HomeMy WebLinkAbout121824 Special Session PRTTAB Meeting Packet- Added After Meeting Good morning Robin and Emma, I’m checking in on this evening’s meeting with PRTTB for 430 or if there have been any changes made. I’ve attached the presentation I have, please let me know if there are any changes you would like me to make or topics you would like to be highlight. Cameron SteckiO:206 738 7907 C:206 809 3648 Urban Forester dudek.com REQUEST FOR INFORMATION RFI NO.003JOB NO.24-036CONTRACT NO.TIB Project No. C-W-151(002)-1DATE: 12/6/24 JOB NAME:Lawrence St. Ped. Improvements TO:Laura Parsons, Port TownsendDept. of Public Works 250 Madison St., Suite 2R Port Townsend, WA 98368 PHONE:360-379-4432EMAIL:lparsons@cityofpt.us REFERENCE TO DRAWING OR SPECIFICATION NO.LS01-LS06 SUBJECT Tree & Plant Substitution Request DESCRIPTIONLandscapingSubcontractor is stating that some of the Trees and plants speced for the project a currently unavailable dueto time of the year. Subcontractoris requesting Substitutions. REQUIRED DATE OF INFORMATION: IMPACT ON JOB:N/A CRITICAL TO SCHEDULE:Yes NoXPotential cost impact. COST EFFECT:COST INCREASE (approximate value TBD) NO CHANGE IN PRICE X COST DECREASE (approximate value ) PREPARED BY:Chris Williamson RESPONSE: PREPARED BY:DATE: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: (253)248-1091 (253) 248-1092 FAX PO BOX 430 PUYALLUP, WASHINGTON 98371 www.activeconstruction.com Port Townsend Right of Way Tree List ABCDEFGHIJK 1 Acer buergianumTrident MapleDDiRDry3100Yes25x20round, shrublike; firm hand; red fall color 2 Acer circinatumAcer circinatumVine MapleVine MapleDNDNDN1,2,3100Yes20x201,2,3100Yes20x201,2,3100Yes20x201,2,3100Yes20x201,2,3100Yes20x20fall color in sun; wildlife value, MTfall color in sun; wildlife value, MT 3 Acer glabrum v. douglasiiDouglas (Rocky Mountain) MapleDNDry3200Yes30x30sun to part shade; yellow fall color, MT 4 Acer griseumAcer griseumPaperbark MaplePaperbark MapleDDDryDry100Yes20x20100Yes20x20100Yes20x20100Yes20x20oval form, copper peeling barkoval form, copper peeling bark 5 Acer palmatum spp.Japanese Maple cultivarsD3100Yesvariesselect size for location 6 Acer rubrumRed Maple varietiesD2,330040x30Maple known for red fall colors. Overplanted in many areas. 7 Acer saccharinumSugar Maple varietiesD30035x35Yellow-orange fall color 8 Amelanchier alnifoliaWestern ServiceberryDN1,2,3100Yes20x15spreading to erect; wildlife value, MT 9 Amelanchier x grandifloraApple Serviceberry cutivarsD100Yesvariesmany cultivars 10 Amelanchier x grandifloraServiceberry 'Robin Hill'D100Yes25x15upright oval; sun; colorful, low maintenance 11 Amelanchier x grandifloraServiceberry Autumn BrAmelanchier x grandifloraServiceberry Autumn BrAmelanchier x grandifloraServiceberry Autumn Brilliance'Dilliance'Dilliance'DDryDry100Yes20x15100Yes20x15 100Yes20x15100Yes20x15white flowers; blue fruit; red fall color, MTwhite flowers; blue fruit; red fall color, MT 12 Arbutus menziesiiPacific MadroneBENDry30060x30 13 well-drained soil; likes sun; wildlife value; hard to transplant Arbutus unedoStrawberry treeBEDry3100Yes30x30shaggy bark; full sun; tree form difficult to maintain; LB 14 Calocedrus decurrensIncense CedarCNDry30040x15narrow form 15 American Hornbeam cultivarsDDiRAmerican Hornbeam cultivarsDDiRAmerican Hornbeam cultivarsDDiRAmerican Hornbeam cultivarsDDiR2-300Yesvariesslow-growing, tolerant of poor soil & periodic flooding, MT2-300Yesvariesslow-growing, tolerant of poor soil & periodic flooding, MT2-300Yesvariesslow-growing, tolerant of poor soil & periodic flooding, MT2-300Yesvariesslow-growing, tolerant of poor soil & periodic flooding, MT2-300Yesvariesslow-growing, tolerant of poor soil & periodic flooding, MT 16 Carpinus carolinianaCarpinus caroliniana Japanese HornbeamDDiR100Yes30x30moist soil, MT 17 Carpinus japonicum KatsuraD30050x30fall