacy, MMC
City Clerk
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