HomeMy WebLinkAbout032609CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING City Hall, Council Chambers Thursday, March 26, 2409 Materials: EXH 1 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda, March 26, 2009 EXH 2 R. Sepler, Public Hearing materials for amendments to municipal code PTMC 17.76 regarding Master Signage Plans, March 19, 2009 EXH A Proposed Draft, 03192009 -Chapter 17.76.030 Historic District EXH B City of Port Townsend, Design Guidelines for Signs, Historic Overlay District PC Draft 03-19-2009 CALL TO ORDER Chair Kristen Nelson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. II. ROLL CALL A quorum of Planning Commission members were present: Steve Emery, Jerry Fry, Julian Ray, Monica Mick-Hager and Kristen Nelson Bill LeMaster was excused. III. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Mr. Emery and Mr. Fry moved for acceptance of the agenda. The agenda was approved, as written, all in favor. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of March 12, 2009 --. Mr. Emery moved to approve the minutes and Mr. Fry seconded. The minutes of March l2, 2009 were approved, all in favor. V. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT (None) VI. NEW BUSINESS Public Hearing -Master Signage Plans: Changes to PTMC 17.76, including Adoption of Changes to Sign Guidelines manual insert (Rick Sepler, Planning Director) Mr. Fry disclosed that he was apart-time employee of the Northwest Maritime Center. Mr. Fry states that he believed that he could objectively consider the proposal. Page 1 of 4 Ms. Nelson disclosed that she participated during the Wooden Boat Festival in a voluntary capacity and received a small stipend for this. Ms. Nelson stated that she believed that she could objectively consider the proposal. Rick Sepler gave an overview and background relevant to the proposed code and guideline changes. He stated that many public, educational and non-for profit uses in the Historic District have different signage needs as compared to commercial uses. These facilities are typically significant destinations and serve as landmarks for "wayfinding'. A coordinated process that allows for "departures" from a strict application of the code in regards to signage for this kind of use appears warranted. Mr. Sepler referred to the packet materials and explained each of the exhibits. A section of PTMC 17.30 refers to a document called the HPC Design Guidelines Manual. This contains all the specific guidelines concerning paint, fonts, awnings, and for adopting the federal standards for rehabilitation, etc. This section is proposed to be amended to provide specific guidance for master sign plans Mr. Fry stated that a definition appeared warranted for Master Sign Plans. Mr. Ray, Ms. Mick-Hager and Mr. Emery stated that they had questions which they would bring forward after public testimony. Ms. Nelson asked if off-site sandwich board signs would be included within the scope of the proposed Master Sign Plan. Mr. Sepler responded that, as proposed, they would be if submitted as a part of a comprehensive signage scheme. Ms. Nelson opened the Public Testimony portion of the Hearing. Dave Robison, Project Manager, Northwest Maritime Center (NWMC) testified in support of the proposal. Mr. Robison stated that the NWMC was working in concert with the City of Port Townsend on establishing a "wayfinding" program and had received a Preserve America grant to fund its implementation. The proposed Master Sign Plan process would allow directional signage and monument signage to be installed that would facilitate wayfinding. Strict conformance with the adopted sign code would not allow the most effective wayfinding signage to be established. Mr. Robison stated that the NWMC signage could be a test case. Providing wayfinding guidance was key at the NWMC site as it was a transition point between the Historic Commercial district and the Point Hudson district. Mr. Robison stated that NWMC and City were already partnering on the frontage and streetscape improvements. Signage for the NWMC would qualify under the proposed Signage Master Plan as it was anon-profit educational foundation. Mr. Robison stated that 60% of the site was open to public access. In addition, the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) had reviewed the proposed signage plan and was supportive. Mr. Ray asked Mr. Robison that if 60% of the site was open to the public, what was occurring on the balance of the site? Mr. Robison clarified that the use of the site was 100% educational and cultural. The 60% referred to the portion of the site open to the public for pedestrian access. Ms. Mick-Hager asked Mr. Robison to further explain what he meant in reference to the NWMC being a "test case.'' Mr. Robison stated that the NWMC signage program could help define and develop the concepts used for wayfinding. The ultimate result would help pioneer the approaches and techniques that the City would use in other areas. Ms. Nelson asked what the HPC's comments were regarding the proposed signage for the NWMC. Mr. Sepler responded that he would not presume to represent their position, but would Page 2 of 4 provide an overview of their discussion. Mr. Sepler stated that the HPC was generally supportive of