Business Meeting 6:30 p.m. September 21, 2009
I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
IL Roll Call
III. Changes to the Agenda
IV. Comments from the Public (re consent agenda items and items not on the agenda)
(Each person has 3 min. to comment -City Clerk will signal at 2 min. 30 sec.)
A. Public comment
B. City staff response
V. Consent Agenda
Action: Motion to adopt the consent agenda or request to remove any individual
item from the consent agenda.
A. Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants
B. Approval of Minutes: August 17, 2009
C. Arts Commission Grant Authorization -Maritime Center Event
VI. Public Hearing(s):
VII. Unfinished Business
A. Resolution 09-035 - Establishing an inventory of property suitable for affordable
housing for the purpose of expanding the City's affordable housing stock in
partnership with public and/or private entities with expertise in designing,
funding, developing and managing affordable housing.
Action: Move to approve Resolution 09-035 -Establishing an inventory of
property suitable for affordable housing for the purpose of expanding the City's
affordable housing stock in partnership with public and/or private entities with
expertise in designing, funding, developing and managing affordable housing.
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action
B. Resolution 09-036 -Authorizing the City Manager to sign all necessary
documents and contracts for the construction of the Visitor Plaza conversion -
Cotton Building Project.
Action: Move to approve Resolution 09-036- authorizing the City
Manager to sign all necessary documents and contracts for CShe construction of
the Visitor Plaza conversion -Cotton Building Project.
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action
VIII. New Business
A. Agreement with Clallam County Sheriff and Public Development Authority for
Restoration of Historic Griffiths House
Actlon: Move to authorize the City Manager to execute agreements with
the Clallam County Sheriffs Office and the Port Townsend Public Development
Authority consistent with the draft terms attached to the agenda bill.
1. Staffpresentation
2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action
B. Quiet Title Legal Actions
Action: Move to authorize the City Attorney to proceed with legal action
to quiet title to properties shown on the attached map.
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action
C. Port of Port Townsend Airpor[ Expansion
Action: As Council directs
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment
Council deliberation and action
IX. Presiding Officer's Report
X. City Manager's Report
XI. Standing Committee Reports
XII. Suggestions for next or future agenda, regular meeting and/or study session
XIII. Comments from Council
XIV. Executive Session
XV. Adjourn
Americans with Disabilities Act
to compldance wdth the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring accommodation,for this meeting should
notify the City Clerk's Off ce at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at (360) 379-5045.