color, part shade, moist, well-drained soil, shallow roots 18 Cercidiphyllum japonicum Chamaecyparis obtusaChamaecyparis obtusaHinoki cypress 'Gracilis'CDiRDryHinoki cypress 'Gracilis'CDiRDryHinoki cypress 'Gracilis'CDiRDryHinoki cypress 'Gracilis'CDiRDryHinoki cypress 'Gracilis'CDiRDry100Yes25x15slow growth; sun to light s100Yes25x15slow growth; sun to light s100Yes25x15slow growth; sun to light s100Yes25x15slow growth; sun to light s100Yes25x15slow growth; sun to light shade; columnar; LBhade; columnar; LB 19 Chamaecyparis nootkaensisAlaskan cedar cultivarsCN31-200Somevariesmany cultivars 20 Chionanthus retususChinese fringe treeDDiR100Yes20x25sun; white fringed flower clusters 21 Cornus kousa 'Chinensis'Kousa dogwoodDDiR200Yes20x20pink flowers; deep red fall color 22 Cornus masCornus masCorneliancherry dogwoodDDiRCorneliancherry dogwoodDDiRCorneliancherry dogwoodDDiRCorneliancherry dogwoodDDiR200Yes25x20early small yellow flowers; wildlife value; edible fruit200Yes25x20early small yellow flowers; wildlife value; edible fruit200Yes25x20early small yellow flowers; wildlife value; edible fruit200Yes25x20early small yellow flowers; wildlife value; edible fruit200Yes25x20early small yellow flowers; wildlife value; edible fruit 23 Cornus nuttalliiPacific dogwoodDN20040x25beautiful flowers; sensitive to many stresses 24 Cornus nuttallii x floridaDogwood Eddie's White WonderD200Yes30x20white flowers; red fall color 25 Cotinus coggygriaPurple smoketreeDDry100Yes10x15sun; tough; adaptable; tree form hard to maintain 26 Cotinus obovatusAmerican SmoketreeDDry100Yes20x20sun, handles poor soil, adaptable, colorful fall foliage 27 Crataegus douglasiiDouglas hawthornDN200Yes25x15shade-tolerant; wildlife value, thorns, FR 28 Crataegus x lavaelliLavalle HawthornDDry3200Yes20x20tolerant, bronze-red fall color, lovely, messy fruit 29 Crataegus crus-galliThornless HawthornDDry200Yes25x30tolerant, not fussy, persistent red fruit 30 Cryptomeria japonica ÒElegansÓJapanese plume cedarCDiR1-200Yes30x10bronze/brown in winter; several varieties; low branching 31 Fagus sylvatica 'Fastigiata'Copper beech 'Red Obelisk'DDiR200Yes30x10columnar; sun; tolerant; burgundy leaves 32 Frangula purshianaCascaraDN2,3200Yes30x25best in part shade; wildlife value 33 Gingko bilobaGingko cultivarsD200variesdon't plant females 34 Gymnocladus dioicusKentucky coffeetreeD30060x40fall color 35 Lagerstroemia spp.Lagerstroemia spp.Crape myrtle cultivarsDCrape myrtle cultivarsDCrape myrtle cultivarsDDryDry100Yes20x20100Yes20x20100Yes20x20100Yes20x20many cultivars; flowering, interestiing barkmany cultivars; flowering, interestiing bark 36 Larix occidentalisWestern larchDCN30050x12deciduous conifer, native east of Cascades; FR 37 Liquidamber styraciflua 'Rotundiloba'Roundleaf sweetgumDDry330050x25rounded leaves, nearly fruitless; FR 38 Magnolia grandiiflora 'Little Gem'magnolia cultivarBE31-200Yes15x8moist soils, can be messy, moderately salt-tolerant 39 Magnolia kobusN. Japanese magnoliaD20035x25large late spring white flowers; sun/part shade; tolerant 40 Magnolia stellataStar magnoliaD1-200Yes20x15slow growing; beautiful spring flowers, MT 41 Magnolia x loebneriMerrill magnoliaBEDiR200Yes25x25acid soil; early fragrant white flowers 42 Magnolia virginianumMoonglow MagnoliaE*1,2,3200Yes35x20*semi-evergreen here. 43 Malus fuscaWestern crabappleDN1,2,3200Yes20x20check for fire blight resistance, FR, MT 44 Malus spp.crabapple cultivarsD2,3200Yesvariesmany cultivars 45 Myrica (Morella) californicaPacific wax myrtleBENDiRDry1,2,3100Yes18x15tolerant; wildlife value; tree form hard to maintain 46 Notholithocarpus densiflorusTanoakBEDry30040x30native to southern Oregon 47 Nyssa sylvaticaBlack Tupelo 'Wildfire'D330040x25great fall color, wildlife value 48 Oxydendron arboreumSourwood treeDDiRDry200Yes35x20needs summer