the proposal. The HPC noted that the NWMC would become a landmark structure in Port Townsend and in the Historic District and that it might be appropriate to treat it differently as it would not have commercial or product advertising. Ms. Nelson closed the Public Testimony portion of the Hearing and opened Commission discussion. Mr. Ray stated that the proposed Signage Master Plan was too narrow in its scope and that its adoption as proposed would contribute to a fragmented and incremental approach to signage. Mr. Ray supports providing flexibility in signage, but it needs to be developed in a coordinated manner and implemented on a City-wide basis. Any proposed approach should consider Fort Worden, theaters and other educational facilities both within and outside of the Historic District. Mr. Emery stated that he supported the proposal and that its adoption would allow for a good design. Mr. Emery stated that if approach worked for the NWMC, it could be incorporated to serve the rest of the City. Mr. Fry stated that the proposal was just for the Historic District. Mr. Fry supported different standards for signage in the Historic District as compared to the rest of the City. Ms. Mick-Hager stated that although the proposal might have soiree future benefit for the City, in its current form it was too vague. Other uses such as the Film Festival and other similar not-for- profits should be considered. Ms. Mick-Hager stated that the sign code needs to be reworked rather than amending it to accommodate the needs of the NWMC. Ms. Nelson asked Mr. Robison whether he wished to respond to the statements made by the Commission. Mr. Robison stated that the Commission might inadvertently be mixing "apples and oranges". The Preserve America grant would provide signage that was designed to a much higher standard than a strict application of the sign code. The City, LTAC and Planning Staff would work together to enhance the visitor experience in the commercial district by providing wayfinding. The NWMC has budgeted $200,000 towards signage and fabrication in support of this goal if wayfinding could be implemented though this process, it could be replicated elsewhere in the City. This could allow for coordinated, cohesive signage throughout the town. Mr. Ray stated that this issue encompassed more than just the Historic District -other groups and entities should be invited to come forward. Mr. Ray stated that the City should not show favoritism on this matter. The proposal will impact the district as a whole and should not be exclusive. This proposal will require overall coordination and should include the who}e community. Mr. Sepler provided process options to the Commission. The Commission could choose at this point to recommend the matter on to Council with either a recommendation to approve the draft Ordinance or a recommendation to deny the draft Ordinance. Mr. Ray stated that he wished to ensure that there was a uniform process for signage in the City. Mr. Ray stated that overlay districts and exceptions were not appropriate and often created unintended consequences. Page3of4 Mr. Sepler stated that an alternative City wide approach could be developed for consideration by the Commission. Mr. Sepler suggested that the Commission continue the Public Hearing date specific to April 9, 2009 where a revised approach could be discussed. Commissioner Fry moved to continue the Public Hearing date specific to Apri19, 2009. Commissioner Emery seconded. The motion to continue the Hearing date specific was approved unanimously. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mr. Sepler provided an update on the construction timeline for proposed improvements to Upper Sims Way (SR 20). Mr. Sepler stated that after design was completed for the Upper Sims Way improvements, the focus will shift to designing utility and stormwater facilities for the Howard Street Corridor. Mr. Sepler updated the Commission on the current status of funding for both projects. Mr. Sepler stated that it was timely to renew the discussion on appropriate uses for the Howard Street corridor. Mr. Sepler stated that local per square foot rental rates were too low to justify new commercial construction. However, some franchise uses would pay substantially more. This should not be seen as an invitation to box stores or fast food restaurants. Current chain store limitation would not allow most business to be established due to restrictions on size and design. Mr. Sepler stated that these uses might be desirable if appropriately limited, as they would help get multi-story construction established in the corridor. Mr. Sepler asked the Commission if they would like staff to invite David Goldman and Ian Hinkle to a subsequent meeting to discuss chain-store limitations. The Commission agreed by consensus that this would be a good idea. Staff indicated that they would follow up with Mr. Goldman and Mr. Hinkle. VII. UPCOMING MEETINGS Mr. Sepler state that the next meeting would address signage as well as a discussion on the Mid- Cycle assessment. VIII. COMMUNICATION (None) IX. ADJOURNMENT Monica Mick-Hager moved for adjournment, and Jerry Fry seconded. Chair Nelson the meeting at 8:10 PM. ~ elsorY. Chair Rick Sepler, Planning Director Page 4 of 4