water/acid soil; fall color 49 Parrotia persicaIronwoodDDiR3300Yes25x25early red apetalous flower; mix of fall color 50 Parrotia persica ÒRuby VaseÓParrotia persica ÒRuby VaseÓRuby Vase ironwoodDDiRRuby Vase ironwoodDDiRRuby Vase ironwoodDDiRRuby Vase ironwoodDDiR3200Yes28x163200Yes28x163200Yes28x163200Yes28x163200Yes 28x16upright; new foliage red; bright fall colorupright; new foliage red; bright fall color 51 Pinus contorta var. contortaShore PineCNDiRDry30040x20twisted shape; salt-tolerant; LB 52 Pinus densiflora ÒImbraculifera'Pinus densiflora ÒImbraculifera'Umbrella pineUmbrella pineCDiRDryCDiRDryCDiRDryCDiRDry200Yes30x25200Yes30x25200Yes30x25200Yes30x25slow-growing; sun; well-drained soil; LBslow-growing; sun; well-drained soil; LB 53 Quercus coccineaScarlet oakDDry30060x45scarlet fall foliage, big at maturity, TR 54 Quercus garryanaOregon white oak/Garry oakDNDry30065x50only native oak; slow-growing; big; wildlife value, FR, TR 55 Quercus ilexHolly OakBE30040x30salt-tolerant; sun to light shade; adaptable 56 Quercus robur 'Fastigiata'English oak, columnarDDiR30040x15upright; columnar; low-maintenance, big 57 Rhododendron macrophyllumPacific RhododendrenBEN100Yesvariesshrub, can be trained to tree form 58 Rhododendron spp.cultivarsBE/D100Yesvariesmany cultivars 59 Rhus typhinaRhus typhinaStaghorn SumacStaghorn SumacDD100Yes23x23100Yes23x23100Yes23x23100Yes23x23fall color, adaptable, roots can suckerfall color, adaptable, roots can sucker 60 Sequoidendron giganteumGiant SequoiaC30080x50fast growing; trunk will grow very wide (12''), unique bark 61 Stewartia pseudocamelliaJapanese stewartiaDDiR200Yes25x20oval shape; summer 'camellia' flowers; peeling bark 62 Styrax japonicusJapanese SnowbellD200Yes25x20fragrant flowers in late spring 63 Syringa pekinensisChinese Tree LilacD100Yes20x20fragrant flowers, interesting bark, resistant to mildew 64 Syringa reticulataJapanese Tree Lilac, Ivory SilkD100Yes20x15fragrant flowers, interesting bark 65 Taxodium distichumBald cypressDC1,2,330065x30fall color, TR 66 Tilia americanaAmerican LindenDDry30045x30interesting bark 67 Tilia cordataLittleleaf lindenD30045x45yellow fall foliage, pyramidal form 68 Tsuga mertensianaMountain HemlockCN2,3200Yes30x15shade, moist air, cool summers 69 Ulmus carpinifoliaFrontier ElmDDry30035x25Dutch elm disease resistant 70 Zelkova serrataZelkova serrataWireless; SchmidtlowDDiRDryWireless; SchmidtlowDDiRDryWireless; SchmidtlowDDiRDryWireless; SchmidtlowDDiRDryWireless; SchmidtlowDDiRDry300Yes25x35spreading vase shape; elm-like; firm hand when young300Yes25x35spreading vase shape; elm-like; firm hand when young300Yes25x35spreading vase shape; elm-like; firm hand when young300Yes25x35spreading vase shape; elm-like; firm hand when young300Yes25x35spreading vase shape; elm-like; firm hand when young 71 Zelkova serrata cultivarZelkova serrata cultivarCity Sprite ZelkovaDDiRDry3200Yes25x20City Sprite ZelkovaDDiRDry3200Yes25x20City Sprite ZelkovaDDiRDry3200Yes25x20City Sprite ZelkovaDDiRDry3200Yes25x2 0City Sprite ZelkovaDDiRDry3200Yes25x20City Sprite ZelkovaDDiRDry3200Yes25x20City Sprite ZelkovaDDiRDry3200Yes25x20City Sprite ZelkovaDDiRDry3200Yes25x20City Sprite ZelkovaDDiRDry3200Yes25x20bright green foliage; low maintenancebright green foliage; low maintenance 72 73 MT= multitrunk Root Space RequiredRaingarden zones 74 Available surface area for roots free from pavements or other barriers.1- bottom -possible prolonged standing water in wet months. 75 LB = l ow branching 100 sq feet suitable for Small-sized maturing tree.2- slope - occasional standing water 76 TR = tap root 200 sq feet suitable for a Medium-sized mature tree.3- top - dry, roots to tolerate damp soils 77 FR = fire resistant 300 sq feet suitable for a Large-sized maturing tree. 78 root volume based on 3 ft depth 79 page 1October 2024